

Commit in lcsim/src/org/lcsim/recon/cluster/analysis on MAIN 1.1
Initial version of cluster analysis code

lcsim/src/org/lcsim/recon/cluster/analysis added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	12 Oct 2005 17:02:42 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,374 @@
+package org.lcsim.recon.cluster.analysis;
+import java.util.*;
+import hep.aida.*;
+import org.lcsim.event.MCParticle;
+import org.lcsim.event.EventHeader;
+import org.lcsim.event.CalorimeterHit;
+import org.lcsim.event.SimCalorimeterHit;
+import org.lcsim.event.util.*;
+import org.lcsim.util.Driver;
+import org.lcsim.recon.cluster.analysis.*;
+import org.lcsim.recon.cluster.util.*;
+import org.lcsim.recon.cluster.cheat.*;
+import hep.physics.vec.*;
+ * Driver to generate a multitude of plots analyzing
+ * clusters.
+ * @author Ron Cassell
+ */
+public class ExampleClusterAnalysis extends Driver
+    int ievt = 0;
+    String[] hitcollnames;
+    String[] clustercollnames;
+    String fsParticleListName;
+    String MCPCname;
+    String CMCPname;
+    String Treename;
+    int ntypes;
+    String[] typeNames = {"neutrino","muon","EM","nHad","cHad","All"};
+    ICloud1D[] cAFEnergy;
+    ICloud1D[] cVFEnergy;
+    ICloud1D[] cFFEnergy;
+    ICloud1D[] cAFEnergyw;
+    ICloud1D[] cVFEnergyw;
+    ICloud1D[] cFFEnergyw;
+    ICloud1D[] cAXEnergy;
+    ICloud1D[] cVXEnergy;
+    ICloud1D[] cFXEnergy;
+    ICloud1D[] cAXEnergyw;
+    ICloud1D[] cVXEnergyw;
+    ICloud1D[] cFXEnergyw;
+    IProfile1D[][] pFEff;
+    IProfile1D[][] pFPur;
+    IProfile1D[][] pFEffv;
+    ICloud1D[] cPclEnergy;
+    IProfile1D[] pPclEffh;
+    IProfile1D[] pPclPurh;
+    IProfile1D[] pPclEffe;
+    IProfile1D[] pPclPure;
+    ICloud1D[] cPclPurh;
+    ICloud1D[] cPclEffh;
+    ICloud1D[] cPclPure;
+    ICloud1D[] cPclEffe;
+    ICloud1D[] cFclEnergy;
+    IProfile1D[] pFclEffh;
+    IProfile1D[] pFclPurh;
+    IProfile1D[] pFclEffe;
+    IProfile1D[] pFclPure;
+    ICloud1D[] cFclPurh;
+    ICloud1D[] cFclEffh;
+    ICloud1D[] cFclPure;
+    ICloud1D[] cFclEffe;
+    /**
+     *
+     */
+    public ExampleClusterAnalysis(String[] hcnames,String[] ccnames,String fsPLName,
+        String mcpcname,String cmcpname,String treename)
+    {
+        hitcollnames = hcnames;
+        clustercollnames = ccnames;
+        fsParticleListName = fsPLName;
+        MCPCname = mcpcname;
+        CMCPname = cmcpname;
+        Treename = treename;
+        ntypes = 5;
+        IAnalysisFactory analysisFactory = IAnalysisFactory.create();
+        ITree tree = analysisFactory.createTreeFactory().create();
+        IHistogramFactory histogramFactory = analysisFactory.createHistogramFactory(tree);
+        String TreeName = "/"+Treename;
+        tree.mkdir(TreeName);
+        tree.mkdir(TreeName+"/Particles");
+        tree.mkdir(TreeName+"/Clusters");
+        tree.mkdir(TreeName+"/Clusters/Fragment");
+        tree.mkdir(TreeName+"/Clusters/Primary");
+        cAFEnergy = new ICloud1D[ntypes+1];
+        cFFEnergy = new ICloud1D[ntypes+1];
+        cVFEnergy = new ICloud1D[ntypes+1];
+        cAFEnergyw = new ICloud1D[ntypes+1];
+        cFFEnergyw = new ICloud1D[ntypes+1];
+        cVFEnergyw = new ICloud1D[ntypes+1];
+        cAXEnergy = new ICloud1D[ntypes+1];
+        cFXEnergy = new ICloud1D[ntypes+1];
+        cVXEnergy = new ICloud1D[ntypes+1];
+        cAXEnergyw = new ICloud1D[ntypes+1];
+        cFXEnergyw = new ICloud1D[ntypes+1];
+        cVXEnergyw = new ICloud1D[ntypes+1];
+        pFEff = new IProfile1D[ntypes+1][4];
+        pFPur = new IProfile1D[ntypes+1][4];
+        pFEffv = new IProfile1D[ntypes+1][4];
+        cPclEnergy = new ICloud1D[ntypes+1];
+        cFclEnergy = new ICloud1D[ntypes+1];
+        pPclEffh = new IProfile1D[ntypes+1];
+        pPclEffe = new IProfile1D[ntypes+1];
+        pPclPurh = new IProfile1D[ntypes+1];
+        pPclPure = new IProfile1D[ntypes+1];
+        cPclEffh = new ICloud1D[ntypes+1];
+        cPclEffe = new ICloud1D[ntypes+1];
+        cPclPurh = new ICloud1D[ntypes+1];
+        cPclPure = new ICloud1D[ntypes+1];
+        pFclEffh = new IProfile1D[ntypes+1];
+        pFclEffe = new IProfile1D[ntypes+1];
+        pFclPurh = new IProfile1D[ntypes+1];
+        pFclPure = new IProfile1D[ntypes+1];
+        cFclEffh = new ICloud1D[ntypes+1];
+        cFclEffe = new ICloud1D[ntypes+1];
+        cFclPurh = new ICloud1D[ntypes+1];
+        cFclPure = new ICloud1D[ntypes+1];
+        int[] nbins = {2000,400,200,40};
+        for(int i=0;i<ntypes+1;i++)
+        {
+            tree.mkdir(TreeName+"/Particles/"+typeNames[i]);
+  "/Particles/"+typeNames[i]);
+            cAFEnergy[i] = histogramFactory.createCloud1D("All FS "+typeNames[i]+": Energy");
+            cVFEnergy[i] = histogramFactory.createCloud1D("Vis FS "+typeNames[i]+": Energy");
+            cFFEnergy[i] = histogramFactory.createCloud1D("Found FS "+typeNames[i]+": Energy");
+            cAFEnergyw[i] = histogramFactory.createCloud1D("All FS "+typeNames[i]+": wted Energy");
+            cVFEnergyw[i] = histogramFactory.createCloud1D("Vis FS "+typeNames[i]+": wted Energy");
+            cFFEnergyw[i] = histogramFactory.createCloud1D("Found FS "+typeNames[i]+": wted Energy");
+            cAXEnergy[i] = histogramFactory.createCloud1D("All nonFS "+typeNames[i]+": Energy");
+            cVXEnergy[i] = histogramFactory.createCloud1D("Vis nonFS "+typeNames[i]+": Energy");
+            cFXEnergy[i] = histogramFactory.createCloud1D("Found nonFS "+typeNames[i]+": Energy");
+            cAXEnergyw[i] = histogramFactory.createCloud1D("All nonFS "+typeNames[i]+": wted Energy");
+            cVXEnergyw[i] = histogramFactory.createCloud1D("Vis nonFS "+typeNames[i]+": wted Energy");
+            cFXEnergyw[i] = histogramFactory.createCloud1D("Found nonFS "+typeNames[i]+": wted Energy");
+            for(int j=0;j<4;j++)
+            {
+                pFEff[i][j] = histogramFactory.createProfile1D(
+                    "FS "+typeNames[i]+" Eff"+j,"Efficiency",nbins[j],0.,200.);
+                pFPur[i][j] = histogramFactory.createProfile1D(
+                    "FS "+typeNames[i]+" Pur","Purity",nbins[j],0.,200.);
+                pFEffv[i][j] = histogramFactory.createProfile1D(
+                    "Visible "+typeNames[i]+" Eff"+j,"Efficiency",nbins[j],0.,200.);
+            }
+            tree.mkdir(TreeName+"/Clusters/Primary/"+typeNames[i]);
+  "/Clusters/Primary/"+typeNames[i]);
+            cPclEnergy[i] = histogramFactory.createCloud1D("Primary cluster Energy: "+typeNames[i]);
+            pPclEffh[i] = histogramFactory.createProfile1D("Primary cluster hit efficiency",typeNames[i],200,0.,200.);
+            pPclPurh[i] = histogramFactory.createProfile1D("Primary cluster hit purity",typeNames[i],200,0.,200.);
+            pPclEffe[i] = histogramFactory.createProfile1D("Primary cluster energy efficiency",typeNames[i],200,0.,200.);
+            pPclPure[i] = histogramFactory.createProfile1D("Primary cluster energy purity",typeNames[i],200,0.,200.);
+            cPclEffh[i] = histogramFactory.createCloud1D(typeNames[i] + "Primary cluster hit efficiency");
+            cPclPurh[i] = histogramFactory.createCloud1D(typeNames[i]+"Primary cluster hit purity");
+            cPclEffe[i] = histogramFactory.createCloud1D(typeNames[i]+"Primary cluster energy efficiency");
+            cPclPure[i] = histogramFactory.createCloud1D(typeNames[i]+"Primary cluster energy purity");
+            tree.mkdir(TreeName+"/Clusters/Fragment/"+typeNames[i]);
+  "/Clusters/Fragment/"+typeNames[i]);
+            cFclEnergy[i] = histogramFactory.createCloud1D("Fragment cluster Energy: "+typeNames[i]);
+            pFclEffh[i] = histogramFactory.createProfile1D("Fragment cluster hit efficiency",typeNames[i],200,0.,200.);
+            pFclPurh[i] = histogramFactory.createProfile1D("Fragment cluster hit purity",typeNames[i],200,0.,200.);
+            pFclEffe[i] = histogramFactory.createProfile1D("Fragment cluster energy efficiency",typeNames[i],200,0.,200.);
+            pFclPure[i] = histogramFactory.createProfile1D("Fragment cluster energy purity",typeNames[i],200,0.,200.);
+            cFclEffh[i] = histogramFactory.createCloud1D(typeNames[i] + "Fragment cluster hit efficiency");
+            cFclPurh[i] = histogramFactory.createCloud1D(typeNames[i]+"Fragment cluster hit purity");
+            cFclEffe[i] = histogramFactory.createCloud1D(typeNames[i]+"Fragment cluster energy efficiency");
+            cFclPure[i] = histogramFactory.createCloud1D(typeNames[i]+"Fragment cluster energy purity");
+        }
+    }
+    public ExampleClusterAnalysis(String[] hcnames,String[] ccnames,String fsPLName,
+        String mcpcname,String cmcpname)
+    {
+        this(hcnames,ccnames,fsPLName,mcpcname,cmcpname,"default");
+    }
+    protected void process(EventHeader event)
+    {
+        List<MCPClusterInfo> pc = (List<MCPClusterInfo>) event.get(MCPCname);
+        List<ClusterMCPInfo> cp = (List<ClusterMCPInfo>) event.get(CMCPname);
+        for(MCPClusterInfo pci:pc)
+        {
+            MCParticle p = pci.getMCParticle();
+            double pE = p.getEnergy();
+            boolean vis = pci.getTotalHits() > 0;
+            boolean found = false;
+            if(pci.getNClusters() > 0)
+            {
+                if(!(pci.getMaxCMCP() == null))
+                {
+                    found = pci.getMaxCMCP().getMaxContributer() == p;
+                }
+            }
+            int pdgid = Math.abs(p.getPDGID());
+            int itype = -1;
+            if( (pdgid == 12)||(pdgid == 14)||(pdgid == 16) )
+            {
+// neutrinos
+                itype = 0;
+            }
+            else if( (pdgid == 13) )
+            {
+// Muon
+                itype = 1;
+            }
+            else if( (pdgid == 11)||(pdgid == 22) )
+            {
+// EM
+                itype = 2;
+            }
+            else if( p.getCharge() == 0 )
+            {
+//  neutral Had
+                itype = 3;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+//  charged Had
+                itype = 4;
+            }
+            if(!pci.isFinalState())
+            {
+                cAXEnergy[itype].fill(pE);
+                cAXEnergyw[itype].fill(pE, pE);
+                cAXEnergy[5].fill(pE);
+                cAXEnergyw[5].fill(pE, pE);
+                if(vis)
+                {
+                    cVXEnergy[itype].fill(pE);
+                    cVXEnergyw[itype].fill(pE, pE);
+                    cVXEnergy[5].fill(pE);
+                    cVXEnergyw[5].fill(pE,pE);
+                }
+                if(found)
+                {
+                    cFXEnergy[itype].fill(pE);
+                    cFXEnergyw[itype].fill(pE, pE);
+                    cFXEnergy[5].fill(pE);
+                    cFXEnergyw[5].fill(pE, pE);
+                }
+                continue;
+            }
+            cAFEnergy[itype].fill(pE);
+            cAFEnergyw[itype].fill(pE, pE);
+            cAFEnergy[5].fill(pE);
+            cAFEnergyw[5].fill(pE, pE);
+            if(vis)
+            {
+                cVFEnergy[itype].fill(pE);
+                cVFEnergyw[itype].fill(pE, pE);
+                cVFEnergy[5].fill(pE);
+                cVFEnergyw[5].fill(pE,pE);
+            }
+            if(found)
+            {
+                cFFEnergy[itype].fill(pE);
+                cFFEnergyw[itype].fill(pE, pE);
+                cFFEnergy[5].fill(pE);
+                cFFEnergyw[5].fill(pE, pE);
+                for(int j=0;j<4;j++)
+                {
+                    pFEff[itype][j].fill(pE,1.);
+                    pFEffv[itype][j].fill(pE,1.);
+                    pFPur[itype][j].fill(pE,1.);
+                    pFEff[5][j].fill(pE,1.);
+                    pFEffv[5][j].fill(pE,1.);
+                    pFPur[5][j].fill(pE,1.);
+                }
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                for(int j=0;j<4;j++)
+                {
+                    pFEff[itype][j].fill(pE,0.);
+                    pFEff[5][j].fill(pE,0.);
+                    if(vis)
+                    {
+                        pFEffv[itype][j].fill(pE,0.);
+                        pFEffv[5][j].fill(pE,0.);
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        for(ClusterMCPInfo cpi:cp)
+        {
+            BasicCluster c = cpi.getCluster();
+            boolean isprim = cpi.getMaxMCPC().getMaxCluster() == c;
+            int pdgid = Math.abs(cpi.getMaxContributer().getPDGID());
+            double charge = cpi.getMaxContributer().getCharge();
+            int itype = -1;
+            if( (pdgid == 12)||(pdgid == 14)||(pdgid == 16) )
+            {
+// neutrinos
+                itype = 0;
+            }
+            else if( (pdgid == 13) )
+            {
+// Muon
+                itype = 1;
+            }
+            else if( (pdgid == 11)||(pdgid == 22) )
+            {
+// EM
+                itype = 2;
+            }
+            else if( charge == 0 )
+            {
+//  neutral Had
+                itype = 3;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+//  charged Had
+                itype = 4;
+            }
+            double cE = c.getEnergy();
+            double eeff = cpi.getMaxCorrectedEnergy()/cpi.getMaxMCPC().getTotalEcorrected();
+            double neff = (double)(cpi.getMaxNHits())/cpi.getMaxMCPC().getTotalHits();
+            double epur = cpi.getMaxCorrectedEnergy()/c.getEnergy();
+            double npur = (double)(cpi.getMaxNHits())/c.getCalorimeterHits().size();
+            if(isprim)
+            {
+                double Escale = cpi.getMaxContributer().getEnergy();
+                cPclEnergy[itype].fill(cE);
+                pPclEffh[itype].fill(Escale,neff);
+                pPclEffe[itype].fill(Escale,eeff);
+                pPclPurh[itype].fill(Escale,npur);
+                pPclPure[itype].fill(Escale,epur);
+                cPclEffh[itype].fill(neff);
+                cPclEffe[itype].fill(eeff);
+                cPclPurh[itype].fill(npur);
+                cPclPure[itype].fill(epur);
+                cPclEnergy[5].fill(cE);
+                pPclEffh[5].fill(Escale,neff);
+                pPclEffe[5].fill(Escale,eeff);
+                pPclPurh[5].fill(Escale,npur);
+                pPclPure[5].fill(Escale,epur);
+                cPclEffh[5].fill(neff);
+                cPclEffe[5].fill(eeff);
+                cPclPurh[5].fill(npur);
+                cPclPure[5].fill(epur);
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                cFclEnergy[itype].fill(cE);
+                pFclEffh[itype].fill(cE,neff);
+                pFclEffe[itype].fill(cE,eeff);
+                pFclPurh[itype].fill(cE,npur);
+                pFclPure[itype].fill(cE,epur);
+                cFclEffh[itype].fill(neff);
+                cFclEffe[itype].fill(eeff);
+                cFclPurh[itype].fill(npur);
+                cFclPure[itype].fill(epur);
+                for(int j=0;j<4;j++)
+                {
+                    pFPur[itype][j].fill(cE,0.);
+                }
+                cFclEnergy[5].fill(cE);
+                pFclEffh[5].fill(cE,neff);
+                pFclEffe[5].fill(cE,eeff);
+                pFclPurh[5].fill(cE,npur);
+                pFclPure[5].fill(cE,epur);
+                cFclEffh[5].fill(neff);
+                cFclEffe[5].fill(eeff);
+                cFclPurh[5].fill(npur);
+                cFclPure[5].fill(epur);
+                for(int j=0;j<4;j++)
+                {
+                    pFPur[5][j].fill(cE,0.);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        ievt ++;
+    }
CVSspam 0.2.8