Commit in lcd/hep/lcd/recon/cluster/MIPMatching on MAIN 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1
5 added files
MIPMatching package Version 1.0. For details how to use it, please see 
example in For feedback and question, send email to
[log in to unmask]

lcd/hep/lcd/recon/cluster/MIPMatching added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	10 Aug 2005 17:38:17 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+package hep.lcd.recon.cluster.MIPMatching;  
+import java.util.*; 
+   AbstractChi2 for MIP Matching. The errors on the track parameters
+   are derived from studies of single pion samples. These can be
+   overwritten in user defined Chi2-Classes. 
+   @version 1.0
+   @author [log in to unmask]
+   Modification Log:
+   -- 08/08/2005 Version 1.0
+      Calculation of chi2 separated from MIPFit to provide user with
+      possibility to define individual chi2-criteria.
+public abstract class AbstractChi2{
+    public AbstractChi2(){}
+    public void registerTrackParameters(TrackParameters tpin1, TrackParameters tpin2){
+	tp1 = tpin1; 
+	tp2 = tpin2; 
+    }
+    public abstract double getChi2(); 
+    protected TrackParameters tp1 = null; 
+    protected TrackParameters tp2 = null; 
+// Typical uncertainty (sqrt(var)) for track parameters from singe pions
+    protected double ed0 = 2.6; 
+    protected double ephi0 = 0.06; 
+    protected double ekappa = 0.0005; 
+    protected double etanl = 0.09; 
+    protected double ez0 = 1.; 

lcd/hep/lcd/recon/cluster/MIPMatching added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	10 Aug 2005 17:38:17 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,397 @@
+package hep.lcd.recon.cluster.MIPMatching; 
+import java.util.*; 
+import hep.lcd.event.*; 
+import hep.lcd.geometry.CalorimeterCell; 
+import hep.lcd.util.driver.AbstractProcessor; 
+import hep.physics.*;
+import hep.lcd.recon.cluster.MIP.*; 
+   Driver for MIP Track Matching. 
+   <p>
+   Example of Use:
+   <p><blockquote><pre>
+   	MIPFit mipFit = new MIPFit(); 
+   	AbstractChi2 chi2 = new ThreeDChi2(); 
+   	mipFit.setTag("MIPCluster EMCal"); 
+   	mipFit.registerChi2(chi2); 
+   	mipFit.setChi2Max(40); 
+   	add(mipFit); 
+   </pre></blockquote><p>
+   The MIPClusterList is read from <tt>LCDEvent</tt>. The name under
+   which it is stored can be defined by the user via
+   <tt>mipFit.setTag(String)</tt>. The same tag is used to write out the
+   new <tt>MIPClusterList</tt> containing merged objects. 
+   The Helix parameters for each MIPCluster is calculated using the
+   IP, the first and the last hit of the corresponding MIPCluster in
+   the EMCal. 
+   The Chi2 criteria for the matching of MIPClusters can be defined by
+   the user. The corresponding class has to be derived from
+   <tt></tt> and has to provide the method
+   <tt>getChi2()</tt>. As a default, the class <tt>ThreeDChi2</tt> is
+   provided, assuming typical errors for the helix parameters
+   estimated from studies based on single pion samples. The default
+   <tt>chi2</tt> for the matching of MIPClusters is <tt>40</tt>.
+   @author Wolfgang F. Mader ([log in to unmask])
+   @version 1.0
+   Modification Log:
+   -- 07/22/2004 Version 1.0
+   -- 08/08/2005 Version 1.1
+      Addapted for use with general MIP Tracking Package
+public class MIPFit extends AbstractProcessor{
+// Field Summary
+    private CalorimeterCell thisCell = null; 
+    private boolean lDebug = true; 
+    private Vector usedMIPClusters; 
+    private Vector vMIPClusters = null; 
+    private String objectTag = new String("MIPCluster"); 
+    private AbstractChi2 chi2 = null; 
+    private double chi2Max = 40; 
+// Constructor Summary
+    public MIPFit(){}
+    public void init(){}
+    public void start(){}
+    public void stop(){}
+// Method Summary 
+    public void setChi2Max(double d){
+	chi2Max = d; 
+    }
+    public void registerChi2(AbstractChi2 c){
+	chi2 = c; 
+    }
+    public void setTag(String s){
+	objectTag = s; 
+    }
+    public void setlDebug(boolean b){
+	lDebug = b;
+    }
+// Main Process Loop
+    public void process(LCDEvent event){
+	thisEvent = event; 
+	thisCell = thisEvent.getCalorimeterCell(); 
+// No Assertion Error needed -- thrown by LCDEvent
+	MIPClusterList lMIPClusters = (MIPClusterList) thisEvent.get(objectTag);
+	if ( lDebug ) 
+	    System.out.println("Number of MIP Objects found "+lMIPClusters.getNClusters()); 
+	if ( lMIPClusters.getNClusters() < 2 ) return; 
+	initialize(lMIPClusters.getClusters()); 
+	Vector vMIPObjects = new Vector(); 
+	Vector vMIPPairs = new Vector();
+// Calculate Chi2 for all MIP combinations
+	for ( int i=0; i<vMIPClusters.size()-1; i++) {
+	    for ( int j=i+1; j<vMIPClusters.size(); j++) {
+		System.out.println("i "+i+" j "+j); 
+		MIPCluster mip1 = (MIPCluster) vMIPClusters.elementAt(i); 
+		MIPCluster mip2 = (MIPCluster) vMIPClusters.elementAt(j); 
+		vMIPPairs.add(pairObjects(mip1,mip2)); 
+	    }
+	}
+	if ( lDebug ) {
+	    Enumeration e = vMIPPairs.elements(); 
+	    while ( e.hasMoreElements() ){
+		MIPPair mipPair = (MIPPair) e.nextElement(); 
+		System.out.println("1: "+mipPair.getFirstMIP()+
+				   " 2: "+mipPair.getSecondMIP()+
+				   " chi2 "+mipPair.getChi2()); 
+	    }
+	}
+// Sort MIPs according to chi2
+	Collections.sort(vMIPPairs,new MIPChi2Sort()); 
+	if ( lDebug ) {
+	    Enumeration e = vMIPPairs.elements(); 
+	    while ( e.hasMoreElements() ){
+		MIPPair mipPair = (MIPPair) e.nextElement(); 
+		System.out.println("--1: "+mipPair.getFirstMIP()+" "+mipPair.getFirstMIP().getNHits()+
+				   " 2: "+mipPair.getSecondMIP()+" "+mipPair.getSecondMIP().getNHits()+
+				   " chi2 "+mipPair.getChi2()); 
+	    }
+	}
+	Enumeration e = vMIPPairs.elements(); 
+	while ( e.hasMoreElements() ){
+	    MIPPair mipPair = (MIPPair) e.nextElement(); 
+	    MIPCluster mip1 = mipPair.getFirstMIP(); 
+	    MIPCluster mip2 = mipPair.getSecondMIP(); 
+	    int index1 = vMIPClusters.indexOf(mip1); 
+	    int index2 = vMIPClusters.indexOf(mip2); 
+	    boolean b1 = ((Boolean) usedMIPClusters.elementAt(index1)).booleanValue();
+	    boolean b2 = ((Boolean) usedMIPClusters.elementAt(index2)).booleanValue();
+// Pick MIPCluseter combinations as long as chi2 < chi2max...
+	    if ( !(b1 || b2) && mipPair.getChi2()<chi2Max ){
+// ... and merge the corresponding MIPClusters
+		Enumeration eHits = mip2.getHits(); 
+		while ( eHits.hasMoreElements() ){
+		    CalorimeterHit hit = (CalorimeterHit) eHits.nextElement(); 
+		    mip1.addHit(hit);
+		}
+		vMIPObjects.add(mip1); 
+// set 'used' flag
+		usedMIPClusters.removeElementAt(index1); 
+		usedMIPClusters.insertElementAt(new Boolean(true),index1); 
+		usedMIPClusters.removeElementAt(index2); 
+		usedMIPClusters.insertElementAt(new Boolean(true),index2); 
+	    } else {
+// Fill remaining MIPClusters to output vector and set 'used' flag
+		if ( !b1 ){
+		    vMIPObjects.add(mip1); 
+		    usedMIPClusters.removeElementAt(index1); 
+		    usedMIPClusters.insertElementAt(new Boolean(true),index1); 
+		}
+		if ( !b2 ){
+		    vMIPObjects.add(mip2); 
+		    usedMIPClusters.removeElementAt(index2); 
+		    usedMIPClusters.insertElementAt(new Boolean(true),index2); 
+		}
+	    }
+	}
+	if ( lDebug ) {
+	    Enumeration en = vMIPObjects.elements(); 
+	    while ( en.hasMoreElements() ) {
+		MIPCluster cluster = (MIPCluster) en.nextElement(); 
+		System.out.println("clusters "+cluster+" "+cluster.getNHits()); 
+	    }
+	}
+// Write information out the LCDEvent
+	thisEvent.put(objectTag,new MIPClusterList(vMIPObjects)); 
+    }
+    private MIPPair pairObjects(MIPCluster mip1, MIPCluster mip2){
+// Initialize Helix calculation
+	MIPHelix h1 = new MIPHelix(mip1,thisCell); 
+	MIPHelix h2 = new MIPHelix(mip2,thisCell); 
+// Get Helix Parameters
+	if ( lDebug ){
+	    System.out.println("MIP1: First Hit -- "+getFirstHitIndex(mip1)); 
+	    System.out.println("      Last Hit -- "+getLastHitIndex(mip1)); 
+	}
+	h1.getEstimate(-1,getFirstHitIndex(mip1),getLastHitIndex(mip1)); 
+	if ( lDebug ){
+	    System.out.println("MIP2: First Hit -- "+getFirstHitIndex(mip2)); 
+	    System.out.println("      Last Hit -- "+getLastHitIndex(mip2)); 
+	}
+	h2.getEstimate(-1,getFirstHitIndex(mip2),getLastHitIndex(mip2)); 
+// Store Information in TrackParameters Object
+	TrackParameters tp1 = h1.getTrackParameters(); 
+	if ( lDebug ) printTrackParameters(tp1); 
+	TrackParameters tp2 = h2.getTrackParameters(); 
+	if ( lDebug ) printTrackParameters(tp2); 
+// Tell chi2 Caluclator about track parameters
+	chi2.registerTrackParameters(tp1, tp2); 
+// Store information in internal class MIPPair for further processing
+	MIPPair mipPair = new MIPPair(mip1,mip2,tp1,tp2,chi2.getChi2()); 
+	return mipPair; 
+    }
+// Get index of innermost layer
+    private int getFirstHitIndex(MIPCluster mip){
+	Enumeration e = mip.getHits(); 
+	int firstLayer = 100; 
+	int firstHitIndex = -1; 
+	int i=0; 
+	while ( e.hasMoreElements() ){
+	    CalorimeterHit hit = (CalorimeterHit) e.nextElement(); 
+	    thisCell.setTowerID(hit.getTowerID()); 
+	    int thisLayer = thisCell.getLayer(); 
+	    if ( thisLayer < firstLayer ) {
+		firstLayer = thisLayer; 
+		firstHitIndex = i; 
+	    }
+	    i++; 
+	}
+	return firstHitIndex; 
+    }
+// Get index of outermost layer
+    private int getLastHitIndex(MIPCluster mip){
+	Enumeration e = mip.getHits(); 
+	int lastLayer = 0; 
+	int lastHitIndex = 0; 
+	int i=0; 
+	while ( e.hasMoreElements() ){
+	    CalorimeterHit hit = (CalorimeterHit) e.nextElement(); 
+	    thisCell.setTowerID(hit.getTowerID()); 
+	    int thisLayer = thisCell.getLayer(); 
+	    if ( thisLayer > lastLayer ){
+		lastLayer = thisLayer; 
+		lastHitIndex = i; 
+	    }
+	    i++; 
+	}
+	return lastHitIndex; 
+    }
+// Store MIP information  from LCDEvent in temporary vector for further processing
+    private void initialize(Enumeration e){
+	int i=0;
+	vMIPClusters = new Vector(); 
+	usedMIPClusters = new Vector(); 
+	while ( e.hasMoreElements() ){
+	    System.out.println("i"+i++); 
+	    vMIPClusters.add((MIPCluster) e.nextElement()); 
+	    usedMIPClusters.add(new Boolean(false)); 
+	}
+    }
+// Print out track parameters ( for debugging )
+    private void printTrackParameters(TrackParameters tp){
+	System.out.println("kappa "+tp.kappa()); 
+	System.out.println("d0    "+tp.d0()); 
+	System.out.println("phi0  "+tp.phi0()); 
+	System.out.println("z0    "+tp.z0()); 
+	System.out.println("tanl  "+tp.tanl()); 
+	System.out.println(); 
+    }
+// Field Summary
+    private LCDEvent thisEvent = null; 
+// Track Parameters
+// Internal convenience class MIPPair for information processing
+class MIPPair{
+    MIPPair(MIPCluster mip1, 
+	    MIPCluster mip2, 
+	    TrackParameters tp1,
+	    TrackParameters tp2,
+	    double in){
+	m1 = mip1; 
+	m2 = mip2; 
+	trackParameters1 = tp1; 
+	trackParameters2 = tp2; 
+	chi2 = in; 
+    }
+//    public MIPCluster[] getMIPCluster(){
+//	MIPCluster
+//    }
+    public double getChi2(){
+	return chi2; 
+    }
+    public MIPCluster getFirstMIP(){
+	return m1; 
+    }
+    public MIPCluster getSecondMIP(){
+	return m2; 
+    }
+    MIPCluster m1; 
+    MIPCluster m2; 
+    double chi2; 
+    TrackParameters trackParameters1; 
+    TrackParameters trackParameters2; 
+// Comparator class for Chi2-Sorting
+class MIPChi2Sort implements Comparator{
+    /** The compare function used for sorting.
+     * Comparison is done on cluster energy.
+     * @param   obj1 MIPPair1
+     * @param   obj2 MIPPair2
+     * @return
+     * <ol>
+     * <li> -1 if MIPPair1 > MIPPair2
+     * <li>  0 if MIPPair1 = MIPPair2
+     * <li>  1 if MIPPair1 < MIPPair2
+     * </ol>
+     */
+    public int compare(Object obj1, Object obj2)
+    {
+        if(obj1==obj2) return 0;
+        MIPPair mip1 = (MIPPair) obj1;
+        MIPPair mip2 = (MIPPair) obj2;
+        if(mip1.getChi2()-mip2.getChi2()<0.) return -1;
+        return 1;
+    }

lcd/hep/lcd/recon/cluster/MIPMatching added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	10 Aug 2005 17:38:18 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,397 @@
+package hep.lcd.recon.cluster.MIPMatching; 
+import hep.lcd.recon.cluster.MIP.*; 
+import java.util.Enumeration; 
+import hep.lcd.geometry.CalorimeterCell; 
+import hep.lcd.event.CalorimeterHit; 
+import hep.lcd.event.LCDEvent; 
+import hep.lcd.event.TrackerHits; 
+import hep.lcd.event.TrackerHit; 
+   MIPHelix. Calculates Estimate of Helix Parameters.
+   @author Wolfgang F. Mader ([log in to unmask])
+   @version 1.0
+   Modification Log:
+   -- 07/22/2004 Version 1.0
+public class MIPHelix{
+// Constructor Summary
+    MIPHelix (MIPCluster mipObject, CalorimeterCell cell){
+	thisCell = cell; 
+	thisMIPObject = mipObject; 
+	registerHitSamples(); 
+	tP = new TrackParameters(); 
+    }
+// Method Summary
+    private void registerHitSamples(){
+	Enumeration e = thisMIPObject.getHits(); 
+	int i=0; 
+	System.out.println("-->"+i); 
+	while ( e.hasMoreElements() ){
+	    CalorimeterHit hit = (CalorimeterHit) e.nextElement(); 
+	    thisCell.setTowerID(hit.getTowerID()); 
+	    double[] tmp = thisCell.getPosition(); 
+	    for ( int j=0; j<3; j++) Hits[i][j] = tmp[j]; 
+	    errorHits[i][0] = 0.5/Math.sqrt(12); 
+	    errorHits[i][1] = 0.5/Math.sqrt(12); 
+	    errorHits[i][2] = 0.; 
+	    i++;
+	}
+    }
+    public void getEstimate(int i, int j, int k){
+	int lastHit = numberOfHits-1; 
+	if ( i == -1 ){
+	    X = new double[] {0.0001, Hits[j][0], Hits[k][0]}; 
+	    Y = new double[] {0.0001, Hits[j][1], Hits[k][1]}; 
+	    Z = new double[] {0.0001, Hits[j][2], Hits[k][2]}; 
+	} else {
+	    X = new double[] {Hits[i][0], Hits[j][0], Hits[k][0]}; 
+	    Y = new double[] {Hits[i][1], Hits[j][1], Hits[k][1]}; 
+	    Z = new double[] {Hits[i][2], Hits[j][2], Hits[k][2]}; 
+	}
+	tP.updateParameters(kappa(), d0(), phi0(), z0(), lambda()); 
+    }
+    public TrackParameters getTrackParameters(){
+	return tP; 
+    }
+    private double arcLength(double X, double Y){
+	double length = -1; 
+	double AKAD   = tP.kappa(); 
+	double ALPHAD = tP.alpha(); 
+	double BETAD  = tP.beta(); 
+	double GAMMAD = tP.gamma(); 
+	double XID    = Math.sqrt(1.0+4*AKAD*GAMMAD); 
+	double R2KAP  = 2.0 * AKAD; 
+	double XINV   = 1./XID; 
+	double AR2KAP = Math.abs(R2KAP); 
+	double DELH1  = AKAD*(Math.pow(X,2) + Math.pow(Y,2)) + ALPHAD*X + BETAD*Y + GAMMAD; 
+	double DELH   = DELH1*(1. - AKAD*DELH1); 
+//  use an exact calculation if we need to...
+	double AKADEL = 4.*AKAD *DELH1;
+	if ( Math.abs(DELH*AKAD) > 0.01  && AKADEL > -1.) {
+	    DELH = 0.5/AKAD*( Math.sqrt(1.+ AKADEL) - 1.); 
+	}
+	double XON  = (X - DELH*ALPHAD)/(1.+R2KAP*DELH); 
+	double YON  = (Y - DELH*BETAD )/(1.+R2KAP*DELH); 
+	double A1     = AR2KAP*CROSS*XINV; 
+	double A2     = R2KAP*(ALPHAD*XON + BETAD*YON)*XINV + XID; 
+	if (A1 >= 0.0 && A2 > 0.0 && A1 < 0.3){
+	    double ARG2   = Math.pow(A1,2); 
+	    length = CROSS*(1. + ARG2*(1./6. + ARG2*(3./40.)))*XINV; 
+	} else {
+	    length = Math.atan2(A1,A2); 
+	    if (length < 0.) length += 2.*Math.PI; 
+	    length = length/AR2KAP; 
+	}
+	return length; 
+    }
+    /*
+Formulas for fitting the stuff in z-direction      
+    */
+    private double Xij(int i, int j){
+	return ((double) 
+		X[i-1]-X[j-1]
+		); 
+    }
+    private double Yij(int i, int j){
+	return ((double) 
+		Y[i-1]-Y[j-1]
+		); 
+    }
+    private double Delta(){
+	return ((double) 
+		Deltaij(1,2)+Deltaij(2,3)+Deltaij(3,1)
+		); 
+    }
+    private double Deltaij(int i, int j){
+	return ((double) 
+		X[i-1]*Y[j-1] - X[j-1]*Y[i-1]
+		); 
+    }
+    private double R(int i){
+	return ((double) Math.sqrt(X[i-1]*X[i-1] + Y[i-1]*Y[i-1]) ); 
+    }
+    private double Rij(int i, int j){
+	return ((double) 
+		R(i) - R(j)
+		); 
+    }
+    private double kappa(){
+	return ((double) 
+		Delta()/(Rij(1,2)*Rij(2,3)*Rij(3,1))
+		); 
+    }
+    private double prime(String ab){
+	double XY31 = 0; 
+	double XY21 = 0;
+	if ( ab.equals("alpha") ){
+	    XY31 =  Yij(3,1); 
+	    XY21 = -Yij(2,1); 
+	} else if ( ab.equals("beta") ) {
+	    XY31 = -Xij(3,1); 
+	    XY21 =  Xij(2,1); 
+	}
+	return ((double) -kappa()/Delta()
+		         *(  XY31 * Rij(2,1)*Rij(2,1)
+			    +XY21 * Rij(3,1)*Rij(3,1) )
+		); 
+    }
+    private double gamma(){
+	return ((double) 
+		  kappa()*R(1)*R(1) 
+		- prime("alpha")*X[0] 
+		- prime("beta")*Y[0]
+		); 
+    }
+    private double alpha(){
+	double dkappa = kappa(); 
+	double dgamma = gamma(); 
+	double dR1 = R(1); 
+	double dR2 = R(2); 
+	return ((double) 
+		-1/Deltaij(1,2) * (  (dkappa*dR1*dR1+dgamma)*Y[1] 
+		                    -(dkappa*dR2*dR2+dgamma)*Y[0] )
+		);
+    }
+    private double beta(){
+	double dkappa = kappa(); 
+	double dgamma = gamma(); 
+	double dR1 = R(1); 
+	double dR2 = R(2); 
+	return ((double) 
+		-1/Deltaij(1,2) * ( -(dkappa*dR1*dR1+dgamma)*X[1] 
+				    +(dkappa*dR2*dR2+dgamma)*X[0] )
+		);
+    }
+    private double xi(){
+	double dalpha = alpha(); 
+	double dbeta = beta(); 
+	return ((double)
+		Math.sqrt(dalpha*dalpha + dbeta*dbeta)
+		);
+    }
+    private double xikappagamma(){
+	return ((double)
+		Math.sqrt(1+4*kappa()*gamma())
+		);
+    }
+    private double d0(){
+	return ((double) 
+		(xi()-1.0)/(2*kappa())
+		);
+    }
+    private double d0gamma(){
+	double dkappa = kappa(); 
+	return ((double) 
+		Math.sqrt( gamma()/dkappa + 1/(4*dkappa*dkappa) ) 
+		- 1/(2*dkappa)
+		);
+    }
+    private double d0xi(){
+	return ((double) 
+		2*gamma()/(xi()+1)
+		);
+    }
+    private double phi0(){
+	return ((double) 
+		Math.atan2(alpha(),-beta())
+		);
+    }
+    /*
+Formulas for fitting the stuff in z-direction      
+    */
+    private double d(double xIn, double yIn){
+	return ((double)
+		(Math.sqrt( Math.max(1+4*kappa()*delta(xIn, yIn),0) ) - 1)
+		/( 2*kappa() )
+		); 
+    }
+    private double dddkappa(double xIn, double yIn){
+	double dkappa = kappa(); 
+	double dalpha = alpha(); 
+	double dbeta = beta(); 
+	double dgamma = gamma(); 
+	double cX = CX(xIn, yIn); 
+	double dtemp = 1./(2.*dkappa*dkappa) *
+	    (
+	     1+1./(2.*cX) * ( -1/dkappa - 2.*(dalpha*xIn+dbeta*yIn+dgamma))
+	     );
+	return((double) dtemp); 
+    }
+    private double dddabg(double xIn, double yIn, double xyIn){
+	double cX = CX(xIn, yIn); 
+	double dkappa = kappa(); 
+	double dtemp = 1./(2.*cX) * (xyIn/dkappa); 
+	return((double) dtemp); 
+    }
+    private double CX(double xIn, double yIn){
+	double dkappa = kappa(); 
+	double dalpha = alpha(); 
+	double dbeta = beta(); 
+	double dgamma = gamma(); 
+	double dtemp = 1./(4.*dkappa*dkappa) +
+	    1./dkappa * ( dalpha*xIn + dbeta*yIn + dgamma ) + 
+	    Math.sqrt(xIn*xIn + yIn*yIn);
+	return ((double) dtemp); 
+    }
+    private double delta(double xIn, double yIn){
+	return ((double)
+		kappa()*(xIn*xIn + yIn*yIn)
+		       + alpha()*xIn + beta()*yIn + gamma()
+		);
+    }
+    private double xOn(double xIn, double yIn){
+	double dd = d(xIn, yIn); 
+	double Nominator = xIn - dd*alpha(); 
+	double deNominator = 1 + 2*kappa()*dd; 
+	if ( deNominator < 0. ) deNominator = Math.max(-400,deNominator); 
+	if ( deNominator > 0. ) deNominator = Math.min( 400,deNominator); 
+	if ( deNominator == 0. ) deNominator = 0.00001; 
+	return ((double)
+		Nominator / deNominator
+		); 
+    }
+    private double yOn(double xIn, double yIn){
+	double dd = d(xIn, yIn); 
+	double Nominator = yIn - dd*beta(); 
+	double deNominator = 1 + 2*kappa()*dd; 
+	if ( deNominator < 0. ) deNominator = Math.max(-400,deNominator); 
+	if ( deNominator > 0. ) deNominator = Math.min( 400,deNominator); 
+	if ( deNominator == 0. ) deNominator = 0.00001; 
+	return ((double)
+		Nominator / deNominator
+		); 
+    }
+    private double cross(double xIn, double yIn){
+	return ((double)
+		alpha()*yOn(xIn,yIn) - beta()*xOn(xIn,yIn)
+		); 
+    }
+    private double aOne(double xIn, double yIn){
+	return ((double)
+		2*Math.abs(kappa())*cross(xIn, yIn)/xi()
+		);
+    }
+    private double aTwo(double xIn, double yIn){
+	return ((double)
+		2*kappa()*( alpha()*xOn(xIn, yIn) + beta()*yOn(xIn, yIn) )/xi() + xi()
+		); 
+    }
+    private double sPerp(double xIn, double yIn){
+	double daOne = aOne(xIn, yIn); 
+	double daTwo = aTwo(xIn, yIn);
+	if ( daOne >= 0 && daOne < 0.3 ){
+	    return ((double) 
+		    cross(xIn, yIn)
+		    *(1+daOne*daOne*(1/6 + daOne*daOne*(3/40)))
+		    /xi()
+		    ); 
+	} else {
+	    double temp = Math.atan2(daOne,daTwo); 
+	    if ( temp < 0 ) temp += 2 * Math.PI; 
+	    return ((double)
+		    temp / ( 2*Math.abs(kappa()) )
+		    ); 
+	}
+    }
+    private double lambda(){
+	return ((double)
+		(Z[1]-Z[2])/(sPerp(X[1], Y[1])-sPerp(X[2], Y[2]))
+		); 
+    }
+    private double z0(){
+	return ((double)
+		Z[1] - lambda()*sPerp(X[1], Y[1])
+		); 
+    }
+// Field Summary
+    private int numberOfHits; 
+    private double[][] Hits = new double[100][3]; 
+    private double[][] errorHits = new double[100][3]; 
+    private MIPCluster thisMIPObject; 
+    private CalorimeterCell thisCell; 
+    private TrackParameters tP = null; 
+    private double[] X;
+    private double[] Y;
+    private double[] Z;

lcd/hep/lcd/recon/cluster/MIPMatching added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	10 Aug 2005 17:38:18 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+package hep.lcd.recon.cluster.MIPMatching;  
+import java.util.*; 
+   3D Chi2 for MIP Matching
+   @version 1.0
+   @author [log in to unmask]
+   Modification Log:
+   -- 08/08/2004 Version 1.0
+public class ThreeDChi2 extends AbstractChi2{
+    public double getChi2(){
+	//
+	// d0 contribution
+	//
+	double d0chi2 = (tp1.d0()-tp2.d0())*(tp1.d0()-tp2.d0()) / (ed0*ed0); 
+	//
+	// phi0 contribution
+	//
+	double phi0chi2 = (tp1.phi0()-tp2.phi0())*(tp1.phi0()-tp2.phi0()) / (ephi0*ephi0); 
+	//
+	// kappa contribution
+	//
+	double kappachi2 = (tp1.kappa()-tp2.kappa())*(tp1.kappa()-tp2.kappa()) / (ekappa*ekappa);
+	//
+	// tanl contribution
+	//
+	double tanlchi2 = (tp1.tanl()-tp2.tanl())*(tp1.tanl()-tp2.tanl()) / (etanl*etanl); 
+	//
+	// z0 contribution
+	//
+	double z0chi2 = (tp1.z0()-tp2.z0())*(tp1.z0()-tp2.z0()) / (ez0*ez0); 
+	double  chi2 = d0chi2 + phi0chi2 + kappachi2 + tanlchi2 + z0chi2; 
+	return ((double) chi2); 
+    }; 

lcd/hep/lcd/recon/cluster/MIPMatching added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	10 Aug 2005 17:38:18 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,269 @@
+package hep.lcd.recon.cluster.MIPMatching;
+   Track Parameters in (kappa, d0, phi0, z0, tanl)-representation.
+   @author Wolfgang F. Mader ([log in to unmask])
+   @version 1.0
+   Modification Log:
+   -- 07/22/2004 Version 1.0
+//public class TPkdpzt extends TrackParameters{
+public class TrackParameters{
+// Constructor Summary
+    public TrackParameters(){
+	setKappa(0.001); 
+	setD0(0.0001); 
+	setPhi0(0.0001); 
+	setZ0(0.0001); 
+	setTanl(0.0001); 
+    }
+    public TrackParameters(double k, double d, double p, double z, double tl){
+	setKappa(k); 
+	setD0(d); 
+	setPhi0(p); 
+	setZ0(z); 
+	setTanl(tl); 
+    }
+    public TrackParameters(double[] d){
+	this(d[0], d[1], d[2], d[3], d[4]); 
+    }
+// Method Summary
+//..Provide OPAL representation
+    private void setKappa(double d){
+	trackParameter[0] = d; 
+    }
+    private void setD0(double d){
+	trackParameter[1] = d; 
+    }
+    private void setPhi0(double d){
+	trackParameter[2] = d; 
+    }
+    private void setZ0(double d){
+	trackParameter[3] = d; 
+    }
+    private void setTanl(double d){
+	trackParameter[4] = d; 
+    }
+    public double kappa(){
+	return trackParameter[0]; 
+    }
+    public double d0(){
+	return trackParameter[1]; 
+    }
+    public double phi0(){
+	return trackParameter[2]; 
+    }
+    public double z0(){
+	return trackParameter[3]; 
+    }
+    public double tanl(){
+	return trackParameter[4]; 
+    }
+//.. Provide alpha beta gamma representation
+    public double alpha(){
+	double phi0 = trackParameter[2]; 
+	return((double)
+	       Xid()*Math.sin(phi0)
+	       ); 
+    }
+    public double beta(){
+	double phi0 = trackParameter[2]; 
+	return ((double)
+		Xid()*Math.cos(phi0) 
+		); 
+    }
+    public double gamma(){
+	double d0 = trackParameter[1]; 
+	return ((double)
+		d0 * (1.0 + akad()) 
+		); 
+    }
+    private double akad(){
+	double kappa = trackParameter[0]; 
+	double d0 = trackParameter[1]; 
+	return ((double)
+		kappa * d0 
+		); 
+    }
+    private double Xid(){
+	return((double)
+	       (1.0 + 2.0*akad()) 
+	       ); 
+    }
+//.. Provide W-Presentation
+    public double pX(){
+	double kappa = Math.abs(kappa()); 
+	double phi0 = phi0(); 
+	return ((double)
+		(A()/kappa)*Math.cos(phi0) 
+		); 
+    }
+    public double pY(){
+	double kappa = Math.abs(kappa()); 
+	double phi0 = phi0(); 
+	return ((double)
+		(A()/kappa)*Math.sin(phi0) 
+		); 
+    }
+    public double pZ(){
+	double kappa = Math.abs(kappa()); 
+	double tanl = tanl(); 
+	return ((double)
+		(A()/kappa)*tanl 
+		); 
+    }
+    public double X(){
+	double d0 = d0(); 
+	double phi0 = phi0(); 
+	return ((double)
+		-d0 * Math.sin(phi0)
+		); 
+    }
+    public double Y(){
+	double d0 = d0(); 
+	double phi0 = phi0(); 
+	return ((double)
+		d0 * Math.cos(phi0)
+		); 
+    }
+    public double Z(){
+	double z0 = z0(); 
+	return ((double) z0); 
+    }
+    private double A(){
+	return ((double)
+		0.00015 * 50.
+		); 
+    }
+    public void moveTrackParameters(double[] x){
+	moveTrackParameters(x[0], x[1], x[2]); 
+    }
+    public void moveTrackParameters(double x, double y, double z){
+	double[] temp = getTrackParametersAt(x, y, z); 
+	setKappa(temp[0]); 
+	setD0(temp[1]); 
+	setPhi0(temp[2]); 
+	setZ0(temp[3]); 
+	setTanl(temp[4]); 
+    }
+    public double[] getParameters(){
+	return trackParameter; 
+    }
+    public double[] getTrackParametersAt(double x, double y, double z){
+	double[] parameters = new double[] {-999.,-999.,-999.,-999.,-999};
+	double AKAIN  = kappa(); 
+	double PHI0IN = phi0();
+	double D0IN   = d0();
+	double TANLIN = tanl();
+	double Z0IN   = z0();
+	double ALFAI  = alpha(); 
+	double BETAI  = beta(); 
+	double GAMMAI = gamma(); 
+	double XSII   = Math.sqrt(1.0+4*AKAIN*GAMMAI); 
+	parameters[0] = AKAIN; 
+	double GAMMAO = AKAIN*(Math.pow(x,2)+Math.pow(y,2))+ALFAI*x+BETAI*y+GAMMAI;
+	double DELH   = GAMMAO*(1. - AKAIN*GAMMAO); 
+//  use an exact calculation if we need to...
+	double AKADEL = 4.*AKAIN*GAMMAO; 
+	if (Math.abs(DELH*AKAIN) > 0.01  && AKADEL > -1.){
+	    DELH = 0.5/AKAIN*(Math.sqrt(1.+ AKADEL) - 1.); 
+	}
+	double XXON = (x - DELH*ALFAI)/(1.+2.*AKAIN*DELH); 
+	double YYON = (y - DELH*BETAI)/(1.+2.*AKAIN*DELH); 
+	double XON  = XXON; 
+	double YON  = YYON; 
+	double YYTMP = ( 2.*AKAIN)*XXON + ALFAI; 
+	double XXTMP = (-2.*AKAIN)*YYON - BETAI; 
+	double PHID   = Math.atan2(YYTMP,XXTMP); 
+	parameters[1] = DELH; 
+	if ( PHID < 0.0 ) PHID += 2.*Math.PI; 
+	parameters[2] = PHID; 
+	double XSIO   = 1. + DELH*2.*AKAIN; 
+//               Calculate arc length (in x-y plane)
+//             (choose output range from -2*pi*R to +2*pi*R)
+	double DELFI = (PHID - PHI0IN) % (2.*Math.PI); 
+	if ( Math.abs(DELFI) > Math.PI && DELFI >= 0){
+	    DELFI = DELFI - 2.*Math.PI;
+	} else if ( Math.abs(DELFI) > Math.PI && DELFI < 0){
+	    DELFI = DELFI + 2.*Math.PI;
+	}
+	double SS = -999.; 
+	if ( Math.abs(AKAIN) > 0.000001 ){
+	    SS = DELFI/(2.*AKAIN); 
+	} else {			      
+// straight line limit (akain -> 0 ; xsii -> 1 ; delfi -> 0 )
+	    SS = Math.cos(PHID)*XXON + Math.sin(PHID)*YYON; 
+	}
+	if ( Math.abs(SS) < 0.00000001) SS = 0.; 
+//               Now update Z parameters
+	double ZON    = Z0IN + SS*TANLIN; 
+	parameters[3] = ZON - z; 
+	parameters[4] = TANLIN; 
+	return parameters; 
+    }
+    public void updateParameters(double k, double d, double p, double z, double tl){
+	setKappa(k); 
+	setD0(d); 
+	setPhi0(p); 
+	setZ0(z); 
+	setTanl(tl); 
+    }
+    public void updateParameters(double[] d){
+	setKappa(d[0]); 
+	setD0(d[1]); 
+	setPhi0(d[2]); 
+	setZ0(d[3]); 
+	setTanl(d[4]); 
+    }
+    public double[][] getErrorMatrix(){
+	return errorMatrix; 
+    }
+// Field Summary
+    double[] referencePoint = new double[3]; 
+    double[] trackParameter = new double[5]; 
+    double[][] errorMatrix = new double[5][5]; 
CVSspam 0.2.8