Commit in lcsim/src/org/lcsim/util/swim on MAIN -> 1.7
Added a second constructor which takes two Hep3Vectors (a point and a direction) -- this is in general much more convenient than calculating the angles. Also added a set of geometry/vertexing methods -- getDirection(), getPOCAOfLines(), findTrackToTrackPOCA() -- and a supporting Exception class. These are all marked as Deprecated, since they will eventually be replaced by more general vertexing code.

lcsim/src/org/lcsim/util/swim 1.6 -> 1.7
diff -u -r1.6 -r1.7
---	28 Sep 2005 22:39:57 -0000	1.6
+++	18 Oct 2005 19:08:48 -0000	1.7
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
  * A straight line
  * @author tonyj
- * @version $Id:,v 1.6 2005/09/28 22:39:57 mcharles Exp $
+ * @version $Id:,v 1.7 2005/10/18 19:08:48 mcharles Exp $
 public class Line implements Trajectory
@@ -251,4 +251,150 @@
 	Hep3Vector lineDirection = new BasicHep3Vector(cosLambda*cosPhi, cosLambda*sinPhi, sinLambda);
 	return lineDirection;
+    /**
+     * Return the direction of the line. Marked Deprecated since this should
+     * really be replaced by a general method for the Trajectory interface,
+     * perhaps getDirection(double alpha) for distance parameter alpha.
+     */
+    @Deprecated public Hep3Vector getDirection()
+    {
+        return this.getUnitVector();
+    }
+    /**
+     * Routine to find where two lines meet.
+     * This will probably be replaced by a more general vertexing solution
+     * at some point, but for now it works.
+     *   @param
+     */
+    @Deprecated static public double[] getPOCAOfLines(Line line1, Line line2)
+    {
+	double[] output = null;
+	try {
+	    output = line1.findTrackToTrackPOCA(line2);
+	    return output;
+	} catch (ParallelLinesException x) {
+	    // Er -- hm.
+	    return null;
+	}
+    }
+    /**
+     * Internal utility routine to find where two lines meet.
+     * This will probably be replaced by a more general vertexing solution
+     * at some point, but for now it works.
+     */
+    @Deprecated private double[] findTrackToTrackPOCA(Line otherLine) throws ParallelLinesException
+    {
+	Line line1 = this;
+	Line line2 = otherLine;
+	// Unit vectors of the two lines:
+	Hep3Vector v1 = line1.getUnitVector();
+	Hep3Vector v2 = line2.getUnitVector();
+	// Origin points on the two lines:
+	Hep3Vector x1 = line1.origin;
+	Hep3Vector x2 = line2.origin;
+        // Find the common perpendicular:
+	Hep3Vector perp = VecOp.cross(v1, v2);
+	if (perp.magnitude() == 0.0) {
+	    // Lines are parallel!
+	    throw new ParallelLinesException("Parallel lines");
+	} else {
+	    // Let the origin point along the lines be x1 and x2.
+	    // Let the unit vectors along the lines be v1 and v2.
+            // Suppose that the points of closest approach are at:
+            //    x1' = x1 + a(v1)
+            //    x2' = x2 + b(v2)
+            // Construct a vector p1 which is perpendicular to perp and to v1:
+            //    p1 = v1 x perp = v1 x (v1 x v2) = v1(v1.v2) - v2(v1.v1)
+            //    p2 = v2 x perp = v2 x (v1 x v2) = v1(v2.v2) - v2(v1.v2)
+            // Then v1.p1 = (v1.v1)(v1.v2) - (v1.v2)(v1.v1) = 0
+            //      v1.p2 = (v1.v1)(v2.v2) - (v1.v2)(v1.v2) = L
+            //      v2.p1 = (v2.v1)(v1.v2) - (v2.v2)(v1.v1) = -L
+            //      v2.p2 = (v2.v1)(v2.v2) - (v2.v2)(v1.v2) = 0
+            // Thus,
+            //    (x2'-x1').p1 = (x2 + b(v2) - x1 -a(v1)).p1
+            //                 = x2.p1 + b(v2.p1) - x1.p1 - a(v1.p1)
+            //                 = x2.p1 - bL - x1.p1
+            //  and similarly,
+            //    (x2'-x1').p2 = x2.p2 -x1.p2 - aL
+            //  But p1 and p2 are perpendicular to perp, and (x2'-x1') is parallel
+            //  to perp for x1' and x2' the closest points. So
+            //    (x2'-x1').p1 = x2.p1 - bL - x1.p1 = 0
+            //    (x2'-x1').p2 = x2.p2 - x1.p2 - aL = 0
+            //  Hence,
+            //    -bL = -x2.p1 + x1.p1 => b = (x2-x1).p1 / L
+            //    -aL = -x2.p2 + x1.p2 => a = (x2-x1).p2 / L
+            //  and so the POCA is at
+            //    (x1' + x2')/2 = (x1 + a(v1) + x2 + b(v2)) / 2
+            //                  = (x1 + [(x2-x1).p2/L]v1 + x2 + [(x2-x1).p1/L]v2) / 2
+	    // p1 = v1 x perp  (and similarly p2)
+	    Hep3Vector p1 = VecOp.cross(v1, perp);
+	    Hep3Vector p2 = VecOp.cross(v2, perp);
+	    // L = (v1.v1)(v2.v2) - (v1.v2)(v1.v2) = 1 - (v1.v2)^2
+	    double L = 1.0 - (,v2) *,v2));
+	    // a = (x2-x1).p2 / L
+	    // b = (x2-x1).p1 / L
+	    double a =,x1), p2) / L;
+	    double b =,x1), p1) / L;
+	    double[] output = new double[2];
+	    output[0] = a;
+	    output[1] = b;
+	    return output;
+	}
+    }
+    @Deprecated protected class ParallelLinesException extends Exception {
+	public ParallelLinesException(String m) { super(m); }
+    }
+   /**
+     * Defines a line in space. The line is defined by a point and a
+     * direction vector. The magnitude of the direction vector is ignored.
+     * @param origin A point on the line
+     * @param dir The signed direction of the line
+     */
+    public Line(Hep3Vector origin, Hep3Vector dir)
+    {
+	// The easy bit: 
+	this.origin = origin;
+	// The hard bit: find the direction as (cosPhi, sinPhi, cosLambda, sinLambda)
+        double normalization = dir.magnitude();
+        Hep3Vector dirNormalized = hep.physics.vec.VecOp.unit(dir);
+	// cosPhi, sinPhi, sinLambda are fairly easy.
+	// It helps that the signed unit vector is (cos(lambda)*cos(phi), cos(lambda)*sin(phi), sin(lambda)).
+        double phi = hep.physics.vec.VecOp.phi(dirNormalized);
+	cosPhi = Math.cos(phi);
+	sinPhi = Math.sin(phi);
+	sinLambda = dirNormalized.z();
+	// cosLambda is harder. First find the absolute value:
+        double cosLambdaSquared = (dirNormalized.x()*dirNormalized.x() + dirNormalized.y()*dirNormalized.y());
+	if (cosLambdaSquared == 0.0) {
+	    // Easy case
+            cosLambda = 0.0;
+	} else {
+	    // Need to tease it apart using either X or Y. Choose the one with the bigger lever arm...
+	    boolean useX = (Math.abs(dir.x()) > Math.abs(dir.y()));
+	    // We will use one of the relations:
+	    //    vx = cosLambda * cosPhi
+	    //    vy = cosLambda * sinPhi
+	    // where the unit direction vector is (vx, vy, vz)
+            if (useX) {
+                cosLambda = dirNormalized.x() / cosPhi;
+            } else {
+                cosLambda = dirNormalized.y() / sinPhi;
+            }
+        }
+    }
CVSspam 0.2.8