Commit in slic/analysis on MAIN removed removed
2 removed files
Removing Java analysis code from SLIC C++ package.

slic/analysis removed after 1.6
diff -N
---	18 Mar 2005 01:49:06 -0000	1.6
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,699 +0,0 @@
-import hep.aida.*;
-import hep.lcio.event.*;
-import org.freehep.record.loop.event.*;
-import java.util.Vector;
-public class Slic_DiagnosticHists extends RecordAdapter
-    public Slic_DiagnosticHists()
-    {
-        IAnalysisFactory analysisFactory = IAnalysisFactory.create();
-        ITree tree = analysisFactory.createTreeFactory().create();
-        // Create histogram here
-        IHistogramFactory histogramFactory = analysisFactory.createHistogramFactory(tree);
-        tree.mkdir("/Temp");
-        hVEdistA = histogramFactory.createCloud1D("Vtx to EP dist: KE > 1 MeV");
-        hVEdistB = histogramFactory.createCloud1D("Vtx to EP dist: KE < 1 MeV");
-        hVE0PDG2 = histogramFactory.createCloud1D("Vtx to EP dist = 0: Predecay PDG");
-        hVE0PDG5 = histogramFactory.createCloud1D("Vtx to EP dist = 0: Sim decay PDG");
-        hVE0ci = histogramFactory.createHistogram1D("Vtx to EP dist = 0: creation index",6,-0.5,5.5);
-        hVE0di = histogramFactory.createHistogram1D("Vtx to EP dist = 0: demise index",6,-0.5,5.5);
-        tree.mkdir("/Event");
-        hnMCP = histogramFactory.createCloud1D("# MCParticles");
-        hFSE = histogramFactory.createCloud1D("Gen Final State Energy");
-        hSimFSE = histogramFactory.createCloud1D("Sim Final State Energy");
-        tree.mkdir("/Particles");
-        hsimstat = histogramFactory.createHistogram1D("Simulator Status",128,-.5,127.5);
-        hgenstat = histogramFactory.createHistogram1D("Generator Status",4,-.5,3.5);
-        pgenvssim = histogramFactory.createHistogram2D("Status:gen vs sim",4,-.5,3.5,128,-.5,127.5);
-        hstatbits = histogramFactory.createHistogram1D("Simulator Status bits",7,.5,7.5);
-        hgFSE = histogramFactory.createCloud1D("Energy GenFS particles");
-        hgFSPDG = histogramFactory.createCloud1D("PDG GenFS particles");
-        hsFSE = histogramFactory.createCloud1D("Energy SimFS particles");
-        hsFSPDG = histogramFactory.createCloud1D("PDG SimFS particles");
-        int nccat = 6;
-        int necat = 5;
-        hEce = new ICloud1D[nccat][necat];
-        hPDGce = new ICloud1D[nccat][necat];
-        hVX = new ICloud2D[nccat][necat];
-        hEP = new ICloud2D[nccat][necat];
-        hEc = new ICloud1D[nccat];
-        hPDGc = new ICloud1D[nccat];
-        String[] cname = {"Document","Initial","PreDecay","Backscatter","Continuous","Decay"};
-        String[] ename = {"None","DecayT","DecayC","Left","Stopped"};
-        for(int i=0;i<nccat;i++)
-        {
-           hEc[i] = histogramFactory.createCloud1D("Type "+cname[i] + ":: Energy");
-           hPDGc[i] = histogramFactory.createCloud1D("Type "+cname[i] + ":: PDG");
-           for(int j=0;j<necat;j++)
-           {
-              hEce[i][j] = histogramFactory.createCloud1D("Type "+cname[i] + ": End "+ename[j]+":: Energy");
-              hPDGce[i][j] = histogramFactory.createCloud1D("Type "+cname[i] + ": End "+ename[j]+ ":: PDG");
-              hVX[i][j] = histogramFactory.createCloud2D("Type "+cname[i] + ": End "+ename[j]+":: Vtx");
-              hEP[i][j] = histogramFactory.createCloud2D("Type "+cname[i] + ": End "+ename[j]+":: Endpoint");
-           }
-        }
-        hbadstatGB = histogramFactory.createCloud1D("bad status: Gen particle with Backscatter");
-        hbadstatGVNE = histogramFactory.createCloud1D("bad status: Gen particle with VtxnotEPofParent");
-        hbadstatGFnoE = histogramFactory.createCloud1D("bad status: Gen particle in Sim with no End status");
-        hbadstatSnotS = histogramFactory.createCloud1D("bad status: Sim particle without Sim set");
-        hbadstatSnoE = histogramFactory.createCloud1D("bad status: Sim particle with no end status");
-        hbadstatME12 = histogramFactory.createCloud1D("mult end status: Dec in T + Decay in C");
-        hbadstatME13 = histogramFactory.createCloud1D("mult end status: Dec in T + Left");
-        hbadstatME14 = histogramFactory.createCloud1D("mult end status: Dec in T + Stopped");
-        hbadstatME23 = histogramFactory.createCloud1D("mult end status: Dec in C + Left");
-        hbadstatME24 = histogramFactory.createCloud1D("mult end status: Dec in C + Stopped");
-        hbadstatME34 = histogramFactory.createCloud1D("mult end status: Left + Stopped");
-        hnCal = new ICloud1D[ncalcolls][3];
-        hECal = new ICloud1D[ncalcolls][3];
-        RZCal = new ICloud2D[ncalcolls][3];
-        hlayCal = new IHistogram1D[ncalcolls][3];
-        hphibinCal = new ICloud1D[ncalcolls][3];
-        hthetabinCal = new ICloud1D[ncalcolls][3];
-        hncontperhit = new IHistogram1D[ncalcolls][3];
-        hphivsbinCal = new ICloud2D[ncalcolls][3];
-        hthetavsbinCal = new ICloud2D[ncalcolls][3];
-        hcontPDG = new ICloud1D[ncalcolls][3];
-        hcontPDGsingle = new ICloud1D[ncalcolls][3];
-        nCalhits = new int[ncalcolls][3];
-        for(int i=0;i<ncalcolls;i++)
-        {
-           tree.mkdir("/"+calcoll[i]);
-           for(int j=0;j<3;j++)
-           {
-              tree.mkdir("/"+calcoll[i]+"/"+which[j]);
-    "/"+calcoll[i]+"/"+which[j]);
-              nCalhits[i][j] = 0;
-              hnCal[i][j] = histogramFactory.createCloud1D(" #hits");
-              hECal[i][j] = histogramFactory.createCloud1D(" Energy per hit");
-              RZCal[i][j] = histogramFactory.createCloud2D(" R vs Z"); 
-              hlayCal[i][j] = histogramFactory.createHistogram1D(" layer",50,-.5,49.5);
-              hphibinCal[i][j] = histogramFactory.createCloud1D(" phi bin");
-              hthetabinCal[i][j] = histogramFactory.createCloud1D(" theta bin");
-              hphivsbinCal[i][j] = histogramFactory.createCloud2D(" phibin vs phi");
-              hthetavsbinCal[i][j] = histogramFactory.createCloud2D(" thetabin vs theta");
-              hncontperhit[i][j] = histogramFactory.createHistogram1D("#parts per hit",20,0.5,20.5); 
-              hcontPDG[i][j] = histogramFactory.createCloud1D("PDG of contributors");
-              hcontPDGsingle[i][j] = histogramFactory.createCloud1D("single contibutor PDG");
-           }
-        }
-        hnTrk = new ICloud1D[ntrkcolls][3];
-        hETrk = new ICloud1D[ntrkcolls][3];
-        RZTrk = new ICloud2D[ntrkcolls][3];
-        hlayTrk = new IHistogram1D[ntrkcolls][3];
-        nTrkhits = new int[ntrkcolls][3];
-        for(int i=0;i<ntrkcolls;i++)
-        {
-           tree.mkdir("/"+trkcoll[i]);
-           for(int j=0;j<3;j++)
-           {
-              tree.mkdir("/"+trkcoll[i]+"/"+which[j]);
-    "/"+trkcoll[i]+"/"+which[j]);
-              nTrkhits[i][j] = 0;
-              hnTrk[i][j] = histogramFactory.createCloud1D(" #hits");
-              hETrk[i][j] = histogramFactory.createCloud1D(" Energy per hit");
-              RZTrk[i][j] = histogramFactory.createCloud2D(" R vs Z"); 
-              hlayTrk[i][j] = histogramFactory.createHistogram1D(" layer",50,-.5,49.5);
-           }
-        }
-     nmaxhits = 99000;
-     ievt = 0;
-   }
-    public void recordSupplied(RecordSuppliedEvent recordSuppliedEvent)
-    {
-        LCEvent event = (LCEvent) recordSuppliedEvent.getRecord();
-        LCCollection collection = event.getCollection("MCParticle");
-        int nMc =  collection.getNumberOfElements();
-//        System.out.println(" # MCParticles = " + nMc);
-        MCParticle testmc = (MCParticle) collection.getElementAt(nMc-1);
-//        if(testmc.getEnergy() < 9.)return;
-            boolean done = true;
-            if( ievt == 4708 )
-            {
-               for(int i = 0; i < nMc; i++)
-               {
-                  dumpMCParticle( (MCParticle) collection.getElementAt(i),i);
-               }
-            }
-            if(done)
-            {
-               ievt++;
-               return;
-            }
-        MCParticle[] gFS = new MCParticle[nMc];
-        int ngFS =0;
-        hnMCP.fill(nMc);
-        double totFSE = 0.;
-        double totSimFSE = 0.;
-        for(int i = 0; i < nMc; i++)
-        {
-             MCParticle mcparticle = (MCParticle) collection.getElementAt(i);
-//             dumpMCParticle(mcparticle,i);
-             if(mcparticle.isCreatedInSimulation())hstatbits.fill(1);
-             if(mcparticle.isBackscatter())hstatbits.fill(2);
-             if(mcparticle.vertexIsNotEndpointOfParent())hstatbits.fill(3);
-             if(mcparticle.isDecayedInTracker())hstatbits.fill(4);
-             if(mcparticle.isDecayedInCalorimeter())hstatbits.fill(5);
-             if(mcparticle.hasLeftDetector())hstatbits.fill(6);
-             if(mcparticle.isStopped())hstatbits.fill(7);
-             double[] ep = mcparticle.getEndpoint();
-             double R = Math.sqrt(ep[0]*ep[0]+ep[1]*ep[1]);
-             double Z = ep[2];
-             double[] vx = mcparticle.getVertex();
-             double vR = Math.sqrt(vx[0]*vx[0]+vx[1]*vx[1]);
-             double vZ = vx[2];
-             double E = mcparticle.getEnergy();
-             int PDG = mcparticle.getPDG();
-             int gstat = mcparticle.getGeneratorStatus();
-             int sstat = mcparticle.getSimulatorStatus();
-             sstat &= 0x7fffffff;
-             sstat = sstat >> 24;
-             hsimstat.fill(sstat);
-             hgenstat.fill(gstat);
-             pgenvssim.fill(gstat,sstat);
-//   Check for inconsistencies
-            boolean badstat = checkStatusConsistency(mcparticle);
-            if(badstat)
-            {
-               dumpMCParticle(mcparticle,i);
-               continue;
-            }
-//    Catagorize the particles
-            boolean fromGenerator = gstat > 0;
-            boolean createdInSim = mcparticle.isCreatedInSimulation();
-            int nendd = 0;
-            int nd = mcparticle.getNumberOfDaughters();
-            for(int k=0;k<nd;k++)
-            {
-               MCParticle d = mcparticle.getDaughter(k);
-                if(d.vertexIsNotEndpointOfParent())continue;
-                if(d.isBackscatter())continue;
-                nendd++;
-            }
-            boolean hasEPDaughters = nendd > 0;
-            int creationIndex = 0;
-            int demiseIndex = 0;
-            if(mcparticle.isDecayedInTracker())demiseIndex = 1;
-            else if(mcparticle.isDecayedInCalorimeter())demiseIndex = 2;
-            else if(mcparticle.hasLeftDetector())demiseIndex = 3;
-            else if(mcparticle.isStopped())demiseIndex = 4;
-            if(fromGenerator)
-            {
-               int np = mcparticle.getNumberOfParents();
-               boolean parentinsim = false;
-               if(np == 1)
-               {
-                  MCParticle p = mcparticle.getParent(0);
-                  if(p.isDecayedInTracker() || p.isDecayedInCalorimeter() ||
-                     p.hasLeftDetector() || p.isStopped() )
-                  {
-                     parentinsim = true;
-                  }
-               }
-               if( demiseIndex == 0)
-               {
-//                Simulator never saw this
-                  creationIndex = 0;
-               }
-               else if(!createdInSim && !parentinsim)
-               {
-//                Initial generator particle passed to simulator
-                  creationIndex = 1;
-               }
-               else
-               {
-//                Predecay
-                  creationIndex = 2;
-               }
-            }
-            else
-            {
-//             Simulator created it on its own
-               if(mcparticle.isBackscatter())
-               {
-//                backscatter
-                  creationIndex = 3;
-               }
-               else if(mcparticle.vertexIsNotEndpointOfParent())
-               {
-//                created without killing parent
-                  creationIndex = 4;
-               }
-               else
-               {
-//                result of parent decay or interaction
-                  creationIndex = 5;
-               }
-            }            
-            hEce[creationIndex][demiseIndex].fill(E);
-            hPDGce[creationIndex][demiseIndex].fill(PDG);
-            hVX[creationIndex][demiseIndex].fill(vZ,vR);
-            hEP[creationIndex][demiseIndex].fill(Z,R);
-            hEc[creationIndex].fill(E);
-            hPDGc[creationIndex].fill(PDG);
-             if(creationIndex > 0)
-             {
-                double KE = E - mcparticle.getMass();
-                double VEdist = Math.sqrt( (vx[0] - ep[0])*(vx[0] - ep[0]) +
-                                                                 (vx[1] - ep[1])*(vx[1] - ep[1]) +
-                                                                 (vx[2] - ep[2])*(vx[2] - ep[2]) );
-                if(KE < .001)hVEdistB.fill(VEdist);
-                else hVEdistA.fill(VEdist);
-//                if( (KE >= .001) && (VEdist < .001) )dumpMCParticle(mcparticle,i);
-//                dumpMCParticle(mcparticle,i);
-                 if(VEdist == 0.)
-                 {
-                    if(creationIndex == 2)hVE0PDG2.fill(PDG);
-                    else if(creationIndex == 5)hVE0PDG5.fill(PDG);
-                    hVE0ci.fill(creationIndex);
-                    hVE0di.fill(demiseIndex);
-                    if(PDG == 3122)
-                    {
-                      for(int j = 0; j < nMc; j++)
-                      {
-                         dumpMCParticle( (MCParticle) collection.getElementAt(j),j);
-                      }
-                    }
-                 }
-             }
-            if(creationIndex == 1)
-            {
-//             Generator "Final State"
-               hgFSE.fill(E); 
-               hgFSPDG.fill(PDG);
-               totFSE += E;
-               gFS[ngFS] = mcparticle;
-               ngFS++;
-            }
-        }
-        hFSE.fill(totFSE);
-        for(int i=0;i<ngFS;i++)
-        {
-           MCParticle[] sFS = getSimFSparticles(gFS[i]);
-           for(int j=0;j<sFS.length;j++)
-           {
-              hsFSE.fill(sFS[j].getEnergy());
-              hsFSPDG.fill(sFS[j].getPDG());
-              totSimFSE += sFS[j].getEnergy();
-           }
-        }
-        hSimFSE.fill(totSimFSE);
-        for(int i=0;i<ncalcolls;i++)
-        {
-           collection = event.getCollection(calcoll[i]);
-           int nhits =  collection.getNumberOfElements();
-           hnCal[i][0].fill(nhits);
-           int n1 = 0;
-           int n2 = 0;
-           for(int j = 0; j < nhits; j++)
-           {
-              SimCalorimeterHit hit = (SimCalorimeterHit) collection.getElementAt(j);
-              float[] pos = hit.getPosition();
-              double R = Math.sqrt(pos[0]*pos[0] + pos[1]*pos[1]);
-              int id0 = hit.getCellID0();
-              int id1 = hit.getCellID1();
-              int lay = id0 & 0x7F;
-              int tbin = id1 & 0x7FF;
-              int pbin = (id1 >> 11) & 0x7FF;
-              double phi = Math.atan2(pos[1],pos[0]);
-              if(phi < 0)phi += 2.*Math.PI;
-              double theta = Math.atan2(pos[2],R);
-              if(nCalhits[i][0] < nmaxhits)
-              {
-                 nCalhits[i][0]++;
-                 RZCal[i][0].fill(pos[2],R);
-                 hECal[i][0].fill(hit.getEnergy());
-                 hthetabinCal[i][0].fill(tbin);
-                 hphibinCal[i][0].fill(pbin);
-                 hphivsbinCal[i][0].fill(phi,pbin);
-                 hthetavsbinCal[i][0].fill(theta,tbin);
-                 for(int m=0;m<hit.getNMCParticles();m++)
-                 {
-                    hcontPDG[i][0].fill(hit.getPDGCont(m));
-                    if(hit.getNMCParticles() == 1)
-                    {
-                       hcontPDGsingle[i][0].fill(hit.getPDGCont(m));
-                    }
-                 }
-              }
-              hlayCal[i][0].fill(lay);
-              hncontperhit[i][0].fill(hit.getNMCParticles());
-              int k = 1;
-              if(hit.getEnergy() > calEcut[i])
-              {
-                 k = 2;
-                 n2++;
-              }
-              else n1++;
-              if(nCalhits[i][k] < nmaxhits)
-              {
-                 nCalhits[i][k]++;
-                 RZCal[i][k].fill(pos[2],R);
-                 hECal[i][k].fill(hit.getEnergy());
-                 hthetabinCal[i][k].fill(tbin);
-                 hphibinCal[i][k].fill(pbin);
-                 hphivsbinCal[i][k].fill(phi,pbin);
-                 hthetavsbinCal[i][k].fill(theta,tbin);
-                 for(int m=0;m<hit.getNMCParticles();m++)
-                 {
-                    hcontPDG[i][k].fill(hit.getPDGCont(m));
-                    if(hit.getNMCParticles() == 1)
-                    {
-                       hcontPDGsingle[i][k].fill(hit.getPDGCont(m));
-                    }
-                 }
-              }
-              hlayCal[i][k].fill(lay);
-              hncontperhit[i][k].fill(hit.getNMCParticles());
-           }
-           hnCal[i][1].fill(n1);
-           hnCal[i][2].fill(n2);
-        }
-        for(int i=0;i<ntrkcolls;i++)
-        {
-           collection = event.getCollection(trkcoll[i]);
-           int nhits =  collection.getNumberOfElements();
-           hnTrk[i][0].fill(nhits);
-           int n1 = 0;
-           int n2 = 0;
-           for(int j = 0; j < nhits; j++)
-           {
-              SimTrackerHit hit = (SimTrackerHit) collection.getElementAt(j);
-              double[] pos = hit.getPosition();
-              double R = Math.sqrt(pos[0]*pos[0] + pos[1]*pos[1]);
-              if(nTrkhits[i][0] < nmaxhits)
-              {
-                 nTrkhits[i][0]++;
-                 RZTrk[i][0].fill(pos[2],R);
-                 hETrk[i][0].fill(hit.getdEdx());
-              }
-              hlayTrk[i][0].fill(hit.getCellID() & 0x7F);
-              int k = 1;
-              if(hit.getdEdx() > trkEcut[i])
-              {
-                 k = 2;
-                 n2++;
-              }
-              else n1++;
-              if(nTrkhits[i][k] < nmaxhits)
-              {
-                 nTrkhits[i][k]++;
-                 RZTrk[i][k].fill(pos[2],R);
-                 hETrk[i][k].fill(hit.getdEdx());
-              }
-              hlayTrk[i][k].fill(hit.getCellID() & 0x7F);
-           }
-           hnTrk[i][1].fill(n1);
-           hnTrk[i][2].fill(n2);
-        }
-        ievt++;
-    }
-    private MCParticle[] getSimFSparticles(MCParticle gpart)
-    {
-       Vector fsp = new Vector();
-       traceit(gpart, fsp);
-       MCParticle[] returnp = new MCParticle[fsp.size()];
-       for(int i=0;i<fsp.size();i++)
-       {
-          returnp[i] = (MCParticle) fsp.get(i);
-       }
-       return returnp;
-    }
-    private void traceit(MCParticle p, Vector v)
-    {
-       int nepd = 0;
-       int nd = p.getNumberOfDaughters();
-       for(int k=0;k<nd;k++)
-       {
-          MCParticle d = p.getDaughter(k);
-          if(d.vertexIsNotEndpointOfParent())continue;
-          if(d.isBackscatter())continue;
-          nepd++;
-       }
-       if(nepd > 0)
-       {
-          for(int i=0;i<nd;i++)
-          {
-             MCParticle dp = p.getDaughter(i);
-             if(!dp.isBackscatter())traceit(dp,v);
-          }
-       }
-       else
-       {
-          v.add(p);
-       }       
-    }
-    private boolean checkStatusConsistency(MCParticle mcparticle)
-    {
-       boolean badstat = false;
-       int gstat = mcparticle.getGeneratorStatus();
-            if(gstat > 0)
-            {
-               if(mcparticle.isBackscatter())
-               {
-                  hbadstatGB.fill(mcparticle.getPDG());
-                  badstat = true;
-               }
-               if(mcparticle.vertexIsNotEndpointOfParent())
-               {
-                  hbadstatGVNE.fill(mcparticle.getPDG());
-                  badstat = true;
-               }
-               if((gstat == 1) || (mcparticle.isCreatedInSimulation()))
-               {
-                  if(!(mcparticle.isDecayedInTracker()||mcparticle.isDecayedInCalorimeter()||
-                       mcparticle.hasLeftDetector()||mcparticle.isStopped()))
-                  {
-                     hbadstatGFnoE.fill(mcparticle.getPDG());
-//                     badstat = true;
-                  }
-                  else
-                  {
-                     if(mcparticle.isDecayedInTracker())
-                     {
-                        if(mcparticle.isDecayedInCalorimeter())
-                        {
-                           hbadstatME12.fill(mcparticle.getPDG());
-                           badstat = true;
-                        }
-                        if(mcparticle.hasLeftDetector())
-                        {
-                           hbadstatME13.fill(mcparticle.getPDG());
-                           badstat = true;
-                        }
-                        if(mcparticle.isStopped())
-                        {
-                           hbadstatME14.fill(mcparticle.getPDG());
-                           badstat = true;
-                        }
-                     }
-                     else if(mcparticle.isDecayedInCalorimeter())
-                     {
-                        if(mcparticle.hasLeftDetector())
-                        {
-                           hbadstatME23.fill(mcparticle.getPDG());
-                           badstat = true;
-                        }
-                        if(mcparticle.isStopped())
-                        {
-                           hbadstatME24.fill(mcparticle.getPDG());
-                           badstat = true;
-                        }
-                     }
-                     else if(mcparticle.hasLeftDetector())
-                     {
-                        if(mcparticle.isStopped())
-                        {
-                           hbadstatME34.fill(mcparticle.getPDG());
-                           badstat = true;
-                        }
-                     }
-                  }
-               }
-            }
-            else
-            {
-               if(!mcparticle.isCreatedInSimulation())
-               {
-                  hbadstatSnotS.fill(mcparticle.getPDG());
-                  badstat = true;
-               }
-               else
-               {
-                  if(!(mcparticle.isDecayedInTracker()||mcparticle.isDecayedInCalorimeter()||
-                       mcparticle.hasLeftDetector()||mcparticle.isStopped()))
-                  {
-                     hbadstatSnoE.fill(mcparticle.getPDG());
-//                     badstat = true;
-                  }
-                  else
-                  {
-                     if(mcparticle.isDecayedInTracker())
-                     {
-                        if(mcparticle.isDecayedInCalorimeter())
-                        {
-                           hbadstatME12.fill(mcparticle.getPDG());
-                           badstat = true;
-                        }
-                        if(mcparticle.hasLeftDetector())
-                        {
-                           hbadstatME13.fill(mcparticle.getPDG());
-                           badstat = true;
-                        }
-                        if(mcparticle.isStopped())
-                        {
-                           hbadstatME14.fill(mcparticle.getPDG());
-                           badstat = true;
-                        }
-                     }
-                     else if(mcparticle.isDecayedInCalorimeter())
-                     {
-                        if(mcparticle.hasLeftDetector())
-                        {
-                           hbadstatME23.fill(mcparticle.getPDG());
-                           badstat = true;
-                        }
-                        if(mcparticle.isStopped())
-                        {
-                           hbadstatME24.fill(mcparticle.getPDG());
-                           badstat = true;
-                        }
-                     }
-                     else if(mcparticle.hasLeftDetector())
-                     {
-                        if(mcparticle.isStopped())
-                        {
-                           hbadstatME34.fill(mcparticle.getPDG());
-                           badstat = true;
-                        }
-                     }
-                  }
-               }
-            }
-       return badstat;
-    }
-    private void dumpMCParticle(MCParticle p, int i)
-    {
-       System.out.println("Event "+ievt+" particle "+i+" PDG = "+p.getPDG()+" E = "+p.getEnergy());
-       System.out.println("Sim status: Created in Sim = "+p.isCreatedInSimulation()+" Backscatter = "+p.isBackscatter()+
-                                         " Continuous process creation = "+p.vertexIsNotEndpointOfParent()+" Int/decay in tracker = "+
-                                         p.isDecayedInTracker()+" Int/decay in cal = "+p.isDecayedInCalorimeter()+" Stopped = "+
-                                         p.isStopped()+" Left det = "+p.hasLeftDetector());
-    }
-    private ICloud1D hVEdistA;
-    private ICloud1D hVEdistB;
-    private ICloud1D hVE0PDG2;
-    private ICloud1D hVE0PDG5;
-    private IHistogram1D hVE0ci;
-    private IHistogram1D hVE0di;
-    private IHistogram1D hsimstat;
-    private IHistogram1D hgenstat;
-    private IHistogram1D hstatbits;
-    private ICloud1D hnMCP;
-    private ICloud1D hFSE;
-    private ICloud1D hSimFSE;
-    private IHistogram2D pgenvssim;
-    private ICloud1D    hgFSE;
-    private ICloud1D    hgFSPDG;
-    private ICloud1D    hsFSE;
-    private ICloud1D   hsFSPDG;
-    private ICloud1D[][] hEce;
-    private ICloud1D[][] hPDGce;
-    private ICloud2D[][] hVX;
-    private ICloud2D[][] hEP;
-    private ICloud1D[] hEc;
-    private ICloud1D[] hPDGc;
-    private ICloud1D hbadstatGB;
-    private ICloud1D hbadstatGVNE;
-    private ICloud1D hbadstatGFnoE;
-    private ICloud1D hbadstatSnotS;
-    private ICloud1D hbadstatSnoE;
-    private ICloud1D hbadstatME12;
-    private ICloud1D hbadstatME13;
-    private ICloud1D hbadstatME14;
-    private ICloud1D hbadstatME23;
-    private ICloud1D hbadstatME24;
-    private ICloud1D hbadstatME34;
-    private ICloud1D[][] hnCal;
-    private ICloud1D[][] hECal;
-    private ICloud2D[][] RZCal;
-    private IHistogram1D[][] hlayCal;
-    private ICloud1D[][] hphibinCal;
-    private ICloud1D[][] hthetabinCal;
-    private ICloud2D[][] hphivsbinCal;
-    private ICloud2D[][] hthetavsbinCal;
-    private IHistogram1D[][] hncontperhit;
-    private ICloud1D[][] hcontPDG;
-    private ICloud1D[][] hcontPDGsingle;
-    private ICloud1D[][] hnTrk;
-    private ICloud1D[][] hETrk;
-    private ICloud2D[][] RZTrk;
-    private IHistogram1D[][] hlayTrk;
-    private int[][] nCalhits;
-    private int[][] nTrkhits;
-    private int nmaxhits;
-    private int nEMhits;
-    private int nHADhits;
-    private int nLUMhits;
-    private int nMUONhits;
-    private int nCENhits;
-    private int nVXDhits;
-    private String[] statflags = {"Stopped","Left","CalDecay","TrkDecay","Cont","Backscatter","SimCreated"};
-    private String[] calcoll = {"EcalBarrHits","EcalEndcapHits","HcalBarrHits","HcalEndcapHits",
-                                                  "MuonBarrHits","MuonEndcapHits"};
-    private String[] trkcoll = {"VtxBarrHits","TrkBarrHits","TrkEndcapHits"};
-    private String[] which = {"All: ","E<cut: ","E>cut: "};
-    private int ncalcolls = 6;
-    private int ntrkcolls = 3;
-    private double calEcut[] = {.00006,.00006,.001,.001,.000001,.000001};
-    private double trkEcut[] = {.000015,.00003,.00003};
-    private int ievt;

slic/analysis removed after 1.2
diff -N
---	14 Mar 2005 18:42:50 -0000	1.2
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,398 +0,0 @@
-import hep.aida.*;
-import hep.lcio.event.*;
-import org.freehep.record.loop.event.*;
-import java.util.Vector;
-public class Slic_HitAssociation extends RecordAdapter
-    public Slic_HitAssociation()
-    {
-        IAnalysisFactory analysisFactory = IAnalysisFactory.create();
-        ITree tree = analysisFactory.createTreeFactory().create();
-        // Create histogram here
-        IHistogramFactory histogramFactory = analysisFactory.createHistogramFactory(tree);
-        tree.mkdir("/hists");
-        hPDGall = histogramFactory.createHistogram1D("PDG all visible particles",5555,-.5,5554.5);
-        hdIndex = histogramFactory.createHistogram1D("demise Index all visible particles",5,-0.5,4.5);
-        hcIndex = histogramFactory.createHistogram1D("creation Index all visible particles",6,-0.5,5.5);
-        hccIndex = histogramFactory.createHistogram1D("creation Index particles with cal hits",6,-0.5,5.5);
-        hnthits = new ICloud1D[nparticledivisions][ncutdivisions];
-        hnchits = new ICloud1D[nparticledivisions][ncutdivisions];
-        hE = new ICloud1D[nparticledivisions][ncutdivisions];
-        hEME = new ICloud1D[nparticledivisions][ncutdivisions];
-        hnEMhits = new ICloud1D[nparticledivisions][ncutdivisions];
-        hnHADhits = new ICloud1D[nparticledivisions][ncutdivisions];
-        hEvsEME = new ICloud2D[nparticledivisions][ncutdivisions];
-        hEvsHADE = new ICloud2D[nparticledivisions][ncutdivisions];
-        hEvsCALE = new ICloud2D[nparticledivisions][ncutdivisions];
-        entries = new int[nparticledivisions][ncutdivisions];
-        for(int i=0;i<nparticledivisions;i++)
-        {
-           tree.mkdir("/"+pdnames[i]);
-           for(int j=0;j<ncutdivisions;j++)
-           {
-              tree.mkdir("/"+pdnames[i]+"/"+cutnames[j]);
-    "/"+pdnames[i]+"/"+cutnames[j]);
-              entries[i][j] = 0;
-              hnthits[i][j] = histogramFactory.createCloud1D("# tracker hits");
-              hnchits[i][j] = histogramFactory.createCloud1D("# calorimeter hits");
-              hE[i][j] = histogramFactory.createCloud1D("creation Energy");
-              hEME[i][j] = histogramFactory.createCloud1D("Energy in EM");
-              hnEMhits[i][j] = histogramFactory.createCloud1D("#hits in EM");
-              hEvsEME[i][j] = histogramFactory.createCloud2D("Energy vs EM energy");
-              hnHADhits[i][j] = histogramFactory.createCloud1D("#hits in HAD");
-              hEvsHADE[i][j] = histogramFactory.createCloud2D("Energy vs HAD energy");
-              hEvsCALE[i][j] = histogramFactory.createCloud2D("Energy vs CAL energy");
-           }
-        }
-        ng = 0;
-        np = 0;
-        ievt = 0;
-        sfEM = .012;
-        sfHAD = .06;
-    }
-    public void recordSupplied(RecordSuppliedEvent recordSuppliedEvent)
-    {
-        LCEvent event = (LCEvent) recordSuppliedEvent.getRecord();
-        Vector MCPwithhits = new Vector();
-        Vector ThitColl = new Vector();
-        Vector ChitColl = new Vector();
-        int nMCwithhits = 0;
-        for(int ic = 0;ic<nTcollections;ic++)
-        {
-            LCCollection collection = event.getCollection(TCname[ic]);
-            int n =  collection.getNumberOfElements();
-            for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)
-            {
-                SimTrackerHit hit = (SimTrackerHit) collection.getElementAt(i);
-                MCParticle mcp = hit.getMCParticle();
-                TCluster tc = null;
-                for(int ip=0;ip<nMCwithhits;ip++)
-                {
-                    MCParticle mcs = (MCParticle) MCPwithhits.get(ip);
-                    if(mcs == mcp)
-                    {
-                        tc = (TCluster) ThitColl.get(ip);
-                        ip = nMCwithhits;
-                    }
-                }
-                if(tc == null)
-                {
-                    tc = new TCluster();
-                    CCluster cc = new CCluster();
-                    MCPwithhits.add(mcp);
-                    ThitColl.add(tc);
-                    ChitColl.add(cc);
-                    nMCwithhits++;
-                }   
-                tc.addhit(hit);
-            }
-        }
-        for(int ic = 0;ic<nCcollections;ic++)
-        {
-            LCCollection collection = event.getCollection(CCname[ic]);
-            int n =  collection.getNumberOfElements();
-            for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)
-            {
-                SimCalorimeterHit hit = (SimCalorimeterHit) collection.getElementAt(i);
-                int ncont = hit.getNMCParticles();
-                double emax = 0.;
-                MCParticle mcp = null;
-                for(int j=0;j<ncont;j++)
-                {
-                    if(hit.getEnergyCont(j) > emax)
-                    {
-                        mcp = hit.getParticleCont(j);
-                        emax = hit.getEnergyCont(j);
-                    }
-                 }
-                CCluster cc = null;
-                for(int ip=0;ip<nMCwithhits;ip++)
-                {
-                    MCParticle mcs = (MCParticle) MCPwithhits.get(ip);
-                    if(mcs == mcp)
-                    {
-                        cc = (CCluster) ChitColl.get(ip);
-                        ip = nMCwithhits;
-                    }
-                }
-                if(cc == null)
-                {
-                    cc = new CCluster();
-                    TCluster tc = new TCluster();
-                    MCPwithhits.add(mcp);
-                    ThitColl.add(tc);
-                    ChitColl.add(cc);
-                    nMCwithhits++;
-                }   
-                cc.addhit(hit);
-            }
-        }
-        for(int indx = 0;indx<nMCwithhits;indx++)
-        {
-             MCParticle mc =  (MCParticle) MCPwithhits.get(indx);
-             int pdg = Math.abs(mc.getPDG());
-             hPDGall.fill(pdg);
-             int demiseIndex = 0;
-             if(mc.isDecayedInTracker())demiseIndex = 1;
-             else if(mc.isDecayedInCalorimeter())demiseIndex = 2;
-             else if(mc.hasLeftDetector())demiseIndex = 3;
-             else if(mc.isStopped())demiseIndex = 4;
-             int creationIndex = getCreationIndex(mc,demiseIndex);
-             hcIndex.fill(creationIndex);
-             hdIndex.fill(demiseIndex);
-             CCluster cc = (CCluster) ChitColl.get(indx);
-             TCluster tc = (TCluster) ThitColl.get(indx);
-             int nthits = tc.getNhits();
-             int nchits = cc.getNhits();
-             if(nchits > 0)
-             {
-                hccIndex.fill(creationIndex);
-             }
-             double E = mc.getEnergy() - mc.getMass();
-             if(creationIndex == 0)
-             {
-                System.out.println(" Event "+ievt);
-                System.out.println(" Doc particle with hits!?!?!? PDG = "+pdg+" KE = "+E+" nThits = "+nthits+" nChits = "+
-                                                   nchits);
-             }
-             SimCalorimeterHit[] chits = cc.getHits();
-             SimTrackerHit[] thits = tc.getHits();
-             double EMenergy = 0;
-             int nEMhits = 0;
-             double HADenergy = 0;
-             int nHADhits = 0;
-             for(int i=0;i<nchits;i++)
-             { 
-                 int cellid = chits[i].getCellID0();
-                 int sys = (cellid >> 7) & 7;
-                 if(sys == 4)
-                 {
-                     EMenergy += chits[i].getEnergy();
-                     nEMhits ++;
-                 }
-                 if(sys == 5)
-                 {
-                     HADenergy += chits[i].getEnergy();
-                     nHADhits ++;
-                 }
-             }
-             double CALenergy = EMenergy/sfEM + HADenergy/sfHAD;
-             int ind = -1;
-             for(int k=0;k<nparticledivisions-2;k++)
-             {
-                if(pdg == pdpdg[k])
-                {
-                   ind = k;
-                   continue;
-                }
-             }
-             if(ind < 0)
-             {
-                ind = nparticledivisions - 1;
-                if(mc.getCharge() != 0)ind --;
-             }
-             if(entries[ind][0] < maxentries)
-             {
-                entries[ind][0]++;
-                hnthits[ind][0].fill(nthits);
-                hnchits[ind][0].fill(nchits);
-                hE[ind][0].fill(E);
-                hEME[ind][0].fill(EMenergy);
-                hnEMhits[ind][0].fill(nEMhits);
-                hEvsEME[ind][0].fill(E,EMenergy);
-                hnHADhits[ind][0].fill(nHADhits);
-                hEvsHADE[ind][0].fill(E,HADenergy);
-                hEvsCALE[ind][0].fill(E,CALenergy);
-             }
-             if(mc.getGeneratorStatus() > 0)
-             {
-                if(entries[ind][1] < maxentries)
-                {
-                   entries[ind][1]++;
-                   hnthits[ind][1].fill(nthits);
-                   hnchits[ind][1].fill(nchits);
-                   hE[ind][1].fill(E);
-                   hEME[ind][1].fill(EMenergy);
-                   hnEMhits[ind][1].fill(nEMhits);
-                   hEvsEME[ind][1].fill(E,EMenergy);
-                   hnHADhits[ind][1].fill(nHADhits);
-                   hEvsHADE[ind][1].fill(E,HADenergy);
-                   hEvsCALE[ind][1].fill(E,CALenergy);
-                }
-                if(nEMhits+nHADhits > 10)
-                {
-                   if(entries[ind][2] < maxentries)
-                   {
-                      entries[ind][2]++;
-                      hnthits[ind][2].fill(nthits);
-                      hnchits[ind][2].fill(nchits);
-                      hE[ind][2].fill(E);
-                      hEME[ind][2].fill(EMenergy);
-                      hnEMhits[ind][2].fill(nEMhits);
-                      hEvsEME[ind][2].fill(E,EMenergy);
-                      hnHADhits[ind][2].fill(nHADhits);
-                      hEvsHADE[ind][2].fill(E,HADenergy);
-                      hEvsCALE[ind][2].fill(E,CALenergy);
-                   }
-                }
-             }
-        }
-        ievt++;
-    }
-    private int getCreationIndex(MCParticle mcparticle, int demiseIndex)
-    {
-            int creationIndex = 0;
-            boolean fromGenerator = mcparticle.getGeneratorStatus() > 0;
-            boolean createdInSim = mcparticle.isCreatedInSimulation();
-            if(fromGenerator)
-            {
-               int np = mcparticle.getNumberOfParents();
-               boolean parentinsim = false;
-               if(np == 1)
-               {
-                  MCParticle p = mcparticle.getParent(0);
-                  if(p.isDecayedInTracker() || p.isDecayedInCalorimeter() ||
-                     p.hasLeftDetector() || p.isStopped() )
-                  {
-                     parentinsim = true;
-                  }
-               }
-               if( (demiseIndex == 0)&&(mcparticle.getGeneratorStatus() != 1) )
-               {
-//                Simulator never saw this
-                  creationIndex = 0;
-               }
-               else if(!createdInSim && !parentinsim)
-               {
-//                Initial generator particle passed to simulator
-                  creationIndex = 1;
-               }
-               else
-               {
-//                Predecay
-                  creationIndex = 2;
-               }
-            }
-            else
-            {
-//             Simulator created it on its own
-               if(mcparticle.isBackscatter())
-               {
-//                backscatter
-                  creationIndex = 3;
-               }
-               else if(mcparticle.vertexIsNotEndpointOfParent())
-               {
-//                created without killing parent
-                  creationIndex = 4;
-               }
-               else
-               {
-//                result of parent decay or interaction
-                  creationIndex = 5;
-               }
-            } 
-            return creationIndex;           
-    }
-    int nparticledivisions = 12;
-    int ncutdivisions = 3;
-    String[] pdnames = {"gamma","electron","muon","pion","K charged","K0S","K0L","proton","neutron","ions","other+-","other0"};
-    int[] pdpdg = {22,11,13,211,321,310,130,2212,2112,0,-1,-1};
-    String[] cutnames = {"all","Genparts","nCalHits>10"};
-    int[][] entries;
-    int maxentries = 99999;
-    IHistogram1D hPDGall;
-    IHistogram1D hdIndex;
-    IHistogram1D hcIndex;
-    IHistogram1D hccIndex;
-    ICloud1D[][] hnthits;
-    ICloud1D[][] hnchits;
-    ICloud1D[][] hE;
-    ICloud1D[][] hEME;
-    ICloud1D[][] hnEMhits;
-    ICloud1D[][] hnHADhits;
-    ICloud2D[][] hEvsEME;
-    ICloud2D[][] hEvsHADE;
-    ICloud2D[][] hEvsCALE;
-    private int nTcollections = 3;
-    private int nCcollections = 6;
-    private int ng;
-    private int np;
-    private int ievt;
-    private double sfEM;
-    private double sfHAD;
-//    private String[] TCname = {"VXDtCollection","CENtCollection"};
-//    private String[] CCname = {"LUMcalCollection","EMcalCollection","HADcalCollection","MUONcalCollection"};
-//    private String[] TCname = {"vxd","trk"};
-//    private String[] CCname = {"lum","ecal","hcal","muon"};
-    private String[] CCname = {"EcalBarrHits","EcalEndcapHits","HcalBarrHits","HcalEndcapHits",
-                                                  "MuonBarrHits","MuonEndcapHits"};
-    private String[] TCname = {"VtxBarrHits","TrkBarrHits","TrkEndcapHits"};
-class CCluster
-    int nhits;
-    Vector hits;
-    public CCluster()
-    {
-        nhits = 0;
-        hits = new Vector();
-    }
-    public void addhit(SimCalorimeterHit hit)
-    {
-        hits.add(hit);
-        nhits ++;
-    }
-    public int getNhits(){return nhits;}
-    public SimCalorimeterHit[] getHits()
-    {
-        SimCalorimeterHit[] thits = new SimCalorimeterHit[nhits];
-        for(int i=0;i<nhits;i++){thits[i] = (SimCalorimeterHit) hits.get(i);}
-        return thits;
-    }
-class TCluster
-    int nhits;
-    Vector hits;
-    public TCluster()
-    {
-        nhits = 0;
-        hits = new Vector();
-    }
-    public void addhit(SimTrackerHit hit)
-    {
-        hits.add(hit);
-        nhits ++;
-    }
-    public int getNhits(){return nhits;}
-    public SimTrackerHit[] getHits()
-    {
-        SimTrackerHit[] thits = new SimTrackerHit[nhits];
-        for(int i=0;i<nhits;i++){thits[i] = (SimTrackerHit) hits.get(i);}
-        return thits;
-    }
\ No newline at end of file
CVSspam 0.2.8