

Dear Colleague:

      The Silicon Detector Design Study will meet at Fermilab on December 16-17, 2005 to review progress, discuss the optimization of the SiD design, and begin preparation of the SiD Design Concept Outline called for by the World Wide Study of Physics and Detectors Organizing Committee, the so-called "Detector Outline."  The Detector Outline will describe the proposed design in detail, discuss subsystem and overall physics performance and benchmarking, outline SiD MDI issues, update R&D needs and ongoing work relevant to SiD, and review the status of subsystem technology choices.

      The meeting will be held in the Hornet's Nest on the 8th floor of the High Rise. We are making provision for all-day video/audio links so that those who are unable to travel to Fermilab can attend remotely.

      Everyone interested in learning about and participating in the SiD design effort is welcome to attend. New faces are especially welcome. For our own planning purposes, we ask those of you who are intending to attend either at Fermilab or remotely to register at the SiD workshop website.

      Apologies if this message isn't new to you.

  Harry Weerts and John Jaros
  For the SiD Design Study