

Hi Sheila,

it would be certainly useful as suggested by Wolfgang to have also some 
kind of normalized plots.
Normalized to 1 and then also calculating the ratio between different 
Runs or between data and MC would already tell us if the shapes of the 
spectra have changed. 

I would not say that Run2 and Run3 are consistent. There seems to be a 
discrepancy in the muon momentum spectrum a high momenta. This is also
reflected in the number of muons. A similar pattern is observed for the
number of muons in the comparison between Run2 and Run2MC but not visible
in Run3 vs Run3MC.


P.S.: I'm probably late for the meeting due to a seminar I have to attend. 

On Tue, 29 Nov 2005, Sheila Mclachlin wrote:

> Hello all,
> I just barely got some plots made in time for the 
> meeting today.  (My ntuple-making jobs were running 
> all weekend on the xlong queue, and only finished today.)  
> Here are all the details:
> Unfortunately, so far I have plots for Run2 and Run3 only.  
> However, the R18b Run5 production is almost finished (93%), 
> so by next week I will probably have those ones, too.
> Overall, the plots show that:
> * Run2 and Run3 are consistent
> * Run2 and Run2MC are consistent, except for a bit of 
> a bump in the lepton momentum plots at about 1.5 GeV
> * Run3 and Run3MC are consistent, except for a bit of
> a bump in the lepton momentum plots at about 1.5 GeV
> At least, that's my amateur interpretation.
> I'm not sure how to interpret the "number of B vs run number" 
> plots.  I don't know what they're supposed to look like.
> Over and out,
> sheila