

	Hello Jean-Yves,

Jean-Yves Nief wrote:
> Thanks for looking onto this code. I don't see the exact bug fix for the 
> network results, could you point me to it.

	Boy. A diff would show it although I am not sure
I cna provide this for Pavel in the meantime. The main
thing is that the calculation around $measure[] was just
plain wrong, not retaining and rotating the value. There
is a if ($DEBUG) around there ... Also, I remember that
there was a pipe-like logic which would block for us
and not give results on SL 3.0.2 ...

> as for paging I/O, I gave it up as it is highly correlated with other 
> metrics such as memory occupancy.
> on top of that, retrieving the paging I/O is a bit tricky and I did not 
> find any easy solution in the past for Solaris, plus it is hard to 
> interpret (ie what is the max paging I/O activity one wants to accept). 
> This is one other reason why I gave up with it :-).

	The values themselves do not matter much. Correlated
or not, the final formula is rather arbitrary (user's choice)
and Andy made this flexiblke enough that you may or may not
use it at the end.

> in your modification, you are looking at the % of swap usage not the I/O 
> rate. You are taking the information from /proc/meminfo which is working 
> for Linux, but not for Solaris or Mac OS.

	While I beleive we have a if -e /proc/meminfo
ready to be epxanded for other OS as otherwise, pgio=0.
So, an imoprovement to the initial script while not perfect.
I hope you agree on the positive.

> cheers,
> JY

             ( o o )