

Commit in lcsim/src/org/lcsim/recon/cheater on MAIN 1.1

lcsim/src/org/lcsim/recon/cheater added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	26 Sep 2005 22:47:06 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,629 @@
+ * 
+ *   ...
+ * 
+ * Written by Mike Ronan, LBNL (Berkeley)  Fall 2005.
+ * Modified by:
+ *
+ */
+package org.lcsim.recon.cheater;
+// LCSIM framework packages
+import org.lcsim.event.EventHeader;
+import org.lcsim.event.MCParticle;
+import org.lcsim.event.Track;
+import org.lcsim.event.Cluster;
+import org.lcsim.event.CalorimeterHit;
+import org.lcsim.event.ReconstructedParticle;
+import org.lcsim.event.util.MCParticleClassifier;
+import org.lcsim.conditions.ConditionsEvent;
+import org.lcsim.conditions.ConditionsListener;
+import org.lcsim.conditions.ConditionsSet;
+import org.lcsim.recon.cluster.cheat.CheatCluster;
+import org.lcsim.recon.cluster.cheat.ClusterCheater;
+import org.lcsim.recon.cluster.util.RefinedCluster;
+import org.lcsim.recon.cluster.cheat.CheatClusterDriver;
+import org.lcsim.recon.ztracking.FoundTrack;
+import org.lcsim.recon.ztracking.cheater.CheatTrack;
+import org.lcsim.recon.ztracking.cheater.TrackingCheater;
+import org.lcsim.util.Driver;
+import org.lcsim.util.loop.LCIODriver;
+import org.lcsim.util.loop.LCSimLoop;
+import org.lcsim.util.aida.AIDA;
+import hep.physics.particle.*; // Particle,...
+import hep.physics.vec.*;      // Hep3Vector
+import java.text.*;            // DecimalFormat
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Map;
+import java.util.Random;
+/** ... */
+public class ReconCheater extends Driver
+    boolean useFullTruth = false; // Use primary MCParticles.
+    boolean useTruth = false;     // Use MCParticles energies.
+    boolean useECalParameterization = false, useHCalParameterization = true;
+    boolean useReconPhotons = true, useReconNeutralHadrons = false;
+    boolean allowNuclearInteractions = true;
+    double ECalResolution = 0.18, HCalResolution = 0.60;
+    double ECalSampling = 0.012,  HCalSampling = 0.008,  HCalDigital = 11.7;  // Hits/GeV
+    static boolean Hist = false;
+    /** */
+    public ReconCheater()
+    {
+	this(Hist);
+    }
+    public ReconCheater(boolean hist)
+    {
+	// super(hist);
+	System.out.println("");
+	//String text = "ReconCheater  version 1.0"+"\n"+
+	//    "  Running hep.lcd version "+hep.lcd.Version.getVersion();
+	String text = "ReconCheater  version 0.7"+"\n";
+	System.out.println(text); System.err.println(text); // if (!XReconstruction.getBatchMode()) out.println(text);
+	if (!TrackingCheater.INITIALIZED) {
+	    System.out.println(" Charged tracking using cheater - ");
+	    TrackingCheater trackFinder = new TrackingCheater();
+	    add(trackFinder);
+	}
+	System.out.println(" EM and Had clustering using cheater - ");
+	CheatClusterDriver clusterFinder = new CheatClusterDriver();
+	add(clusterFinder);
+	if (useFullTruth) useTruth = true;
+	df.setMaximumFractionDigits(3);	
+    }
+    protected int nEvt = 0;
+    boolean first = true, firstEvents = true;
+    boolean hist;
+    protected void process(EventHeader event)
+    {
+	super.process(event);
+	nEvt++;
+	if (firstEvents) System.out.println(" Event #"+nEvt+" (ReconCheater)");
+        hist = getHistogramLevel() > 0;
+	if (hist) System.err.println(" ReconCheater: hist = "+hist);
+     /*        
+        if (IDEff == null)
+        {
+           ConditionsSet conditions = getConditionsManager().getConditions("IDEfficiency");
+           conditions.addConditionsListener(this);
+           IDEff = new IDResolutionTables(conditions);
+        }
+     */
+	// Get MCParticle mapping from event.
+	map = getMCParticleMapping(event);
+	// Get reconstructed particles from Track and Cluster Cheaters.
+	List<ReconstructedParticle> particles = getReconstructedParticles(event);
+        // Add the reconstructed particles to the event.
+        event.put("ReconCheater", particles, ReconstructedParticle.class, 0);
+	first = false;
+	if (nEvt>=3) firstEvents = false;
+    }
+ /*
+    public void conditionsChanged(ConditionsEvent event)
+    {
+        ConditionsSet conditions = getConditionsManager().getConditions("IDEfficiency");
+        IDEff = new IDResolutionTables(conditions);
+    }
+ */
+    Map<MCParticle,CheatTrack> charged = null;    // Tracks from MCParticles
+    Map<MCParticle,CheatCluster> neutrals = null; // and clusters.
+    double finalEnergy;
+    /** Get reconstructed particles from Cheaters that match MCParticles,
+     *  then select particles to add to them.
+     */
+    List<ReconstructedParticle> getReconstructedParticles(EventHeader event)
+    {
+	String text = "  Get selected particles.";
+	if (firstEvents) System.out.println(text); if (first) System.err.println(text);
+	// Get lists of charged and neutral MC particles.
+	List<MCParticle> chargedList = new ArrayList<MCParticle>();
+	List<MCParticle> neutralList = new ArrayList<MCParticle>();
+	getPythiaMCParticles(event,chargedList,neutralList);
+	List<ReconstructedParticle> particles = new ArrayList();
+	charged  = new HashMap<MCParticle,CheatTrack>();
+	neutrals = new HashMap<MCParticle,CheatCluster>();
+	Map<MCParticle,MCParticle> primaryMCParents = new HashMap<MCParticle,MCParticle>();
+	// Look for tracks in TrackingCheater list from charged MCParticles.
+	text = "   Look for tracks from "+chargedList.size()+" charged MCParticles:";
+	for (MCParticle p : chargedList) text+=" "+map.get(p);
+	if (firstEvents) System.out.println(text); //if (first) System.err.println(text);
+	List<CheatTrack> extraTrackList = new ArrayList<CheatTrack>();
+	List<CheatTrack> skippedTracks  = new ArrayList<CheatTrack>();
+	List<List<CheatTrack>> trackCollections = event.get(CheatTrack.class);
+	//if (firstEvents) System.out.println("  Size of track lists  = "+trackCollections.size());
+	finalEnergy = 0;
+	for (List<CheatTrack> collection : trackCollections ) {
+	    String name = event.getMetaData(collection).getName();
+	    //if (first) System.out.println("   "+name+" has "+collection.size()+" tracks.");
+	    if (name.equals("CombinedTracks")) {
+		for (CheatTrack track : collection) {
+		    MCParticle mcp = track.getMCParticle(); int PDGID = mcp.getPDGID();
+		    double p = Math.sqrt(mcp.getPX()*mcp.getPX()+mcp.getPY()*mcp.getPY()+mcp.getPZ()*mcp.getPZ());
+		    String statusCode = getStatusCode(mcp);
+		    boolean finalState = statusCode.equals("GEN_FINAL_STATE");
+		    List<MCParticle> parents = mcp.getParents();
+		    MCParticle parent = null; if (!parents.isEmpty()) parent = parents.get(0);
+		    boolean parentFinalState = false;  int parentPDGID = 0;
+		    if (parent!=null) {
+			parentFinalState = parent.getGeneratorStatus()==Particle.FINAL_STATE; 
+			parentPDGID = parent.getPDGID();
+			// Check for final state particles.
+			if (!finalState) {
+			    // Get final state parent particle.
+			    List<MCParticle> grandParents = parent.getParents();
+			    while (!parentFinalState && !grandParents.isEmpty()) {
+				parent = grandParents.get(0); grandParents = parent.getParents();
+				parentFinalState = parent.getGeneratorStatus()==Particle.FINAL_STATE; 
+				parentPDGID = parent.getPDGID();
+			    }
+			}
+			primaryMCParents.put(mcp,parent);
+		    }
+		    if (chargedList.contains(mcp)) {
+			chargedList.remove(mcp);
+			//if (!mcp.getSimulatorStatus().isBackscatter() &&
+			//    !mcp.getSimulatorStatus().vertexIsNotEndpointOfParent() &&
+			    //!mcp.getSimulatorStatus().isDecayedInTracker() &&
+			//    !mcp.getSimulatorStatus().isDecayedInCalorimeter()) {
+			    if (charged.get(mcp)==null) charged.put(mcp,track);
+			    else System.err.println("   track is already in map!");
+			    finalEnergy += mcp.getEnergy();
+		    }
+		    // Add as an extra track.
+		    else {
+			// Skip if ...
+			//if (finalState &&
+			if (!(parentFinalState && (Math.abs(parentPDGID)==211  || Math.abs(parentPDGID)==321)) &&
+			    !(parentFinalState && (Math.abs(parentPDGID)==2212 || Math.abs(parentPDGID)==2112))) {
+			    if (p>0.100 &&
+				!mcp.getSimulatorStatus().isBackscatter() &&
+				!mcp.getSimulatorStatus().vertexIsNotEndpointOfParent() &&
+				!mcp.getSimulatorStatus().isDecayedInCalorimeter()) {
+				extraTrackList.add(track);
+			    }
+			}
+			else
+			    if (p>0.100) skippedTracks.add(track);
+		    }
+		}
+	    }
+	}
+	text = "    Total of "+charged.keySet().size()+" charged particle tracks found:";
+	for (MCParticle p : charged.keySet()) text+=" "+map.get(p);
+	if (firstEvents) System.out.println(text); //if (first) System.err.println(text);
+	text = "    Total of "+chargedList.size()+" interacting charged particles:";
+	for (MCParticle p : chargedList) text+=" "+map.get(p);
+	if (firstEvents) System.out.println(text); //if (first) System.err.println(text);
+	text = "    Total of "+extraTrackList.size()+" tracks from interactions or decays:";
+	for (CheatTrack t : extraTrackList) { MCParticle p = t.getMCParticle(); text+=" "+map.get(p); }
+	if (firstEvents) System.out.println(text); //if (first) System.err.println(text);
+	text = "    Total of "+skippedTracks.size()+" tracks skipped:";
+	for (CheatTrack t : skippedTracks) { MCParticle p = t.getMCParticle(); text+=" "+map.get(p); }
+	if (firstEvents) System.out.println(text); //if (first) System.err.println(text);
+	// Look for clusters in ClusterCheater list from neutral MCParticles.
+	text = "   Look for clusters from "+neutralList.size()+" neutral MCParticles:";
+	for (MCParticle p : neutralList) text+=" "+map.get(p);
+	if (firstEvents) System.out.println(text); //if (first) System.err.println(text);
+	List<CheatCluster> extraClusterList = new ArrayList<CheatCluster>();
+	List<CheatCluster> skippedClusters  = new ArrayList<CheatCluster>();
+	List<List<CheatCluster>> collections = event.get(CheatCluster.class);
+	//if (firstEvents) System.out.println("  Size of cluster lists  = "+collections.size());
+	for (List<CheatCluster> collection : collections ) {
+	    String name = event.getMetaData(collection).getName();
+	    //if (first) System.out.println("   "+name+" has "+collection.size()+" clusters.");
+	    if (name.equals("RefinedClusters")) {
+		for (CheatCluster cluster : collection) {
+		    MCParticle mcp = cluster.getMCParticle(); int PDGID = mcp.getPDGID();
+		    double charge  = mcp.getCharge();
+		    double p = Math.sqrt(mcp.getPX()*mcp.getPX()+mcp.getPY()*mcp.getPY()+mcp.getPZ()*mcp.getPZ());
+		    String statusCode = getStatusCode(mcp);
+		    boolean finalState = statusCode.equals("GEN_FINAL_STATE");
+		    List<MCParticle> parents = mcp.getParents();
+		    MCParticle parent = null; if (!parents.isEmpty()) parent = parents.get(0);
+		    boolean parentFinalState = false;  int parentPDGID = 0;
+		    if (parent!=null) {
+			parentFinalState = parent.getGeneratorStatus()==Particle.FINAL_STATE; 
+			parentPDGID = parent.getPDGID();
+			// Check for final state particles.
+			if (!finalState) {
+			    // Get final state parent particle.
+			    List<MCParticle> grandParents = parent.getParents();
+			    while (!parentFinalState && !grandParents.isEmpty()) {
+				parent = grandParents.get(0); grandParents = parent.getParents();
+				parentFinalState = parent.getGeneratorStatus()==Particle.FINAL_STATE; 
+				parentPDGID = parent.getPDGID();
+			    }
+			}
+			primaryMCParents.put(mcp,parent);
+		    }
+		    // Check if generator neutral list contains cluster MCParticle.
+		    if (neutralList.contains(mcp)) {
+			// Check if neutral interacted or decayed.
+			boolean interacted = false;
+			for (CheatTrack t : extraTrackList) { if (t.getMCParticle()==mcp) interacted = true; }
+			if (!interacted) {
+			    // Neutral is removed from list only if it didn't interact.
+			    neutralList.remove(mcp);
+			    // Add cluster to neutrals list.
+			    if (neutrals.get(mcp)==null) neutrals.put(mcp,cluster);
+			    else System.err.println(" cluster is already in map!");
+			    finalEnergy += mcp.getEnergy();
+			}
+		    }
+		    // Add as an extra (unexpected) cluster.
+		    else {
+			if (!(parentFinalState && (Math.abs(parentPDGID)==211  || Math.abs(parentPDGID)==321)) &&
+			    !(parentFinalState && (Math.abs(parentPDGID)==2212 || Math.abs(parentPDGID)==2112))) {
+			    if (charge==0 && p>0.100 &&
+				!mcp.getSimulatorStatus().isBackscatter() &&
+				!mcp.getSimulatorStatus().vertexIsNotEndpointOfParent() &&
+				!mcp.getSimulatorStatus().isDecayedInCalorimeter()) {
+				extraClusterList.add(cluster);
+			    }
+			}
+			else
+			    if (p>0.100) skippedClusters.add(cluster);
+		    }
+		}
+	    }
+	}
+	text = "    Total of "+neutrals.keySet().size()+" neutral clusters found:";
+	for (MCParticle p : neutrals.keySet()) text+=" "+map.get(p);
+	if (firstEvents) System.out.println(text); //if (first) System.err.println(text);
+	text = "    Total of "+neutralList.size()+" interacting or lost neutrals:";
+	for (MCParticle p : neutralList) text+=" "+map.get(p);
+	if (firstEvents) System.out.println(text); //if (first) System.err.println(text);
+	text = "    Total of "+extraClusterList.size()+" clusters from interactions or decays:";
+	for (CheatCluster t : extraClusterList) { MCParticle p = t.getMCParticle(); text+=" "+map.get(p); }
+	if (firstEvents) System.out.println(text); //if (first) System.err.println(text);
+	text = "    Total of "+skippedClusters.size()+" clusters skipped:";
+	for (CheatCluster t : skippedClusters) { MCParticle p = t.getMCParticle(); text+=" "+map.get(p); }
+	if (firstEvents) System.out.println(text); //if (first) System.err.println(text);
+	// Find parents of interaction tracks and clusters.
+	if (firstEvents) System.out.println("   Find parents of interaction tracks and clusters.");
+	List<MCParticle> parents = new ArrayList<MCParticle>();
+	for (CheatTrack track : skippedTracks) {
+	    MCParticle mcp = track.getMCParticle();
+	    MCParticle parent = primaryMCParents.get(mcp);
+	    if (parent==null) continue;
+	    if (!charged.containsKey(parent) && !neutrals.containsKey(parent) &&
+		!parents.contains(parent)) {
+		parents.add(parent);
+		if (chargedList.contains(parent)) chargedList.remove(parent);
+		if (neutralList.contains(parent)) neutralList.remove(parent);
+	    }
+	}
+	for (CheatCluster cluster : skippedClusters) {
+	    MCParticle mcp = cluster.getMCParticle();
+	    MCParticle parent = primaryMCParents.get(mcp);
+	    if (parent==null) continue;
+	    if (!charged.containsKey(parent) && !neutrals.containsKey(parent) &&
+		!parents.contains(parent)) {
+		parents.add(parent);
+		if (chargedList.contains(parent)) chargedList.remove(parent);
+		if (neutralList.contains(parent)) neutralList.remove(parent);
+	    }
+	}
+	//if (firstEvents) System.out.println("    Total of "+parents.size()+" interacting parents.");
+	text = "    Total of "+parents.size()+" interacting parents:";
+	for (MCParticle p : parents) text+=" "+map.get(p);
+	if (firstEvents) System.out.println(text); //if (first) System.err.println(text);
+	// Select particles:
+	if (firstEvents) System.out.println("   Select particles to be reconstructed.");
+	//   Add charged particles that were found in TrackingCheater list.
+	for (MCParticle mcp : charged.keySet()) {
+	    CheatTrack track = charged.get(mcp);
+	    if (useFullTruth) particles.add(new CheatReconstructedParticle(mcp));
+	    else particles.add(new CheatReconstructedParticle(track,(Particle)mcp));
+	}
+	//   Add neutral particles that were found in ClusterCheater list.
+	for (MCParticle mcp : neutrals.keySet()) {
+	    CheatCluster cluster = neutrals.get(mcp);
+	    double e = mcp.getEnergy(); if (e<=mcp.getType().getMass()) continue;
+	    if (useFullTruth) particles.add(new CheatReconstructedParticle(mcp));
+	    else particles.add(new CheatReconstructedParticle(cluster,getMeasuredEnergy(cluster),(Particle)mcp));
+	}
+	// Charged and neutral lists contain MCParticles that interacted or decayed.
+	if (useFullTruth) {
+	    //   Add interacting charged particles.
+	    for (MCParticle mcp : chargedList) {
+		particles.add(new CheatReconstructedParticle(mcp));
+		finalEnergy += mcp.getEnergy();
+	    }
+	    //   Add interacting neutral particles.
+	    for (MCParticle mcp : neutralList) {
+		double e = mcp.getEnergy(); if (e<=mcp.getType().getMass()) continue;
+		particles.add(new CheatReconstructedParticle(mcp));
+		finalEnergy += mcp.getEnergy();
+	    }
+	}
+	else {
+	    //   Add interacting parents.
+	    for (MCParticle mcp : parents) {
+		particles.add(new CheatReconstructedParticle(mcp));
+		finalEnergy += mcp.getEnergy();
+		if (firstEvents)
+		    System.out.println("    Adding interacting MCParticle #"+map.get(mcp)+" "+mcp.getPDGID()+".");
+	    }
+	    //   Add extra tracks.
+	    for (CheatTrack track : extraTrackList) {
+		MCParticle mcp = track.getMCParticle();
+		particles.add(new CheatReconstructedParticle(track,(Particle)mcp));
+		finalEnergy += mcp.getEnergy();
+	    }
+	    //   Add extra clusters.
+	    for (CheatCluster cluster : extraClusterList) {
+		MCParticle mcp = cluster.getMCParticle();
+		double e = mcp.getEnergy(); if (e<=mcp.getType().getMass()) continue;
+		particles.add(new CheatReconstructedParticle(cluster,getMeasuredEnergy(cluster),(Particle)mcp));
+		finalEnergy += mcp.getEnergy();
+	    }
+	}
+	// Check particles.
+	text = "    Total of "+particles.size()+" reconstructed particles:";
+	for (ReconstructedParticle particle : particles) {
+	    MCParticle mcp = ((CheatReconstructedParticle)particle).getMCParticle();
+	    text+=" "+map.get(mcp);
+	}
+	if (firstEvents) System.out.println(text); //if (first) System.err.println(text);
+	// Total energy
+	if (firstEvents) System.out.println("    Total event energy = "+df.format(finalEnergy)+".\n");
+	if (hist) analyzeReconstructedParticles(particles);
+	return particles;
+    }
+    void analyzeReconstructedParticles(List<ReconstructedParticle> particles)
+    {
+	AIDA aida = AIDA.defaultInstance();
+	aida.cloud1D("# particles").fill(particles.size());
+	aida.cloud1D("Final Energy").fill(finalEnergy);
+	for (MCParticle mcp : neutrals.keySet()) {
+	    int PDGID = mcp.getPDGID();
+	    CheatCluster cluster = neutrals.get(mcp);
+	    int nhits = 0;
+	    for (CalorimeterHit hit : cluster.getCalorimeterHits())
+		if (hit.getTime()<100.) nhits++;
+	    double ratio = nhits/mcp.getEnergy();
+	    if (PDGID==22) {
+		ratio = cluster.getRawEnergy()/mcp.getEnergy();
+		aida.cloud1D("photon ratio").fill(ratio);
+		aida.cloud2D("photon Energy vs. ratio").fill(ratio,mcp.getEnergy());
+	    }
+	    else if (PDGID==130) {
+		aida.cloud1D("Klong ratio").fill(ratio);
+		aida.cloud2D("Klong Energy vs. ratio").fill(ratio,mcp.getEnergy());
+	    }
+	    else if (Math.abs(PDGID)==2112) {
+		aida.cloud1D("neutron ratio").fill(ratio);
+		aida.cloud2D("neutron Energy vs. ratio").fill(ratio,mcp.getEnergy());
+	    }
+	}
+    }
+    MCParticleClassifier mcpClassifier = new MCParticleClassifier();
+    String getStatusCode(MCParticle mcp)
+    {
+	String code = ""+mcpClassifier.getClassification(mcp);
+	return code;
+    }
+    Random random = new Random();
+    double getMeasuredEnergy(CheatCluster cluster)
+    {
+	MCParticle mcp = cluster.getMCParticle();
+	double energy = cluster.getRawEnergy();
+	if (mcp.getPDGID()==22) {
+	    energy = energy/ECalSampling;
+	}
+	else {
+	    //energy = energy/HCalSampling;
+	    int nhits = 0;
+	    for (CalorimeterHit hit : cluster.getCalorimeterHits())
+		if (hit.getTime()<100.) nhits++;
+	    energy = nhits/HCalDigital;
+	}
+	Hep3Vector pV = mcp.getMomentum();
+	double r = energy/pV.magnitude();
+	if (useTruth) r = 1.;
+	else {
+	    if (mcp.getPDGID()==22) {
+		if (useECalParameterization) {
+		    r = 1. - random.nextGaussian()*ECalResolution/Math.sqrt(mcp.getEnergy());
+		    if (r<0.1) r = 0.1;
+		}
+	    }
+	    else
+		if (useHCalParameterization) {
+		    r = 1. - random.nextGaussian()*HCalResolution/Math.sqrt(mcp.getEnergy());
+		    if (r<0.1) r = 0.1;
+		}
+	}
+	return r * pV.magnitude();
+    }
+    Map<MCParticle,Integer> map = null;
+    /** Get ... */
+    Map<MCParticle,Integer> getMCParticleMapping(EventHeader event)
+    {
+	Map<MCParticle,Integer> map = new HashMap<MCParticle,Integer>();
+	// Get Monte Carlo particles from LCSIM event
+	List<MCParticle> particleList = event.getMCParticles();
+	int n=-1;
+	for (MCParticle mcp : particleList) {
+	    Particle particle = (Particle) mcp;  n++;
+	    map.put(mcp,n);
+	}
+	return map;
+    }
+    /** Get Pythia Monte Carlo charged and neutral lists. */
+    public void getPythiaMCParticles(EventHeader event, List<MCParticle> chargedList, List<MCParticle> neutralList)
+    {
+	// Get Monte Carlo particles from LCSIM event.
+	String text = "   Get Pythia Monte Carlo charged and neutral lists.";
+	if (firstEvents) System.out.println(text); if (first) System.err.println(text);
+	List<MCParticle> particleList = event.getMCParticles();
+	int NMCParticles = 0;
+	int n=-1,ipn=0; boolean initial = true; double finalEnergy=0.;
+	for (MCParticle mcp : particleList) {
+	    Particle particle = (Particle) mcp;  n++;
+	    String statusCode = ""+getStatusCode(mcp);
+	    boolean finalState = statusCode.equals("GEN_FINAL_STATE");
+	    //if (finalState) {
+		int PDGID = particle.getPDGID();
+		String Name = particle.getType().getName();
+		int parentPDGID = 0; String parentNumber = "";
+		List<MCParticle> parents = particle.getParents();
+		Particle parent = null; if (!parents.isEmpty()) parent = parents.get(0);
+		if (parent!=null) { parentPDGID = parent.getPDGID(); parentNumber = " (#"+map.get(parent)+")"; }
+		boolean neutrino = Math.abs(PDGID)==NuEID || Math.abs(PDGID)==NuMuID || Math.abs(PDGID)==NuTauID;
+		if (neutrino) {
+		    parentPDGID = parent.getPDGID();
+		    while (parentPDGID == PDGID) {
+			List<MCParticle> grandParents = parent.getParents();
+			Particle grandParent = null; if (!grandParents.isEmpty()) grandParent = grandParents.get(0);
+			parent = grandParent; if (parent!=null) parentPDGID = parent.getPDGID();
+		    }
+		    //continue;
+		}
+		double p = Math.sqrt(mcp.getPX()*mcp.getPX()+mcp.getPY()*mcp.getPY()+mcp.getPZ()*mcp.getPZ());
+		text = "   Particle #"+n+" (PDGID "+PDGID+") "+Name+" (p="+df.format(p)+") \tstatus = "+
+		    statusCode+" parent = "+parentNumber+parentPDGID;
+		if (firstEvents) System.out.println(text);
+		boolean quark = Math.abs(PDGID)<=6;
+		boolean gluon = PDGID==21;
+		boolean unknown = PDGID==0 || PDGID==92;
+	    if (finalState && !neutrino && !(quark||gluon||unknown)) {
+		NMCParticles++;
+	        Hep3Vector PV = particle.getMomentum();
+		double Pt = Math.sqrt(PV.x()*PV.x()+PV.y()*PV.y());
+		double P = Math.sqrt(Pt*Pt+PV.z()*PV.z());
+		double CosTh = -1; if (P!=0.) CosTh = PV.z()/P;
+		finalEnergy += particle.getEnergy();
+		if (Math.abs(CosTh)<InitialCosThMin) {
+		    ipn++;
+		    if (particle.getCharge()==0) neutralList.add(mcp);
+		    else chargedList.add(mcp);
+		}
+	    }
+	}
+	if (firstEvents) System.out.println("  Found "+NMCParticles+" final state Monte Carlo particles"+
+					    " with total energy = "+df.format(finalEnergy)+".");
+   }
+    /**
+     * Used for standalone reconstruction
+     */
+    public static void main(String[] argv)
+    {
+        String JobName = "ReconCheater "+argv[0];
+	try {
+	 /*
+	    URL url = new URL("");
+	    FileCache cache = new FileCache();
+	    File file = cache.getCachedFile(url);
+	 */
+	    File file = new File(argv[1]);
+	    //LCIODriver writer = new LCIODriver("output.slcio");
+	    LCSimLoop loop = new LCSimLoop();
+	    loop.setLCIORecordSource(file);
+	    loop.add(new ReconCheater());
+	    //Test LoopProcessor processor = new LoopProcessor(argv,loop);
+	    // LoopProcessor processor = new LoopProcessor(argv,nEvtFile,loop,parameters);
+	    loop.loop(-1);
+	    loop.dispose();
+	    AIDA.defaultInstance().saveAs("new.aida");
+	}
+	catch (Exception x) { }
+	{
+	}
+    }
+    protected DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat();
+    protected final static double InitialCosThMin = 0.9999;
+    protected final static int NuEID    = 12;
+    protected final static int NuMuID   = 14;
+    protected final static int NuTauID  = 16;
CVSspam 0.2.8