Commit in lcsim/src/org/lcsim/util/swim on MAIN -> 1.3 -> 1.10
2 modified files
added functions to get shortest distance to a given point
Note: couldn't compile before commit, please check (sorry)
Still consists code that translates between different parameter sets, but this can (probably) be removed in the future.
Needs a test case.

lcsim/src/org/lcsim/util/swim 1.2 -> 1.3
diff -u -r1.2 -r1.3
---	20 Aug 2005 19:16:20 -0000	1.2
+++	20 Aug 2005 21:11:04 -0000	1.3
@@ -2,13 +2,24 @@
 import hep.physics.vec.BasicHep3Vector;
 import hep.physics.vec.Hep3Vector;
+import hep.physics.vec.VecOp;
+import static java.lang.Math.cos;
+import static java.lang.Math.sin;
+import static java.lang.Math.sqrt;
+import static java.lang.Math.abs;
+import static java.lang.Math.atan2;
+import static java.lang.Math.asin;
+import static java.lang.Math.PI;
  * This class represents a helix with its axis aligned along Z.
  * All quantities in this class are dimensionless. It has no dependencies
  * except for Hep3Vector (which could easily be removed).
  * @author tonyj
- * @version $Id:,v 1.2 2005/08/20 19:16:20 tonyj Exp $
+ * @version $Id:,v 1.3 2005/08/20 21:11:04 jstrube Exp $
 public class Helix implements Trajectory
@@ -20,26 +31,26 @@
    public Helix(Hep3Vector origin, double radius, double phi, double lambda)
-      if (Math.abs(lambda) >= Math.PI/2) throw new IllegalArgumentException("lambda="+lambda);
+      if (abs(lambda) >= PI/2) throw new IllegalArgumentException("lambda="+lambda);
       this.origin = origin;
       this.radius = radius;
       this.phi = phi;
       // Calculate some useful quantities
-      cosLambda = Math.cos(lambda);
-      sinLambda = Math.sin(lambda);
-      xCenter = origin.x() + radius*Math.sin(phi);
-      yCenter = origin.y() - radius*Math.cos(phi);
-      phiToCenter = Math.atan2(yCenter,xCenter);
-      radiusOfCenter = Math.sqrt(xCenter*xCenter + yCenter*yCenter);
+      cosLambda = cos(lambda);
+      sinLambda = sin(lambda);
+      xCenter = origin.x() + radius*sin(phi);
+      yCenter = origin.y() - radius*cos(phi);
+      phiToCenter = atan2(yCenter,xCenter);
+      radiusOfCenter = sqrt(xCenter*xCenter + yCenter*yCenter);
    public Hep3Vector getPointAtDistance(double alpha)
       double darg = alpha*cosLambda/radius - phi;
-      double x = xCenter + radius*Math.sin( darg );
-      double y = yCenter + radius*Math.cos( darg );
+      double x = xCenter + radius*sin( darg );
+      double y = yCenter + radius*cos( darg );
       double z = origin.z() + alpha*sinLambda;     
       return new BasicHep3Vector(x,y,z);
@@ -62,10 +73,104 @@
    public double getDistanceToInfiniteCylinder(double r)
       double darg  = r*r/(2.*radius*radiusOfCenter) - radiusOfCenter/(2.*radius) - radius/(2.*radiusOfCenter);
-      double diff  = Math.asin(darg) + phi - phiToCenter;
+      double diff  = asin(darg) + phi - phiToCenter;
       return (radius/cosLambda)*diff;
+   /**
+    * Swims the helix along its trajectory to the
+    * point of closest approach to the given SpacePoint.
+    * The equation to solve for s is an O(2) Taylor-expansion.
+    * The parameterization is as follows:<br />
+    * p<sub>x</sub> = p<sub>0x</sub> cos(&rho s) - p<sub>0y</sub> sin(&rho s)<br />
+    * p<sub>y</sub> = p<sub>0y</sub> cos(&rho s) + p<sub>0x</sub> sin(&rho s)<br />
+    * p<sub>z</sub> = p<sub>0z</sub><br />
+    * x = x<sub>0</sub> + p<sub>0x</sub>/a sin(&rho s) - p<sub>0y</sub>/a (1-cos(&rho s))<br />
+    * y = y<sub>0</sub> + p<sub>0y</sub>/a sin(&rho s) + p<sub>0x</sub>/a (1-cos(&rho s))<br />
+    * z = z<sub>0</sub> + p<sub>z</sub>/p s<br />
+    * a = -0.299792458 B q, where [B] = T and [q] = e;<br />
+    * &rh0 = a / p;<br />
+    * @param point Point in Space to swim to. 
+    * @return the length Parameter s
+    */
+   public double getDOCA(Hep3Vector point) {
+	   // Calculate both solutions of the quadratic equation.
+	   // Then apply an additional constraint.
+	   double cosPhi = cos(phi);
+	   double sinPhi = sin(phi);
+	   double tanLambda = sinLambda/cosLambda;
+	   double px = radius*cosPhi;
+	   double py = radius*sinPhi;
+	   double pz = radius*tanLambda;
+	   Hep3Vector xDiff = VecOp.sub(origin, point);
+	   double pMag = sqrt(px*px + py*py + pz*pz);
+	   double factorA = - xDiff.x()*sinPhi + xDiff.y()*cosPhi;  
+	   double numerator = (pMag + cosLambda*factorA)*radius;
+	   double denominator = cosLambda*cosLambda* factorA;
+	   double factorB = numerator/denominator;
+	   double factorCNum = 2*radius*radius*(xDiff.x()*cosPhi + xDiff.y()*sinPhi + xDiff.z()*tanLambda);
+	   double factorCDenom = cosLambda*cosLambda*(xDiff.x()*cosPhi + xDiff.y()*sinPhi);
+	   double factorC = factorCNum/factorCDenom;
+	   // FIXME need to check for consistency between s and alpha. For now this function also swims.
+	   // "plus case"
+	   double length1 = factorB + sqrt(factorB*factorB + factorC);
+	   // "minus case"
+	   double length2 = factorB - sqrt(factorB*factorB + factorC);
+	   // Swim the helix to the two possible positions and check which one is closer
+	   Hep3Vector newMomentum = getMomentumAtLength(length1);
+	   Hep3Vector newPosition = getPositionAtLength(length1);
+	   // see if the sufficient requirement of a minimum is met
+	   // Momentum at the new position x B Field;
+	   Hep3Vector pCrossB = new BasicHep3Vector(newMomentum.y(), -newMomentum.x(), 0);
+	   // Spacial difference Vector at the new location
+	   Hep3Vector newXDiff = VecOp.sub(newMomentum, point);
+	   double rho = cosLambda/radius;
+	   if (pMag-rho*, pCrossB) > 0 )
+		   return newXDiff.magnitude();
+	   return VecOp.sub(getPositionAtLength(length2), point).magnitude();
+   }
+   // Returns the "momentum" at the length s from the starting point.
+   // This uses the definition in
+   // FIXME if alpa and s can be transformed into one another, this function can be obsoleted
+   // NOTE to FIXME: x and p are orthogonal in the x-y plane (assuming x0 = (0,0,0))
+   // That should be enough of a requirement to obsolete this function
+   private Hep3Vector getMomentumAtLength(double s) {
+	   double p0x = radius*cos(phi);
+	   double p0y = radius*sin(phi);
+	   double p0z = radius*sinLambda/cosLambda;
+	   double rho = cosLambda/radius;
+	   double px = p0x*cos(rho*s) - p0y*sin(rho*s);
+	   double py = p0y*cos(rho*s) + p0x*sin(rho*s);
+	   double pz = p0z*cos(rho*s) + p0z*(1-cos(rho*s));
+	   return new BasicHep3Vector(px, py, pz);
+   }
+   // Returns the point at the length s from the starting point.
+   // FIXME if s and alpha are the same or can be transformed into one another, this is obsolete
+   private Hep3Vector getPositionAtLength(double s) {
+	   double p0x = radius*cos(phi);
+	   double p0y = radius*sin(phi);
+	   double p0z = radius*sinLambda/cosLambda;
+	   double rho = cosLambda/radius;
+	   double p0Mag = sqrt(p0x*p0x + p0y*p0y + p0z*p0z);
+	   double x = origin.x() + p0x/rho/p0Mag*sin(rho*s) - p0y/rho/p0Mag*(1-cos(rho*s));
+	   double y = origin.y() + p0y/rho/p0Mag*sin(rho*s) + p0x/rho/p0Mag*(1-cos(rho*s));
+	   double z = origin.z() + p0z/rho/p0Mag*sin(rho*s) + p0z/p0Mag*(s-sin(rho*s)/rho);
+	   return new BasicHep3Vector(x, y, z);
+   }
    private Hep3Vector origin;
    private double xCenter;
    private double yCenter;

lcsim/src/org/lcsim/util/swim 1.9 -> 1.10
diff -u -r1.9 -r1.10
---	18 Aug 2005 06:22:29 -0000	1.9
+++	20 Aug 2005 21:11:04 -0000	1.10
@@ -16,9 +16,10 @@
  * This implementation works for charged and neutral particles alike.
  * @author W.Walkowiak
- * @version $Id:,v 1.9 2005/08/18 06:22:29 jstrube Exp $
+ * @version $Id:,v 1.10 2005/08/20 21:11:04 jstrube Exp $
+ * @deprecated Please use @link{#HelixSwimmer} and @link{#Helix} instead
-public class HelixSwim {
+@Deprecated public class HelixSwim {
      * Create a helix swimmmer.
CVSspam 0.2.8