Commit in lcsim/src/org/lcsim/recon/cluster/density on MAIN 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1
13 added files
GL: first commit for Vishnu's clustering code

lcsim/src/org/lcsim/recon/cluster/density added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	12 Aug 2005 19:59:49 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+package org.lcsim.recon.cluster.density;
+//import java.util.*;
+import Jama.*;
+public class CalculateDistance{
+    public double CalculateDistance(String distType,double[] a,double[] b){
+        double dist = 0.0;
+        if(distType=="Euclidean"){
+            double delX = a[0]-b[0];
+            double delY = a[1]-b[1];
+            double delZ = a[2]-b[2];
+            dist = delX*delX+delY*delY+delZ*delZ;
+            if(dist!=0.0) dist = Math.sqrt(dist);
+        }
+        if(distType=="Angular"){
+            double theta1 = Kinem.calcTheta(a);
+            double phi1 = Kinem.calcPhi(a);
+            double theta2 = Kinem.calcTheta(b);
+            double phi2 = Kinem.calcPhi(b);
+            double delTheta = Math.abs(theta1-theta2);
+            double delPhi = Math.abs(phi1-phi2);
+            if(delPhi>Math.PI) delPhi = 2.0*Math.PI-delPhi;
+            dist = delTheta*delTheta+delPhi*delPhi;
+            if(dist!=0.0) dist = Math.sqrt(dist);
+        }
+        if(distType=="Mahalanobis"){
+            double[][] del = new double[3][1];
+            for(int m=0;m<3;m++){
+                for(int n=0;n<1;n++){
+                    del[m][n] = a[m]-b[m];
+                }
+            }
+            Matrix M1 = new Matrix(del);
+            Matrix M2 = M1.transpose();
+            double[][] covar = new double[3][3];
+            for(int m=0;m<3;m++){
+                for(int n=0;n<3;n++){
+                    covar[m][n] += (a[m]-b[m])*(a[n]-b[n]);
+                }
+            }
+            Matrix cov = new Matrix(covar);
+            Matrix covInv = cov.inverse();
+            Matrix temp1 = M2.times(covInv);
+            Matrix temp2 = temp1.times(M1);
+            dist = temp2.trace();
+            if(dist>0.) dist = Math.sqrt(dist);
+        }
+        return dist;
+    }

lcsim/src/org/lcsim/recon/cluster/density added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	12 Aug 2005 19:59:49 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+package org.lcsim.recon.cluster.density;
+import java.util.Vector;
+public class Cluster {
+    public Cluster(double ene,double xpos,double ypos,double zpos,
+		   double size,Vector<MyCalorimeterHit> hitColl)
+    {
+        _ene = ene;
+        _xpos = xpos;
+        _ypos = ypos;
+        _zpos = zpos;
+        _size = size;
+        _hitColl = hitColl;
+    }
+    double _ene,_xpos,_ypos,_zpos,_size;
+    Vector<MyCalorimeterHit> _hitColl;

lcsim/src/org/lcsim/recon/cluster/density added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	12 Aug 2005 19:59:49 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+// import hep.aida.*;
+// import hep.lcio.event.*;
+// import;
+// import*;
+// import;
+// import Jama.Matrix;
+package org.lcsim.recon.cluster.density;
+import java.util.*;
+import org.lcsim.event.SimCalorimeterHit;
+public class ClusterBuilder {
+    public List makeClusters(Vector<Vector<MyCalorimeterHit>> hitColl,RunControlParameters rpar){
+        List<Cluster> clusters = new ArrayList<Cluster>();
+        int nclus = hitColl.size();
+	if(nclus==0) System.out.println("Damn 1");
+        for(int i=0;i<nclus;i++){
+            double cluE = 0.0;
+            double cluX = 0.0; double cluY = 0.0; double cluZ = 0.0;
+            double sumWt = 0.0;
+            double cluSize = hitColl.get(i).size();
+	    //	    System.out.println(cluSize);
+	    if(cluSize==0) System.out.println("Damn 2");
+            for( MyCalorimeterHit myhit : hitColl.get(i) ){
+                SimCalorimeterHit hit = myhit.getHit();
+                double ene = hit.getRawEnergy();
+                double[] pos = hit.getPosition();
+                cluE += ene;
+                if(rpar.getCentroidWeightType()=="Energy"){
+                    cluX += ene*pos[0];
+                    cluY += ene*pos[1];
+                    cluZ += ene*pos[2];
+                    sumWt += ene;
+                }
+                if(rpar.getCentroidWeightType()=="Density"){
+		    if(cluSize>1){
+			double dens = myhit.getDensity(0);
+			cluX += dens*pos[0];
+			cluY += dens*pos[1];
+			cluZ += dens*pos[2];
+			sumWt += dens;
+		    }
+		    else{
+			cluX = pos[0];
+			cluY = pos[1];
+			cluZ = pos[2];
+			sumWt = 1.0;
+		    }
+                }
+            }
+            if(sumWt>0.){
+                cluX = cluX/sumWt;
+                cluY = cluY/sumWt;
+                cluZ = cluZ/sumWt;
+            }
+	    //	    System.out.println(cluE+" "+cluX+" "+cluY+" "+cluZ);
+            Cluster clus = new Cluster(cluE,cluX,cluY,cluZ,cluSize,hitColl.get(i));
+            clusters.add(clus);
+        }
+        return clusters;
+    }

lcsim/src/org/lcsim/recon/cluster/density added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	12 Aug 2005 19:59:49 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,625 @@
+package org.lcsim.recon.cluster.density;
+import java.util.*;
+import hep.aida.ITree;
+import hep.aida.ITupleFactory;
+import hep.aida.ITuple;
+import org.lcsim.util.Driver;
+import org.lcsim.event.EventHeader;
+import org.lcsim.event.SimCalorimeterHit;
+import org.lcsim.event.MCParticle;
+import org.lcsim.geometry.compact.Readout;
+import org.lcsim.geometry.segmentation.SegmentationBase;
+import org.lcsim.digisim.CellSelector;
+import org.lcsim.recon.cluster.util.HitsCluster;
+import hep.physics.vec.Hep3Vector;
+public class DirectedTree extends Driver {
+    public DirectedTree(ITupleFactory tf,ITree tree) throws IOException{
+        _runPar = RunControlParameters.getInstance();
+        _tree = tree;
+        _tf = tf;
+        _tree.mkdir("DirectedTree");
+        bookDirectedTreeNtuple();
+    }
+    public void process(EventHeader event){
+        _evtnum = event.getEventNumber();
+	System.out.println("Starting DirectedTree for event no."+" "+_evtnum);
+        _roMap = event.getDetector().getReadouts();
+	LoadMyCalorimeterHit loader = LoadMyCalorimeterHit.getInstance();
+//         emhitmap = loader.getEMHitMap(event);
+//         hdhitmap = loader.getHDHitMap(event);
+	String embName = "EcalBarrHits";
+	String emeName = "EcalEndcapHits";
+	String hdbName = "HcalBarrHits";
+	String hdeName = "HcalEndcapHits";
+	embhitmap = loader.getCollHitMap(embName);
+	emehitmap = loader.getCollHitMap(emeName);
+	hdbhitmap = loader.getCollHitMap(hdbName);
+	hdehitmap = loader.getCollHitMap(hdeName);
+	System.out.println("DTree: #hits: EMB="+embhitmap.size()
++", EMEC="+emehitmap.size()+", HB="+hdbhitmap.size()+", HEC="+hdehitmap.size());
+        if(_runPar.ClusterSeparately()){
+            _calType = "EM";
+//             Vector<MyCalorimeterHit> emhit = new Vector<MyCalorimeterHit>();
+// 	    emhit.addAll(embhitmap.values());
+// 	    emhit.addAll(emehitmap.values());
+// 	    emhitmap = new HashMap<Long,MyCalorimeterHit>();
+// 	    emhitmap.putAll(embhitmap);
+// 	    emhitmap.putAll(emehitmap);
+	    SegmentationBase segm = (SegmentationBase)_roMap.get(embName).getSegmentation();
+            Vector<Vector<MyCalorimeterHit>> embTrees = makeTree(embhitmap, segm);
+            ClusterBuilder embclus = new ClusterBuilder();
+            List<Cluster> embClusters= embclus.makeClusters(embTrees,_runPar);
+	    List<MCCluster> mcEMB= MCReconstruction.getInstance().getmcClusters(embName);
+// 	    List<HitsCluster> embClusters1 = event.get(HitsCluster.class, embName+"Clusters");
+            fillDirectedTreeNtuple(embClusters,mcEMB);
+            _calType = "HD";
+//             Vector<MyCalorimeterHit> hdhit = new Vector<MyCalorimeterHit>();
+// 	    hdhit.addAll(hdbhitmap.values());
+// 	    hdhit.addAll(hdehitmap.values());
+// 	    hdhitmap = new HashMap<Long,MyCalorimeterHit>();
+// 	    hdhitmap.putAll(hdbhitmap);
+// 	    hdhitmap.putAll(hdehitmap);
+	    segm = (SegmentationBase)_roMap.get(hdbName).getSegmentation();
+            Vector<Vector<MyCalorimeterHit>> hdbTrees = makeTree(hdbhitmap, segm);
+            ClusterBuilder hdbclus = new ClusterBuilder();
+            List<Cluster> hdbClusters= hdbclus.makeClusters(hdbTrees,_runPar);
+            List<MCCluster> mcHDB = MCReconstruction.getInstance().getmcClusters(hdbName);
+// 	    List<HitsCluster> hdbClusters1 = event.get(HitsCluster.class, hdbName+"Clusters");
+            fillDirectedTreeNtuple(hdbClusters,mcHDB);
+        }
+        else {
+	  assert false : "Sorry, single-pass clustering unavailable for now.";
+//             Vector calhit = new Vector();
+//             calhit.addAll(embhit.values());
+//             calhit.addAll(emehit.values());
+//             calhit.addAll(hdbhit.values());
+//             calhit.addAll(hdehit.values());
+//             cahitmap = new HashMap();
+//             cahitmap.putAll(embhitmap);
+//             cahitmap.putAll(emehitmap);
+//             cahitmap.putAll(hdbhitmap);
+//             cahitmap.putAll(hdehitmap);
+//             Vector[] calTrees = makeTree(calhit,cahitmap);
+//             ClusterBuilder clus = new ClusterBuilder();
+//             List caClusters = clus.makeClusters(calTrees,_runPar);
+        }
+    }
+    public Vector<Vector<MyCalorimeterHit>>
+	makeTree(Map<Long,MyCalorimeterHit> cahitmap, SegmentationBase segm) {
+        _ParentMap = new HashMap<Long,Long>();
+        Vector<MyCalorimeterHit> RootVec = new Vector<MyCalorimeterHit>();
+        for( MyCalorimeterHit myhit1 : cahitmap.values() ) {
+//         for(int i=0;i<cahit.size();i++){
+//             MyCalorimeterHit myhit1 = (MyCalorimeterHit) cahit.get(i);
+            SimCalorimeterHit ihit = myhit1.getHit();
+            long cellid = ihit.getCellID();
+            double idens = myhit1.getDensity(0);
+	    //	    if(_evtnum==81 && cellid== 1672347904) System.out.println("density="+idens);
+	    segm.setID(cellid);
+	    System.out.println("makeTree ihit: cellID="+MyTools.printID(cellid)
+			       +", layer "+segm.getLayer()
+			       +", dens="+idens);
+            double maxdensDiff = -999999.;
+	    long maxdensID = -999999;
+            Vector<Long> nVec = new Vector<Long>();
+            if(idens!=0.){
+                double[] ipos = ihit.getPosition();
+		if(_calType=="EM"){
+		    int nLyrOrig = _runPar.getLyrNeighEM();
+		    int nZOrig = _runPar.getZNeighEM();
+		    int nPhiOrig = _runPar.getPhiNeighEM();
+		    int dRegion = emDensityRegion(idens,nLyrOrig,nZOrig,nPhiOrig);
+		    int[] lyrCon = _runPar.getLyrContracEM();
+		    int[] zCon = _runPar.getZContracEM();
+		    int[] phiCon = _runPar.getPhiContracEM();
+		    System.out.println("Original Window"+" "+nLyrOrig+" "+nZOrig+" "+nPhiOrig);
+		    if(dRegion==1){
+			_nLyr = nLyrOrig - lyrCon[0];
+			_nZ = nZOrig - zCon[0];
+			_nPhi = nPhiOrig - phiCon[0];
+		    }
+		    if(dRegion==2){
+			_nLyr = nLyrOrig - lyrCon[1];
+			_nZ = nZOrig - zCon[1];
+			_nPhi = nPhiOrig - phiCon[1];
+		    }
+		    if(dRegion==3){
+			_nLyr = nLyrOrig - lyrCon[2];
+			_nZ = nZOrig - zCon[2];
+			_nPhi = nPhiOrig - phiCon[2];
+		    }
+		}
+		if(_calType=="HD"){
+		    int nLyrOrig = _runPar.getLyrNeighHD();
+		    int nZOrig = _runPar.getZNeighHD();
+		    int nPhiOrig = _runPar.getPhiNeighHD();
+		    int dRegion = hdDensityRegion(idens,nLyrOrig,nZOrig,nPhiOrig);
+		    int[] lyrCon = _runPar.getLyrContracHD();
+		    int[] zCon = _runPar.getZContracHD();
+		    int[] phiCon = _runPar.getPhiContracHD();
+		    System.out.println("Original Window"+" "+nLyrOrig+" "+nZOrig+" "+nPhiOrig);
+		    if(dRegion==0){
+			_nLyr = nLyrOrig;
+			_nZ = nZOrig;
+			_nPhi = nPhiOrig;
+		    }
+		    if(dRegion==1){
+			_nLyr = nLyrOrig - lyrCon[0];
+			_nZ = nZOrig - zCon[0];
+			_nPhi = nPhiOrig - phiCon[0];
+		    }
+		    if(dRegion==2){
+			_nLyr = nLyrOrig - lyrCon[1];
+			_nZ = nZOrig - zCon[1];
+			_nPhi = nPhiOrig - phiCon[1];
+		    }
+		    if(dRegion==3){
+			_nLyr = nLyrOrig - lyrCon[2];
+			_nZ = nZOrig - zCon[2];
+			_nPhi = nPhiOrig - phiCon[2];
+		    }
+		}
+//                int neigh[] = segm.getNeighbors(cellid,_nLyr,_nZ,_nPhi);
+// 		if(_calType=="HD") 
+		System.out.println("window in directed tree "+_nLyr+" "+_nZ+" "+_nPhi);
+	    segm.setID(cellid);
+	    System.out.println("Processing ihit: cellID="+MyTools.printID(cellid));
+		long neigh[] = segm.getNeighbourIDs(_nLyr, _nZ, _nPhi);
+		//		if(_evtnum==81 && cellid== 1672347904) System.out.println("neighborhood="+" "+_nLyr+" "+_nZ+" "+_nPhi);
+                for(int j=0; j<neigh.length; j++){
+                    long jid = neigh[j];
+                    Long jkey = new Long(jid);
+                    MyCalorimeterHit myhit2 = cahitmap.get(jkey);
+                    if(myhit2==null) continue;
+                    SimCalorimeterHit jhit = myhit2.getHit();
+                    double jdens = myhit2.getDensity(0);
+                    double[] jpos = jhit.getPosition();
+                    _distType = _runPar.getDistanceType();
+                    CalculateDistance calcD = new CalculateDistance();
+                    double distance = calcD.CalculateDistance(_distType,ipos,jpos);
+                    double densDiff = (jdens-idens)/distance;
+		    if(distance==0) densDiff=0;
+                    if(densDiff==0.0) nVec.add(jkey);
+		    System.out.println(" jhit: layer="+(jid&0x7f)
+				       +", cellID="+MyTools.printID(jid)
+                                       +", idens="+idens
+				       +", jdens="+jdens
+				       +", dist="+distance
+				       +", densDiff="+densDiff);
+//		    if(_evtnum==81 && cellid==1672347904) System.out.println(cellid+" "+jid+" "+jkey+" "+myhit2+" "+
+//				     idens+" "+jdens+" "+densDiff);
+                    if(densDiff>maxdensDiff){
+                        maxdensDiff = densDiff;
+                        maxdensID = jid;
+                    }
+                    calcD = null;
+                }
+//                if(_evtnum==81 && cellid== 1672347904) System.out.println("densDiff="+maxdensDiff);
+                if(maxdensDiff<0.0){
+                    RootVec.add(myhit1);
+		    System.out.println("Bonafide root");
+                }
+                if(maxdensDiff>0.0){
+                  Long key1 = new Long(cellid);
+		  Long key2 = new Long(maxdensID);
+		  System.out.println("pt1: parentmap.put: "+MyTools.printID(key1.longValue())+" "+MyTools.printID(key2.longValue()));
+		  _ParentMap.put(key1,key2);
+		  System.out.println(" maxdensDiff>0: "
+				     +" id="+MyTools.printID(maxdensID)
+				     +", parent of "+MyTools.printID(cellid));
+                }
+                if(maxdensDiff==0.0){
+                    Vector<Long> removeItems = new Vector<Long>();
+                    Long key = new Long(cellid);
+                    for(Long jkey : nVec) {
+                        Vector<Long> temporary = new Vector<Long>();
+                        Long parent = _ParentMap.get(jkey);
+//			if(_evtnum==81 && cellid== 1672347904) System.out.println(parent);
+                        while(parent!=null){
+                            temporary.add(parent);
+                            Long lkey = parent;
+                            parent = _ParentMap.get(lkey);
+                        }
+                        if(temporary.contains(key)){
+                            removeItems.add(jkey);
+                        }
+                    }
+                    nVec.removeAll(removeItems);
+                    if(nVec.size()==0){
+                        RootVec.add(myhit1);
+                    }
+                    else{
+                        double dmin = 9999.;
+                        Long parentKey = new Long(0);
+                        for(Long jkey : nVec) {
+//			    if(_evtnum==81 && cellid== 1672347904) System.out.println(jkey);
+                            MyCalorimeterHit myhit2 = cahitmap.get(jkey);
+                            SimCalorimeterHit jhit = myhit2.getHit();
+                            double[] jpos = jhit.getPosition();
+                            CalculateDistance calcD = new CalculateDistance();
+                            double distance = calcD.CalculateDistance(_distType,ipos,jpos);
+//			    if(_evtnum==81 && cellid== 1672347904) System.out.println(jkey+" "+myhit2+" "+distance+" "+
+//			       ipos[0]+" "+ipos[1]+" "+ipos[2]+" "+jpos[0]+" "+jpos[1]+" "+jpos[2]);
+                            if(distance<dmin){
+                                dmin = distance;
+                                parentKey = jkey;
+                            }
+                        }
+                        _ParentMap.put(key,parentKey);
+			System.out.println("Cell is matched to identical density neighbor");
+                    }
+                } 
+	    }
+            else{
+                RootVec.add(myhit1);
+		System.out.println("Zero density root");
+            }
+        }
+        Vector<MyCalorimeterHit> startingPoints = new Vector<MyCalorimeterHit>();
+        for( MyCalorimeterHit myhit1 : cahitmap.values() ) {
+//         for(int i=0;i<cahit.size();i++){
+//             MyCalorimeterHit myhit1 = (MyCalorimeterHit) cahit.get(i);
+            SimCalorimeterHit ihit = myhit1.getHit();
+            long cellid = ihit.getCellID();
+            Long value = new Long(cellid);
+            boolean isParent = _ParentMap.containsValue(value);
+            boolean isRoot = RootVec.contains(myhit1);
+            if(!isParent && !isRoot){
+                startingPoints.add(myhit1);
+            }
+        }
+        Vector<Vector<MyCalorimeterHit>> branches
+	    = new Vector<Vector<MyCalorimeterHit>>();
+        for(int i=0;i<startingPoints.size();i++) {
+            branches.add( new Vector<MyCalorimeterHit>() );
+        }
+        for(int i=0;i<startingPoints.size();i++){
+            MyCalorimeterHit myhit1 = startingPoints.get(i);
+            branches.get(i).add(myhit1);
+            SimCalorimeterHit ihit = myhit1.getHit();
+            long cellid = ihit.getCellID();
+            Long key = new Long(cellid);
+            while(_ParentMap.containsKey(key)){
+		Long jkey = _ParentMap.get(key);
+		MyCalorimeterHit myhit2 = cahitmap.get(jkey);
+                branches.get(i).add(myhit2);
+//		if(_evtnum==81) System.out.println("filling branches"+" "+i+" "+myhit1+" "+key+" "+jkey+" "+myhit2);
+                key = jkey;
+            }
+        }
+        int vsiz = RootVec.size();
+	//	System.out.println("no. of roots"+" "+vsiz);
+        Vector<Vector<MyCalorimeterHit>> caTrees = new Vector<Vector<MyCalorimeterHit>>();
+        for(int i=0;i<vsiz;i++){
+            caTrees.add( new Vector<MyCalorimeterHit>() );
+        }
+        for(int i=0;i<vsiz;i++){
+          MyCalorimeterHit myhit1 = RootVec.get(i);
+	  long tmpID = myhit1.getHit().getCellID();
+	  System.out.println("ROOT id="+MyTools.printID(tmpID));
+	  caTrees.get(i).add(myhit1);
+	  for(int j=0;j<startingPoints.size();j++) {
+            MyCalorimeterHit parentHit = branches.get(j).lastElement();
+//	      if(_evtnum==81) System.out.println(myhit1+" "+parentHit+" "+startingPoints.size()+" "+j);
+	    if(parentHit.equals(myhit1)) {
+	      for( MyCalorimeterHit myhit2 : branches.get(j) ) {
+		if(!caTrees.get(i).contains(myhit2)){
+		  caTrees.get(i).add(myhit2);
+		  long tmppID = myhit2.getHit().getCellID();
+		  System.out.println("Branches id="+MyTools.printID(tmppID));
+		}
+	      }
+	    }
+	  }
+        }
+        return caTrees;
+    }
+    public int emDensityRegion(double dens,int nl,int nz,int np){
+	int region = 0;
+	//	if(nl==6 && nz==3 && np==3){
+	    if(dens<5.) region=1;
+	    if(dens>=5. && dens<25.) region=2;
+	    if(dens>=25.) region=3;
+	    //	}
+	return region;
+    }
+    public int hdDensityRegion(double dens,int nl,int nz,int np){
+	int region = 0;
+	return region;
+    }
+    public void bookDirectedTreeNtuple(){
+	String[] columnNamesEvent = {"evtno"};
+	Class[] columnClassesEvent = {Integer.TYPE};
+	_tupleEvt = _tf.create("EVT","Event Parameters",columnNamesEvent,columnClassesEvent);
+        if(_runPar.ClusterSeparately()){
+            String[] columnNamesEM = {"nclusEM","emClusFolder={float ene,float x,float y,float z,int size}",
+                                      "emCellFolder={float cellE,float cellX,float cellY,float cellZ,float cellD,int cellTag}","evtno"};
+            Class[] columnClassesEM = {Integer.TYPE,ITuple.class,ITuple.class,Integer.TYPE};
+            _tupleEM = _tf.create("EM","Recon Clusters",columnNamesEM,columnClassesEM);
+            String[] columnNamesHD = {"nclusHD","hdClusFolder={float ene,float x,float y,float z,int size}",
+                                      "hdCellFolder={float cellE,float cellX,float cellY,float cellZ,float cellD,int cellTag}","evtno"};
+            Class[] columnClassesHD = {Integer.TYPE,ITuple.class,ITuple.class,Integer.TYPE};
+            _tupleHD = _tf.create("HD","Recon Clusters",columnNamesHD,columnClassesHD);
+            String[] columnNamesMCem = {"nclusMCem","emmcClusFolder={float ene,float x,float y,float z,int size,int pid,float chrg,float e,float px,float py,float pz}","emmcCellFolder={float cellE,float cellX,float cellY,float cellZ,float cellD,int cellTagG,int cellTagR,int ily,int iz,int iphi}","evtno"};
+            Class[] columnClassesMCem = {Integer.TYPE,ITuple.class,ITuple.class,Integer.TYPE};
+            _tupleMCem = _tf.create("MCEM","Gen Clusters in EM",columnNamesMCem,columnClassesMCem);
+            String[] columnNamesMChd = {"nclusMChd","hdmcClusFolder={float ene,float x,float y,float z,int size,int pid,int chrg,float e,float px,float py,float pz}","hdmcCellFolder={float cellE,float cellX,float cellY,float cellZ,float cellD,int cellTagG,int cellTagR,int ily,int iz,int iphi}","evtno"};
+            Class[] columnClassesMChd = {Integer.TYPE,ITuple.class,ITuple.class,Integer.TYPE};
+            _tupleMChd = _tf.create("MCHD","Gen Clusters in HD",columnNamesMChd,columnClassesMChd);
+        }
+        else{
+        }
+    }
+    public void fillDirectedTreeNtuple(List<Cluster> recon,
+				       List<MCCluster> mctruth)
+    {
+	System.out.println("fillDirectedTreeNtuple() called, "+recon+" "+mctruth);
+        if(_calType=="EM"){
+            emClusFolder = _tupleEM.getTuple(1);
+            emCellFolder = _tupleEM.getTuple(2);
+	    emmcClusFolder = _tupleMCem.getTuple(1);
+	    emmcCellFolder = _tupleMCem.getTuple(2);
+        }
+        if(_calType=="HD"){
+            hdClusFolder = _tupleHD.getTuple(1);
+            hdCellFolder = _tupleHD.getTuple(2);
+	    hdmcClusFolder = _tupleMChd.getTuple(1);
+	    hdmcCellFolder = _tupleMChd.getTuple(2);
+        }
+        int tag = 0;
+	Map<MyCalorimeterHit,Integer> recTagMap
+	    = new HashMap<MyCalorimeterHit,Integer>();
+	for(Cluster clust : recon ) {
+            Vector<MyCalorimeterHit> cellVec = clust._hitColl;
+	    //	    System.out.println(tag+" "+cellVec.size());
+	    if(cellVec.size()==0.) System.out.println("Damn 3");
+//             for(int i=0;i<cellVec.size();i++){
+//                 MyCalorimeterHit myhit = (MyCalorimeterHit) cellVec.get(i);
+	    for(MyCalorimeterHit myhit : cellVec) {
+                SimCalorimeterHit ihit = myhit.getHit();
+		Integer tagObject = new Integer(tag);
+		System.out.println("putting <"+myhit+"->"+tagObject+">");
+		recTagMap.put(myhit,tagObject);
+                double[] pos = ihit.getPosition();
+		double cdens = myhit.getDensity(0);
+                if(_calType=="EM"){
+                    emCellFolder.fill(0,(float) ihit.getRawEnergy());
+                    emCellFolder.fill(1,(float)pos[0]);
+                    emCellFolder.fill(2,(float)pos[1]);
+                    emCellFolder.fill(3,(float)pos[2]);
+		    emCellFolder.fill(4,(float) cdens);
+                    emCellFolder.fill(5,tag);
+                    emCellFolder.addRow();
+                }
+                if(_calType=="HD"){
+                    hdCellFolder.fill(0,(float) ihit.getRawEnergy());
+                    hdCellFolder.fill(1,(float)pos[0]);
+                    hdCellFolder.fill(2,(float)pos[1]);
+                    hdCellFolder.fill(3,(float)pos[2]);
+		    hdCellFolder.fill(4,(float) cdens);
+                    hdCellFolder.fill(5,tag);
+                    hdCellFolder.addRow();
+                }
+            }
+            if(_calType=="EM"){
+                emClusFolder.fill(0,(float) clust._ene);
+                emClusFolder.fill(1,(float) clust._xpos);
+                emClusFolder.fill(2,(float) clust._ypos);
+                emClusFolder.fill(3,(float) clust._zpos);
+                emClusFolder.fill(4,(int) clust._size);
+                emClusFolder.addRow();
+		System.out.println("EM Clus"+" "+tag+" "+clust._xpos+" "+clust._ypos+" "+clust._zpos+" "+clust._size);
+            }
+            if(_calType=="HD"){
+                hdClusFolder.fill(0,(float) clust._ene);
+                hdClusFolder.fill(1,(float) clust._xpos);
+                hdClusFolder.fill(2,(float) clust._ypos);
+                hdClusFolder.fill(3,(float) clust._zpos);
+                hdClusFolder.fill(4,(int) clust._size);
+                hdClusFolder.addRow();
+            }
+            tag++;
+	}
+        tag = 0;
+	for( MCCluster clust : mctruth ) {
+            Vector<MyCalorimeterHit> cellVec = clust._hitColl;
+	    for(MyCalorimeterHit myhit : cellVec) {
+		Integer tagObject = recTagMap.get(myhit);
+		System.out.println("getting: "+myhit+" -> "+tagObject);
+		int rtag = -1;
+		if(tagObject!=null) rtag = tagObject.intValue();
+                SimCalorimeterHit ihit = myhit.getHit();
+                double[] pos = ihit.getPosition();
+		double cdens = myhit.getDensity(0);
+		long jid = ihit.getCellID();
+		int ily = MyTools.getLayer(jid);
+		int iz = MyTools.getThetaBin(jid);
+		int iphi = MyTools.getPhiBin(jid);
+                if(_calType=="EM") {
+                    emmcCellFolder.fill(0,(float) ihit.getRawEnergy());
+                    emmcCellFolder.fill(1,(float)pos[0]);
+                    emmcCellFolder.fill(2,(float)pos[1]);
+                    emmcCellFolder.fill(3,(float)pos[2]);
+		    emmcCellFolder.fill(4,(float) cdens);
+                    emmcCellFolder.fill(5,tag);
+		    emmcCellFolder.fill(6,rtag);
+		    emmcCellFolder.fill(7,ily);
+		    emmcCellFolder.fill(8,iz);
+		    emmcCellFolder.fill(9,iphi);
+                    emmcCellFolder.addRow();
+		    //                    if(tag==17){
+		    System.out.println("EM Clus cells tag="+tag
+				       +", id="+MyTools.printID(jid)
+				       +", pos="+pos[0]+" "+pos[1]+" "+pos[2]
+				       +", dens="+cdens);
+                }
+                if(_calType=="HD"){
+                    hdmcCellFolder.fill(0,(float) ihit.getRawEnergy());
+                    hdmcCellFolder.fill(1,(float)pos[0]);
+                    hdmcCellFolder.fill(2,(float)pos[1]);
+                    hdmcCellFolder.fill(3,(float)pos[2]);
+		    hdmcCellFolder.fill(4,(float) cdens);
+                    hdmcCellFolder.fill(5,tag);
+		    hdmcCellFolder.fill(6,rtag);
+                    hdmcCellFolder.fill(7,ily);
+                    hdmcCellFolder.fill(8,iz);
+                    hdmcCellFolder.fill(9,iphi);
+                    hdmcCellFolder.addRow();
+		    if(tag==7){
+			System.out.println("HD Clus cells: id="+MyTools.printID(jid)
+                                           +", pos="+pos[0]+" "+pos[1]+" "+pos[2]
+					   +", dens="+cdens);
+		    }
+                }
+            }
+	    MCParticle mcpart = clust._mcpart;
+	    float charge = (float)mcpart.getCharge();
+	    System.out.println("charge="+charge);
+	    int particleID = mcpart.getType().getPDGID();
+	    float mcE = (float)mcpart.getEnergy();
+	    Hep3Vector mcMom = mcpart.getMomentum();
+            if(_calType=="EM"){
+                emmcClusFolder.fill(0,(float) clust._ene);
+                emmcClusFolder.fill(1,(float) clust._xpos);
+                emmcClusFolder.fill(2,(float) clust._ypos);
+                emmcClusFolder.fill(3,(float) clust._zpos);
+                emmcClusFolder.fill(4,(int) clust._size);
+		emmcClusFolder.fill(5,particleID);
+		emmcClusFolder.fill(6,charge);
+		emmcClusFolder.fill(7,mcE);
+		emmcClusFolder.fill(8,(float)mcMom.x());
+		emmcClusFolder.fill(9,(float)mcMom.y());
+		emmcClusFolder.fill(10,(float)mcMom.z());
+                emmcClusFolder.addRow();
+            }
+            if(_calType=="HD"){
+                hdmcClusFolder.fill(0,(float) clust._ene);
+                hdmcClusFolder.fill(1,(float) clust._xpos);
+                hdmcClusFolder.fill(2,(float) clust._ypos);
+                hdmcClusFolder.fill(3,(float) clust._zpos);
+                hdmcClusFolder.fill(4,(int) clust._size);
+		hdmcClusFolder.fill(5,particleID);
+		hdmcClusFolder.fill(6,(int) charge);
+		hdmcClusFolder.fill(7,mcE);
+		hdmcClusFolder.fill(8,(float)mcMom.x());
+		hdmcClusFolder.fill(9,(float)mcMom.y());
+		hdmcClusFolder.fill(10,(float)mcMom.z());
+                hdmcClusFolder.addRow();
+            }
+            tag++;
+        }
+        if(_calType=="EM"){
+            _tupleEM.fill(0,recon.size());
+	    _tupleEM.fill(3,_evtnum);
+            _tupleEM.addRow();
+	    _tupleMCem.fill(0,mctruth.size());
+	    _tupleMCem.fill(3,_evtnum);
+	    _tupleMCem.addRow();
+	    _tupleEvt.fill(0,_evtnum);
+	    _tupleEvt.addRow();
+        }
+        if(_calType=="HD"){
+            _tupleHD.fill(0,recon.size());
+	    _tupleHD.fill(3,_evtnum);
+            _tupleHD.addRow();
+	    _tupleMChd.fill(0,mctruth.size());
+	    _tupleMChd.fill(3,_evtnum);
+	    _tupleMChd.addRow();
+        }
+	recTagMap.clear();
+    }
+//     public SegmentationBase getSegmentation(long cellid) {
+//       // warning: this is very detector specific!!!
+//       int segmID = cellid & 0x0;
+//     }
+    private static Map<String,Readout> _roMap;
+    private static RunControlParameters _runPar;
+    private Map<Long,Long> _ParentMap;
+    private Map<Long,MyCalorimeterHit> emhitmap,hdhitmap,cahitmap;
+    private Map<Long,MyCalorimeterHit> embhitmap,emehitmap,hdbhitmap,hdehitmap;
+    private String _distType,_calType;
+    private int _nLyr;
+    private int _nZ;
+    private int _nPhi;
+    private int _evtnum;
+    private ITree _tree;
+    private ITupleFactory _tf;
+    private ITuple _tupleEM;
+    private ITuple _tupleHD;
+    private ITuple _tupleMCem,_tupleMChd;
+    private ITuple _tupleEvt;
+    private ITuple emClusFolder,emCellFolder;
+    private ITuple hdClusFolder,hdCellFolder;
+    private ITuple emmcClusFolder,emmcCellFolder;
+    private ITuple hdmcClusFolder,hdmcCellFolder;

lcsim/src/org/lcsim/recon/cluster/density added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	12 Aug 2005 19:59:49 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+package org.lcsim.recon.cluster.density;
+public class Kinem {
+    public static double calcTheta(double[] pos){
+        double theta = 0.0;
+        double r = Math.sqrt(pos[0]*pos[0]+pos[1]*pos[1]);
+        theta = Math.atan2(r,pos[2]);
+        return theta;
+    }
+    public static double calcPhi(double[] pos){
+        double phi = 0.0;
+        phi = Math.atan2(pos[1],pos[0]);
+        if(phi<0.0) phi += Math.PI;
+        return phi;
+    }

lcsim/src/org/lcsim/recon/cluster/density added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	12 Aug 2005 19:59:49 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,283 @@
+package org.lcsim.recon.cluster.density;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.Map;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import org.lcsim.util.aida.AIDA;
+import org.lcsim.util.Driver;
+import org.lcsim.event.EventHeader;
+import org.lcsim.event.SimCalorimeterHit;
+import org.lcsim.geometry.segmentation.SegmentationBase;
+import org.lcsim.geometry.compact.Readout;
+public class LoadMyCalorimeterHit {
+    public static LoadMyCalorimeterHit getInstance(){
+        if(_me==null){
+            _me = new LoadMyCalorimeterHit();
+        }
+        return _me;
+    }
+    public void process(EventHeader event){
+	System.out.println("Running LoadMyCalorimeterHit.process");
+        this.reset();
+        _segmMap = event.getDetector().getReadouts();
+        _runPar = RunControlParameters.getInstance();
+	_event = event;
+    }
+    private LoadMyCalorimeterHit(){
+        if(_me==null) _me=this;
+	_collMap = new HashMap<String,Map<Long,MyCalorimeterHit>>();
+        _myEMhits = new HashMap<Long,MyCalorimeterHit>();
+        _myHDhits = new HashMap<Long,MyCalorimeterHit>();
+    }
+    public void reset(){
+	System.out.println("reset: EM="+_myEMhits.size()+", HD="+_myHDhits.size());
+        _myEMhits.clear();
+        _myHDhits.clear();
+	System.out.println("reset: EM="+_myEMhits.size()+", HD="+_myHDhits.size());
+	// Loop over all existing hit collections
+	for( String key : _collMap.keySet() ) {
+	    // clear hit maps for each subdetector collection
+	    Map<Long,MyCalorimeterHit> subDetHitMap = _collMap.get(key);
+	    System.out.println("reset: key="+key+", size="+subDetHitMap.size());
+	    subDetHitMap.clear();
+	    System.out.println("reset: key="+key+", size="+subDetHitMap.size());
+	}
+	System.out.println("reset: #colls="+_collMap.size());
+	_collMap.clear();
+	System.out.println("reset: #colls="+_collMap.size());
+    }
+//     public Map<Long,MyCalorimeterHit> getEMHitMap(EventHeader event){
+// 	if(_myEMhits.size()==0){
+// 	    List<SimCalorimeterHit> ecol = new ArrayList<SimCalorimeterHit>();
+// 	    ecol.addAll( event.getSimCalorimeterHits("EcalBarrHits") );
+// 	    ecol.addAll( event.getSimCalorimeterHits("EcalEndcapHits") );
+// 	    System.out.println("getEMHitMap: sizes="
+// 			       +event.getSimCalorimeterHits("EcalBarrHits").size()
+// 			       +" "+event.getSimCalorimeterHits("EcalEndcapHits").size()
+// 			       +", total="+ecol.size());
+// 	    //	    System.out.println(ecol);
+// 	    String calType = "EM";
+// 	    fillHitMap(ecol,_myEMhits,calType);
+// 	}
+// 	return _myEMhits;
+//     }
+//     public Map<Long,MyCalorimeterHit> getHDHitMap(EventHeader event){
+//         if(_myHDhits.size()==0){
+// 	    List<SimCalorimeterHit> hcol = new ArrayList<SimCalorimeterHit>();
+// 	    hcol.addAll( event.getSimCalorimeterHits("HcalBarrHits") );
+// 	    hcol.addAll( event.getSimCalorimeterHits("HcalEndcapHits") );
+// 	    System.out.println("getHDHitMap: sizes="
+// 			       +event.getSimCalorimeterHits("HcalBarrHits").size()
+// 			       +" "+event.getSimCalorimeterHits("HcalEndcapHits").size()
+// 			       +", total="+hcol.size());
+//             String calType = "HD";
+//             fillHitMap(hcol,_myHDhits,calType);
+//         }
+//         return _myHDhits;
+//     }
+    /**
+     * Returns a CellID decoder
+     * @param colName name of collection with data to be returned
+     */
+    public final Map<Long,MyCalorimeterHit> getCollHitMap(final String colName) {
+	Map<Long,MyCalorimeterHit> retColl = _collMap.get( colName );
+	if(retColl==null) {
+	    // if it does not exist, create it now
+	    retColl = new HashMap<Long,MyCalorimeterHit>();
+	    _collMap.put(colName, retColl);
+	}
+	assert retColl!=null : "retColl is empty for colName="+colName;
+	String calType = "??";
+	if( colName.contains("Ecal") ) calType = "EM";
+	if( colName.contains("Hcal") ) calType = "HD";
+	assert !calType.contains("??") : "Unknown calorimeter type.";
+	System.out.println("getCollHitMap: name=<"+colName
+			   +">, size="+retColl.size()
+			   +", calType="+calType);
+	if( retColl.size()==0 ) fillHitMap( colName, retColl, calType );
+	System.out.println("getCollHitMap: name=<"+colName
+			   +">, size="+retColl.size());
+	return retColl;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Returns a hit map, with all hits contained in a given collection.
+     * @param colName name of collection with data to be returned
+     */
+    public final SegmentationBase getSegmentation(final String colName) {
+	return (SegmentationBase)_segmMap.get(colName).getSegmentation();
+    }
+    public void fillHitMap(final String colName,
+			   Map<Long,MyCalorimeterHit> hitmap,
+			   String calType)
+    {
+      if(calType=="EM"){
+	_weight = _runPar.getEMweight();
+	_mip = _runPar.getEMmip();
+	_thresh = _runPar.getEMthresh();
+	_nLyr = _runPar.getLyrNeighEM();
+	_nZ = _runPar.getZNeighEM();
+	_nPhi = _runPar.getPhiNeighEM();
+      }
+      else {
+	_weight = _runPar.getHDweight();
+	_mip = _runPar.getHDmip();
+	_thresh = _runPar.getHDthresh();
+	_nLyr = _runPar.getLyrNeighHD();
+	_nZ = _runPar.getZNeighHD();
+	_nPhi = _runPar.getPhiNeighHD();
+      }
+      /*
+      _nLyr = _runPar.getLyrNeigh1();
+      _nZ = _runPar.getZNeigh1();
+      _nPhi = _runPar.getPhiNeigh1();
+      */
+      try {
+	List<SimCalorimeterHit> tmpHits= _event.getSimCalorimeterHits(colName);
+        for( SimCalorimeterHit ihit : tmpHits ){
+            double ene = _weight*(ihit.getRawEnergy());
+            if(ene>_thresh*_mip){
+                long cellid = ihit.getCellID();
+                Long key = new Long(cellid);
+                MyCalorimeterHit khit = new MyCalorimeterHit(ihit);
+                hitmap.put(key,khit);
+            }
+        }
+        for( MyCalorimeterHit khit : hitmap.values() ) {
+            SimCalorimeterHit ihit = khit.getHit();
+            long cellid = ihit.getCellID();
+	    //	    System.out.println("cell index (lyr,theta,phi)"+" "+MyTools.getCalLayer(cellid)+
+	    //	                       " "+MyTools.getThetaBin(cellid)+" "+MyTools.getPhiBin(cellid));
+	    //            int neigh[] = _cPar.getNeighbors(cellid,_nLyr,_nZ,_nPhi);
+	    SegmentationBase segm = (SegmentationBase)_segmMap.get(colName).getSegmentation();
+	    segm.setID(cellid);
+	    long neigh[] = segm.getNeighbourIDs(_nLyr,_nZ,_nPhi);
+	    System.out.println(" Density: id="+MyTools.printID(cellid)
+			       +", #neighbors="+neigh.length);
+            double nNeigh = 0.0;
+            for(int j=0;j<neigh.length;j++){
+                long jid = neigh[j];
+		//		System.out.println("neigh index"+" "+MyTools.getCalLayer(jid)+" "+
+		//                   MyTools.getThetaBin(jid)+" "+MyTools.getPhiBin(jid));
+                Long jkey = new Long(jid);
+                MyCalorimeterHit lhit = (MyCalorimeterHit) hitmap.get(jkey);
+                if(lhit==null) continue;
+		//		System.out.println("not null");
+//                 jhit = lhit.getHit();
+                nNeigh++;
+            }
+            khit.setDensity(0,nNeigh);
+            khit.setDensity(1,0.0);
+	    AIDA.defaultInstance().cloud1D("density").fill(nNeigh);
+        }
+      }
+      catch(Exception e) {
+	  System.out.println(" Evt "+_event.getEventNumber()
+			     +": No data in collection "+colName);
+	  // This happens quite frequently, no data from this component
+      }
+    }
+    public void fillHitMap(final List<SimCalorimeterHit> col,
+			   Map<Long,MyCalorimeterHit> hitmap,
+			   String calType)
+    {
+        if(calType=="EM"){
+            _weight = _runPar.getEMweight();
+            _mip = _runPar.getEMmip();
+            _thresh = _runPar.getEMthresh();
+	    _nLyr = _runPar.getLyrNeighEM();
+	    _nZ = _runPar.getZNeighEM();
+	    _nPhi = _runPar.getPhiNeighEM();
+        }
+        else {
+            _weight = _runPar.getHDweight();
+            _mip = _runPar.getHDmip();
+            _thresh = _runPar.getHDthresh();
+	    _nLyr = _runPar.getLyrNeighHD();
+	    _nZ = _runPar.getZNeighHD();
+	    _nPhi = _runPar.getPhiNeighHD();
+        }
+	/*
+        _nLyr = _runPar.getLyrNeigh1();
+        _nZ = _runPar.getZNeigh1();
+        _nPhi = _runPar.getPhiNeigh1();
+	*/
+	//	System.out.println(col.getNumberOfElements());
+//         for(int i=0;i<col.size();i++){
+//             ihit = (SimCalorimeterHit) col.getElementAt(i);
+        for( SimCalorimeterHit ihit : col ){
+            double ene = _weight*(ihit.getRawEnergy());
+            if(ene>_thresh*_mip){
+                long cellid = ihit.getCellID();
+                Long key = new Long(cellid);
+                MyCalorimeterHit khit = new MyCalorimeterHit(ihit);
+                hitmap.put(key,khit);
+            }
+        }
+        for( MyCalorimeterHit khit : hitmap.values() ) {
+            SimCalorimeterHit ihit = khit.getHit();
+            long cellid = ihit.getCellID();
+	    //	    System.out.println("cell index (lyr,theta,phi)"+" "+MyTools.getCalLayer(cellid)+
+	    //	                       " "+MyTools.getThetaBin(cellid)+" "+MyTools.getPhiBin(cellid));
+	    //            int neigh[] = _cPar.getNeighbors(cellid,_nLyr,_nZ,_nPhi);
+	    SegmentationBase segm = (SegmentationBase)_segmMap.get("EcalBarrHits").getSegmentation();
+	    segm.setID(cellid);
+            long neigh[] = segm.getNeighbourIDs(_nLyr,_nZ,_nPhi);
+            double nNeigh = 0.0;
+            for(int j=0;j<neigh.length;j++){
+                long jid = neigh[j];
+		//		System.out.println("neigh index"+" "+MyTools.getCalLayer(jid)+" "+
+		//                   MyTools.getThetaBin(jid)+" "+MyTools.getPhiBin(jid));
+                Long jkey = new Long(jid);
+                MyCalorimeterHit lhit = (MyCalorimeterHit) hitmap.get(jkey);
+                if(lhit==null) continue;
+		//		System.out.println("not null");
+//                 jhit = lhit.getHit();
+                nNeigh++;
+            }
+            khit.setDensity(0,nNeigh);
+            khit.setDensity(1,0.0);
+	    AIDA.defaultInstance().cloud1D("density").fill(nNeigh);
+        }
+    }
+    private static LoadMyCalorimeterHit _me = null;
+    /** Current event */
+    private EventHeader _event;
+    private static RunControlParameters _runPar;
+    private double _weight;
+    private double _mip;
+    private double _thresh;
+    private int _nLyr;
+    private int _nZ;
+    private int _nPhi;
+    private Map<String,Map<Long,MyCalorimeterHit>> _collMap;
+    private Map<Long,MyCalorimeterHit> _myEMhits;
+    private Map<Long,MyCalorimeterHit> _myHDhits;
+    private Map<String,Readout> _segmMap;

lcsim/src/org/lcsim/recon/cluster/density added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	12 Aug 2005 19:59:49 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+package org.lcsim.recon.cluster.density;
+//import hep.lcio.event.*;
+import java.util.Vector;
+import org.lcsim.event.MCParticle;
+public class MCCluster {
+    public MCCluster(MCParticle mcpart,double ene,double xpos,double ypos,double zpos,double size,Vector<MyCalorimeterHit> hitColl){
+        _mcpart = mcpart;
+        _ene = ene;
+        _xpos = xpos;
+        _ypos = ypos;
+        _zpos = zpos;
+        _size = size;
+        _hitColl = hitColl;
+    }
+    double _ene,_xpos,_ypos,_zpos,_size;
+    MCParticle _mcpart;
+    Vector<MyCalorimeterHit> _hitColl;

lcsim/src/org/lcsim/recon/cluster/density added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	12 Aug 2005 19:59:49 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
+package org.lcsim.recon.cluster.density;
+import java.util.*;
+import org.lcsim.util.Driver;
+import org.lcsim.event.EventHeader;
+import org.lcsim.event.MCParticle;
+import org.lcsim.event.SimCalorimeterHit;
+public class MCReconstruction extends Driver {
+    static MCReconstruction getInstance(){
+        if(_me==null){
+            _me = new MCReconstruction();
+        }
+        return _me;
+    }
+    public void process(EventHeader event){
+	System.out.println("Running _mcreco.process");
+        this.reset();
+//         _cPar = CalParameters.getInstance(event);
+        _runPar = RunControlParameters.getInstance();
+	_event = event;
+    }
+    private MCReconstruction(){
+        if(_me==null) _me=this;
+        _myEMmcClusters = new ArrayList<MCCluster>();
+        _myHDmcClusters = new ArrayList<MCCluster>();
+    }
+    public void reset(){
+        _myEMmcClusters.clear();
+        _myHDmcClusters.clear();
+	_mcClusters.clear();
+    }
+    public List<MCCluster> getmcClusters(final String colName) {
+      if(_mcClusters.size()==0) {
+	Map<Long,MyCalorimeterHit> hitmap
+	    = LoadMyCalorimeterHit.getInstance().getCollHitMap(colName);
+	List<MCParticle> mcp = _event.getMCParticles();
+	fillMCclusterList(hitmap, mcp, _mcClusters);
+      }
+      return _mcClusters;
+    }
+    public void fillMCclusterList(Map<Long,MyCalorimeterHit> hitmap,
+				  List<MCParticle> mcpcol,
+				  List<MCCluster> mclus)
+    {
+        Vector<MCParticle> mcpVec = new Vector<MCParticle>();
+//         for(int i=0;i<mcpcol.size();++i){
+//             MCParticle mcp = (MCParticle) mcpcol.getElementAt(i);
+	for( MCParticle mcp : mcpcol ) {
+/// This portion needs to be clarified with Guilherme
+//            boolean simPart = mcp.isCreatedInSimulation();
+	    //            if(!simPart){
+	    //                mcpVec.add(mcp);
+	    //            }
+            boolean preCalorimeter = MCUtil.createdBeforeCal(mcp);
+            boolean calWorthy = MCUtil.isCalorimeterRelevant(mcp);
+            int genStatus = mcp.getGeneratorStatus();
+            if(preCalorimeter && calWorthy && genStatus<3){
+                mcpVec.add(mcp);
+            }
+        }
+        int nmcp = mcpVec.size();
+        Map<MCParticle, Vector<MyCalorimeterHit>> mcpHit
+	    = new HashMap<MCParticle, Vector<MyCalorimeterHit>>();
+ 	for( MCParticle mcp : mcpVec ) {
+	    System.out.println("Add hits vector for "+mcp);
+ 	    mcpHit.put( mcp, new Vector<MyCalorimeterHit>() );
+ 	}
+        for( MyCalorimeterHit myhit : hitmap.values() ) {
+	  SimCalorimeterHit ihit = myhit.getHit();
+	  int nmc = ihit.getMCParticleCount();
+	  MCParticle parent = null;
+	  for(int imc=0;imc<nmc;imc++){
+	    MCParticle ipart = ihit.getMCParticle(imc);
+	    int ndx = mcpVec.indexOf(ipart);
+	    if(ndx<0){
+	      int nparent = ipart.getParents().size();
+	      int j = 0; boolean traceBack = true;
+	      while(traceBack && j<nparent){
+		parent = ipart.getParents().get(j);
+		boolean preCalorimeter = MCUtil.createdBeforeCal(parent);
+// 		System.out.println("starting traceback"+" "+ipart.getPDG()
+// 				   +" "+ipart.getGeneratorStatus()
+// 				   +" "+ipart.isCreatedInSimulation()
+// 				   +" "+MCUtil.createdBeforeCal(ipart)
+// 				   +" "+MCUtil.isCalorimeterRelevant(ipart)
+// 				   +" "+nparent+" "+j);
+		if(preCalorimeter){
+		  ndx = mcpVec.indexOf(parent);
+		  ipart = parent;
+// 		  System.out.println("in traceback"+" "+ndx+" "+parent.getPDG()
+// 				     +" "+parent.getGeneratorStatus());
+		  traceBack = false;
+		}
+		j++;
+	      }
+	    }
+	    if(ndx>=0) {
+	      mcpHit.get(ipart).add(myhit);
+	    }
+	  }
+        }
+        makeMCclusters(mcpVec,mcpHit,mclus);
+    }
+    public void makeMCclusters(Vector<MCParticle> mcp,
+			       Map<MCParticle, Vector<MyCalorimeterHit>> hitColl,
+			       List<MCCluster> mcclusters)
+    {
+        int nclus = hitColl.size();
+        for( MCParticle mcpart : mcp ) {
+            double cluE = 0.0;
+            double cluX = 0.0; double cluY = 0.0; double cluZ = 0.0;
+            double sumWt = 0.0;
+	    Vector<MyCalorimeterHit> cluHits = hitColl.get(mcpart);
+            double cluSize = cluHits.size();
+	    //	    if(cluSize==0){
+	    /*
+		float[] mom = mcpart.getMomentum();
+		double[] ep = mcpart.getEndpoint();
+		System.out.println("mcpart"+" "+mcpart.getPDG()+" "+mcpart.getGeneratorStatus()+" "+
+                                   mcpart.isDecayedInCalorimeter()+" "+mom[0]+" "+mom[1]+
+                                   " "+mom[2]+" "+ep[0]+" "+ep[1]+" "+ep[2]+" "+
+                                   mcpart.isStopped()+" "+cluSize+" "+i);
+	    */
+		//	    }
+	    if(cluSize==0) continue;
+            Iterator itr = cluHits.iterator();
+            while(itr.hasNext()){
+                MyCalorimeterHit myhit = (MyCalorimeterHit);
+                SimCalorimeterHit hit = myhit.getHit();
+                int npart = hit.getMCParticleCount();
+                double ene = 0;
+                for(int j=0;j<npart;j++){
+                    MCParticle jpart = hit.getMCParticle(j);
+                    if(jpart.equals(mcpart)){
+                        ene = hit.getContributedEnergy(j);
+                    }
+                }
+                double[] pos = hit.getPosition();
+                cluE += (double) ene;
+                if(_runPar.getCentroidWeightType()=="Energy"){
+                    cluX += (double) ene*pos[0];
+                    cluY += (double) ene*pos[1];
+                    cluZ += (double) ene*pos[2];
+                    sumWt += (double) ene;
+                }
+                if(_runPar.getCentroidWeightType()=="Density"){
+                    double dens = myhit.getDensity(0);
+//density sharing needs to be worked out
+                    cluX += (double) dens*pos[0];
+                    cluY += (double) dens*pos[1];
+                    cluZ += (double) dens*pos[2];
+                    sumWt += dens;
+                }
+            }
+            if(sumWt>0.){
+                cluX = cluX/sumWt;
+                cluY = cluY/sumWt;
+                cluZ = cluZ/sumWt;
+            }
+	    //	    System.out.println(cluE);
+	    if(_runPar.Prune()){
+		double cluXorig = cluX;
+		double cluYorig = cluY;
+		double cluZorig = cluZ;
+		cluE = 0.0; sumWt = 0.0;
+		cluX = 0.0; cluY = 0.0; cluZ = 0.0;
+                Iterator itr1 = cluHits.iterator();
+                while(itr1.hasNext()){
+                    MyCalorimeterHit myhit = (MyCalorimeterHit);
+                    SimCalorimeterHit hit = myhit.getHit();
+                    int npart = hit.getMCParticleCount();
+                    double ene = 0;
+                    for(int j=0;j<npart;j++){
+                        MCParticle jpart = hit.getMCParticle(j);
+                        if(jpart.equals(mcpart)){
+                            ene = hit.getContributedEnergy(j);
+                        }
+                    }
+                    double[] pos = hit.getPosition();
+		    double diffX = pos[0]-cluXorig;
+		    double diffY = pos[1]-cluYorig;
+		    double diffZ = pos[2]-cluZorig;
+		    double distance = diffX*diffX+diffY*diffY+diffZ*diffZ;
+		    if(distance>0.0) distance = Math.sqrt(distance);
+		    if(distance<_runPar.getPruningDist()){
+                        cluE += (double) ene;
+                        if(_runPar.getCentroidWeightType()=="Energy"){
+                            cluX += (double) ene*pos[0];
+                            cluY += (double) ene*pos[1];
+                            cluZ += (double) ene*pos[2];
+                            sumWt += (double) ene;
+                        }
+                        if(_runPar.getCentroidWeightType()=="Density"){
+                            double dens = myhit.getDensity(0);
+//density sharing needs to be worked out
+                            cluX += (double) dens*pos[0];
+                            cluY += (double) dens*pos[1];
+                            cluZ += (double) dens*pos[2];
+                            sumWt += dens;
+                        }
+		    }
+                }
+                if(sumWt>0.){
+                    cluX = cluX/sumWt;
+                    cluY = cluY/sumWt;
+                    cluZ = cluZ/sumWt;
+                }
+	    }
+	    //	    System.out.println(cluE+" "+cluSize);
+            MCCluster clus = new MCCluster(mcpart,cluE,cluX,cluY,cluZ,cluSize,cluHits);
+            mcclusters.add(clus);
+        }
+    }
+    private static MCReconstruction _me = null;
+//     private static CalParameters _cPar;
+    private EventHeader _event;
+    private static RunControlParameters _runPar;
+    private Map<Long,MyCalorimeterHit> emhitmap,hdhitmap;
+    private static List<MCCluster> _myEMmcClusters = new ArrayList<MCCluster>();
+    private static List<MCCluster> _myHDmcClusters = new ArrayList<MCCluster>();
+    private static List<MCCluster> _mcClusters = new ArrayList<MCCluster>();

lcsim/src/org/lcsim/recon/cluster/density added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	12 Aug 2005 19:59:49 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+package org.lcsim.recon.cluster.density;
+import org.lcsim.event.MCParticle;
+import hep.physics.vec.Hep3Vector;
+public class MCUtil{
+    public static boolean createdBeforeCal(MCParticle mcpart){
+        boolean beforeCalorimeter = false;
+        Hep3Vector vertex = mcpart.getOrigin();
+        double[] vert = new double[3];
+	vert[0] = vertex.x();
+	vert[1] = vertex.y();
+	vert[2] = vertex.z();
+//         for(int ii=0;ii<3;ii++){
+//             vert = vertex/10.;
+//         }
+        double rad = vert[0]*vert[0]+vert[1]*vert[1];
+        if(rad>0.) rad = Math.sqrt(rad);
+        if(rad<125. && Math.abs(vert[2])<185.){
+            beforeCalorimeter = true;
+        }
+        return beforeCalorimeter;
+    }
+    public static boolean isCalorimeterRelevant(MCParticle mcpart){
+        boolean interesting = true;
+        int pid = Math.abs(mcpart.getType().getPDGID());
+	if(pid==12 || pid==14 || pid==16) interesting = false;
+	//        if(mcpart.getEnergy()<0.5) interesting = false;
+        return interesting;
+    }

lcsim/src/org/lcsim/recon/cluster/density added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	12 Aug 2005 19:59:49 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+package org.lcsim.recon.cluster.density;
+import org.lcsim.event.SimCalorimeterHit;
+public class MyCalorimeterHit {
+    public MyCalorimeterHit(SimCalorimeterHit myHit){
+        _myHit = myHit;
+        initDensity();
+    }
+    private void initDensity(){
+        _dens = new double[2];
+        _dens[0] = 0.0;
+        _dens[1] = 0.0;
+    }
+    public void setDensity(int index, double density){
+        if(index>=_dens.length) throw new IllegalArgumentException();
+        _dens[index] = density;
+    }
+    public double getDensity(int index){
+        if(index>=_dens.length) throw new IllegalArgumentException();
+        return this._dens[index];
+    }
+    public SimCalorimeterHit getHit(){
+        return this._myHit;
+    }
+    private SimCalorimeterHit _myHit;
+    private double [] _dens;

lcsim/src/org/lcsim/recon/cluster/density added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	12 Aug 2005 19:59:49 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+ *
+ *
+ * Created on Nov. 2003
+ * G.Lima, J. McCormick (NICADD/NIU)
+ */
+package org.lcsim.recon.cluster.density;
+import org.lcsim.event.EventHeader;
+ *
+ * @author G.Lima, J.McCormick
+ */
+public class MyTools
+//     // This returns the index of object obj in collection col
+//     public static int indexOf( LCObject obj, LCCollection col )
+//     {
+// 	int fail = -1;
+// 	if( obj == null ) return fail;
+// 	for(int i=0; i<col.getNumberOfElements(); i++) {
+// 	    if( obj == col.getElementAt(i) ) return i;
+// 	}
+// 	return fail;
+//     }
+//     public static void listCollections(EventHeader evt)
+//     {
+// 	String[] colls = evt.getCollectionNames();
+// 	for(int i=0; i<colls.length; i++) {
+// 	    System.out.println("Collection name: "+colls[i]);
+// 	}
+//     }
+    public static int getSysno( long cellid ) {
+      int sysno = (int)(cellid>>16)&0x7;
+      return sysno;
+    }
+    public static int getSysBE( long cellid ) {
+	return (int)((cellid>>16) & 0x3f);
+    }
+    public static int getLayer( long cellid ) {
+	int layer = (int)((cellid>>0) & 0xffff);
+	return layer;
+    }
+    public static int getThetaBin( long cellid ) {
+	int max = 1<<16;  // for 11 bits
+	int thetabin = (int)((cellid>>48) & 0xffff);
+	if( thetabin > max/2-1 ) thetabin = thetabin - max;
+	return thetabin;
+    }
+    public static int getPhiBin( long cellid ) {
+// 	int max = 1<<11;  // for 11 bits
+// 	int phibin = (int)((cellid>>43) & 0x7ff);
+// 	if( phibin > max/2-1 ) phibin = phibin - max;
+// 	return phibin;
+ 	return (int)((cellid>>32) & 0xffff);
+    }
+    public static int getECalLayerTB( float[] pos ) {
+	double aux = (584.30 - pos[1])/5;
+	int layer = (int)(aux+0.5);
+	if(layer>29 || layer<0) System.out.println(" Bad ECal layer="+layer);
+	return layer;
+    }
+    public static int getHCalLayerTB( float[] pos ) {
+	double aux = (435.0 - pos[1])/25;
+	int layer = (int)(aux+0.5);
+	if(layer>34 || layer<0) System.out.println(" Bad HCal layer="+layer+", pos="+pos[1]);
+	return (int)(aux+0.5);
+    }
+    public static String printID(long id) {
+	return new String("<"+Long.toHexString(id)
+			  +": "+Integer.toString( getSysBE(id) )
+			  +" "+Integer.toString( getLayer(id) )
+			  +" "+Integer.toString( getThetaBin(id))
+			  +" "+Integer.toString( getPhiBin(id) )
+			  +">");
+    }

lcsim/src/org/lcsim/recon/cluster/density added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	12 Aug 2005 19:59:49 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+package org.lcsim.recon.cluster.density;
+import hep.aida.*;
+import org.lcsim.util.aida.AIDA;
+import org.lcsim.event.EventHeader;
+import org.lcsim.util.Driver;
+import org.lcsim.util.loop.LCIODriver;
+import org.lcsim.util.loop.LCSimLoop;
+import org.lcsim.recon.cluster.cheat.CheatClusterDriver;
+public class PFlow extends Driver {
+    public static void main(String [] args) throws Exception{
+      if(args.length==0) help();
+      // Setup LCSim event loop
+      LCSimLoop loop = new LCSimLoop();
+      // setup input/outfile files
+      File input = new File(args[0]);
+      loop.setLCIORecordSource(input);
+//         ILCFactory factory = LCFactory.getInstance();
+//         LCReader reader = factory.createLCReader();
+      // drivers needed
+      PFlow pflow = new PFlow();
+      loop.add( pflow );
+// //        ModeDetection anal2 = new ModeDetection(_tf,_tree);
+// //	Canny anal3 = new Canny(_tf,_tree);
+//         reader.registerLCEventListener(mycalhit);
+//         reader.registerLCEventListener(mcreco);
+//         reader.registerLCEventListener(anal1);
+// //        reader.registerLCEventListener(anal2);
+// //	reader.registerLCEventListener(anal3);
+	// last driver, if output is needed
+// 	loop.add( new LCIODriver( new File("output.slcio") );
+        System.out.println("Starting loop over events");
+        loop.loop(10); // -1 for all
+	loop.dispose();
+        _tree.commit();
+	org.lcsim.util.aida.AIDA.defaultInstance().saveAs("myhistos.aida");
+	System.out.println("Analyzed "+ pflow._nevt +" events.");
+    }
+    public void process(final EventHeader evt) {
+	// event counter
+	++_nevt;
+	// subdrivers processing
+	System.out.print("### Event "+_nevt+"  ");
+ 	System.out.print("..calhit..");
+  	_calhit.process(evt);
+//   	System.out.print("..cheater..");
+//   	_cheater.process(evt);
+ 	System.out.print("..mcreco..");
+  	MCReconstruction.getInstance().process(evt);
+ 	System.out.print("..anal..");
+ 	_anal.process(evt);
+ 	System.out.println("..Done.");
+    }
+    private static void help(){
+        System.out.println("Usage:");
+        System.out.println(" java "+PFlow.class.getName()+" <input-file>");
+        System.exit(1);
+    }
+    public PFlow() throws IOException{
+      _calhit = LoadMyCalorimeterHit.getInstance();
+//       _cheater = new CheatClusterDriver();
+      prepareNtupleFactory();
+      _anal = new DirectedTree(_tf,_tree);
+//       add(_cheater);
+      add( MCReconstruction.getInstance() );
+      add(_anal);
+    }
+    public void prepareNtupleFactory() throws IOException{
+      _aida = AIDA.defaultInstance();
+//    _tree=af.createTreeFactory().create("canny-test2.aida","xml",false,true);
+      _tree = _aida.tree();
+      _tf = _aida.analysisFactory().createTupleFactory(_tree);
+    }
+    //===  FIELDS  ====
+    private static AIDA _aida; 
+    private static ITree _tree;
+    private static ITupleFactory _tf;
+    private int _nevt = 0;
+    private LoadMyCalorimeterHit _calhit;
+    private CheatClusterDriver _cheater;
+    private DirectedTree _anal;

lcsim/src/org/lcsim/recon/cluster/density added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	12 Aug 2005 19:59:50 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
+package org.lcsim.recon.cluster.density;
+public class RunControlParameters {
+    static RunControlParameters getInstance() {
+        if(_me==null) {
+            _me = new RunControlParameters();
+        }
+        return _me;
+    }
+    private RunControlParameters() {
+        if(_me==null) _me=this;
+        _EMsampWt = 1.0/0.022;
+        _HDsampWt = 1.0/0.03;
+        _EMmip = 0.008;
+        _HDmip = 0.031;
+        _EMthresh = 0.25;
+        _HDthresh = 0.25;
+        _lyrNeighEM = 8; // was 8 ???
+        _zNeighEM = 4; // was 4 ???
+        _phiNeighEM = 4; // was 4 ???
+        _lyrNeighHD = 8; // was 8 ???
+        _zNeighHD = 4; // was 4 ???
+        _phiNeighHD = 4; // was 4 ???
+	_lyrContractionEM = new int[3];
+	_lyrContractionEM[0] = 0;
+	_lyrContractionEM[1] = -7;
+	_lyrContractionEM[2] = -7;
+	_zContractionEM = new int[3];
+	_zContractionEM[0] = -4;
+	_zContractionEM[1] = 2;
+	_zContractionEM[2] = 2;
+	_phiContractionEM = new int[3];
+	_phiContractionEM[0] = -6;
+	_phiContractionEM[1] = 2;
+	_phiContractionEM[2] = 2;
+	_lyrContractionHD = new int[3];
+	_zContractionHD = new int[3];
+	_phiContractionHD = new int[3];
+        _distanceType = "Euclidean";
+        _clusterSeparately = true;
+        _centroidWeightType = "Density";
+        _ModeValleyFactors = new double[2][2];
+        _ModeValleyFactors[0][0] = 0.8;
+        _ModeValleyFactors[0][1] = 0.15;
+        _ModeValleyFactors[1][0] = 0.025;
+        _ModeValleyFactors[1][1] = 0.025;
+        _convergenceParameter = 0.001;
+	_prune = true;
+	_pruningDist = 500.;
+	_maxMaskSize = 20;
+	_emSigma = new double[3];
+	_emSigma[0] = 1.5;
+	_emSigma[1] = 1.5;
+	_emSigma[2] = 1.5;
+    }
+    public double getEMweight(){
+        return this._EMsampWt;
+    }
+    public double getEMmip(){
+        return this._EMmip;
+    }
+    public double getEMthresh(){
+        return this._EMthresh;
+    }
+    public double getHDweight(){
+        return this._HDsampWt;
+    }
+    public double getHDmip(){
+        return this._HDmip;
+    }
+    public double getHDthresh(){
+        return this._HDthresh;
+    }
+    public int getLyrNeighEM(){
+        return this._lyrNeighEM;
+    }
+    public int getZNeighEM(){
+        return this._zNeighEM;
+    }
+    public int getPhiNeighEM(){
+        return this._phiNeighEM;
+    }
+    public int getLyrNeighHD(){
+        return this._lyrNeighHD;
+    }
+    public int getZNeighHD(){
+        return this._zNeighHD;
+    }
+    public int getPhiNeighHD(){
+        return this._phiNeighHD;
+    }
+    public String getDistanceType(){
+        return this._distanceType;
+    }
+    public String getCentroidWeightType(){
+        return this._centroidWeightType;
+    }
+    public boolean ClusterSeparately(){
+        return this._clusterSeparately;
+    }
+    public double[][] getInfluenceFactors(){
+        return this._ModeValleyFactors;
+    }
+    public double getConvergenceParameter(){
+        return this._convergenceParameter;
+    }
+    public boolean Prune(){
+	return this._prune;
+    }
+    public double getPruningDist(){
+	return this._pruningDist;
+    }
+    public int getMaxMaskSize(){
+	return this._maxMaskSize;
+    }
+    public double[] getEMGaussWidths(){
+	return this._emSigma;
+    }
+    public int[] getLyrContracEM(){
+	return this._lyrContractionEM;
+    }
+    public int[] getZContracEM(){
+	return this._zContractionEM;
+    }
+    public int[] getPhiContracEM(){
+	return this._phiContractionEM;
+    }
+    public int[] getLyrContracHD(){
+	return this._lyrContractionHD;
+    }
+    public int[] getZContracHD(){
+	return this._zContractionHD;
+    }
+    public int[] getPhiContracHD(){
+	return this._phiContractionHD;
+    }
+    private static RunControlParameters _me=null;
+    private double _EMsampWt;
+    private double _HDsampWt;
+    private double _EMmip;
+    private double _HDmip;
+    private double _EMthresh;
+    private double _HDthresh;
+    private double _convergenceParameter;
+    private double _pruningDist;
+    private int _lyrNeighEM,_lyrNeighHD;
+    private int _zNeighEM,_zNeighHD;
+    private int _phiNeighEM,_phiNeighHD;
+    private int _maxMaskSize;
+    private String _distanceType;
+    private String _centroidWeightType;
+    private boolean _clusterSeparately;
+    private boolean _prune;
+    private double[][] _ModeValleyFactors;
+    private double[] _emSigma;
+    private int[] _lyrContractionEM,_lyrContractionHD;
+    private int[] _zContractionEM,_zContractionHD;
+    private int[] _phiContractionEM,_phiContractionHD;
CVSspam 0.2.8