


I have made the tarball with the autotools enabled build process available at
(this is the code of the current production version)

No change to the sources was made (although some changes would have made 
possible a more elegant usage of some autotools features), but the 
distribution has the top directory layer removed, i.e. what you'll find is 
the former src/ directory.

I provide some instructions in the INSTALL.* files. Please tell me, if you 
encounter any problems or if you would like any changes.

There are some issues left:
- what should be installed by 'make install'. Currently the binaries and some 
of the libraries get installed. But we should define the exact set of 
libraries and headers.

- Where should the /etc and /utils end up. Should they be installed? The utils 
scripts would typically go to prefix/usr/bin. Where should we put the etc 
stuff? Maybe in prefix/etc/xrootd/?

- The Alice authorization can be added to this in a separate module, which I 
will host presently (decided on not including them in the same tarball, 
because they require two other alice-specific libraries. This would require 
up to 5 additional options to the main configure command. I think it makes 
more sense to provide this as an optional download with its own configure 

- autotools also has some support for testing. It would be useful to add some 
standard tests.

- maybe improving the 'configure --help' output

Gerri and I have tested compilation of  the tarball on a range of systems
(Thanks for the help, Gerri!):

CPU        OS                       Compiler      system's target string
                                                  (as found by configure)
i686       RH 7.3                   gcc-2.96      i686-pc-linux-gnu
i686 (P4)  SL CERN Release 3.0.5    gcc-3.2.3     i686-pc-linux-gnu
i686 (AMD) RH EL3                   gcc-3.2.3     i686-pc-linux-gnu
i686       2.6.11-gentoo-r8         gcc-3.3.5     i686-pc-linux-gnu
i686       debian SID (unstable)    gcc-3.3.6     i686-pc-linux-gnu
i686       slackware                gcc-3.3.6     i686-pc-linux-gnu
i686       RH 7.3                   icc-8.0       i686-pc-linux-gnu
IA-64      SL CERN Release 3.0.5    gcc-3.2.3     ia64-unknown-linux-gnu
amd64      SL CERN Release 3        gcc-3.2.3     x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
powerpc    darwin7.9.0              gcc-3.3       powerpc-apple-darwin7.9.0
sparc      Solaris 9 (SunOS)        SunCC         sparc-sun-solaris2.9

However, it might be possible that building on other architectures requires 
additions to the file.
If you experience any problems, please send me the compile error and the 
contents of the config.log file.


Dr. Derek Feichtinger                   Tel:   +41 22 767 10 07
LCG/ARDA Group                            email: [log in to unmask]
CH-1211 Genève 23