

Commit in lcsim/src/org/lcsim/recon/vertexing/zvtop4 on MAIN -> 1.21
First version that finds multiple displaced Vertices.
Fixed a bug in the resolution criterion due to a / b = 0, if a int, b int, b>a
Removed some TODO casts
re-arranged methods alphabetically (screws up diff, sorry)
added cut on global overlap to exclude Maxima with low values of the overlap (speed improvement due to lower combinatorics and fixes a division by zero bug in the resolution criterion)

lcsim/src/org/lcsim/recon/vertexing/zvtop4 1.20 -> 1.21
diff -u -r1.20 -r1.21
---	13 Sep 2005 09:32:51 -0000	1.20
+++	15 Sep 2005 00:34:00 -0000	1.21
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * 
+ * @version
 package org.lcsim.recon.vertexing.zvtop4;
@@ -33,72 +33,12 @@
 // TODO think about implementation in terms of static members
  * Main class to handle the vertexing Vertices are found by the function
- * 
  * @see #findVertices(List)
  * @author jstrube
 public class ZvTop {
-    // stores the f_i(r)*f_j(r), which are later translated into the
-    // V(r_ij)
-    ZvMaximumMatrix maximumMatrix;
-    List<ZvTrack> trackList;
-    private ZvFitter vtxFitter;
-    // These data members must be final, because changing their values
-    // has an effect on many of the other classes
-    // Special weight for the IP in the overlap function
-    private double ipWeight = 1;
-    // Special weight for the angle of the spatial point (argument of overlap)
-    // wrt. the jet axis
-    private double angularWeight = 10;
-    private double resolvedCut = 0;
-    private double chiSquareCut = 0;
-    private double _maxDistFromIP = 25;
-    // Number of points to check along the line from point 1 to point 2
-    int iterationMax = 3000;
-    private double sigmaT;
-    private double sigmaL;
-    public void setMaxDistFromIP(double d) {
-        _maxDistFromIP = d;
-    }
-    public void setIpWeight(double w) {
-        ipWeight = w;
-    }
-    public void setAngularWeight(double w) {
-        angularWeight = w;
-    }
-    public void setResolvedCut(double c) {
-        resolvedCut = c;
-    }
-    public void setChiSquareCut(double c) {
-        chiSquareCut = c;
-    }
-    private Hep3Vector _jetAxis;
-    // resolution function is expensive in CPU
-    private Map<ZvMaximum, Set<ZvMaximum>> isResolvedFromMap;
-    private Map<ZvMaximum, Set<ZvMaximum>> unresolvedMaximaMap;
-    // List of vertex candidates.
-    // The two-track maxima are transformed to the nearest location of a maximum
-    // in the overlap function.
-    // The highest of those maxima is taken as the location of the vertex and
-    // all tracks belonging to ZvMaxima that are unresolved from this highest
-    // maximum are added to the vertex.
-    // At this stage tracks can be assigned to more than one vertex.
-    // The fitVertices function takes care of assigning tracks uniquely to a
-    // vertex.
-    // TODO need to distinguish between pruning and fitting
-    private List<ZvVertex> _vertexCandidateList;
      * @author jstrube
-     * 
     class MaxComp implements Comparator {
@@ -112,12 +52,13 @@
          * (non-Javadoc)
-         * 
          * @see java.util.Comparator#compare(T, T)
         public int compare(Object arg1, Object arg2) {
-            if (arg1.getClass() != ZvMaximum.class && arg2.getClass() != ZvMaximum.class)
-                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can only compare ZvMaximum Objects");
+            if (arg1.getClass() != ZvMaximum.class
+                    && arg2.getClass() != ZvMaximum.class)
+                throw new IllegalArgumentException(
+                        "Can only compare ZvMaximum Objects");
             ZvMaximum max1 = (ZvMaximum) arg1;
             ZvMaximum max2 = (ZvMaximum) arg2;
             double overlap1 = max1.getValue();
@@ -131,10 +72,53 @@
+    // if a two-track overlap is less than this cut, do not add max to the list
+    private double _globalOverlapCut = 1E-10;
+    private Hep3Vector _jetAxis;
+    private double _maxDistFromIP = 25;
+    // List of vertex candidates.
+    // The two-track maxima are transformed to the nearest location of a maximum
+    // in the overlap function.
+    // The highest of those maxima is taken as the location of the vertex and
+    // all tracks belonging to ZvMaxima that are unresolved from this highest
+    // maximum are added to the vertex.
+    // At this stage tracks can be assigned to more than one vertex.
+    // The fitVertices function takes care of assigning tracks uniquely to a
+    // vertex.
+    // TODO need to distinguish between pruning and fitting
+    private List<ZvVertex> _vertexCandidateList;
+    // Special weight for the angle of the spatial point (argument of overlap)
+    // wrt. the jet axis
+    private double angularWeight = 5;
+    private double chiSquareCut = 15;
+    // These data members must be final, because changing their values
+    // has an effect on many of the other classes
+    // Special weight for the IP in the overlap function
+    private double ipWeight = 1;
+    // resolution function is expensive in CPU
+    private Map<ZvMaximum, Set<ZvMaximum>> isResolvedFromMap;
+    // Number of points to check along the line from point 1 to point 2
+    int iterationMax = 300;
+    // stores the f_i(r)*f_j(r), which are later translated into the
+    // V(r_ij)
+    ZvMaximumMatrix maximumMatrix;
+    private double resolvedCut = 0.7;
+    private double sigmaL;
+    private double sigmaT;
+    List<ZvTrack> trackList;
+    private Map<ZvMaximum, Set<ZvMaximum>> unresolvedMaximaMap;
+    private ZvFitter vtxFitter;
      * Constructor Creates a list of ZvTracks from the argument list. Calculates
      * the overlap and resolution functions for the tracks
-     * 
      * @param jetAxisValue
     public ZvTop(Hep3Vector jetAxisValue, ZvFitter f) {
@@ -152,106 +136,32 @@
-     * Finds the Maxima
-     * 
-     * @param list
-     * @return
-     */
-    public List<ZvVertex> findVertices(List<Track> list) {
-        trackList.clear();
-        System.err.printf("entering findVertives with %d Tracks\n", list.size());
-        // FIXME Put in IP as constraint. At the moment, no vertex contains IP
-        for (Track iTrack : list) {
-            trackList.add(new ZvTrack(iTrack));
-        }
-        int size = trackList.size();
-        for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
-            ZvTrack iTrack = trackList.get(i);
-            for (int j = i + 1; j < size; ++j) {
-                ZvTrack jTrack = trackList.get(j);
-                SpacePoint location = twoTrackMax(iTrack, jTrack);
-                double overlap = overlap(location);
-                ZvMaximum max = new ZvMaximum(iTrack, jTrack, location, overlap);
-                maximumMatrix.add(max, i, j);
-            }
-        }
-        System.out.println("maximumMatrix: " + maximumMatrix._table.size());
-        for (ZvMaximum iMax : maximumMatrix._table.keySet()) {
-            System.out.println(iMax);
-        }
-        assignResolution();
-        findGlobalMaxima();
-        clusterCandidates();
-        System.err.println("done findVertices\n");
-        return fitVertices();
-    }
-    /**
-     * Calculates the global overlap at a given point in space The global
-     * overlap is the sum S of all track tubes minus the sum of the squares of
-     * the track tubes divided by S
-     * 
-     * @param location The point in space at which to evaluate the function
-     * @return The value at that point
-     */
-    public double overlap(SpacePoint location) {
-        double numerator = 0;
-        double denominator = 0;
-        // calculate the angular weight
-        // the angle is taken not from (000),
-        // but from a point -0.1 mm along the jet axis
-        double[] origin = multiply(unit(_jetAxis), -0.1).v();
-        SpacePointVector vec2Location = new SpacePointVector(new CartesianPoint(origin[0], origin[1], origin[2]), location);
-        double angle = angle(_jetAxis, vec2Location);
-        double angularFactor = Math.exp(-angularWeight * angle * angle);
-        if (dot(unit(_jetAxis), vec2Location.getDirection()) > _maxDistFromIP) {
-            return 0;
-        }
-        // FIXME dealing with IP
-        double ipFactor = 0; // ipWeight *
-        // trackList.get(0).getTubeValue(location);
-        denominator += ipFactor;
-        numerator += 0; // ipFactor * trackList.get(0).getTubeValue(location);
-        for (int i = 0; i < trackList.size(); ++i) {
-            ZvTrack iTrack = trackList.get(i);
-            double iTubeVal = iTrack.getTubeValue(location);
-            numerator += iTubeVal * iTubeVal;
-            denominator += iTubeVal;
-        }
-        return angularFactor * (denominator - numerator / denominator);
-    }
-    /**
      * Calculates the resolution for two points in space. Two points in space
      * are resolved, if the maximum overlap along the line that connects them
      * divided by the greater of the overlap values at the two points is less
      * than a cutoff value R0
-     * 
      * @param sp1 point 1
      * @param sp2 point 2
      * @return true, if the resolution function is less than the cutoff, false
      *         otherwise
     public boolean areResolved(SpacePoint sp1, SpacePoint sp2) {
-        double minOverlap = 2000;
-        // TODO conversion SpacePoint Hep3Vector :-(
+        double overlap1 = overlap(sp1);
+        double overlap2 = overlap(sp2);
+        double minOverlap = 200;
         Hep3Vector vec = subtract(sp2, sp1);
-        Hep3Vector toSp1 = new BasicHep3Vector(sp1.x(), sp1.y(), sp1.z());
         for (int i = 1; i < iterationMax; ++i) {
-            // TODO fix the casts
-            Hep3Vector rVec = add(toSp1, multiply(vec, i / iterationMax));
-            SpacePoint r = new CartesianPoint(rVec.x(), rVec.y(), rVec.z());
-            double overlap = overlap(r);
+            SpacePoint rVec = add(sp1, multiply(vec, 1.0*i / iterationMax));
+            double overlap = overlap(rVec);
             if (overlap < minOverlap)
                 minOverlap = overlap;
-        double overlap1 = overlap(sp1);
-        double overlap2 = overlap(sp2);
         if (overlap1 < minOverlap)
             minOverlap = overlap1;
         if (overlap2 < minOverlap)
             minOverlap = overlap2;
-        // overall minimum / min(overlap1, overlap2) < resolvedCut ?
+        System.out.println("Value: " + minOverlap
+                / ((overlap2 < overlap1) ? overlap2 : overlap1));
         return minOverlap / ((overlap2 < overlap1) ? overlap2 : overlap1) < resolvedCut;
@@ -261,6 +171,7 @@
      * to a set of resolved/unresolved ZvMaxima
     private void assignResolution() {
+        System.out.println("assignResolution:");
         final Set<ZvMaximum> maxSet = maximumMatrix.getMaxima();
         for (ZvMaximum iMax : maxSet) {
             Set<ZvMaximum> isResolvedFromImax = new HashSet<ZvMaximum>();
@@ -268,26 +179,58 @@
             for (ZvMaximum jMax : maxSet) {
                 if (iMax == jMax)
-                if (areResolved(iMax.getLocation(), jMax.getLocation()))
+                System.out.printf("%s and %s ", iMax, jMax);
+                if (areResolved(iMax.getLocation(), jMax.getLocation())) {
-                else
+                    System.out.println("are resolved");
+                } else {
+                    System.out.println("are not resolved");
+                }
             isResolvedFromMap.put(iMax, isResolvedFromImax);
             unresolvedMaximaMap.put(iMax, isNotResolvedFromImax);
-        System.out.println("assignResolution:");
-        System.out.printf("isResolvedFromMap: %d\tunresolvedMaximaMap: %d\n", isResolvedFromMap.size(), unresolvedMaximaMap.size());
+        System.out.printf("isResolvedFromMap: %d\tunresolvedMaximaMap: %d\n",
+                isResolvedFromMap.size(), unresolvedMaximaMap.size());
         for (ZvMaximum iMax : unresolvedMaximaMap.keySet()) {
-            System.out.printf("Is resolved from %d other Maxima\n", isResolvedFromMap.get(iMax).size());
-            System.out.printf("List of unresolved Maxima (%d):", unresolvedMaximaMap.get(iMax).size());
-                for (ZvMaximum iUnresolvedMax : unresolvedMaximaMap.get(iMax)) {
-                    System.out.println(iUnresolvedMax);
-                }
+            System.out.printf("Is resolved from %d other Maxima\n",
+                    isResolvedFromMap.get(iMax).size());
+            System.out.printf("Is unresolved from %d other Maxima\n",
+                    unresolvedMaximaMap.get(iMax).size());
+        }
+        System.out.println("done assignResolution");
+    }
+    /**
+     * Creates a list of Vertex candidates. Each candidate consists of a number
+     * of track-IP overlaps that are not spatially resolved. The assignment is
+     * unique in the sense that each overlap is assigned to exactly one
+     * candidate.
+     */
+    private void clusterCandidates() {
+        System.err.println("entering clusterCandidates");
+        SortedSet<ZvMaximum> isAvailable = new TreeSet<ZvMaximum>(maximumMatrix
+                .getMaxima());
+        // each cluster consists of several ZvMaxima
+        // add the maximum and the set of unresolved maxima to the list of
+        // candidates
+        // __is__ already sorted by overlap value
+        while (!isAvailable.isEmpty()) {
+            ZvMaximum highestRemaining = isAvailable.first();
+            Set<ZvMaximum> unresolvedSet = unresolvedMaximaMap
+                    .get(highestRemaining);
+            unresolvedSet.add(highestRemaining);
+            ZvVertex vtx = new ZvVertex(highestRemaining.getLocation(),
+                    unresolvedSet);
+            _vertexCandidateList.add(vtx);
+            isAvailable.removeAll(unresolvedSet);
-        System.out.println("");
+        System.err.printf("done clusterCandidates: %d Candidates",
+                _vertexCandidateList.size());
+        return;
@@ -297,6 +240,7 @@
     // TODO maybe the maxima don't even have to be transformed
     // TODO the sequence of for-loops is a little clumsy
     private void findGlobalMaxima() {
+        System.out.println("Entering findGlobalMaxima");
         // search in micrometer steps in xy
         final double xyStep = 0.001;
         // search in 10 micrometer steps in z
@@ -310,11 +254,13 @@
             double zPos = searchPoint.z();
             double globalMax = iMax.getValue();
             // perform the iteration __consecutively__, not simultaneously !
-            // for every direction: go in positive direction,
+            // for every direction: go in positive direction until maximum is
+            // found,
             // reset to initial position and go in negative direction
             // +x
             for (int x = 1; x <= maxSteps; ++x) {
                 xPos += xyStep;
+                // TODO this is maybe where a double[] is acceptable
                 searchPoint = new CartesianPoint(xPos, yPos, zPos);
                 double overlap = overlap(searchPoint);
                 if (overlap > globalMax) {
@@ -325,6 +271,7 @@
+            // reset to original pos
             xPos = iMax.getLocation().x();
             // -x
             for (int x = 1; x <= maxSteps; ++x) {
@@ -339,6 +286,7 @@
+            // search in x is done. set to found maximum
             xPos = maxPoint.x();
             // +y
             for (int y = 1; y <= maxSteps; ++y) {
@@ -353,6 +301,7 @@
+            // reset to original pos
             yPos = iMax.getLocation().y();
             // -y
             for (int y = 1; y <= maxSteps; ++y) {
@@ -367,6 +316,7 @@
+            // search in y is done. set to found maximum
             yPos = maxPoint.y();
             // +z
             for (int z = 1; z <= maxSteps; ++z) {
@@ -381,6 +331,7 @@
+            // reset to original pos
             zPos = iMax.getLocation().z();
             // -z
             for (int z = 1; z <= maxSteps; ++z) {
@@ -395,35 +346,45 @@
+            // search in x,y,z is done. set to found maximum
+        System.out.println("Global Maxima done");
-     * Creates a list of Vertex candidates. Each candidate consists of a number
-     * of track-IP overlaps that are not spatially resolved. The assignment is
-     * unique in the sense that each overlap is assigned to exactly one
-     * candidate.
+     * Finds the Maxima
+     * @param list
+     * @return
-    private void clusterCandidates() {
-        System.err.println("entering clusterCandidates");
-        System.out.println(maximumMatrix.getMaxima());
-        SortedSet<ZvMaximum> isAvailable = new TreeSet<ZvMaximum>(maximumMatrix.getMaxima());
-        // each cluster consists of several ZvMaxima
-        // add the maximum and the set of unresolved maxima to the list of
-        // candidates
-        // __is__ already sorted by overlap value
-        while (!isAvailable.isEmpty()) {
-            ZvMaximum highestRemaining = isAvailable.first();
-            Set<ZvMaximum> unresolvedSet = unresolvedMaximaMap.get(highestRemaining);
-            unresolvedSet.add(highestRemaining);
-            ZvVertex vtx = new ZvVertex(highestRemaining.getLocation(), unresolvedSet);
-            _vertexCandidateList.add(vtx);
-            isAvailable.removeAll(unresolvedSet);
+    public List<ZvVertex> findVertices(List<Track> list) {
+        trackList.clear();
+        System.err
+                .printf("entering findVertives with %d Tracks\n", list.size());
+        // FIXME Put in IP as constraint. At the moment, no vertex contains IP
+        for (Track iTrack : list) {
+            trackList.add(new ZvTrack(iTrack));
-        System.err.printf("done clusterCandidates: %d Candidates", _vertexCandidateList.size());
-        return;
+        int size = trackList.size();
+        for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
+            ZvTrack iTrack = trackList.get(i);
+            for (int j = i + 1; j < size; ++j) {
+                ZvTrack jTrack = trackList.get(j);
+                SpacePoint location = twoTrackMax(iTrack, jTrack);
+                double overlap = overlap(location);
+                // consider only significant overlap
+                if (overlap < _globalOverlapCut)
+                    continue;
+                ZvMaximum max = new ZvMaximum(iTrack, jTrack, location, overlap);
+                maximumMatrix.add(max, i, j);
+            }
+        }
+        System.out.println("maximumMatrix: " + maximumMatrix._table.size());
+        findGlobalMaxima();
+        assignResolution();
+        clusterCandidates();
+        System.err.println("done findVertices\n");
+        return fitVertices();
@@ -431,7 +392,6 @@
      * chi2 contribution below a certain cut value. They are assigned from a
      * sorted set of maxima, so that the tracks are always assigned to the
      * vertex with the highest value of V(r), if possible
-     * 
      * @return A List of Vertices
     private List<ZvVertex> fitVertices() {
@@ -464,4 +424,67 @@
         return l;
+    public double getGlobalOverlapCut() {
+        return _globalOverlapCut;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Calculates the global overlap at a given point in space The global
+     * overlap is the sum S of all track tubes minus the sum of the squares of
+     * the track tubes divided by S
+     * @param location The point in space at which to evaluate the function
+     * @return The value at that point
+     */
+    public double overlap(SpacePoint location) {
+        double numerator = 0;
+        double denominator = 0;
+        // calculate the angular weight
+        // the angle is taken not from (000),
+        // but from a point -0.1 mm along the jet axis
+        double[] origin = multiply(unit(_jetAxis), -0.1).v();
+        SpacePointVector vec2Location = new SpacePointVector(
+                new CartesianPoint(origin[0], origin[1], origin[2]), location);
+        double angle = angle(_jetAxis, vec2Location);
+        double angularFactor = Math.exp(-angularWeight * angle * angle);
+        if (dot(unit(_jetAxis), vec2Location.getDirection()) > _maxDistFromIP) {
+            return 0;
+        }
+        // FIXME dealing with IP
+        double ipFactor = 0; // ipWeight *
+        // trackList.get(0).getTubeValue(location);
+        denominator += ipFactor;
+        numerator += 0; // ipFactor * trackList.get(0).getTubeValue(location);
+        for (int i = 0; i < trackList.size(); ++i) {
+            ZvTrack iTrack = trackList.get(i);
+            double iTubeVal = iTrack.getTubeValue(location);
+            numerator += iTubeVal * iTubeVal;
+            denominator += iTubeVal;
+        }
+        return angularFactor * (denominator - numerator / denominator);
+    }
+    public void setAngularWeight(double w) {
+        angularWeight = w;
+    }
+    public void setChiSquareCut(double c) {
+        chiSquareCut = c;
+    }
+    public void setGlobalOverlapCut(double globalOverlapCut) {
+        _globalOverlapCut = globalOverlapCut;
+    }
+    public void setIpWeight(double w) {
+        ipWeight = w;
+    }
+    public void setMaxDistFromIP(double d) {
+        _maxDistFromIP = d;
+    }
+    public void setResolvedCut(double c) {
+        resolvedCut = c;
+    }
CVSspam 0.2.8