Commit in lcsim/src/org/lcsim/recon/cluster/density on MAIN 1.1
GL: a driver for track matching using the swimmer

lcsim/src/org/lcsim/recon/cluster/density added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	7 Dec 2005 18:57:20 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,624 @@
+package org.lcsim.recon.cluster.density;
+import java.util.*;
+import hep.aida.*;
+import hep.physics.vec.Hep3Vector;
+import hep.physics.vec.BasicHep3Vector;
+import org.lcsim.util.aida.AIDA;
+import org.lcsim.util.Driver;
+import org.lcsim.event.EventHeader;
+import org.lcsim.event.SimCalorimeterHit;
+import org.lcsim.event.CalorimeterHit;
+import org.lcsim.event.MCParticle;
+import org.lcsim.geometry.util.CalorimeterIDDecoder;
+import org.lcsim.geometry.compact.Subdetector;
+// import org.lcsim.geometry.compact.Readout;
+import org.lcsim.geometry.segmentation.BarrelCylinderSegmentationBase;
+import org.lcsim.geometry.subdetector.CylindricalCalorimeter;
+import org.lcsim.geometry.layer.Layering;
+import org.lcsim.recon.cluster.util.CalHitMapMgr;
+import org.lcsim.recon.cluster.util.BasicCluster;
+import org.lcsim.recon.cluster.util.SortClustersBySize;
+import org.lcsim.util.swim.HelixSwimmer;
+import org.lcsim.util.swim.HelixSwim;
+public class TrackMatching extends Driver {
+    int _debug = 1;  // debug level, 0 for no printout
+    boolean _fillTuple = false;
+    public TrackMatching() throws IOException {
+// 	_runPar = RunControlParameters.getInstance();
+	_aida = AIDA.defaultInstance();
+        _tree = _aida.tree();
+        _tf = _aida.analysisFactory().createTupleFactory(_tree);
+	_tree.mkdir("TrkClusMatch");
+        if(_fillTuple) bookTrkClusMatchNtuple();
+    }
+    public void process(EventHeader event) {
+      System.out.println("******** Track to Cluster matching *******");
+      if(!_init) initialize(event);
+      this.reset();
+      // Load hit collections
+      embhitmap = _loader.getCollHitMap(_embName);
+      hdbhitmap = _loader.getCollHitMap(_hdbName);
+//    emehitmap = _loader.getCollHitMap(_emeName);
+//    hdehitmap = _loader.getCollHitMap(_hdeName);
+      _evtnum = event.getEventNumber();
+      List<MCParticle> evtParticles = event.getMCParticles();
+      for( MCParticle ipart : evtParticles ) {
+	int id = ipart.getPDGID();
+	int absid = Math.abs(id);
+	double energy = ipart.getEnergy();
+	Hep3Vector orig = ipart.getOrigin();
+	Hep3Vector endp = ipart.getEndPoint();
+	double rhoOrig = Math.sqrt(orig.x()*orig.x() + orig.y()*orig.y());
+	double rhoEndp = Math.sqrt(endp.x()*endp.x() + endp.y()*endp.y());
+	// save particles which reach EM calorimeter face
+	System.out.println("particle: "+id+" "+ipart.getType().getName()
+			   +", discard="+this.discardParticleType(ipart) );
+	if( this.discardParticleType(ipart) ) continue;
+	boolean origBeforeEM = rhoOrig<_rhoMinEM && Math.abs(orig.z())<_zMinEM;
+	boolean endpBeforeEM = rhoEndp<_rhoMinEM && Math.abs(endp.z())<_zMinEM;
+	System.out.println("particle: "+id+" "+ipart.getType().getName()
+			   +", E="+ipart.getEnergy()
+			   +", genStat="+ipart.getGeneratorStatus()
+			   +", rho="+rhoOrig+" "+rhoEndp
+			   +", z="+orig.z()+" "+endp.z()
+			   +", origBeforeEM="+origBeforeEM
+			   +", endpBeforeEM="+endpBeforeEM
+			   );
+	if ( origBeforeEM && !endpBeforeEM ) {
+	  if (ipart.getGeneratorStatus() == 0)
+	      _aida.cloud1D("rhoOrig, genStat=0").fill(rhoOrig);
+	  if(id==22) _photons.add(ipart);
+	  else if(ipart.getCharge()==0) _neutrals.add(ipart);
+	  else {
+	      System.out.println("Charged particle saved!");
+	      if(ipart.getEnergy()>0.5) _chgParts.add(ipart);
+	  }
+	}
+      }
+      System.out.println("# parts: photons="+_photons.size()
+			 +", neutrals="+_neutrals.size()
+			 +", chgTracks="+_chgParts.size() );
+      // loop over particles matching them to clusters
+      for(MCParticle ipart : _chgParts) {
+	System.out.println("*** New particle: "+ipart.getType().getName()
+			   +", E="+ipart.getEnergy());
+	// Swim the particle to each sensitive layer
+	boolean curling = false;
+        int icharge = (int)ipart.getCharge();
+	_swimmer.setTrack( ipart.getMomentum(), ipart.getOrigin(), icharge );
+	for(int i=0; i<_layersEMB.length; ++i) {
+	  if(curling) break;
+	  double rcyl = _layersEMB[i];
+	  double zcyl = _layersEME[i];
+	  System.out.println("*** Swimming to layer "+i
+			     +", rcyl="+rcyl+", zcyl="+zcyl);
+	  double sParm = _swimmer.getDistanceToCylinder( rcyl, zcyl );
+	  Hep3Vector pos = _swimmer.getPointAtDistance( sParm );
+	  // correction for plug-like endcaps
+	  double rho = Math.sqrt(pos.x()*pos.x()+pos.y()*pos.y());
+	  if( rcyl-rho>1.e-3 && rho>_rhoMinEM ) {
+            System.out.println("Plug-type correction: pos="+pos+", rho="+rho);
+	    sParm = _swimmer.getDistanceToRadius( rcyl );
+	    pos = _swimmer.getPointAtDistance( sParm );
+	    rho = Math.sqrt(pos.x()*pos.x()+pos.y()*pos.y());
+	    if(rho!=rcyl) {
+		curling = true;
+		System.out.println("Track seems to be curling.  Break.");
+		break;
+	    }
+	  }
+  	  System.out.println("Swimmer: layer="+i+", pos="+pos);
+	  // find cell containing track-cylinder intersection
+	  CalHitMapMgr aux = CalHitMapMgr.getInstance();
+	  Subdetector _calsub = aux.getSubdetector( "EcalBarrHits" );
+	  BarrelCylinderSegmentationBase _segm = (BarrelCylinderSegmentationBase)_calsub.getReadout().getSegmentation();
+	  long cellid = _segm.findCellContainingXYZ( pos );
+	  CalorimeterHit ihit = embhitmap.get(cellid);
+//  	  System.out.println("from findXYZ: cellid="+MyTools.printID(cellid));
+	  _segm.setID( cellid );
+	  double rhoCell = _segm.getDistanceToSensitive(i);
+//  	  System.out.println("layer="+i+", pos="+pos+", cell pos=("
+//  			     +_segm.getX()+"; "+_segm.getY()+"; "
+//  			     +_segm.getZ()+")"
+//  			     +", rhoSwim="+Math.sqrt(pos.x()*pos.x()+pos.y()*pos.y())
+//  			     +", rhoCell="+rhoCell+", #hits="+embhitmap.size());
+	  boolean perfmatch = false;
+	  SimCalorimeterHit mchit = null;
+	  if(ihit!=null) {
+	    // perfect track match
+	    perfmatch = true;
+	    _aida.cloud1D("NN energy").fill(((SimCalorimeterHit)ihit).getRawEnergy());
+	    _aida.cloud1D("trkMatch 000").fill(1);
+	  }
+	  else {
+	    _aida.cloud1D("trkMatch 000").fill(0);
+	  }
+	  // look for hits in central cells and neighbors
+	  long[] neighs1 = _segm.getNeighbourIDs(0,1,1);
+	  // use different counters for good and bad match
+	  int nmatch = 0;
+	  int nbad = 0;
+	  if( perfmatch ) {
+	      if( isContributor(ipart,ihit) ) ++nmatch;
+	      else ++nbad;
+	  }
+	  for(int j=0; j<neighs1.length; ++j) {
+	    CalorimeterHit jhit = embhitmap.get( neighs1[j] );
+	    if(jhit!=null) {
+		_aida.cloud1D("NN energy").fill(((SimCalorimeterHit)jhit).getRawEnergy());
+		if( isContributor(ipart,jhit) ) ++nmatch;
+		else ++nbad;
+	    }
+	  }
+// 	  System.out.println("good011="+nmatch+", bad011="+nbad);
+	  _aida.cloud1D("trkMatch 011").fill(nmatch);
+	  if(nbad>0) {
+	      _aida.cloud1D("badMatch 011").fill(nbad);
+	      System.out.println("a bad match: event# "+_evtnum);
+	  }
+	  // look for +/-3 neighbors
+	  long[] neighs3 = _segm.getNeighbourIDs(0,3,3);
+	  nmatch = 0;
+	  nbad = 0;
+	  if(perfmatch) {
+	    if( isContributor(ipart,ihit) ) ++nmatch;
+	    else ++nbad;
+	  }
+	  for(int j=0; j<neighs3.length; ++j) {
+	    CalorimeterHit jhit = embhitmap.get( neighs3[j] );
+	    if( jhit!=null ) {
+		if( isContributor(ipart,jhit) ) ++nmatch;
+		else ++nbad;
+	    }
+	  }
+// 	  System.out.println("good033="+nmatch+", bad033="+nbad);
+	  _aida.cloud1D("trkMatch 033").fill(nmatch);
+	  if(nbad>0) _aida.cloud1D("badMatch 033").fill(nbad);
+	  // look for +/-5 neighbors
+	  long[] neighs5 = _segm.getNeighbourIDs(0,5,5);
+	  nmatch = 0;
+	  nbad = 0;
+	  if(perfmatch) {
+	    if( isContributor(ipart,ihit) ) ++nmatch;
+	    else ++nbad;
+	  }
+	  for(int j=0; j<neighs5.length; ++j) {
+	    CalorimeterHit jhit = embhitmap.get( neighs5[j] );
+	    if( jhit!=null ) {
+		if( isContributor(ipart,jhit) ) ++nmatch;
+		else ++nbad;
+	    }
+	  }
+// 	  System.out.println("good055="+nmatch+", bad055="+nbad);
+	  _aida.cloud1D("trkMatch 055").fill(nmatch);
+	  if(nbad>0) _aida.cloud1D("badMatch 055").fill(nbad);
+	}
+      }
+//       if(_runPar.ClusterSeparately()){
+// 	  processCollection(event,_embName);
+// // 	    processCollection(event,_emeName);
+// 	  processCollection(event,_hdbName);
+// // 	    processCollection(event,_hdeName);
+//       }
+//       else {
+// 	  assert false : "Sorry, single-pass clustering unavailable for now.";
+//       }
+    }
+    public boolean discardParticleType(MCParticle ipart) {
+	int id = ipart.getPDGID();
+	int absid = Math.abs(id);
+	// discard quarks
+	if( absid<10 ) return true;
+	// discard neutrinos
+	if(absid==12 || absid==14 || absid==16) return true;
+	// discard strings
+	if(id>=90 && id<=100) return true;
+	return false;
+    }
+    public void bookTrkClusMatchNtuple(){
+// 	String[] columnNamesEvent = {"evtno"};
+// 	Class[] columnClassesEvent = {Integer.TYPE};
+// 	_tupleEvt = _tf.create("EVT","Event Parameters",columnNamesEvent,columnClassesEvent);
+//         if(_runPar.ClusterSeparately()){
+//             String[] columnNamesEM = {"nclusEM","emClusFolder={float ene,float x,float y,float z,int size}",
+//                                       "emCellFolder={float cellE,float cellX,float cellY,float cellZ,float cellD,int cellTag}","evtno"};
+//             Class[] columnClassesEM = {Integer.TYPE,ITuple.class,ITuple.class,Integer.TYPE};
+//             _tupleEM = _tf.create("EM","Recon Clusters",columnNamesEM,columnClassesEM);
+//             String[] columnNamesHD = {"nclusHD","hdClusFolder={float ene,float x,float y,float z,int size}",
+//                                       "hdCellFolder={float cellE,float cellX,float cellY,float cellZ,float cellD,int cellTag}","evtno"};
+//             Class[] columnClassesHD = {Integer.TYPE,ITuple.class,ITuple.class,Integer.TYPE};
+//             _tupleHD = _tf.create("HD","Recon Clusters",columnNamesHD,columnClassesHD);
+//             String[] columnNamesMCem = {"nclusMCem","emmcClusFolder={float ene,float x,float y,float z,int size,int pid,float chrg,float e,float px,float py,float pz}","emmcCellFolder={float cellE,float cellX,float cellY,float cellZ,float cellD,int cellTagG,int cellTagR,int ily,int iz,int iphi}","evtno"};
+//             Class[] columnClassesMCem = {Integer.TYPE,ITuple.class,ITuple.class,Integer.TYPE};
+//             _tupleMCem = _tf.create("MCEM","Gen Clusters in EM",columnNamesMCem,columnClassesMCem);
+//             String[] columnNamesMChd = {"nclusMChd","hdmcClusFolder={float ene,float x,float y,float z,int size,int pid,int chrg,float e,float px,float py,float pz}","hdmcCellFolder={float cellE,float cellX,float cellY,float cellZ,float cellD,int cellTagG,int cellTagR,int ily,int iz,int iphi}","evtno"};
+//             Class[] columnClassesMChd = {Integer.TYPE,ITuple.class,ITuple.class,Integer.TYPE};
+//             _tupleMChd = _tf.create("MCHD","Gen Clusters in HD",columnNamesMChd,columnClassesMChd);
+//         }
+//         else{
+//         }
+    }
+    public void fillTrkClusMatchNtuple(List<BasicCluster> recon,
+				       List<BasicCluster> mctruth)
+    {
+//         if(_calType=="EM"){
+//             emClusFolder = _tupleEM.getTuple(1);
+//             emCellFolder = _tupleEM.getTuple(2);
+// 	    emmcClusFolder = _tupleMCem.getTuple(1);
+// 	    emmcCellFolder = _tupleMCem.getTuple(2);
+//         }
+//         if(_calType=="HD"){
+//             hdClusFolder = _tupleHD.getTuple(1);
+//             hdCellFolder = _tupleHD.getTuple(2);
+// 	    hdmcClusFolder = _tupleMChd.getTuple(1);
+// 	    hdmcCellFolder = _tupleMChd.getTuple(2);
+//         }
+//         int tag = 0;
+// 	Map<CalorimeterHit,Integer> recTagMap
+// 	    = new HashMap<CalorimeterHit,Integer>();
+// 	for(BasicCluster clust : recon ) {
+//             List<CalorimeterHit> cellVec = clust.getCalorimeterHits();
+// 	    //	    System.out.println(tag+" "+cellVec.size());
+// 	    if(cellVec.size()==0.) System.out.println("Damn 3");
+// //             for(int i=0;i<cellVec.size();i++){
+// //                 MyCalorimeterHit myhit = (MyCalorimeterHit) cellVec.get(i);
+// 	    for(CalorimeterHit ihit : cellVec) {
+// 		Integer tagObject = new Integer(tag);
+// // 		System.out.println("putting <"+myhit+"->"+tagObject+">");
+// 		recTagMap.put(ihit,tagObject);
+//                 double[] pos = ihit.getPosition();
+// 		double cdens = _loader.getDensity(ihit);
+//                 if(_calType=="EM"){
+//                     emCellFolder.fill(0,(float) ihit.getRawEnergy());
+//                     emCellFolder.fill(1,(float)pos[0]);
+//                     emCellFolder.fill(2,(float)pos[1]);
+//                     emCellFolder.fill(3,(float)pos[2]);
+// 		    emCellFolder.fill(4,(float) cdens);
+//                     emCellFolder.fill(5,tag);
+//                     emCellFolder.addRow();
+//                 }
+//                 if(_calType=="HD"){
+//                     hdCellFolder.fill(0,(float) ihit.getRawEnergy());
+//                     hdCellFolder.fill(1,(float)pos[0]);
+//                     hdCellFolder.fill(2,(float)pos[1]);
+//                     hdCellFolder.fill(3,(float)pos[2]);
+// 		    hdCellFolder.fill(4,(float) cdens);
+//                     hdCellFolder.fill(5,tag);
+//                     hdCellFolder.addRow();
+//                 }
+//             }
+// 	    ITuple clusFolder = null;
+//             if(_calType=="EM") clusFolder = emClusFolder;
+// 	    if(_calType=="HD") clusFolder = hdClusFolder;
+// 	    if(clusFolder!=null) {
+// 		Hep3Vector pos = new BasicHep3Vector( clust.getPosition() );
+//                 clusFolder.fill(0,(float) clust.getEnergy());
+//                 clusFolder.fill(1,(float) pos.x());
+//                 clusFolder.fill(2,(float) pos.y());
+//                 clusFolder.fill(3,(float) pos.z());
+//                 clusFolder.fill(4, clust.getSize());
+//                 clusFolder.addRow();
+//             }
+// //             if(_calType=="HD"){
+// //                 hdClusFolder.fill(0,(float) clust.getEnergy());
+// //                 hdClusFolder.fill(1,(float) clust._xpos);
+// //                 hdClusFolder.fill(2,(float) clust._ypos);
+// //                 hdClusFolder.fill(3,(float) clust._zpos);
+// //                 hdClusFolder.fill(4, clust.getSize() );
+// //                 hdClusFolder.addRow();
+// //             }
+//             tag++;
+// 	}
+//         tag = 0;
+// 	for( BasicCluster clust : mctruth ) {
+// 	  for( CalorimeterHit ihit : clust.getCalorimeterHits() ) {
+// 	    Integer tagObject = recTagMap.get(ihit);
+// // 	    System.out.println("getting: "+ihit+" -> "+tagObject);
+//  	    int rtag = -1;
+//  	    if(tagObject!=null) rtag = tagObject.intValue();
+// 	    double[] pos = ihit.getPosition();
+// 	    double cdens = _loader.getDensity(ihit);
+// 	    if(cdens==0) continue;  // skip hits below energy cut
+// 	    long jid = ihit.getCellID();
+// 	    int ily = MyTools.getLayer(jid);
+// 	    int iz = MyTools.getThetaBin(jid);
+// 	    int iphi = MyTools.getPhiBin(jid);
+// 	    if(_calType=="EM") {
+// 	      emmcCellFolder.fill(0,(float) ihit.getRawEnergy());
+// 	      emmcCellFolder.fill(1,(float)pos[0]);
+// 	      emmcCellFolder.fill(2,(float)pos[1]);
+// 	      emmcCellFolder.fill(3,(float)pos[2]);
+// 	      emmcCellFolder.fill(4,(float) cdens);
+// 	      emmcCellFolder.fill(5,tag);
+// 	      emmcCellFolder.fill(6,rtag);
+// 	      emmcCellFolder.fill(7,ily);
+// 	      emmcCellFolder.fill(8,iz);
+// 	      emmcCellFolder.fill(9,iphi);
+// 	      emmcCellFolder.addRow();
+// //  	      System.out.println("EM Clus cells tag="+tag+", rtag="+rtag
+// //  				 +", id="+MyTools.printID(jid)
+// // // 				 +", pos="+pos[0]+" "+pos[1]+" "+pos[2]
+// //  				 +", dens="+cdens);
+// 	    }
+// 	    if(_calType=="HD") {
+// 	      hdmcCellFolder.fill(0,(float) ihit.getRawEnergy());
+// 	      hdmcCellFolder.fill(1,(float)pos[0]);
+// 	      hdmcCellFolder.fill(2,(float)pos[1]);
+// 	      hdmcCellFolder.fill(3,(float)pos[2]);
+// 	      hdmcCellFolder.fill(4,(float) cdens);
+// 	      hdmcCellFolder.fill(5,tag);
+// 	      hdmcCellFolder.fill(6,rtag);
+// 	      hdmcCellFolder.fill(7,ily);
+// 	      hdmcCellFolder.fill(8,iz);
+// 	      hdmcCellFolder.fill(9,iphi);
+// 	      hdmcCellFolder.addRow();
+// // 	      if(tag==7){
+// // 		  System.out.println("HD Clus cells: id="+MyTools.printID(jid)
+// // 				     +", pos="+pos[0]+" "+pos[1]+" "+pos[2]
+// // 				     +", dens="+cdens);
+// // 	      }
+// 	    }
+// 	  }
+// 	  MCParticle mcpart = getMCParticleInCluster(clust);
+// 	  float charge = (float)mcpart.getCharge();
+// 	  int particleID = mcpart.getType().getPDGID();
+// 	  float mcE = (float)mcpart.getEnergy();
+// 	  Hep3Vector mcMom = mcpart.getMomentum();
+// 	  double[] pos = clust.getPosition();
+// 	  if(_calType=="EM"){
+// 	    emmcClusFolder.fill(0,(float) clust.getEnergy());
+// 	    emmcClusFolder.fill(1, (float)pos[0] );
+// 	    emmcClusFolder.fill(2, (float)pos[1] );
+// 	    emmcClusFolder.fill(3, (float)pos[2] );
+// 	    emmcClusFolder.fill(4, clust.getSize() );
+// 	    emmcClusFolder.fill(5, particleID);
+// 	    emmcClusFolder.fill(6, charge);
+// 	    emmcClusFolder.fill(7, mcE);
+// 	    emmcClusFolder.fill(8, (float)mcMom.x());
+// 	    emmcClusFolder.fill(9,(float)mcMom.y());
+// 	    emmcClusFolder.fill(10,(float)mcMom.z());
+// 	    emmcClusFolder.addRow();
+// 	  }
+// 	  if(_calType=="HD") {
+// 	    hdmcClusFolder.fill(0, (float)clust.getEnergy() );
+// 	    hdmcClusFolder.fill(1, (float)pos[0] );
+// 	    hdmcClusFolder.fill(2, (float)pos[1] );
+// 	    hdmcClusFolder.fill(3, (float)pos[2] );
+// 	    hdmcClusFolder.fill(4, clust.getSize() );
+// 	    hdmcClusFolder.fill(5, particleID);
+// 	    hdmcClusFolder.fill(6, (int) charge);
+// 	    hdmcClusFolder.fill(7, mcE);
+// 	    hdmcClusFolder.fill(8, (float)mcMom.x());
+// 	    hdmcClusFolder.fill(9, (float)mcMom.y());
+// 	    hdmcClusFolder.fill(10, (float)mcMom.z());
+// 	    hdmcClusFolder.addRow();
+// 	  }
+// 	  tag++;
+//         }
+//         if(_calType=="EM"){
+//           _tupleEM.fill(0,recon.size());
+// 	  _tupleEM.fill(3,_evtnum);
+// 	  _tupleEM.addRow();
+// 	  _tupleMCem.fill(0,mctruth.size());
+// 	  _tupleMCem.fill(3,_evtnum);
+// 	  _tupleMCem.addRow();
+// 	  _tupleEvt.fill(0,_evtnum);
+// 	  _tupleEvt.addRow();
+//         }
+//         if(_calType=="HD"){
+//           _tupleHD.fill(0,recon.size());
+// 	  _tupleHD.fill(3,_evtnum);
+// 	  _tupleHD.addRow();
+// 	  _tupleMChd.fill(0,mctruth.size());
+// 	  _tupleMChd.fill(3,_evtnum);
+// 	  _tupleMChd.addRow();
+//         }
+// 	recTagMap.clear();
+    }
+    private void processCollection(EventHeader event, String colName) {
+      Map<Long,CalorimeterHit> hitmap = _loader.getCollHitMap(colName);
+      // get reco clusters
+      List<BasicCluster> recoClusColl
+	  = event.get(BasicCluster.class, colName+"DTreeClusters");
+      // get MC clusters
+      List<BasicCluster> mcClusColl
+	  = event.get(BasicCluster.class, colName+"Clusters");
+      Collections.sort( mcClusColl, new SortClustersBySize() );
+      System.out.println("*** TrackMatching: colName="+colName
+			 +", # of MCclusters: "+mcClusColl.size());
+      // Analyze MC clusters
+      int mchits=0;
+      for( BasicCluster iclus : mcClusColl ) {
+	double pos[] = iclus.getPosition();
+	List<CalorimeterHit> iHits = iclus.getCalorimeterHits();
+	mchits += iHits.size(); // includes hits below threshold
+      }
+      int nclusCheat = mcClusColl.size();
+      System.out.println(" Comparing cheat clusters: "
+			 +", cheater="+nclusCheat);
+      System.out.println(" Comparing total #hits: "
+			 +" in event: "+hitmap.size()
+			 +", in MCClusters="+mchits );
+      int nhits = hitmap.size();
+      _aida.cloud1D(colName+"-Nhits").fill( nhits );
+      _aida.cloud1D(colName+"-NmcHits").fill(mchits);
+      _aida.cloud1D(colName+"-diffHitsColl-mc").fill(nhits-mchits);
+      _aida.cloud1D(colName+"-numCheatClusters").fill(nclusCheat);
+      if(_fillTuple) fillTrkClusMatchNtuple( recoClusColl, mcClusColl );
+    }
+    private boolean isContributor(MCParticle part, CalorimeterHit hit) {
+	if(hit==null) return false;
+	SimCalorimeterHit mchit = (SimCalorimeterHit)hit;
+	if(mchit==null) return false;
+	int nmc = mchit.getMCParticleCount();
+	for(int imc=0; imc<nmc; ++imc) {
+	    if(mchit.getMCParticle(imc) == part) return true;
+	}
+	return false;
+    }
+    private MCParticle getMCParticleInCluster(BasicCluster clust) {
+	for( CalorimeterHit hit : clust.getCalorimeterHits() ) {
+	    SimCalorimeterHit simhit = (SimCalorimeterHit)hit;
+	    if( simhit!=null && simhit.getMCParticleCount()==1 ) {
+		return simhit.getMCParticle(0);
+	    }
+	}
+	return null;
+    }
+    private void reset() {
+	_photons.clear();
+	_neutrals.clear();
+	_chgParts.clear();
+    }
+    private void initialize(EventHeader event) {
+      CalHitMapMgr expert = CalHitMapMgr.getInstance();
+      // face of EM calorimeter
+      CylindricalCalorimeter embSubdet = (CylindricalCalorimeter)expert.getSubdetector(_embName);
+      _rhoMinEM = embSubdet.getInnerRadius();
+      Layering layers = embSubdet.getLayering();
+      int nlayers = layers.getLayerCount();
+      _layersEMB = new double[nlayers];
+      for(int i=0; i<nlayers; ++i) {
+	_layersEMB[i] = layers.getDistanceToLayerSensorMid(i);
+      }
+      CylindricalCalorimeter emeSubdet = (CylindricalCalorimeter)expert.getSubdetector(_emeName);
+      _zMinEM = emeSubdet.getZMin();
+      layers = emeSubdet.getLayering();
+      nlayers = layers.getLayerCount();
+      _layersEME = new double[nlayers];
+      for(int i=0; i<nlayers; ++i) {
+	  _layersEME[i] = layers.getDistanceToLayerSensorMid(i);
+      }
+      // face of EM calorimeter
+      CylindricalCalorimeter hdbSubdet = (CylindricalCalorimeter)expert.getSubdetector(_hdbName);
+      layers = hdbSubdet.getLayering();
+      nlayers = layers.getLayerCount();
+      _layersHDB = new double[nlayers];
+      for(int i=0; i<nlayers; ++i) {
+	  _layersHDB[i] = layers.getDistanceToLayerSensorMid(i);
+      }
+      CylindricalCalorimeter hdeSubdet = (CylindricalCalorimeter)expert.getSubdetector(_hdeName);
+      layers = hdeSubdet.getLayering();
+      nlayers = layers.getLayerCount();
+      _layersHDE = new double[nlayers];
+      for(int i=0; i<nlayers; ++i) {
+	  _layersHDE[i] = layers.getDistanceToLayerSensorMid(i);
+      }
+      // setup a swimmer
+      double[] pos = {0,0,0};
+      double[] field = event.getDetector().getFieldMap().getField(pos);
+      _swimmer = new HelixSwimmer(field[2]);
+      _init = true;
+    }
+    //***** FIELDS ****
+    private String _embName = "EcalBarrHits";
+    private String _hdbName = "HcalBarrHits";
+    private String _emeName = "EcalEndcapHits";
+    private String _hdeName = "HcalEndcapHits";
+//     private static Map<String,Readout> _roMap;
+//     private static RunControlParameters _runPar;
+    private LoadMyCalorimeterHit _loader = LoadMyCalorimeterHit.getInstance();
+//     private Map<Long,Long> _ParentMap;
+    private Map<Long,CalorimeterHit> embhitmap,emehitmap,hdbhitmap,hdehitmap;
+//     private String _distType,_calType;
+//     private int _nLyr;
+//     private int _nZ;
+//     private int _nPhi;
+    private int _evtnum;
+    private ITree _tree;
+    private ITupleFactory _tf;
+//     private ITuple _tupleEM;
+//     private ITuple _tupleHD;
+//     private ITuple _tupleMCem,_tupleMChd;
+//     private ITuple _tupleEvt;
+//     private ITuple emClusFolder,emCellFolder;
+//     private ITuple hdClusFolder,hdCellFolder;
+//     private ITuple emmcClusFolder,emmcCellFolder;
+//     private ITuple hdmcClusFolder,hdmcCellFolder;
+//     private ClusterBuilder clusBuilder = new ClusterBuilder();
+    private boolean _init = false;
+    private double _rhoMinEM, _zMinEM;
+    private List<MCParticle> _photons = new ArrayList<MCParticle>();
+    private List<MCParticle> _chgParts = new ArrayList<MCParticle>();
+    private List<MCParticle> _neutrals = new ArrayList<MCParticle>();
+    private HelixSwimmer _swimmer;
+    private double[] _layersEMB;
+    private double[] _layersEME;
+    private double[] _layersHDB;
+    private double[] _layersHDE;
+    private AIDA _aida;
CVSspam 0.2.8