Commit in SimDist on MAIN
TODO+10-161.1 -> 1.2

TODO 1.1 -> 1.2
diff -u -r1.1 -r1.2
--- TODO	20 Oct 2005 00:08:05 -0000	1.1
+++ TODO	21 Oct 2005 19:50:43 -0000	1.2
@@ -2,19 +2,13 @@
   -Alien for debs (or whatever)
 -Windows installer (unlikely but would be nice)
-  -create portable slic/etc. run scripts for user's location
-  -configure Geant4 options, etc.
--include LCDetectors, GeomConverter?
-  -useful for full detectors
--add DAWN, wget
--add lcio util scripts (from PRJ_SCRIPTS)
--add run, batch submission scripts from sim prj
--packages setup
-  [x]-clhep
-  [x]-geant4 (barebones options only)
-  [x]-lcphys
-  [x]-xerces
-  -lcdd
-  -lcio
-  -gdml
-  -slic
+  -allow to configure Geant4 options, etc.
+  -LCDetectors (?)
+    -useful for full detectors
+  -GeomConverter
+    -converter
+    -but needs maven
+  -DAWN, wget
+  -lcio util scripts (from PRJ_SCRIPTS)
+  -run, batch submission scripts from sim prj
CVSspam 0.2.8