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5 added + 1 modified, total 6 files
Adding full SLIC DocBook manual from NICADD.

x166.html added at 1.1
diff -N x166.html
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ x166.html	4 Aug 2005 03:30:28 -0000	1.1
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+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
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+  <title>Running SLIC</title>
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+    <table summary="Header navigation table" width="100%" border=
+    "0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
+      <tr>
+        <th colspan="3" align="center">Getting Started with SLIC
+        and LCDD for ILC Detector Simulation</th>
+      </tr>
+      <tr>
+        <td width="10%" align="left" valign="bottom"><a href=
+        "x59.html" accesskey="P">&lt;&lt;&lt; Previous</a></td>
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+        "x338.html" accesskey="N">Next &gt;&gt;&gt;</a></td>
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+    <hr align="left" width="100%">
+  </div>
+  <div class="SECT1">
+    <h1 class="SECT1"><a name="AEN166" id="AEN166">Running
+    SLIC</a></h1>
+    <div class="SECT2">
+      <h2 class="SECT2"><a name="AEN168" id="AEN168">Setup</a></h2>
+      <p>It is assumed in this section that the command <b class=
+      "COMMAND">slic</b> actually refers to the system-specific
+      location of the <tt class="APPLICATION">SLIC</tt> binary,
+      which should be at <tt class=
+      "FILENAME">$SLIC_BASE/bin/$G4SYSTEM/slic</tt> if you followed
+      the previous installation instructions.</p>
+      <p>If you built the applications statically where possible,
+      the only runtime dependency is Xerces.</p>
+      <p>Unless it is in a standard area, you will likely need to
+      set the <var class="ENVAR">LD_LIBRARY_PATH</var>.</p>
+      <table border="0" bgcolor="#E0E0E0" width="100%">
+        <tr>
+          <td>
+            <pre class="PROGRAMLISTING">
+          </td>
+        </tr>
+      </table>
+      <p>If you chose to use all shared libraries for some reason,
+      then you may need to add these additional paths.</p>
+      <table border="0" bgcolor="#E0E0E0" width="100%">
+        <tr>
+          <td>
+            <pre class="PROGRAMLISTING">
+          </td>
+        </tr>
+      </table>
+      <p>Of course, this requires that these variables are actually
+      set in your environment at runtime, and this is why I prefer
+      the static configuration. It requires much less setup at
+      runtime. Plus, purely static binaries are much friendlier in
+      a Grid/batch setting.</p>
+    </div>
+    <div class="SECT2">
+      <h2 class="SECT2"><a name="AEN181" id="AEN181">Getting
+      Help</a></h2>
+      <p>Type <b class="COMMAND">slic -h</b> or just <b class=
+      "COMMAND">slic</b> to see possible command line switches.
+      SLIC's macro commands are also printed by this command.</p>
+      <p>Geant4 interactive help, i.e. <b class="COMMAND">help
+      [command]</b>, will print the details about macro commands
+      and their arguments. You can access the command tree by
+      starting an interactive session with <b class="COMMAND">slic
+      -n</b>.</p>
+    </div>
+    <div class="SECT2">
+      <h2 class="SECT2"><a name="AEN189" id="AEN189">Command Line
+      Usage</a></h2>
+      <div class="SECT3">
+        <h3 class="SECT3"><a name="AEN191" id="AEN191">Quick
+        Overview</a></h3>
+        <p>Here is a quick guide to the various ways you can run
+        slic from the command line.</p>
+        <p>Run a single macro file.</p>
+        <table border="0" bgcolor="#E0E0E0" width="100%">
+          <tr>
+            <td>
+              <pre class="PROGRAMLISTING">
+slic [macro]
+            </td>
+          </tr>
+        </table>
+        <p>Run several macro files.</p>
+        <table border="0" bgcolor="#E0E0E0" width="100%">
+          <tr>
+            <td>
+              <pre class="PROGRAMLISTING">
+slic -m macro1 -m macro2 ...
+            </td>
+          </tr>
+        </table>
+        <p>Run with command options.</p>
+        <table border="0" bgcolor="#E0E0E0" width="100%">
+          <tr>
+            <td>
+              <pre class="PROGRAMLISTING">
+slic [options]
+            </td>
+          </tr>
+        </table>
+        <p>Immediately start an interactive session at the
+        <tt class="PROMPT">PreInit&gt;</tt> prompt.</p>
+        <table border="0" bgcolor="#E0E0E0" width="100%">
+          <tr>
+            <td>
+              <pre class="PROGRAMLISTING">
+slic -n
+            </td>
+          </tr>
+        </table>
+      </div>
+      <div class="SECT3">
+        <h3 class="SECT3"><a name="AEN203" id="AEN203">Geant4
+        Macros</a></h3>
+        <p>There are two ways of running Geant4 macros from the
+        command line using SLIC.</p>
+        <p>You can specifiy a single macro argument with no command
+        switches, similar to the Mokka "steering file" concept.</p>
+        <table border="0" bgcolor="#E0E0E0" width="100%">
+          <tr>
+            <td>
+              <pre class="PROGRAMLISTING">
+slic macros/sdjan03_dbg.mac
+            </td>
+          </tr>
+        </table>
+        <p>In this case, your macro needs to initialize the
+        simulator at the appropriate place using the <b class=
+        "COMMAND">/run/initialize</b> command.</p>
+        <p>Or you can specifiy any number of macros with the
+        <b class="COMMAND">-m</b> switch. These are executed in
+        order, and each macro needs its own switch.</p>
+        <p>You are encouraged to break up control logic into
+        different small macros, as it makes them more reusable than
+        one big macro. For instance, you might separate commands
+        into files for initialization, generator selection and
+        visualization.</p>
+        <table border="0" bgcolor="#E0E0E0" width="100%">
+          <tr>
+            <td>
+              <pre class="PROGRAMLISTING">
+slic -m macros/mandatory.mac -m macros/gps.mac -m macros/vis_gl.mac
+            </td>
+          </tr>
+        </table>
+        <p>The macro <tt class=
+        "FILENAME">$SLIC_BASE/macros/sdjan03_dbg.mac</tt>
+        illustrates many of the possible macro commands.</p>
+      </div>
+      <div class="SECT3">
+        <h3 class="SECT3"><a name="AEN216" id="AEN216">Pure Command
+        Line Usage</a></h3>
+        <p>It is possible to run SLIC using only the command line
+        without any Geant4 macro.</p>
+        <p>Here is an example of selecting a geometry file and then
+        initializing the simulator with <b class="COMMAND">-z</b>
+        This represents the minimalist "pure command line" method
+        of running the simulator. It simply loads the geometry,
+        checking its validity, and exits.</p>
+        <table border="0" bgcolor="#E0E0E0" width="100%">
+          <tr>
+            <td>
+              <pre class="PROGRAMLISTING">
+slic -g examples/template.lcdd -z
+            </td>
+          </tr>
+        </table>
+        <p>You can perform a simple batch job using only the
+        command line. This runs the <tt class=
+        "FILENAME">SDJan03.lcdd</tt> geometry, initializes the
+        simulator, sets up GPS parameters and runs a single event,
+        writing it to <tt class=
+        "FILENAME">SDJan03_gps.slcio</tt>.</p>
+        <table border="0" bgcolor="#E0E0E0" width="100%">
+          <tr>
+            <td>
+              <pre class="PROGRAMLISTING">
+slic -g examples/sdjan03/SDJan03.lcdd -z -m macros/gps.mac -o SDJan03_gps -r 1
+            </td>
+          </tr>
+        </table>
+        <p>Unlike most other applications, the ordering of command
+        line arguments matters in SLIC, because, for instance, the
+        <b class="COMMAND">-z</b> command initializes the
+        simulator, which needs to happen in a specific order, i.e.
+        before you try to start the visualization for that run.</p>
+      </div>
+      <div class="SECT3">
+        <h3 class="SECT3"><a name="AEN228" id="AEN228">Run
+        Script</a></h3>
+        <p>There is a helper script in <var class=
+        "ENVAR">SLIC_BASE/scripts</var> to run a job and create a
+        log file.</p>
+        <table border="0" bgcolor="#E0E0E0" width="100%">
+          <tr>
+            <td>
+              <pre class="PROGRAMLISTING">
+./scripts/ macros/sdjan03_dbg.mac
+            </td>
+          </tr>
+        </table>
+        <p>The helper script <tt class="FILENAME"></tt>
+        loads <tt class="APPLICATION">SLIC</tt>, executes a macro,
+        writing <tt class="LITERAL">std::cout</tt> and <tt class=
+        "LITERAL">std::cerr</tt> to the text file <tt class=
+        "FILENAME">logfile</tt>, and sends the <b class=
+        "COMMAND">exit</b> command once the macro has
+        completed.</p>
+      </div>
+    </div>
+    <div class="SECT2">
+      <h2 class="SECT2"><a name="AEN240" id="AEN240">Complete
+      Example of Command Line Arguments</a></h2>
+      <p>The easiest way to explain the complete command line
+      interface is with an example.</p>
+      <p>This command sets the input geometry, selects a Geant4
+      physics list, sets the StdHep input file, sets the LCIO
+      output path, sets the LCIO file output file name, executes a
+      user macro, skips some StdHep events, initializes the
+      simulator and then starts an interactive session.</p>
+      <div class="FIGURE">
+        <a name="AEN244" id="AEN244"></a>
+        <table border="0" bgcolor="#E0E0E0" width="100%">
+          <tr>
+            <td>
+              <pre class="PROGRAMLISTING">
+slic \ <a name="CLEX.BIN" id="CLEX.BIN"><b>(1)</b></a>
+-g ./examples/sdjan03/SDJan03.lcdd \ <a name="CLEX.GEO" id=
+-l LHEP \ <a name="CLEX.PHYS" id="CLEX.PHYS"><b>(3)</b></a>
+-i stdhep_inputfile \ <a name="CLEX.STDHEP" id=
+-p lcio_files \ <a name="CLEX.PATH" id="CLEX.PATH"><b>(5)</b></a>
+-o output_file \ <a name="CLEX.LCIO" id="CLEX.LCIO"><b>(6)</b></a>
+-m user_settings.mac \ <a name="CLEX.MACRO" id=
+-s 100 \ <a name="CLEX.SKIP" id="CLEX.SKIP"><b>(8)</b></a>
+-z \ <a name="CLEX.INIT" id="CLEX.INIT"><b>(9)</b></a>
+-r 1 \ <a name="CLEX.RUN" id="CLEX.RUN"><b>(10)</b></a>
+-n <a name="CLEX.INTER" id="CLEX.INTER"><b>(11)</b></a>
+            </td>
+          </tr>
+        </table>
+        <p><b>Figure 1. Command Line Example</b></p>
+      </div>
+      <div class="CALLOUTLIST">
+        <dl compact="compact">
+          <dt><a href="x166.html#CLEX.BIN"><b>(1)</b></a></dt>
+          <dd>SLIC binary to execute.</dd>
+          <dt><a href="x166.html#CLEX.GEO"><b>(2)</b></a></dt>
+          <dd>Path or URL to a valid LCDD input geometry file.</dd>
+          <dt><a href="x166.html#CLEX.PHYS"><b>(3)</b></a></dt>
+          <dd>Name of Geant4 physics list to use for
+          simulation.</dd>
+          <dt><a href="x166.html#CLEX.STDHEP"><b>(4)</b></a></dt>
+          <dd>Path to a binary StdHep input file.</dd>
+          <dt><a href="x166.html#CLEX.PATH"><b>(5)</b></a></dt>
+          <dd>Path where LCIO output will be written.</dd>
+          <dt><a href="x166.html#CLEX.LCIO"><b>(6)</b></a></dt>
+          <dd>Name of LCIO output file.</dd>
+          <dt><a href="x166.html#CLEX.MACRO"><b>(7)</b></a></dt>
+          <dd>Name of macro to execute <i class="EMPHASIS">in this
+          command order</i>.</dd>
+          <dt><a href="x166.html#CLEX.SKIP"><b>(8)</b></a></dt>
+          <dd>Number of StdHep events to skip.</dd>
+          <dt><a href="x166.html#CLEX.INIT"><b>(9)</b></a></dt>
+          <dd>Initialize the simulator <i class="EMPHASIS">after
+          preceding command options have been executed</i>.</dd>
+          <dt><a href="x166.html#CLEX.RUN"><b>(10)</b></a></dt>
+          <dd>Call <b class="COMMAND">/run/beamOn</b> 1 time.</dd>
+          <dt><a href="x166.html#CLEX.INTER"><b>(11)</b></a></dt>
+          <dd>Start an interactive session.</dd>
+        </dl>
+      </div>
+    </div>
+    <div class="SECT2">
+      <h2 class="SECT2"><a name="AEN284" id="AEN284">Interactive
+      Usage</a></h2>
+      <p>SLIC can also be run in a purely interactive mode using
+      the <b class="COMMAND">-n</b> switch. Available commands are
+      the same as when running from a Geant4 macro file.</p>
+      <table border="0" bgcolor="#E0E0E0" width="100%">
+        <tr>
+          <td>
+            <pre class="PROGRAMLISTING">
+slic -n
+          </td>
+        </tr>
+      </table>
+      <div class="NOTE">
+        <table class="NOTE" width="100%" border="0">
+          <tr>
+            <td width="25" align="center" valign="top"><img src=
+            "./stylesheet-images/note.gif" hspace="5" alt=
+            "Note"></td>
+            <td align="left" valign="top">
+              <p>You should see the Geant4 <tt class=
+              "PROMPT">PreInit&gt;</tt> prompt, where you can type
+              macro commands.</p>
+            </td>
+          </tr>
+        </table>
+      </div>
+      <div class="SECT3">
+        <h3 class="SECT3"><a name="AEN292" id="AEN292">Sample
+        Interactive Session</a></h3>
+        <p>The only mandatory setting <i class="EMPHASIS">without a
+        default</i> is the selection of a valid LCDD input geometry
+        file.</p>
+        <p>For instance, you can set it to the SDJan03 detector
+        from the <tt class="FILENAME">examples</tt> directory.</p>
+        <table border="0" bgcolor="#E0E0E0" width="100%">
+          <tr>
+            <td>
+              <pre class="PROGRAMLISTING">
+/lcdd/setURI examples/sdjan03/SDJan03.lcdd
+            </td>
+          </tr>
+        </table>
+        <p>The default physics list is LCPhys, but you can select a
+        different one.</p>
+        <table border="0" bgcolor="#E0E0E0" width="100%">
+          <tr>
+            <td>
+              <pre class="PROGRAMLISTING">
+/physics_list/select LHEP
+            </td>
+          </tr>
+        </table>
+        <p>By default, SLIC uses the General Particle Source (GPS)
+        as its input method. You can select the generation
+        parameters using the commands in the <b class=
+        "COMMAND">/gps</b> directory. Once the simulator is
+        initialized, you cannot change the input method.</p>
+        <p>The other input method is using binary StdHep files from
+        event generators. You can select this input method in a
+        Geant4 macro.</p>
+        <table border="0" bgcolor="#E0E0E0" width="100%">
+          <tr>
+            <td>
+              <pre class="PROGRAMLISTING">
+/stdhep/setFile /path/to/stdhep/file
+            </td>
+          </tr>
+        </table>
+        <p>With these mandatory actions executed, you can
+        initialize the simulator.</p>
+        <table border="0" bgcolor="#E0E0E0" width="100%">
+          <tr>
+            <td>
+              <pre class="PROGRAMLISTING">
+            </td>
+          </tr>
+        </table>
+        <p>An OpenGL event display can show you the detector plus
+        hits and trajectories.</p>
+        <table border="0" bgcolor="#E0E0E0" width="100%">
+          <tr>
+            <td>
+              <pre class="PROGRAMLISTING">
+/control/execute macros/vis_gl.mac
+            </td>
+          </tr>
+        </table>
+        <p>Now start the simulation with the <b class=
+        "COMMAND">beamOn</b> command.</p>
+        <table border="0" bgcolor="#E0E0E0" width="100%">
+          <tr>
+            <td>
+              <pre class="PROGRAMLISTING">
+/run/beamOn 1
+            </td>
+          </tr>
+        </table>
+        <p>After the simulation has completed, you can dump a
+        HepRep that is viewable using the <tt class=
+        "APPLICATION"><a href=""
+        target="_top">WIRED</a></tt> event display.</p>
+        <table border="0" bgcolor="#E0E0E0" width="100%">
+          <tr>
+            <td>
+              <pre class="PROGRAMLISTING">
+/control/execute macros/heprep2.mac
+            </td>
+          </tr>
+        </table>
+        <p>Exit once it is done.</p>
+        <table border="0" bgcolor="#E0E0E0" width="100%">
+          <tr>
+            <td>
+              <pre class="PROGRAMLISTING">
+            </td>
+          </tr>
+        </table>
+      </div>
+      <div class="SECT3">
+        <h3 class="SECT3"><a name="AEN318" id="AEN318">Using LCIO
+        dumpevent</a></h3>
+        <p>You can look at the hit data using the <b class=
+        "COMMAND">dumpevent</b> command from the <tt class=
+        "APPLICATION">LCIO</tt> distribution that you installed
+        previously. At your <i class="EMPHASIS">system prompt</i>,
+        execute the following.</p>
+        <table border="0" bgcolor="#E0E0E0" width="100%">
+          <tr>
+            <td>
+              <pre class="PROGRAMLISTING">
+$LCIO/bin/dumpevent outfile.slcio 0 0
+            </td>
+          </tr>
+        </table>
+        <p>This command tells <b class="COMMAND">dumpevent</b> to
+        print out information from the output file <tt class=
+        "FILENAME">outfile.slcio</tt> on run number 0 and event
+        number 0. If you run multiple events, then the second
+        number should be used to specify which event to dump,
+        starting from 0 as the first event in the run.</p>
+      </div>
+    </div>
+    <div class="SECT2">
+      <h2 class="SECT2"><a name="AEN328" id="AEN328">SLIC at
+      SLAC</a></h2>
+      <p>If you have a SLAC Unix account, then you're in luck as
+      <tt class="APPLICATION">SLIC</tt> has a common installation
+      installed. You just need login rights to the <span class=
+      "SYSTEMITEM">noric-new</span> Linux cluster plus <tt class=
+      "APPLICATION">NFS</tt> access.</p>
+      <p>From the <i class="EMPHASIS">system prompt</i>, here is
+      the simplest way to run the simulator using this common
+      installation:</p>
+      <table border="0" bgcolor="#E0E0E0" width="100%">
+        <tr>
+          <td>
+            <pre class="PROGRAMLISTING">
+ssh noric-new [login]
+source /nfs/slac/g/lcd/mc/prj/scripts/
+slic [arguments]
+          </td>
+        </tr>
+      </table>
+      <p>You will probably still want to checkout SLIC in order to
+      have a working directory with the macros, examples and
+      scripts plus an area to write LCIO files, hepreps, etc.</p>
+    </div>
+  </div>
+  <div class="NAVFOOTER">
+    <hr align="left" width="100%">
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+        <td width="33%" align="left" valign="top"><a href=
+        "x59.html" accesskey="P">&lt;&lt;&lt; Previous</a></td>
+        <td width="34%" align="center" valign="top"><a href=
+        "t1.html" accesskey="H">Home</a></td>
+        <td width="33%" align="right" valign="top"><a href=
+        "x338.html" accesskey="N">Next &gt;&gt;&gt;</a></td>
+      </tr>
+      <tr>
+        <td width="33%" align="left" valign="top">Package Setup and
+        Installation</td>
+        <td width="34%" align="center" valign="top">&nbsp;</td>
+        <td width="33%" align="right" valign="top">LCDD XML
+        Format</td>
+      </tr>
+    </table>
+  </div>

x338.html added at 1.1
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+  "Getting Started with SLIC and LCDD for ILC Detector Simulation"
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+      <tr>
+        <th colspan="3" align="center">Getting Started with SLIC
+        and LCDD for ILC Detector Simulation</th>
+      </tr>
+      <tr>
+        <td width="10%" align="left" valign="bottom"><a href=
+        "x166.html" accesskey="P">&lt;&lt;&lt; Previous</a></td>
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+  </div>
+  <div class="SECT1">
+    <h1 class="SECT1"><a name="AEN338" id="AEN338">LCDD XML
+    Format</a></h1>
+    <div class="SECT2">
+      <h2 class="SECT2"><a name="AEN340" id=
+      "AEN340">Overview</a></h2>
+      <p>The <tt class="APPLICATION">LCDD</tt> geometry format is
+      built on the <tt class="APPLICATION">GDML</tt> package by
+      Radovan Chytracek at CERN. <tt class="APPLICATION">LCDD</tt>
+      uses this geometry format for full representation of
+      geometric structure. Additionally, detector concepts are
+      added in order to provide all required information to the
+      simulator. These are sensitive detector and readout (or
+      segmentation) definitions and assignments, region definitions
+      and assignments, and EM field definition. Using these fields
+      plus the data in the <code class="SGMLTAG">gdml</code> tag,
+      the simulator is able to create an in-memory representation
+      of a full detector and its readouts from the <code class=
+      "SGMLTAG">lcdd</code> element.</p>
+      <p>The document structure of <tt class=
+      "APPLICATION">LCDD</tt> and its embedded <tt class=
+      "APPLICATION">GDML</tt> element are described below.</p>
+      <div class="FIGURE">
+        <a name="AEN351" id="AEN351"></a>
+        <table border="0" bgcolor="#E0E0E0" width="100%">
+          <tr>
+            <td>
+              <pre class="PROGRAMLISTING">
+&lt;lcdd&gt; <a name="LCDD" id="LCDD"><b>(1)</b></a>
+  &lt;header&gt; ... &lt;/header&gt; <a name="HEADER" id=
+  &lt;sensitive_detectors&gt; ... &lt;/sensitive_detectors&gt; <a name="SENSITIVE_DETECTORS"
+  &lt;regions&gt; ... &lt;/regions&gt; <a name="REGIONS" id=
+  &lt;gdml&gt; <a name="GDML" id="GDML"><b>(5)</b></a>
+    &lt;define&gt; ... &lt;define&gt; <a name="DEFINE" id=
+    &lt;materials&gt; ... &lt;materials&gt; <a name="MATERIALS" id=
+    &lt;solids&gt; ... &lt;solids&gt; <a name="SOLIDS" id=
+    &lt;structure&gt; ... &lt;structure&gt; <a name="STRUCTURE" id=
+    &lt;setup&gt; ... &lt;setup&gt; <a name="SETUP" id=
+  &lt;/gdml&gt;
+  &lt;fields&gt; ... &lt;/fields&gt; <a name="FIELDS" id=
+            </td>
+          </tr>
+        </table>
+        <p><b>Figure 2. LCDD Structure</b></p>
+      </div>
+      <div class="CALLOUTLIST">
+        <dl compact="compact">
+          <dt><a href="x338.html#LCDD"><b>(1)</b></a></dt>
+          <dd><tt class="APPLICATION">LCDD</tt> container
+          element</dd>
+          <dt><a href="x338.html#HEADER"><b>(2)</b></a></dt>
+          <dd>header with meta-information for this file, such as
+          author and unique tag and version</dd>
+          <dt><a href="x338.html#REGIONS"><b>(4)</b></a></dt>
+          <dd>regions for setting attributes of groups of
+          volumes</dd>
+          <dt><a href=
+          "x338.html#SENSITIVE_DETECTORS"><b>(3)</b></a></dt>
+          <dd>sensitive detectors for reading out Geant4 volumes
+          into hits</dd>
+          <dt><a href="x338.html#GDML"><b>(5)</b></a></dt>
+          <dd><tt class="APPLICATION">GDML</tt> container
+          element</dd>
+          <dt><a href="x338.html#DEFINE"><b>(6)</b></a></dt>
+          <dd>constant and expression definitions using syntax of
+          <tt class="APPLICATION">CLHEP</tt> expression
+          evaluator</dd>
+          <dt><a href="x338.html#MATERIALS"><b>(7)</b></a></dt>
+          <dd>materials and elements used in volume
+          definitions</dd>
+          <dt><a href="x338.html#SOLIDS"><b>(8)</b></a></dt>
+          <dd>geometric shapes used in volume definitions</dd>
+          <dt><a href="x338.html#STRUCTURE"><b>(9)</b></a></dt>
+          <dd>geometric volume hierarchy including logical volume
+          definitions, physical volume placements and the top-level
+          world logical volume</dd>
+          <dt><a href="x338.html#SETUP"><b>(10)</b></a></dt>
+          <dd>specifies the world volume, possibly from multiple
+          ones defined in the same file</dd>
+          <dt><a href="x338.html#FIELDS"><b>(11)</b></a></dt>
+          <dd>field definitions and assignment of the global
+          magnetic field</dd>
+        </dl>
+      </div>
+      <div class="SECT3">
+        <h3 class="SECT3"><a name="AEN391" id=
+        "AEN391">sensitive_detectors Element</a></h3>
+        <p>The <code class="SGMLTAG">sensitive_detectors</code>
+        element contains definitions for all the unique readout
+        configurations in the detector. <code class=
+        "SGMLTAG">sensitive_detector</code> itself is an abstract
+        type. Its basic, concrete subtypes are <code class=
+        "SGMLTAG">calorimeter</code>, which can have a virtual
+        segmentation of its volumes, and <code class=
+        "SGMLTAG">tracker</code>, which writes out explicit step
+        positions only.</p>
+        <p>The <code class="SGMLTAG">calorimeter</code>-type
+        sensitive detectors additionally have a volume segmentation
+        tag, which is a concrete child class of <code class=
+        "SGMLTAG">segmentation</code>. This specificies the virtual
+        readout for assigned volumes. An example is <code class=
+        "SGMLTAG">gridXYZ</code>, which reads out a uniform grid in
+        up to 3 dimensions.</p>
+        <p>In addition to a name, each sensitive detector is
+        assigned a hit collection. Also, an energy cut can be set
+        to disregard low-energy hits, and verbosity can be assigned
+        to output debugging information from specific sensitive
+        detectors.</p>
+        <p>Following is an example <code class=
+        "SGMLTAG">sensitive_detectors</code> element containing all
+        the different combinations that are currently defined.</p>
+        <div class="FIGURE">
+          <a name="AEN405" id="AEN405"></a>
+          <table border="0" bgcolor="#E0E0E0" width="100%">
+            <tr>
+              <td>
+                <pre class="PROGRAMLISTING">
+  &lt;calorimeter name="CalNP" <a name="CALNP" id=
+                  hitsCollectionName="CalHitsA" 
+                  ecut="0.25"
+                  eunit="MeV"
+                  verbose="0"&gt;
+    &lt;gridXYZ gridSizeX="5.0"
+                gridSizeY="5.0"
+                gridSizeZ="0.0"
+                lunit="mm"/&gt;
+  &lt;/calorimeter&gt;
+  &lt;calorimeter name="CalPrj" <a name="CALPRJ" id=
+                  hitsCollectionName="CalHitsB"
+                  ecut="0.25"
+                  eunit="MeV"
+                  verbose="0"&gt;
+    &lt;projectiveCylinder ntheta="1440" nphi="1440" /&gt;
+  &lt;/calorimeter&gt;
+  &lt;calorimeter name="CalPrjZ" <a name="CALPRJZ" id=
+                  hitsCollectionName="CalHitsC"
+                  ecut="0.25"
+                  eunit="MeV"
+                  verbose="0"&gt;
+    &lt;projectiveZPlane ntheta="360" nphi="360" /&gt;
+  &lt;/calorimeter&gt;
+  &lt;calorimeter name="CalNPCyl" <a name="CALNPCYL" id=
+                  hitsCollectionName="CalNPCyl"
+                  ecut="0.25
+                  eunit="MeV"
+                  verbose="0"&gt;
+    &lt;nonprojectiveCylinder gridSizeZ="1.0" 
+                              gridSizePhi="1.0"
+                              lunit="mm"/&gt;
+  &lt;/calorimeter&gt;
+  &lt;tracker name="Tracker" <a name="TRACKER" id=
+              hitsCollectionName="TrackerHitsA" 
+              ecut="0.25"
+              eunit="MeV"
+              verbose="0"/&gt;
+              </td>
+            </tr>
+          </table>
+          <p><b>Figure 3. Example sensitive_detectors</b></p>
+        </div>
+        <div class="CALLOUTLIST">
+          <dl compact="compact">
+            <dt><a href="x338.html#CALNP"><b>(1)</b></a></dt>
+            <dd>calorimeter with 3D grid segmentation</dd>
+            <dt><a href="x338.html#CALPRJ"><b>(2)</b></a></dt>
+            <dd>calorimeter using projective segmentation in theta,
+            phi of a cylinder</dd>
+            <dt><a href="x338.html#CALPRJZ"><b>(3)</b></a></dt>
+            <dd>calorimeter using projective segmentation in theta,
+            phi of a z planar surface such as an endcap</dd>
+            <dt><a href="x338.html#CALNPCYL"><b>(4)</b></a></dt>
+            <dd>calorimeter using a nonprojective segmentation
+            (uniform cell size) of a cylinder</dd>
+            <dt><a href="x338.html#TRACKER"><b>(5)</b></a></dt>
+            <dd>basic tracker</dd>
+          </dl>
+        </div>
+        <p>The <code class="SGMLTAG">sensitive_detector</code>
+        element, either <code class="SGMLTAG">calorimeter</code> or
+        <code class="SGMLTAG">tracker</code>, is referenced by name
+        using an <code class="SGMLTAG">sdref</code> in the extended
+        <code class="SGMLTAG">volume</code> element.</p>
+      </div>
+      <div class="SECT3">
+        <h3 class="SECT3"><a name="AEN430" id="AEN430">regions
+        Element</a></h3>
+        <p>Regions define several physics parameters used within
+        the simulation.</p>
+        <p>The <tt class="LITERAL">store_secondaries</tt> attribute
+        defines whether secondary particles are written into the
+        output file's particle tree.</p>
+        <p>The <tt class="LITERAL">cut</tt> defines the <tt class=
+        "APPLICATION">Geant4</tt> range cut for physics
+        processes.</p>
+        <p>The <tt class="LITERAL">threshhold</tt> attribute
+        defines an energy cut for creating trajectories from
+        secondary particles in this region.</p>
+        <div class="FIGURE">
+          <a name="AEN440" id="AEN440"></a>
+          <table border="0" bgcolor="#E0E0E0" width="100%">
+            <tr>
+              <td>
+                <pre class="PROGRAMLISTING">
+&lt;region name="TrackingRegion"
+           store_secondaries="true"
+           cut="1.0"
+           lunit="mm" 
+           threshhold="0.25"
+           eunit="MeV"/&lt;
+              </td>
+            </tr>
+          </table>
+          <p><b>Figure 4. Example regions element</b></p>
+        </div>
+        <p>A region is assigned to a volume using the <code class=
+        "SGMLTAG">regionref</code> tag.</p>
+      </div>
+      <div class="SECT3">
+        <h3 class="SECT3"><a name="AEN445" id="AEN445">fields
+        Element</a></h3>
+        <p>Global fields are defined using the <code class=
+        "SGMLTAG">fields</code> element.</p>
+        <p>Currently, the only valid type of field is <code class=
+        "SGMLTAG">solenoid</code>, which has an inner and outer
+        field value and inner and outer radii.</p>
+        <p>The example below illustrates that the field values can
+        be specified using expressions from the <tt class=
+        "APPLICATION">GDML</tt> <code class="SGMLTAG">define</code>
+        section.</p>
+        <div class="FIGURE">
+          <a name="AEN454" id="AEN454"></a>
+          <table border="0" bgcolor="#E0E0E0" width="100%">
+            <tr>
+              <td>
+                <pre class="PROGRAMLISTING">
+  &lt;solenoid name="GlobalSolenoid"
+               inner_field="solenoid_inner_field"
+               outer_field="solenoid_outer_field"
+               zmin="solenoid_zmin"
+               zmax="solenoid_zmax"
+               inner_radius="solenoid_rmin"
+               outer_radius="solenoid_rmax"
+               funit="tesla"
+               lunit="mm"/&gt;
+  &lt;global_field&gt;
+    &lt;fieldref ref="GlobalSolenoid" /&gt;
+  &lt;/global_field&gt;
+              </td>
+            </tr>
+          </table>
+          <p><b>Figure 5. Example fields element</b></p>
+        </div>
+      </div>
+      <div class="SECT3">
+        <h3 class="SECT3"><a name="AEN457" id="AEN457">Extended
+        volume Element</a></h3>
+        <p>The <a href=
+        ""
+        target="_top">LCDD Schema</a> formally extends the <a href=
+        ""
+        target="_top">GDML Schema 2.0</a> using the standard XML
+        Schema tag <code class="SGMLTAG">xs:extension</code>. A few
+        tags are added to <tt class="APPLICATION">GDML</tt> in
+        order to link the <tt class="APPLICATION">LCDD</tt>
+        objects, such as sensitive detectors, with their
+        corresponding geometric volumes.</p>
+        <p>The only changes to <tt class="APPLICATION">GDML</tt>
+        proper are made within the <code class=
+        "SGMLTAG">volume</code> element, which corresponds to the
+        <tt class="APPLICATION">Geant4</tt> class <tt class=
+        "LITERAL">G4LogicalVolume</tt>. This is a logical
+        description of a detector element with a shape and
+        material. Optionally, a <tt class="LITERAL">G4Region</tt>
+        can be assigned to the volume and a concrete instance of
+        <tt class="LITERAL">G4VSensitiveDetector</tt> can also be
+        set for volume readout. Visualization attributes can be
+        setup using <tt class="LITERAL">G4VisAttributes</tt>.</p>
+        <div class="FIGURE">
+          <a name="AEN473" id="AEN473"></a>
+          <table border="0" bgcolor="#E0E0E0" width="100%">
+            <tr>
+              <td>
+                <pre class="PROGRAMLISTING">
+&lt;volume name="ecal_barrel"&gt;
+  &lt;materialref ref="Tungsten"&gt;
+  &lt;solidref ref="ecal_barrel_tube"&gt;
+  &lt;physvol&gt;
+    &lt;volumeref ref="ecal_barrel_layer"/&gt;
+    &lt;positionref ref="ecal_barrel_pos"/&gt;
+    &lt;rotationref ref="ecal_barrel_rot"/&gt;
+    &lt;physvolid value="ecal_id"/&gt; <a name="PHYSVOLID" id=
+  &lt;/physvol&gt;
+  &lt;sdref ref="EcalSD"/&gt; <a name="SDREF" id=
+  &lt;regionref ref="EcalRegion"/&gt; <a name="REGIONREF" id=
+              </td>
+            </tr>
+          </table>
+          <p><b>Figure 6. Example Volume Element</b></p>
+        </div>
+        <div class="CALLOUTLIST">
+          <dl compact="compact">
+            <dt><a href="x338.html#PHYSVOLID"><b>(1)</b></a></dt>
+            <dd>assign an id to the volume</dd>
+            <dt><a href="x338.html#SDREF"><b>(2)</b></a></dt>
+            <dd>assign a sensitive detector to this volume by
+            name</dd>
+            <dt><a href="x338.html#REGIONREF"><b>(3)</b></a></dt>
+            <dd>assign a region to this volume by name</dd>
+          </dl>
+        </div>
+        <p>These three additional elements compromise all the
+        alterations to the <tt class="APPLICATION">GDML</tt>
+        format. This allows parsers using its standard schema to
+        easily skip over these few, extra elements.</p>
+      </div>
+    </div>
+    <div class="SECT2">
+      <h2 class="SECT2"><a name="AEN488" id="AEN488">Example
+      Detectors</a></h2>
+      <p>The <tt class="APPLICATION">SLIC</tt> application contains
+      a number of example geometries in the <tt class=
+      "FILENAME">$SLIC_BASE/examples</tt> directory. Most of these
+      example geometries have corresponding macros found in the
+      <tt class="FILENAME">$SLIC_BASE/macros</tt> directory;
+      typically, these load an example geometry file and run a test
+      event using either GPS or StdHep input, possibly doing some
+      visualization, also.</p>
+      <p>The bundled examples are summarized below with information
+      on their respective macros.</p>
+      <div class="TABLE">
+        <a name="AEN495" id="AEN495"></a>
+        <p><b>Table 3. SLIC Examples</b></p>
+        <table border="1" bgcolor="#E0E0E0" cellspacing="0"
+        cellpadding="4" class="CALSTABLE">
+          <thead>
+            <tr>
+              <th>Name</th>
+              <th>File <sup>rel to SLIC_BASE/examples</sup></th>
+              <th>Description</th>
+              <th>Run Macro(s) <sup>rel to
+              SLIC_BASE/macros</sup></th>
+            </tr>
+          </thead>
+          <tbody>
+            <tr>
+              <td>SDJan03</td>
+              <td>
+              sdjan03/SDJan03.lcdd&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
+              <td>tube-based, projective, full detector geometry
+              based on LCDG4's SDJan03</td>
+              <td>sdjan03.mac, sdjan03_min.mac</td>
+            </tr>
+            <tr>
+              <td>Testbeam</td>
+              <td>tbeam/tb.lcdd</td>
+              <td>ILC testbeam with geometry based on Mokka's
+              TB03</td>
+              <td>tbeam.mac</td>
+            </tr>
+            <tr>
+              <td>LCDD Simple Test</td>
+              <td>test.lcdd</td>
+              <td>simple geometry with various LCDD elements for
+              checking correct parsing</td>
+              <td>test.mac</td>
+            </tr>
+            <tr>
+              <td>Segmentation Tests</td>
+              <td>segtest/*.lcdd</td>
+              <td>tests of calorimeter segmentations</td>
+              <td>NPCylBarr.mac, NPPolyBarr.mac, NPPolyEcap.mac,
+              PrjBarr.mac, PrjEcap.mac</td>
+            </tr>
+            <tr>
+              <td>StdHep Test</td>
+              <td>stdhep/barr.lcdd</td>
+              <td>test StdHep input and resulting LCIO output;
+              includes tracking/non-tracking regions to test
+              backscatter flag</td>
+              <td>stdhep.mac</td>
+            </tr>
+            <tr>
+              <td>MDI-BDS</td>
+              <td>mdi_bds/mdi_bds.lcdd</td>
+              <td>Sample geometry for Machine Detector Interface
+              and Beam Delivery Elements for ILC.</td>
+              <td>&nbsp;</td>
+            </tr>
+            <tr>
+              <td>SiD</td>
+              <td>sid/SiDEnvelopes.lcdd</td>
+              <td>SiD with corners, envelopes only. (work in
+              progress)</td>
+              <td>&nbsp;</td>
+            </tr>
+          </tbody>
+        </table>
+      </div>
+      <p>As an example, to run the SDJan03 example from your
+      <var class="ENVAR">SLIC_BASE</var> area: <b class=
+      "COMMAND">./scripts/ macros/sdjan03.mac</b>.</p>
+    </div>
+  </div>
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+        <td width="33%" align="left" valign="top">Running SLIC</td>
+        <td width="34%" align="center" valign="top">&nbsp;</td>
+        <td width="33%" align="right" valign="top">Compact Detector
+        Description</td>
+      </tr>
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+  <div class="SECT1">
+    <h1 class="SECT1"><a name="AEN545" id="AEN545">Compact Detector
+    Description</a></h1>
+    <p>Because the <tt class="APPLICATION">LCDD</tt> format is
+    quite verbose, a higher-level XML format called the Compact
+    Detector Description has been provided for ease-of-use. It will
+    currently translate detectors based on tube and disk shapes
+    into the LCDD format.</p>
+    <p>The software which translates from the compact format to
+    <tt class="APPLICATION">LCDD</tt> is found in the FreeHep CVS
+    package <tt class="APPLICATION">GeomConvertor</tt>. It uses the
+    the Java <a href="" target=
+    "_top">Maven</a> package for building.</p>
+    <p>Checkout this package from the FreeHep CVS and build it.</p>
+    <table border="0" bgcolor="#E0E0E0" width="100%">
+      <tr>
+        <td>
+          <pre class="PROGRAMLISTING">
+export CVSROOT=:pserver:[log in to unmask]:/cvs/lcd
+cvs co GeomConverter
+cd GeomConverter
+        </td>
+      </tr>
+    </table>
+    <p>This program can be invoked from the command line, using the
+    following command.</p>
+    <table border="0" bgcolor="#E0E0E0" width="100%">
+      <tr>
+        <td>
+          <pre class="PROGRAMLISTING">
+java -cp org.lcsim.geometry.compact.converter.lcdd.Main
+        </td>
+      </tr>
+    </table>
+    <p>It can also write hepreps from the compact description.</p>
+    <table border="0" bgcolor="#E0E0E0" width="100%">
+      <tr>
+        <td>
+          <pre class="PROGRAMLISTING">
+java org.lcsim.geometry.compact.converter.heprep.Main
+        </td>
+      </tr>
+    </table>
+    <p>In both cases, the <var class="ENVAR">CLASSPATH</var> will
+    need to have the appropriate jars from <tt class=
+    "FILENAME">~/.maven/repository</tt> that were installed in the
+    build step.</p>
+  </div>
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+        <td width="33%" align="left" valign="top">LCDD XML
+        Format</td>
+        <td width="34%" align="center" valign="top">&nbsp;</td>
+        <td width="33%" align="right" valign="top">
+        Acknowledgements</td>
+      </tr>
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+  </div>

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+  <div class="SECT1">
+    <h1 class="SECT1"><a name="AEN562" id=
+    "AEN562">Acknowledgements</a></h1>
+    <p>I would like to acknowledge the following individuals for
+    their software packages, ideas, guidance and/or critiques: Ron
+    Cassell, Dhiman Chakraborty, <i class="EMPHASIS">Radovan
+    Chytracek</i>, <i class="EMPHASIS">Witold Pokorski</i>, Norman
+    Graf, Tony Johnson and Guilherme Lima.</p>
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+        <td width="33%" align="left" valign="top">Compact Detector
+        Description</td>
+        <td width="34%" align="center" valign="top">&nbsp;</td>
+        <td width="33%" align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td>
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+  <div class="SECT1">
+    <h1 class="SECT1"><a name="AEN59" id="AEN59">Package Setup and
+    Installation</a></h1>
+    <div class="SECT2">
+      <h2 class="SECT2"><a name="AEN61" id="AEN61">General
+      Requirements</a></h2>
+      <p>SLIC and LCDD are geared towards a "Linux-like" setup, so
+      you will probably get the best results on a similar platform,
+      i.e. one that has gcc and standard shell utilities. Windows
+      users must use the <a href="" target=
+      "_top">Cygwin</a> environment, the setup of which is not
+      covered here.</p>
+      <p>Commands in this guide will use <b class="COMMAND">sh</b>
+      syntax. <b class="COMMAND">csh</b>'ers, et al. will need to
+      modify the commands to work in their environment.</p>
+    </div>
+    <div class="SECT2">
+      <h2 class="SECT2"><a name="AEN68" id=
+      "AEN68">Packages</a></h2>
+      <div class="SECT3">
+        <h3 class="SECT3"><a name="AEN70" id="AEN70">External
+        Dependencies</a></h3>
+        <p>SLIC and LCDD have four external dependencies that you
+        need to install yourself. Their vital details are
+        summarized below.</p>
+        <div class="TABLE">
+          <a name="AEN73" id="AEN73"></a>
+          <p><b>Table 1. Package Summary</b></p>
+          <table border="1" bgcolor="#E0E0E0" cellspacing="0"
+          cellpadding="4" class="CALSTABLE">
+            <thead>
+              <tr>
+                <th>Package Name</th>
+                <th>Description</th>
+                <th>Dowload</th>
+                <th>SLIC Env Var</th>
+                <th>Note</th>
+              </tr>
+            </thead>
+            <tbody>
+              <tr>
+                <td>CLHEP</td>
+                <td>Class libraries for HEP</td>
+                <td><a href=
+                ""
+                target="_top">WWW Download</a></td>
+                <td>CLHEP_BASE_DIR, et al</td>
+                <td>This must be installed before Geant4.</td>
+              </tr>
+              <tr>
+                <td>Geant4</td>
+                <td>Core MC Simulation Toolkit</td>
+                <td><a href=
+                ""
+                target="_top">WWW Download</a></td>
+                <td>G4INSTALL, et al</td>
+                <td>&nbsp;</td>
+              </tr>
+              <tr>
+                <td>Xerces C++</td>
+                <td>XML Parser</td>
+                <td><a href=
+                ""
+                target="_top">WWW Download</a></td>
+                <td>XERCESCROOT</td>
+                <td>WWW support is required.</td>
+              </tr>
+              <tr>
+                <td>LCIO</td>
+                <td>Simulator Event I/O</td>
+                <td><a href=
+                ""
+                target="_top">Installation Instructions</a></td>
+                <td>LCIO</td>
+                <td>The CVS head should also work.</td>
+              </tr>
+            </tbody>
+          </table>
+        </div>
+        <div class="IMPORTANT">
+          <table class="IMPORTANT" width="100%" border="0">
+            <tr>
+              <td width="25" align="center" valign="top"><img src=
+              "./stylesheet-images/important.gif" hspace="5" alt=
+              "Important"></td>
+              <td align="left" valign="top">
+                <p>You may already have installations for one or
+                more of these packages. Check with your system
+                administrator.</p>
+              </td>
+            </tr>
+          </table>
+        </div>
+        <p>Unless otherwise noted, all environment variables should
+        be kept once set.</p>
+      </div>
+      <div class="SECT3">
+        <h3 class="SECT3"><a name="AEN115" id="AEN115">ILC
+        Simulation Packages</a></h3>
+        <p>In addition to the external dependencies, the SLIC
+        simulator requires three packages.</p>
+        <p>SLIC and its immediate dependencies are summarized
+        below.</p>
+        <div class="TABLE">
+          <a name="AEN119" id="AEN119"></a>
+          <p><b>Table 2. Package Summary</b></p>
+          <table border="1" bgcolor="#E0E0E0" cellspacing="0"
+          cellpadding="4" class="CALSTABLE">
+            <thead>
+              <tr>
+                <th>Package Name</th>
+                <th>Description</th>
+                <th>Env Var</th>
+                <th>Dependencies</th>
+                <th>Note</th>
+              </tr>
+            </thead>
+            <tbody>
+              <tr>
+                <td>SLIC</td>
+                <td>Core simulation package.</td>
+                <td>SLIC_BASE</td>
+                <td>Geant4, Xerces, GDML, LCDD, LCIO, LCPhys</td>
+                <td>&nbsp;</td>
+              </tr>
+              <tr>
+                <td>LCDD</td>
+                <td>XML-based detector description package.</td>
+                <td>LCDD_BASE</td>
+                <td>Geant4, Xerces, GDML</td>
+                <td>&nbsp;</td>
+              </tr>
+              <tr>
+                <td>LCPhys</td>
+                <td>Linear Collider physics list.</td>
+                <td>LCPHYS_BASE</td>
+                <td>Geant4</td>
+                <td>&nbsp;</td>
+              </tr>
+              <tr>
+                <td>GDML</td>
+                <td>XML-based geometry system.</td>
+                <td>GDML_BASE, PLATFORM, SITE</td>
+                <td>Geant4, Xerces</td>
+                <td>Modified version packaged with LCDD in
+                $LCDD_BASE/extern/gdml.tar.gz.</td>
+              </tr>
+            </tbody>
+          </table>
+        </div>
+        <p>To summarize, SLIC provides the core Geant4 binding. For
+        detector description, SLIC uses LCDD, which extends GDML by
+        including additional elements. LCPhys is a Linear Collider
+        physics list.</p>
+      </div>
+      <div class="SECT3">
+        <h3 class="SECT3"><a name="AEN155" id="AEN155">Shared vs.
+        Static Libraries and the Load Path</a></h3>
+        <p>I prefer to build simulation apps with static libraries
+        when possible. Then I can avoid having to set the
+        <var class="ENVAR">LD_LIBRARY_PATH</var> variable at
+        runtime. The executables are more self-contained and
+        portable if runtime dependencies are minimized.</p>
+        <p>Of the external dependencies, Xerces is the only one
+        which cannot be built statically, or at least the default
+        setup script does not allow this selection.</p>
+        <p>By default, LCDD and SLIC are compiled with the settings
+        from your Geant4 install. GDML should be compiled with
+        static libraries. LCIO creates a static library by
+        default.</p>
+      </div>
+    </div>
+    <div class="SECT2">
+      <h2 class="SECT2"><a name="AEN161" id="AEN161">Package
+      Installation</a></h2>
+      <p>The detailed setup instructions for Windows users are kept
+      on an external Wiki under <a href=
+      ""
+      target="_top">Slic from Scratch on Windows</a>. The Linux
+      setup instructions are located at <a href=
+      ""
+      target="_top">Slic from Scratch on Linux</a>.</p>
+    </div>
+  </div>
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+        accesskey="P">&lt;&lt;&lt; Previous</a></td>
+        <td width="34%" align="center" valign="top"><a href=
+        "t1.html" accesskey="H">Home</a></td>
+        <td width="33%" align="right" valign="top"><a href=
+        "x166.html" accesskey="N">Next &gt;&gt;&gt;</a></td>
+      </tr>
+      <tr>
+        <td width="33%" align="left" valign="top">Getting Started
+        with SLIC and LCDD for ILC Detector Simulation</td>
+        <td width="34%" align="center" valign="top">&nbsp;</td>
+        <td width="33%" align="right" valign="top">Running
+        SLIC</td>
+      </tr>
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@@ -58,17 +58,17 @@
         <dt><a href="t1.html#AEN20">Introduction</a></dt>
-        <dt><a href="x86.html">Package Setup and
+        <dt><a href="x59.html">Package Setup and
-        <dt><a href="x244.html">Running SLIC</a></dt>
+        <dt><a href="x166.html">Running SLIC</a></dt>
-        <dt><a href="x416.html">LCDD XML Format</a></dt>
+        <dt><a href="x338.html">LCDD XML Format</a></dt>
-        <dt><a href="x623.html">Compact Detector
+        <dt><a href="x545.html">Compact Detector
-        <dt><a href="x640.html">Acknowledgements</a></dt>
+        <dt><a href="x562.html">Acknowledgements</a></dt>
@@ -164,70 +164,6 @@
         use these applications to perform these types of
-      <div class="SECT2">
-        <h2 class="SECT2"><a name="AEN59" id="AEN59">Preliminary
-        Knowledge</a></h2>
-        <p>In order to understand the rest of this document, you
-        should probably have an understanding of the following
-        topics.</p>
-        <div class="FORMALPARA">
-          <p><b>Linux.</b> You need to be basically proficient in
-          getting around a Linux system where you can install
-          software. I explicitly give most of the commands you will
-          need, but you still need to understand the basics. If the
-          concepts of "shell" and "environment variable" are
-          foreign to you, then it may help to read the first five
-          chapters in the comprehensive <a href=
-          ""
-          target="_top">Rute User's Guide</a>.</p>
-        </div>
-        <div class="FORMALPARA">
-          <p><b>XML.</b> You should understand basic markup
-          terminology such as "tag", "element" and "attribute".
-          Furthermore, you should know about "schemas" and "DTDs"
-          for defining the structure of XML documents. The <a href=
-          "" target="_top">W3 Schools
-          Website</a> is an excellent source for tutorials on XML
-          and related topics. Read the <a href=
-          "" target="_top">XML
-          Schema Primer</a> series for an in-depth introduction to
-          this technology.</p>
-        </div>
-        <div class="FORMALPARA">
-          <p><b>Geant4.</b> You should recognize terms such as
-          "logical volume", "physical volume", "sensitive detector"
-          and "hits collection" and their corresponding <tt class=
-          "APPLICATION">Geant4</tt> classes. Additionally, you
-          should be able to install <tt class=
-          "APPLICATION">Geant4</tt> locally or at least have access
-          to a version that you know how to configure. If you are a
-          complete novice, you should look through the <a href=
-          ""
-          target="_top">User Documents</a> to familiarize yourself
-          with this canonical HEP application.</p>
-        </div>
-        <div class="FORMALPARA">
-          <p><b>GDML.</b> You should definitely understand the
-          purpose of the major sub-elements such as <code class=
-          "SGMLTAG">define</code> and <code class=
-          "SGMLTAG">materials</code>. Ideally, you should be able
-          to author simple <tt class="APPLICATION">GDML</tt>
-          documents. Review the complete contents of the <a href=
-          "" target="_top">GDML
-          website</a> if you are unfamiliar with this format.</p>
-        </div>
-        <p>You may be able to get away with just knowing how to
-        open a <b class="COMMAND">bash</b> prompt on your machine
-        and pounding away, but I can't be held liable for the
-        results.</p>
-      </div>
@@ -242,7 +178,7 @@
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