Commit in lcsim/src/org/lcsim/recon/vertexing/zvtop4 on MAIN removed
another one bites the dust

lcsim/src/org/lcsim/recon/vertexing/zvtop4 removed after 1.13
diff -N
---	23 Aug 2005 05:41:08 -0000	1.13
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,274 +0,0 @@
- * 
- */
-package org.lcsim.recon.vertexing.zvtop4;
-import hep.physics.vec.BasicHep3Vector;
-import hep.physics.vec.Hep3Vector;
-import hep.physics.vec.VecOp;
-import org.lcsim.event.Track;
-import org.lcsim.geometry.Detector;
-import org.lcsim.spacegeom.CartesianPoint;
-import org.lcsim.spacegeom.SpacePoint;
-import org.lcsim.util.swim.HelixSwim;
-import Jama.Matrix;
-import static org.lcsim.recon.vertexing.zvtop4.ZvUtil.getUnitTangent;
-import static org.lcsim.recon.vertexing.zvtop4.VectorArithmetic.cross;
-import static org.lcsim.recon.vertexing.zvtop4.VectorArithmetic.unit;
-import static;
-import static org.lcsim.recon.vertexing.zvtop4.VectorArithmetic.subtract;
-import static org.lcsim.recon.vertexing.zvtop4.VectorArithmetic.multiply;
-import static org.lcsim.recon.vertexing.zvtop4.VectorArithmetic.add;
-import static org.lcsim.recon.vertexing.zvtop4.VectorArithmetic.magnitude;
-import static org.lcsim.recon.vertexing.zvtop4.ZvUtil.fieldConversion;
- * @author jstrube
- * @version
- */
-public class ZvSwimmer extends HelixSwim {
-    private static double maxSinLambda = 0.99;
-    private static double  stepMin = 0.005; 
-    private static int nMaxTry = 7;
-    private static double  stepSize = 0.2;
-    static Detector detector;
-    /**
-     * @param B
-     */
-    // FIXME all the constructors can leave the class in an inconsistent state
-    public ZvSwimmer(double B) {
-        super(B);
-        // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub
-    }
-    /**
-     * @param B
-     * @param rhoMin
-     * @param rhoMax
-     * @param zMax
-     */
-    public ZvSwimmer(double B, double rhoMin, double rhoMax, double zMax, Detector det) {
-        super(B, rhoMin, rhoMax, zMax);
-        // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub
-        detector = det;
-    }
-    /**
-     * @param B
-     * @param p
-     * @param r0
-     * @param iq
-     */
-    public ZvSwimmer(double B, double[] p, double[] r0, int iq) {
-        super(B, p, r0, iq);
-        // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub
-    }
-    /**
-     * Swims the track to a POCA at a line parallel to the target position.
-     * @param track the Track to swim
-     * @param targetPosition the point in space where to swim the track
-     * @return a ZvFitStatus object to determine if the action was successful
-     */
-    public ZvFitStatus swimTo(Track track, SpacePoint targetPosition) {
-        Hep3Vector orgBField = new BasicHep3Vector(detector.getFieldMap().getField(track.getReferencePoint()));
-        Hep3Vector orgTangent = getUnitTangent(track.getTrackParameters());
-        Hep3Vector orgNormal = cross(orgTangent, orgBField);
-        ZvFitStatus status = ZvFitStatus.FAILED_ON_ENTRY; 
-        Track.Parameters orgParameters = new Track.Parameters(track.getTrackParameters());
-        Matrix orgErrorMatrix = new Matrix(track.getErrorMatrix());
-        // FIXME detector radius
-        double radius = 100;
-        // set and check if target position is outside the detector
-        if (targetPosition.rxyz()> radius)
-            return ZvFitStatus.POS_OUT_OF_VOLUME;
-        // get track parameters and error matrix
-        double[] hlxPar = track.getTrackParameters();
-        double[][] dHlxPar = track.getErrorMatrix();
-        double charge = track.getCharge();
-        double sgnq = charge / Math.abs(charge);
-        // FIXME cast from double to BasicHep3Vector
-        double pTot = new BasicHep3Vector(track.getMomentum()).magnitude();
-        // TODO
-//        ZvHelixVec hlxVec = new ZvHelixVec(hlxPar);
-        // current position vector
-        // FIXME
-        SpacePoint vCurPos;
-        {
-            double[] x = track.getReferencePoint();
-            vCurPos = new CartesianPoint(x[0], x[1], x[2]);
-        }
-        SpacePoint orgPosition = new SpacePoint(vCurPos);
-        Hep3Vector tangentUnit = getUnitTangent(hlxPar);
-        Hep3Vector magneticFieldUnit = new BasicHep3Vector(detector.getFieldMap().getField(vCurPos.getCartesianArray()));
-        Hep3Vector normalUnit = unit(cross(tangentUnit, magneticFieldUnit));
-        Hep3Vector vbdUnit = new BasicHep3Vector(0, 0, 1);
-        // check for cos(Lambda)
-        if (Math.abs(tangentUnit.z()) > maxSinLambda)
-            return ZvFitStatus.TOO_BIG_DIP_ANGLE;
-        // master loop
-        double f = 0.;
-        double sumArc = 0.;
-        int iter = 0;
-        do {
-            // counter
-            if (++iter > nMaxTry)
-                return ZvFitStatus.TOO_MANY_ITERATIONS;
-            // now calculate travel distance along track
-            double pb = dot(tangentUnit, vbdUnit);
-            Hep3Vector vu = subtract(targetPosition, vCurPos);
-            // distance along p direction to pt of closest approach
-            f = (dot(vu, tangentUnit) - pb * dot(vu, vbdUnit)) / (1. - pb * pb);
-            // preparation for stepping loop
-            double fLeft = f;
-            double fSign = f / Math.abs(f);
-            while (Math.abs(fLeft) > 0.) {
-                double arcLen;
-                if (Math.abs(fLeft) > stepSize)
-                    arcLen = fSign * stepSize;
-                else
-                    arcLen = fLeft;
-                // now do a step
-                vCurPos = leapToNewPosition(track, arcLen, vCurPos, tangentUnit, pTot, sgnq);
-                tangentUnit = globalpUnit;
-                // check for containment
-                if (Math.abs(globalpUnit.z()) > maxSinLambda)
-                    return ZvFitStatus.TOO_BIG_DIP_ANGLE;
-                // final accounting
-                sumArc += arcLen;
-                fLeft -= arcLen;
-            } // stepping loop
-        } while (Math.abs(f) > stepMin); // master loop
-        // recalculate helix parameters
-//        int phi0 = Track.ParameterName.phi0.ordinal();
-//        int tanLambda = Track.ParameterName.s.ordinal();
-//        hlxPar[phi0] = Math.atan2(tangentUnit.y(), tangentUnit.x());
-//        if (hlxPar[phi0] < 0)
-//            hlxPar[phi0] += 2. * Math.PI; // phi
-//        // FIXME these parameters are screwed up for sure, ZvSwimmer is to be obsoleted anyway
-        double cosL = Math.sqrt(1. - tangentUnit.z() * tangentUnit.z());
-//        hlxPar[2] = 1. / (pTot * cosL); // kappa
-//        hlxPar[tanLambda] = tangentUnit.z() / cosL; // tan(lambda)
-//        hlxPar[4]  = vCurPos.x(); // x
-//        hlxPar[5] = vCurPos.y(); // y
-//        hlxPar[6] = vCurPos.z(); // z
-        // check current position
-        if ( vCurPos.rxy() > maxRadius || vCurPos.z() > maxZ )  
-            return ZvFitStatus.POS_OUT_OF_VOLUME;
-        // calculate doca reference point on target line
-        Hep3Vector vu = subtract(vCurPos, targetPosition);
-        double lambda = dot(vu, tangentUnit) / dot(vbdUnit, tangentUnit);
-        SpacePoint vxRef = add(targetPosition, multiply(vbdUnit, lambda));
-        // now swim the error matrix
-        if (Math.abs(sumArc) > 0.) {
-            double sign = -sumArc / Math.abs(sumArc);
-            double fsum = Math.abs(sumArc);
-            Hep3Vector dVec = subtract(vCurPos, orgPosition);
-            double dis2 = Math.sqrt(dVec.x() * dVec.x() + dVec.y() * dVec.y());
-            double bFieldStrength = magnitude(detector.getFieldMap().getField(vCurPos.getCartesianArray()));
-            magneticFieldUnit = unit(detector.getFieldMap().getField(vCurPos.getCartesianArray()));
-            normalUnit = unit(cross(tangentUnit, magneticFieldUnit));
-            // build the transformation matrix
-            Matrix A = new Matrix(5, 5, 0.);
-            A.set(0, 0, 1.);
-            A.set(0, 1, fsum * fieldConversion * bFieldStrength * cosL * sgnq * sign);
-            A.set(1, 1, 1.);
-            A.set(2, 2, 1.);
-            A.set(3, 0, dVec.x() * normalUnit.y() - dVec.y() * normalUnit.x());
-            A.set(3, 1, sgnq * 0.5 * dis2 * fieldConversion * bFieldStrength
-                    * (tangentUnit.y() * normalUnit.x() - tangentUnit.x() * normalUnit.y()) / cosL);
-            A.set(3, 2, -sign * fsum * cosL * normalUnit.z());
-            A.set(3, 3, dot(normalUnit, orgNormal));            
-            A.set(3, 4, dot(normalUnit, orgBField));
-            A.set(4, 0, dVec.x() * magneticFieldUnit.y() - dVec.y() * magneticFieldUnit.x());
-            A.set(4, 1, sgnq * 0.5 * dis2 * fieldConversion * bFieldStrength
-                    * (tangentUnit.y() * magneticFieldUnit.x() - tangentUnit.x() * magneticFieldUnit.y()) / cosL);
-            A.set(4, 2, -sign * fsum * cosL * magneticFieldUnit.z());
-            A.set(4, 3, dot(magneticFieldUnit, orgNormal));
-            A.set(4, 4, dot(magneticFieldUnit, orgBField));
-            dHlxPar = A.times(orgErrorMatrix.times(A.transpose())).getArray();
-        }
-        // record swum distance
-//        status.setDist(sumArc);
-//        // set up the resulting track
-//        swumTrack = track.copy();
-//        swumTrack.setZvTrackParam(hlxPar);
-//        swumTrack.setZvTrackError(dHlxPar);
-//        swumTrack.setSwimStatus(new ZvSwimStatus(status));
-        return ZvFitStatus.OK;
-    }
-    // FIXME bad example of global variable
-    static Hep3Vector globalpUnit;
-    // TODO naming of vectors is obscure
-    private static SpacePoint leapToNewPosition(Track track
-            , double arcLen
-            , SpacePoint xPosition
-            , Hep3Vector tan
-            , double pTot
-            , double charge) {
-        Hep3Vector oldTangent = getUnitTangent(track.getTrackParameters());
-        Hep3Vector tangentUnit = unit(tan);
-        Hep3Vector bField = unit(detector.getFieldMap().getField(xPosition.getCartesianArray()));
-        // is already unit vec
-        Hep3Vector parallelUnit = cross(tangentUnit, bField);
-        Hep3Vector normalFieldVector = unit(cross(bField, parallelUnit));
-        double bFieldMag = bField.magnitude();
-        double cosPit = dot(tangentUnit, normalFieldVector);
-        double sinPit = dot(tangentUnit, bField);
-        double tanPit = sinPit / cosPit;
-        double omega  = charge/Math.abs(charge)*bFieldMag/ ( 333.567 * pTot*cosPit );
-        double alpha = omega * cosPit * arcLen;
-        Hep3Vector delPos = multiply(add(multiply(normalFieldVector, Math.sin(alpha)),
-              add(multiply(parallelUnit, 1.-Math.cos(alpha)), multiply(bField, alpha*tanPit))), 1./omega);
-        globalpUnit = multiply(add(multiply(normalFieldVector, Math.cos(alpha)),
-                add(multiply(parallelUnit, Math.sin(alpha)), multiply(bField, tanPit))), cosPit); 
-        return add(xPosition, delPos);
-    }
-    public void setDetector(Detector d) {
-        detector = d;
-    }
-    private static double maxRadius = 999999.;  // cm
-    private static double maxZ = 999999.;  // cm
CVSspam 0.2.8