

Commit in SimDist on MAIN
TODO+23-121.2 -> 1.3

TODO 1.2 -> 1.3
diff -u -r1.2 -r1.3
--- TODO	21 Oct 2005 19:50:43 -0000	1.2
+++ TODO	25 Oct 2005 18:53:37 -0000	1.3
@@ -1,14 +1,25 @@
--RPM build so Linux people don't have to feel squirmy. (easiest)
-  -Alien for debs (or whatever)
--Windows installer (unlikely but would be nice)
-  -allow to configure Geant4 options, etc.
-  -LCDetectors (?)
-    -useful for full detectors
-  -GeomConverter
-    -converter
-    -but needs maven
+<<<<<<< TODO
+-make scripts fully configurable
+  -tarball locations
+  -tarball versions
+    -convert v#r#p# format to "#.#.#" and "#_#_#" -> substitute
+  -RPM build so Linux people don't have to feel squirmy. (easiest)
+    -Alien for debs (or whatever)
+  -Windows installer (unlikely but would be nice)
+  -OpenGL support
+-include LCDetectors, GeomConverter?
+  -useful for full detectors
+-additional files/packages
   -DAWN, wget
   -lcio util scripts (from PRJ_SCRIPTS)
-  -run, batch submission scripts from sim prj
+  -run and batch submission scripts from sim CVS prj
+-Make enhancements
+  -src target needs to be more intelligent, e.g. shouldn't overwrite existing directory if up-to-date
+-boxes for building binaries (SLAC)
+  -Linux   : iris (SLC), noric (RHEL)
+  -Windows : laptop (whereever)
+  -OSX     : mcfreehep
+  -Solaris : tersk or flora
CVSspam 0.2.8