

Hi Gunether,
> if new supervisors are needed the manager tells a superserver to start a 
> supervisor. hence another process is forked (an xrootd including olbd - 
> right?). so at a superserver node acting also as supervisor in total 3 
> processes are running (1 olbd, 2 xrootds)?
Yes, that is the idea.

> have you thought about which available superserver should fork a 
> supervisor? just take the next available or apply an algorithm (for 
> example an election?) to determine the best candidate?
There probably isn't any real need to be overally complicated about this. 
The selection will likely be made based on least load, given that the 
manager has scant information to begin with (i.e., maximum of 64 other nodes 
to choose from). If load is a ceoncern then specify a high ftlevel (say 
100%) that way the supervisor load is even more distributed; of course at 
the cost of more messages.
