

Commit in slic on MAIN
include/logstream.h-1901.1 removed
       /streamext.h-921.1 removed
src/ removed
3 removed files

logstream.h removed after 1.1
diff -N logstream.h
--- logstream.h	13 Oct 2005 23:52:11 -0000	1.1
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,190 +0,0 @@
-// ======================================================================================
-// logstream.h - Version 1.0 - Copyright ©2002 Stephen W. Chappell
-// A customized output stream for logging data
-// Namespace: slug
-// Requires: streamext.h
-// Contents:
-//   - logbuf    - a filtering streambuf used with the logstream; it inserts the date,
-//                 time, and log level into the real buffer
-//   - log_base  - a base class for the logstream; it contains members needed to
-//                 initialize the other logstream base, ostream, as well as a workaround
-//                 for not being able to cast rdbuf() is MSVC
-//   - logstream - an ostream descendent that uses the filtering logbuf to output data
-// Description:
-//   This customized ostream descendant extends the ostream class using standard (but
-//   somewhat cryptic) methods. The logstream itself is simply an ostream descendant that
-//   utilizes a custom streambuf. The custom streambuf (logbuf, a streambuf descendant)
-//   is what really does the work:
-//   - the logbuf filters the data going to some other streambuf or streambuf descendant,
-//     essentially looking for newlines so it can insert some stuff in the beginning
-//   - the other streambuf does its normal thing to output data; it's supplied to the
-//     logbuf constructor as a parameter
-//   This might seem complicated, but since the streambuf is what really does all the
-//   work in standard iostreams, this makes a whole lot of sense, and, now that it's
-//   done, it seems a whole lot less complicated
-//   For the moment, log_base contains a std::filebuf to use to actually output the data,
-//   at some point it would be nice to make this a parameter so that, for example, some
-//   sort of remote window logging or multithreaded logging could be implemented with
-//   another custom streambuf (the logbuf itself shouldn't have to change)
-// Additional credits:
-//   - the basic class architecture was strongly influenced by the iostreams postings of
-//     Dietmar Kühl regarding "prefix" streams at 
-// Revision History:
-//   Date       | Ver | Author | Description
-//   -----------+-----+--------+--------------------------------------------------------
-//   01/14/2002 | 1.0 | SwC    | Initial Version
-// ======================================================================================
-#include <fstream>
-#include <ostream>
-#include <streambuf>
-// ======================================================================================
-namespace slug
-// ======================================================================================
-// Class Declarations
-// ======================================================================================
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// class logbuf - this is a "filtering" streambuf; it filters data destined for the
-//   output, when it finds a newline it inserts the log line header
-// Note that the streambuf passed in the constructor is NOT owned by logbuf
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-class logbuf : public std::streambuf
-    explicit logbuf(std::streambuf *sb);
-    virtual ~logbuf();
-    void     level(unsigned level);
-    unsigned level(void) const;
-        // setter/getter for the level of the next line to be output
-    void suppress(bool value);
-    bool suppress(void) const;
-        // suppresses the output of the line prefix
-    int overflow(int ch);
-        // called to output the next character
-    int sync();
-        // called to sync the buffer with the actual output
-    class logbufImpl *impl; // hides implementation to reduce dependencies
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// class log_base - exists solely for the filebuf & logbuf members to be inherited, so
-//   that they're available to initialize logstream's ostream base with
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-class log_base
-    enum log_level // LogMask - values control what messages get logged
-    {
-        ll_debug   = 0x0001,
-        ll_info    = 0x0002,
-        ll_warning = 0x0004,
-        ll_error   = 0x0008,
-        ll_trace   = 0x0010,
-        ll_winmsg  = 0x0020,
-        ll_all     = 0xFFFF
-    };
-    log_base():m_buf(), m_logbuf( new logbuf(&m_buf) ) {}
-    virtual ~log_base() { delete m_logbuf; }
-    logbuf* get_logbuf(void) const  { return m_logbuf;  }
-        // returns a pointer to the log output buffer
-        // this is a concession for MSVC - trying to cast rdbuf() results in AV's, so
-        // this is a less than perfect workaround
-    std::filebuf  m_buf;    // this must be declared before m_logbuf!
-    logbuf       *m_logbuf; 
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// class logstream - an output stream tailored to logging
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-class logstream : public log_base, public std::ostream
-    logstream();
-    ~logstream();
-    void open(const char *filename);
-    logstream& level(unsigned value);
-        // sets the level for the next data to be output
-    void     filter(unsigned value) { m_filter = value; }
-    unsigned filter(void) const     { return m_filter;  }
-        // sets/gets the filter for the next data to be output
-    void write_hex(const char *p_data, unsigned size, unsigned level);
-    unsigned  m_filter;
-    void translate(const unsigned char *start, const unsigned char *end);
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// class setlevel - an output manipulator for the logstream
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-struct setlevel
-    setlevel(unsigned level):m_level(level) {}
-    unsigned m_level;
-// ======================================================================================
-// Function Declarations
-// ======================================================================================
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// operator<< - overloaded for logstream to allow filtering; doesn't work as a class
-//   member so it's implemented as a standalone (manipulators like endl become ambiguous)
-// Additional overloads for custom manipulators and to resolve the odd ambiguity (e.g.
-//   const char*) 
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-template <typename T>
-logstream& operator<<(logstream &lhs, const T& rhs)
-    std::ostream::sentry cerberus(lhs);
-    if ( cerberus )
-    {
-        if ( lhs.get_logbuf()->level() & lhs.filter() )
-            *(dynamic_cast<std::ostream*>(&lhs)) << rhs;
-    }
-    return lhs;
-logstream& operator<<(logstream &lhs, const char *rhs);
-logstream& operator<<(logstream &lhs, const setlevel &rhs);
-} // namespace slug
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ======================================================================================

streamext.h removed after 1.1
diff -N streamext.h
--- streamext.h	13 Oct 2005 23:52:11 -0000	1.1
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
-// ======================================================================================
-// streamext.h - Version 1.1 - Copyright ©2002 Stephen W. Chappell
-// Generic stream extensions to make my life easier
-// Contents:
-//   - operator<< for tm, based strongly on operator<< presented in "The Standard C++
-//     Locale" by Nathan C. Myers, posted at html://
-// Revision History:
-//   Date       | Ver | Author | Description
-//   -----------+-----+--------+--------------------------------------------------------
-//   01/11/2002 | 1.1 | SwC    | Problems with locale inclusion, so hdrs now always
-//              |     |        |   included; also removed from slug namespace;
-//              |     |        |   Microsoft compatibility; now outputs using specific
-//              |     |        |   format ('c' doesn't work in MSVC, time doesn't output
-//              |     |        |   readably)
-//   10/09/2001 | 1.0 | SwC    | Initial Version
-// ======================================================================================
-#include <ctime>
-#include <locale>
-#include <ostream>
-// ======================================================================================
-// Overloaded Operators
-// ======================================================================================
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// operator<< - overloading for std::tm; allows outputting of the date using standard
-//   streams; Microsoft's locale implementation is a little different from the standard
-//   hence the different version, also time functions aren't in the std namespace in
-//   MSVC
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-#if !defined(_MSC_VER)
-    template<class charT, class traits>
-    std::basic_ostream<charT, traits>& operator<<(std::basic_ostream<charT,traits>& os,
-        const std::tm& date)
-    {
-        // typedefs to make the rest of this function more readable
-        typedef std::ostreambuf_iterator<charT,traits> outIter_t;
-        typedef std::time_put<charT, outIter_t> Facet;
-        // makes this safe in a multithreaded environment
-        std::basic_ostream<charT, traits>::sentry cerberus(os);
-        if ( cerberus ) 
-        {
-            // output the date & time in the local format
-            //const Facet& fac = std::use_facet<Facet>(os.getloc());
-            //fac.put(os, os, os.fill(), &date, 'c');
-            // output the date & time, plus weekday and AM/PM indicator, in the local 
-            // format
-            static const char format[] = "%a %x %X %p";
-            const Facet& fac = std::use_facet<Facet>(os.getloc());
-            if ( fac.put(os, os, os.fill(), &date, format, format + 11).failed() )
-                os.setstate(os.badbit);
-        }
-        return os;
-    }
-    template<class charT, class traits>
-    std::basic_ostream<charT, traits>& operator<<(std::basic_ostream<charT,traits>& os,
-        const tm& date)
-    {
-        // typedefs to make the rest of this function more readable
-        typedef std::ostreambuf_iterator<charT,traits> outIter_t;
-        typedef std::time_put<charT, outIter_t> Facet;
-        // makes this safe in a multithreaded environment
-        std::basic_ostream<charT, traits>::sentry cerberus(os);
-        if ( cerberus )
-        {
-            // output the date & time, plus weekday and AM/PM indicator, in the local 
-            // format note that the simpler version of put (std version above) doesn't
-            // work in MSVC
-            static const char format[] = "%a %x %I:%M:%S %p";
-            const Facet& fac = std::_USE(os.getloc(), Facet);
-            if ( fac.put(os, os, &date, format, format + 17).failed() )
-                os.setstate(os.badbit);
-        }
-        return os;
-    }
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ======================================================================================

slic/src removed after 1.1
diff -N
---	13 Oct 2005 23:52:11 -0000	1.1
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,419 +0,0 @@
-// ======================================================================================
-// logstream.cpp - Version 1.0 - Copyright ©2002 Stephen W. Chappell
-// A customized output stream for logging data
-// Namespace: slug
-// Requires: streamext.h
-// Contents:
-//   - logbuf    - a filtering streambuf used with the logstream; it inserts the date,
-//                 time, and log level into the real buffer
-//   - log_base  - a base class for the logstream; it contains members needed to
-//                 initialize the other logstream base, ostream, as well as a workaround
-//                 for not being able to cast rdbuf() is MSVC
-//   - logstream - an ostream descendent that uses the filtering logbuf to output data
-// Description:
-//   This customized ostream descendant extends the ostream class using standard (but
-//   somewhat cryptic) methods. The logstream itself is simply an ostream descendant that
-//   utilizes a custom streambuf. The custom streambuf (logbuf, a streambuf descendant)
-//   is what really does the work:
-//   - the logbuf filters the data going to some other streambuf or streambuf descendant,
-//     essentially looking for newlines so it can insert some stuff in the beginning
-//   - the other streambuf does its normal thing to output data; it's supplied to the
-//     logbuf constructor as a parameter
-//   This might seem complicated, but since the streambuf is what really does all the
-//   work in standard iostreams, this makes a whole lot of sense, and, now that it's
-//   done, it seems a whole lot less complicated
-//   For the moment, log_base contains a std::filebuf to use to actually output the data,
-//   at some point it would be nice to make this a parameter so that, for example, some
-//   sort of remote window logging or multithreaded logging could be implemented with
-//   another custom streambuf (the logbuf itself shouldn't have to change)
-// Additional credits:
-//   - the basic class architecture was strongly influenced by the iostreams postings of
-//     Dietmar Kühl regarding "prefix" streams at
-// Revision History:
-//   Date       | Ver | Author | Description
-//   -----------+-----+--------+--------------------------------------------------------
-//   01/14/2002 | 1.0 | SwC    | Initial Version
-// ======================================================================================
-#include <ctime>
-#include <fstream>
-#include <iomanip>
-#include <ostream>
-#include <streambuf>
-#include <string>
-#include <sstream>
-#include "streamext.h"
-#include "logstream.h"
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-using std::filebuf;
-using std::endl;
-using std::setw;
-using std::ios;
-using std::ios_base;
-using std::locale;
-using std::ostream;
-using std::streambuf;
-using std::string;
-using std::stringstream;
-#ifndef _MSC_VER
-    // MSVC doesn't include these in the std namespace
-    using std::time_t;
-    using std::time;
-    using std::localtime;
-// ======================================================================================
-namespace slug
-// ======================================================================================
-// Function Implementation
-// ======================================================================================
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// operator<< for const char* - overloaded << operator for logstreams and const chars;
-//   this is needed because the template creates ambiguities with existing ostream
-//   operators
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-logstream& operator<<(logstream &lhs, const char *rhs)
-    std::ostream::sentry cerberus(lhs);
-    if ( cerberus )
-    {
-        if ( lhs.get_logbuf()->level() & lhs.filter() )
-            *(dynamic_cast<std::ostream*>(&lhs)) << rhs;
-    }
-    return lhs;
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// operator<< for setlevel manipulator - sets the current log level
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-logstream& operator<<(logstream &lhs, const setlevel &rhs)
-    std::ostream::sentry cerberus(lhs);
-    if ( cerberus )
-    {
-        lhs.level(rhs.m_level);
-    }
-    return lhs;
-// ======================================================================================
-// logbufImpl Declaration
-// ======================================================================================
-struct logbufImpl
-    streambuf    *m_sbuf;     // the actual streambuf used to read and write chars
-    bool          m_bol,      // remember whether we are at a new line
-                  m_suppress; // suppress the prefix output when set
-    unsigned      m_level;
-    stringstream  m_datebuf;  // used to construct the date; this is a member so it
-                              // doesn't have to be imbued with the locale more than once
-    explicit logbufImpl(streambuf *sb)
-        :m_sbuf(sb),
-         m_bol(true),
-         m_suppress(false),
-         m_level(log_base::ll_info),
-         m_datebuf(ios_base::out) {}
-    const char* leveltext(void);
-// ======================================================================================
-// logbuf Implementation
-// ======================================================================================
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// logbuf::logbuf - constructor
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-logbuf::logbuf(streambuf *sb)
-    :impl( new logbufImpl(sb) )
-    setp(0, 0); // initializes the put buffer to be empty so overflow gets called
-    impl->m_datebuf.imbue( locale("") );
-    // I don't know if this is just a bug in the Borland compiler or what, but for some
-    // reason the date that comes out in m_datebuf the first time it gets written to is
-    // not correct (11/30/1990 on 1/9/2002)
-    time_t now = time(0);
-    impl->m_datebuf.str("");
-    impl->m_datebuf << *localtime(&now);
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// logbuf::~logbuf - destructor
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    if ( !impl->m_bol )
-    {
-        impl->m_suppress = true;
-        overflow('\n');
-    }
-    delete impl;
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// logbuf::level - sets the level of the next line to be output
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void logbuf::level(unsigned level)
-    impl->m_level = level;
-    // if the level is changed and we're not at the end of a line, then we need to
-    // advance to the next line
-    if ( !impl->m_bol )
-    {
-        overflow('\n');
-    }
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// logbuf::level - gets the level of the next line to be output
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-unsigned logbuf::level(void) const
-    return impl->m_level;
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// logbuf::suppress - suppresses the output of the line prefix
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void logbuf::suppress(bool value)
-    impl->m_suppress = value;
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// logbuf::suppress - suppresses the output of the line prefix
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-bool logbuf::suppress(void) const
-    return impl->m_suppress;
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// logbuf::logbuf - overflow is called when the put buffer is full; since the put buffer
-//   is size 0 for this logbuf, it gets called for every char; normally this is forwarded
-//   to the "real" streambuf, but in the case of a newline we set m_bol, and if m_bol is
-//   already set the line prefix is output
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-int logbuf::overflow(int ch)
-    if ( ch != EOF )
-    {
-        // when we get to the beginning of a line, output the date & time, and the
-        // currently set message level
-        if ( impl->m_bol & !impl->m_suppress )
-        {
-            // get the date and save it off
-            time_t now = time(0);
-            impl->m_datebuf.str("");
-            impl->m_datebuf << *localtime(&now) << " [" << impl->leveltext() << "] ";
-            string nowstring = impl->m_datebuf.str();
-            // output the date, etc
-            if ( impl->m_sbuf->sputn(nowstring.c_str(), nowstring.size())
-                 != static_cast<signed>(nowstring.size()) )
-                return EOF;
-            else
-                impl->m_bol = false;
-        }
-        int rc = impl->m_sbuf->sputc(ch);
-        if ( ch == '\n' )
-            impl->m_bol = true;
-        return rc;
-    }
-    return 0;
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// logbuf::sync - syncs the (nonexistent) buffers with the actual output
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-int logbuf::sync()
-    impl->m_sbuf->pubsync();
-    return 0;
-// ======================================================================================
-// logbuf Implementation
-// ======================================================================================
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// logbufImpl::leveltext - outputs the best match name for the currently selected level
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-const char* logbufImpl::leveltext(void)
-    if      ( m_level & log_base::ll_debug   ) return "DEBUG  ";
-    else if ( m_level & log_base::ll_info    ) return "INFO   ";
-    else if ( m_level & log_base::ll_warning ) return "WARNING";
-    else if ( m_level & log_base::ll_error   ) return "ERROR  ";
-    else if ( m_level & log_base::ll_trace   ) return "TRACE  ";
-    else if ( m_level & log_base::ll_winmsg  ) return "WINMSG ";
-    return "UNKNOWN";
-// ======================================================================================
-// logstream Implementation
-// ======================================================================================
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// logstream::logstream - constructor; constructs log_base base, then uses it's m_buf
-//   member to construct the ostream base; this is important - without this arrangement
-//   something else would have to be done like maintaining a dynamic filebuf
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    :log_base(),
-     ostream( m_logbuf ),
-     m_filter(log_base::ll_error | log_base::ll_warning)
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// logstream::~logstream - destructor
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// logstream::open - open the requested file in append mode
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void logstream::open(const char *filename)
-    // open the file
-, ios::out | ios::app);
-    // output a divider; this is cast to ostream to avoid filtering
-    bool old_suppress = get_logbuf()->suppress();
-    get_logbuf()->suppress(true);
-    setf(ios::left);
-    width(115);
-    char old_fill = fill('=');
-    *dynamic_cast<ostream*>(this) << ">" << "<\n";
-    fill(old_fill);
-    get_logbuf()->suppress(old_suppress);
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// logstream::level - sets the level for the next data to be output
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-logstream& logstream::level(unsigned value)
-    get_logbuf()->level(value);
-    return *this;
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// logstream::write_hex - writes hex data to the log
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void logstream::write_hex(const char *p_data, unsigned size, unsigned level)
-    // if this message isn't of the right level, discard it
-    if ( !(level & m_filter) ) return;
-    get_logbuf()->level(level);
-    // output message header
-    *dynamic_cast<ostream*>(this) << "Hex dump (" << size << " bytes):\n\t";
-    // output the first hex address
-    char orig_fill = fill('0');
-    setf(ios::right);
-    *dynamic_cast<ostream*>(this) << setw(8) << std::hex << 0x00000000 << ' ';
-    setf(ios::left);
-    fill(orig_fill);
-    const unsigned char *data = reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(p_data),
-                        *line = reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(p_data);
-    // output data in rows of hex, with a break every 16 bytes, and ASCII translation at
-    // the end of the line
-    for ( unsigned pos = 0 ; pos < size ; ++pos, ++data )
-    {
-        if ( pos )
-        {
-            if ( !(pos % 16) ) // end of line; add the translation & go to next line
-            {
-                // translate the line of text
-                *dynamic_cast<ostream*>(this) << "  ";
-                translate(line, data);
-                *dynamic_cast<ostream*>(this) << "\n\t";
-                line = data;
-                // output the next line's hex address
-                fill('0');
-                setf(ios::right);
-                *dynamic_cast<ostream*>(this) << std::hex << setw(8) << pos << ' ';
-                setf(ios::left);
-                fill(orig_fill);
-            }
-            else if ( !(pos % 8) ) // middle of line; insert an extra space
-            {
-                *dynamic_cast<ostream*>(this) << ' ';
-            }
-        }
-        fill('0');
-        *dynamic_cast<ostream*>(this) << std::hex << setw(2) << static_cast<short>(*data) << ' ';
-        fill(orig_fill);
-    }
-    // we hit the end of the data in the middle somewhere, so space over to where the
-    // translation should appear
-    size %= 16;
-    if ( size )
-    {
-        if ( size < 8 ) *dynamic_cast<ostream*>(this) << ' ';
-        for ( unsigned i = 16 - size ; i != 0 ; --i )
-            *dynamic_cast<ostream*>(this) << setw(3) << ' ';
-    }
-    // output the translation of the last (incomplete) line of data
-    *dynamic_cast<ostream*>(this) << "  ";
-    translate(line, data);
-    *dynamic_cast<ostream*>(this) << std::endl;
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// logstream::translate - translates characters from start to end into ASCII text
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void logstream::translate(const unsigned char *start, const unsigned char *end)
-    for ( ; start != end ; ++start )
-    {
-        get_logbuf()->sputc(( *start > 32 ) ? *start : '.');
-    }
-// ======================================================================================
-} // namespace
-// ======================================================================================
CVSspam 0.2.8