

Dear Colleagues,
 I am forwarding the following message for Jan. Please get in touch
with him if you have any talks you would like to present at Vienna.
Norman Graf
Dear colleagues,

I have been asked to take over from Ron Settles for organizing the
Tracking parallel sessions at the next ECFA linear collider workshop
in Vienna November 14-17, 2005.
Further information on the workshop you can find at

I am using the mailing list that Ron used for Durham last year.
Please inform me of any omissions and/or forward this mail to interested
colleagues who may not have been addressed.

There are three tracking sessions foreseen with a total of 4.75 hours.

Please let me know if you would like to give a presentation in this session,
with a (provisional) title and the time you think you need.
Times will have to be adjusted depending on the total requested.

Best regards and hope to see you in Vienna,

Jan Timmermans