

Commit in GeomConverter on MAIN
src/org/lcsim/material/ -> 1.15
test/org/lcsim/material/ -> 1.7
2 modified files
JM: Latest updates to BetheBloch.  Replace estimated delta term with Matprop calc.

GeomConverter/src/org/lcsim/material 1.14 -> 1.15
diff -u -r1.14 -r1.15
---	25 Jan 2006 01:08:33 -0000	1.14
+++	27 Jan 2006 00:37:21 -0000	1.15
@@ -6,227 +6,359 @@
 import static java.lang.Math.sqrt;
 import static java.lang.Math.log;
+import org.lcsim.material.MaterialState;
- * 
+ *
  * @author jeremym
 abstract public class MaterialCalculator
-	/* Fine structure constant from PDG July 2004 */
-	public static final double FINE_STRUCTURE_CONSTANT = 1 / 137.03599911;
-	public static double computeRadiationLengthEstimate(double A, double Z)
-	{
-		return (180.0 * A / (Z * Z));
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Compute radiation length using Tsai formula
-	 * 
-	 * Based on LELAPS CEPack/ceelement::setIntLength()
-	 * 
-	 */
-	public static double computeRadiationLengthTsai(double A, double Z)
-	{
-		double azsq = FINE_STRUCTURE_CONSTANT * Z;
-		azsq *= azsq;
-		double f = azsq
-				* (1.0 / (1.0 + azsq) + 0.20206 - 0.0369 * azsq + 0.0083 * azsq
-						* azsq - 0.002 * azsq * azsq * azsq);
-		double Lrad, LradP;
-		if (Z == 1)
-		{
-			Lrad = 5.31;
-			LradP = 6.144;
-		} else if (Z == 2)
-		{
-			Lrad = 4.79;
-			LradP = 5.621;
-		} else if (Z == 3)
-		{
-			Lrad = 4.74;
-			LradP = 5.805;
-		} else if (Z == 4)
-		{
-			Lrad = 4.71;
-			LradP = 5.924;
-		} else
-		{
-			Lrad = log(184.15 / pow(Z, 0.333333333));
-			LradP = log(1194.0 / pow(Z, 0.666666667));
-		}
-		double rlen = 716.408 * A / ((Z * Z * (Lrad - f) + Z * LradP));
-		return rlen;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Compute NIL, using hard-coded values for Z <= 2 from PDG.
-	 * 
-	 * Above helium, use a simple fit.
-	 * 
-	 * Base on LELAPS CEPack/ceelement::setIntLength()
-	 * 
-	 */
-	public static double computeNuclearInteractionLength(double A, double Z)
-	{
-		double NIL = 0;
-		if (Z == 1)
-		{
-			if (A < 1.5)
-			{
-				NIL = 50.8;
-			} else
-			{
-				NIL = 54.7;
-			}
-		} else if (Z == 2)
-		{
-			NIL = 65.2;
-		} else
-		{
-			NIL = 40.8 * pow(A, 0.289);
-		}
-		return NIL;
-	}
-	/* electron mass x c^2 in MeV */
-	public static final double M_e = 0.510998918;
-	/* Avogadro's number */
-	public static final double N_A = 6.0221415e23;
-	/* classical electron radius in cm */
-	public static final double r_e = 2.81794032528e-13;
-	// public static final double clight = 2.99792458e08; // m/s
-	/*
-	 * @param material org.lcsim.material.Material 
-	 * @param p particle momentum in GeV
-	 * @param mass particle mass (MeV/c) 
-	 * @param charge particle charge in electron charge
-	 * @param distance path length in cm to scale the dEdx
-	 * @return computed dEdx (MeV/cm)
-	 */
-	public static double computeBetheBloch(Material material, double[] p,
-			double mass, double charge, double distance)
-	{
-		assert (p.length == 3);
-		double zeff = material.getZeff();
-		double aeff = material.getAeff();
-		double ZoverA = zeff / aeff;
-		/* K matches PDG, pg. 238 --> 0.307075 in MeV g-1 cm2 */
-		double K = ((4 * PI) * N_A * (r_e * r_e) * M_e);
-//		System.out.println("K=" + K);
-		double z2 = charge * charge;
-		/*
-		 * CarolineMilstene- Convert p(GeV) used in the package to p(MeV) for
-		 * Bethe-Block Calculations
-		 */
-		double[] pmev = new double[3];
-		for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
-		{
-			pmev[i] = p[i] * 1e+3;
-		}
-		double mag2 = pmev[0] * pmev[0] + pmev[1] * pmev[1] + pmev[2] * pmev[2];
-		double beta2 = mag2 / (mass * mass + mag2);
-//		System.out.println("beta2 = " + beta2);
-		double coeff1 = K * z2 * (ZoverA) * (1 / beta2);
-//		System.out.println("coeff1 = " + coeff1);
-		// end first coefficient calc
-		double gamma = 1 / (sqrt(1 - beta2));
-		double gamma2 = gamma * gamma;
-//		System.out.println("gamma2 = " + gamma2);
-		/* compute T_max */
-		double numer_T_max = 2 * M_e * beta2 * gamma2;
-//		System.out.println("numer_T_max = " + numer_T_max);
-		double denom_T_max = 1 + (2 * gamma * M_e / mass)
-				+ pow((M_e / mass), 2);
-//		System.out.println("denom_T_max = " + denom_T_max);
-		double T_max = numer_T_max / denom_T_max;
-//		System.out.println("T_max = " + T_max);
-		/* end compute T_max */
-		/* compute I using lelaps/CEPack/ */
-		double I = 0.0;
-		if (zeff > 12)
-		{
-			I = zeff * (9.76 + 58.8 * pow(zeff, -1.19));
-		} else
-		{
-			if (zeff == 1)
-			{
-				I = 18.7;
-			} else
-			{
-				I = 13.0 * zeff;
-			}
-		}
-		I *= 1e-6; // convert I to MeV
-		double I2 = I * I;
-//		System.out.println("I = " + I);
-//		System.out.println("I2 = " + I2);
-		// plasma E
-		double eta = 1.0;
-		double rho_STP = material.getDensity();
-		double rho = material.getDensity();
-		if (material.getState() == org.lcsim.material.MaterialState.GAS)
-		{
-			eta = material.getPressure() * (273.15 / material.getTemperature());
-			rho_STP = rho / eta;
-		}
-		double plasmaE = 28.816 * sqrt(rho_STP * ZoverA);
-//		System.out.println("plasmaE = " + plasmaE);
-		plasmaE *= 1e-6;
-		//
-		double delta = log(plasmaE / I) + log((sqrt(beta2) * gamma)) - 0.5;
-//		System.out.println("delta = " + delta);
-		double coeff2 = 0.5 * (log((2 * M_e * beta2 * gamma2 * T_max) / I2));
-		double _num = 2 * M_e * beta2 * gamma2 * T_max;
-//		System.out.println("2me c2*beta2 ... = " + _num);
-		_num = _num / I2;
-//		System.out.println("numerator / i2 = " + _num);
-//		System.out.println("coeff2 = " + coeff2);
-		coeff2 -= beta2;
-//		System.out.println("coeff2 - beta2 = " + coeff2);
-		coeff2 -= delta;
-//		System.out.println("coeff2 - delta = " + coeff2);
-		double result = coeff1 * coeff2;
-//		System.out.println("dEdx (MeV cm2/g) = " + result);
-		result = result * material.getDensity();
-//		System.out.println("dEdx (MeV/cm) = " + result);
-		result = result * distance;
-//		System.out.println("dEdx (MeV/cm) * distance = " + result);
-		return result;
-	}
+    private static boolean _debug = false;
+    /* Fine structure constant from PDG July 2004 */
+    public static final double FINE_STRUCTURE_CONSTANT = 1 / 137.03599911;
+    public static double computeRadiationLengthEstimate(double A, double Z)
+    {
+        return (180.0 * A / (Z * Z));
+    }
+    /**
+     * Compute radiation length using Tsai formula
+     *
+     * Based on LELAPS CEPack/ceelement::setIntLength()
+     *
+     */
+    public static double computeRadiationLengthTsai(double A, double Z)
+    {
+        double azsq = FINE_STRUCTURE_CONSTANT * Z;
+        azsq *= azsq;
+        double f = azsq
+                * (1.0 / (1.0 + azsq) + 0.20206 - 0.0369 * azsq + 0.0083 * azsq
+                * azsq - 0.002 * azsq * azsq * azsq);
+        double Lrad, LradP;
+        if (Z == 1)
+        {
+            Lrad = 5.31;
+            LradP = 6.144;
+        }
+        else if (Z == 2)
+        {
+            Lrad = 4.79;
+            LradP = 5.621;
+        }
+        else if (Z == 3)
+        {
+            Lrad = 4.74;
+            LradP = 5.805;
+        }
+        else if (Z == 4)
+        {
+            Lrad = 4.71;
+            LradP = 5.924;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            Lrad = log(184.15 / pow(Z, 0.333333333));
+            LradP = log(1194.0 / pow(Z, 0.666666667));
+        }
+        double rlen = 716.408 * A / ((Z * Z * (Lrad - f) + Z * LradP));
+        return rlen;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Compute NIL, using hard-coded values for Z <= 2 from PDG.
+     *
+     * Above helium, use a simple fit.
+     *
+     * Base on LELAPS CEPack/ceelement::setIntLength()
+     *
+     */
+    public static double computeNuclearInteractionLength(double A, double Z)
+    {
+        double NIL = 0;
+        if (Z == 1)
+        {
+            if (A < 1.5)
+            {
+                NIL = 50.8;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                NIL = 54.7;
+            }
+        }
+        else if (Z == 2)
+        {
+            NIL = 65.2;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            NIL = 40.8 * pow(A, 0.289);
+        }
+        return NIL;
+    }
+    /* electron mass x c^2 in MeV */
+    public static final double M_e = 0.510998918;
+    /* Avogadro's number */
+    public static final double N_A = 6.0221415e23;
+    /* classical electron radius in cm */
+    public static final double r_e = 2.81794032528e-13;
+    // public static final double clight = 2.99792458e08; // m/s
+   /*
+    * @param material org.lcsim.material.Material
+    * @param p particle momentum in GeV
+    * @param mass particle mass (MeV/c)
+    * @param charge particle charge in electron charge
+    * @param distance path length in cm to scale the dEdx
+    * @return computed dEdx (MeV/cm)
+    */
+    public static double computeBetheBloch(Material material, double[] p,
+            double mass, double charge, double distance)
+    {
+        assert (p.length == 3);
+        double zeff = material.getZeff();
+        double aeff = material.getAeff();
+        double ZoverA = zeff / aeff;
+        /* K matches PDG, pg. 238 --> 0.307075 in MeV g-1 cm2 */
+        double K = ((4 * PI) * N_A * (r_e * r_e) * M_e);
+        double z2 = charge * charge;
+        /*
+         * Convert p(GeV) to p(MeV).
+         */
+        double[] pmev = new double[3];
+        for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
+        {
+            pmev[i] = p[i] * 1e+3;
+        }
+        double mag2 = pmev[0] * pmev[0] + pmev[1] * pmev[1] + pmev[2] * pmev[2];
+        double beta2 = mag2 / (mass * mass + mag2);
+        double beta = sqrt(beta2);
+        double coeff1 = K * z2 * (ZoverA) * (1 / beta2);
+        // end first coefficient calc
+        double gamma = 1 / (sqrt(1 - beta2));
+        double gamma2 = gamma * gamma;
+        /* compute T_max */
+        double numer_T_max = 2 * M_e * beta2 * gamma2;
+        double denom_T_max = 1 + (2 * gamma * M_e / mass) + pow((M_e / mass), 2);
+        double T_max = numer_T_max / denom_T_max;
+        /* end compute T_max */
+        if ( _debug )
+        {
+            System.out.println("z2="+z2);
+            System.out.println("K=" + K);
+            System.out.println("coeff1 = " + coeff1);
+            System.out.println("gamma2 = " + gamma2);
+            System.out.println("numer_T_max = " + numer_T_max);
+            System.out.println("denom_T_max = " + denom_T_max);
+            System.out.println("T_max = " + T_max);
+            System.out.println("beta=" + beta);
+            System.out.println("beta2 = " + beta2);
+        }
+        /* compute I using lelaps/CEPack/ */
+        double I = 0.0;
+        if (zeff > 12)
+        {
+            I = zeff * (9.76 + 58.8 * pow(zeff, -1.19));
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            if (zeff == 1)
+            {
+                I = 18.7;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                I = 13.0 * zeff;
+            }
+        }
+        I *= 1e-6; // convert I to MeV
+        double I2 = I * I;
+        // plasma E
+        double eta = 1.0;
+        double rho_STP = material.getDensity();
+        double rho = material.getDensity();
+        org.lcsim.material.MaterialState state = material.getState();
+        if (state == org.lcsim.material.MaterialState.GAS)
+        {
+            eta = material.getPressure() * (273.15 / material.getTemperature());
+            rho_STP = rho / eta;
+        }
+        double plasmaE = 28.816 * sqrt(rho_STP * ZoverA);
+        plasmaE *= 1e-6;
+        //
+        if ( _debug )
+        {
+            System.out.println("plasmaE=" + plasmaE);
+            System.out.println("I=" + I);
+            System.out.println("I2=" + I2);
+            System.out.println("eta=" + eta);
+            System.out.println("rho_STP=" + rho_STP);
+            System.out.println("rho=" + rho);
+            System.out.println("state="+state);
+        }
+        // Cbar
+        double Cbar = 2.0 * log( I / plasmaE ) + 1.0;
+        // Xa
+        double Xa = Cbar / 4.6052;
+        double X1;
+        if (state == MaterialState.GAS)
+        {
+            if (Cbar < 12.25)
+            {
+                X1 = 4.0;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                X1 = 5.0;
+            }
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            if ( I < 100.0)
+            {
+                X1 = 2.0;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                X1 = 3.0;
+            }
+        }
+        double m = 3.0;
+        double X0 = 0;
+        if (state == org.lcsim.material.MaterialState.GAS)
+        {
+            if (Cbar < 10.0)        X0 = 1.6;
+            else if (Cbar < 10.5)   X0 = 1.7;
+            else if (Cbar < 11.0)   X0 = 1.8;
+            else if (Cbar < 11.5)   X0 = 1.9;
+            else if (Cbar < 13.804) X0 = 2.0;
+            else                    X0 = 0.326 * Cbar - 2.5;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            if (I < 100.0)
+            {
+                if (Cbar < 3.681) X0 = 0.2;
+                else              X0 = 0.326 * Cbar - 1.0;
+                X1 = 2.0;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                if (Cbar < 5.215) X0 = 0.2;
+                else              X0 = 0.326 * Cbar - 1.5;
+                X1 = 3.0;
+            }
+        }
+        double a = 4.6052 * (Xa - X0) / pow(X1 - X0, m);
+        double ASP = 0.1536 * ZoverA;
+        double BSP = log(511.0e9 / I2);
+        if (state == MaterialState.GAS)
+        {
+            double eta_corr_1 = 0.5 * log10(eta);
+            double eta_corr_2 = 4.6052 * eta_corr_1;
+            Cbar -= eta_corr_2;
+            X1   -= eta_corr_1;
+            X0   -= eta_corr_1;
+        }
+        double delta_estimate = log(plasmaE / I) + log((sqrt(beta2) * gamma)) - 0.5;
+        double delta = 0;
+//        double X = beta * gamma;
+        double X = log10(sqrt(mag2) / (mass));
+        if ( X0 < X && X < X1 )
+        {
+            delta = 4.6052 * X - Cbar + a * (X1 - X);
+        }
+        else if ( X > X1 )
+        {
+            delta = 4.6052 * X - Cbar;
+        }
+        else if ( X < X0 )
+        {
+            delta = 0;
+        }
+        if ( _debug )
+        {
+            System.out.println("Cbar=" + Cbar);
+            System.out.println("Xa=" + Xa);
+            System.out.println("X1="+X1);
+            System.out.println("X="+X);
+            System.out.println("X0="+X0);
+            System.out.println("delta="+delta);
+        }
+        double coeff2 = 0.5 * (log((2 * M_e * beta2 * gamma2 * T_max) / I2));
+        if ( _debug )
+        {
+            System.out.println("delta_estimate=" + delta_estimate);
+            System.out.println("coeff2="+coeff2);
+        }
+//        double _num = 2 * M_e * beta2 * gamma2 * T_max;
+//        System.out.println("2me c2*beta2 ... = " + _num);
+//        _num = _num / I2;
+//        System.out.println("numerator / i2 = " + _num);
+        coeff2 -= beta2;
+        if ( _debug ) System.out.println("coeff2 - beta2 = " + coeff2);
+        coeff2 -= delta;
+        if ( _debug ) System.out.println("coeff2 - delta = " + coeff2);
+        double result = coeff1 * coeff2;
+        if ( _debug ) System.out.println("dEdx (MeV cm2/g) = " + result);
+        result = result * material.getDensity();
+        if ( _debug ) System.out.println("dEdx (MeV/cm) = " + result);
+        result = result * distance;
+        if ( _debug ) System.out.println("dEdx (MeV/cm) * distance = " + result);
+        return result;
+    }
  * beta2 = 0.5 coeff1 = 0.6141498919582697 gamma2 = 0.6666666666666669
@@ -238,9 +370,9 @@
- * 
+ *
  * excitation potential from lelaps/CEPack/ceelement.c
- * 
+ *
  * if (e.Z > 12) { I = Z * (9.76 + 58.8 * pow(Z, -1.19)); } else { if (e.Z == 1)
  * I = 18.7; // ********should be 19.0 else I = 13.0 * e.Z; }
@@ -248,21 +380,21 @@
  * public static double computeCoulombCorrection(double Z) { if ( Z <= 0 ) {
  * throw new IllegalArgumentException("Z cannot be <= 0."); }
- * 
+ *
  * double az4 = az2 * az2;
- * 
+ *
  * double coulomb = (COULOMB_CORRECTIONS[0] * az4 + COULOMB_CORRECTIONS[1] +
  * 1.0/(1.0 + az2)) * az2 - (COULOMB_CORRECTIONS[2] * az4 +
- * 
+ *
  * return coulomb; }
  * public static double computeTsaiFactor(double Z, double coulombCorrection) {
  * double logZ3 = log(Z) / 3.0; int iz = (int) (Z + 0.5) - 1;
- * 
+ *
  * double lrad, lprad; if ( iz <= 3) { lrad = TSAI_LRAD_LIGHT[iz]; lprad =
  * TSAI_LPRAD_LIGHT[iz]; } else { lrad = log(184.15) - logZ3; lprad =
  * log(1194.0) - 2 * logZ3; }

GeomConverter/test/org/lcsim/material 1.6 -> 1.7
diff -u -r1.6 -r1.7
---	25 Jan 2006 01:08:58 -0000	1.6
+++	27 Jan 2006 00:37:22 -0000	1.7
@@ -13,171 +13,119 @@
 import org.lcsim.material.MaterialElement;
- * 
+ *
  * @author jeremym
 public class BetheBlockTest extends TestCase
-	/** Creates a new instance of MaterialManagerTest */
-	public BetheBlockTest()
-	{}
-	public BetheBlockTest(String testName)
-	{
-		super(testName);
-		MaterialManager.instance();
-	}
-	public static TestSuite suite()
-	{
-		return new TestSuite(BetheBlockTest.class);
-	}
-	public void test_Dummy()
-	{
-		MaterialElement element = new MaterialElement("DummyElement", 1.0, 1.0);
-		Material material = new Material("DummyMaterial", 1, 1.0,
-				org.lcsim.material.MaterialState.SOLID, 1.0, 1.0);
-		material.addElement(element, 1.0);
-		double p[] =
-		{ 1.0, 0, 0 };
-		double mass = 1.0;
-		double dEdx = MaterialCalculator.computeBetheBloch(material, // material
-				p, // particle momentum
-				mass, // particle mass
-				1.0, // particle charge
-				1.0); // path length
-		printResult(material, "dummy", p, dEdx);
-	}
-	/** Test dEdx with muons of various P in Carbon. */
-	public void test_MuonInCarbon()
-	{		
-		Material material = MaterialManager.getMaterials().get("Carbon");
-		//System.out.println(material.toString());
-		assert (material != null);
-		// muon mass in MeV
-		double mass = 105.658369;
-		// 1 GeV
-		double p[] =
-		{ 1.0, 0, 0 };
-		runTest("Carbon", "muon", mass, 1.0, p );
-		// 10 GeV
-		p[0] = 10.0;
-		runTest("Carbon", "muon", mass, 1.0, p );
-		// 200 MeV
-		p[0] = 0.2;
-		runTest("Carbon", "muon", mass, 1.0, p );
-		// 100 MeV
-		p[0] = 0.1;
-		runTest("Carbon", "muon", mass, 1.0, p );
-	}
-	/** Test dEdx with muons of various P in Carbon. */
-	public void test_MuonInSilicon()
-	{		
-		Material material = MaterialManager.getMaterials().get("Silicon");
-		//System.out.println(material.toString());
-		assert (material != null);
-		// muon mass in MeV
-		double mass = 105.658369;
-		// 1 GeV
-		double p[] =
-		{ 1.0, 0, 0 };
-		double dEdx = MaterialCalculator.computeBetheBloch(material, // material
-				p, // particle momentum-in GeV
-				mass, // particle mass -MeV/c
-				1.0, // particle charge
-				1.0); // path length ! (cm)
-		printResult(material, "muon", p, dEdx);
-		// 10 GeV
-		p[0] = 10.0;
-		dEdx = MaterialCalculator
-				.computeBetheBloch(material, p, mass, 1.0, 1.0);
-		printResult(material, "muon", p, dEdx);
-		// 200 MeV
-		p[0] = 0.2;
-		dEdx = MaterialCalculator
-				.computeBetheBloch(material, p, mass, 1.0, 1.0);
-		printResult(material, "muon", p, dEdx);
-	}
-	public void test_PionInCarbon()
-	{
-		// pion mass in MeV
-		double mass = 139.57018;
-		// 1 GeV
-		double p[] =
-		{ 1.0, 0, 0 };
-		runTest("Carbon", "pion", mass, 1.0, p);
-		// 10 GeV
-		p[0] = 10.0;
-		runTest("Carbon", "pion", mass, 1.0, p);
-		// 200 MeV
-		p[0] = 0.2;
-		runTest("Carbon", "pion", mass, 1.0, p);
-		// 100 MeV
-		p[0] = 0.1;
-		runTest("Carbon", "pion", mass, 1.0, p);
-	}	
-	private double runTest(String materialName, String particle, double mass,
-			double charge, double[] momentum)
-	{
-		Material material = MaterialManager.getMaterials().get(materialName);
-		assert (material != null);
-		double dEdx = MaterialCalculator.computeBetheBloch(material,
-				momentum, mass, charge, 1.0);
-		printResult(material, particle, momentum, dEdx);
-		return dEdx;
-	}
-	/** Print test result, assuming momentum has X component, only. */
-	private static void printResult(Material material, String particle,
-			double p[], double dEdx)
-	{
-		assert (p.length == 3);
-		System.out.println("dEdx="+dEdx);
-		System.out.println('\t' + particle + "; momentum=(" + p[0]
-				+ ", " + p[1] + ", " + p[2] + "); " + material.getName() 
-				);
-	}
+    private double m_muon = 105.658369;
+    private double m_pion = 139.57018;
+    private double p_default[] = {1.0, 0, 0};
+    /** Creates a new instance of MaterialManagerTest */
+    public BetheBlockTest()
+    {}
+    public BetheBlockTest(String testName)
+    {
+        super(testName);
+        MaterialManager.instance();
+    }
+    public static TestSuite suite()
+    {
+        return new TestSuite(BetheBlockTest.class);
+    }
+    public void test_MuonInCarbon()
+    {
+        // 1 GeV
+        double p[] =
+        { 1.0, 0, 0 };
+        runTest("Carbon", "muon", m_muon, 1.0, p );
+        // 10 GeV
+        p[0] = 10.0;
+        runTest("Carbon", "muon", m_muon, 1.0, p );
+        // 200 MeV
+        p[0] = 0.2;
+        runTest("Carbon", "muon", m_muon, 1.0, p );
+        // 100 MeV
+        p[0] = 0.1;
+        runTest("Carbon", "muon", m_muon, 1.0, p );
+    }
+    public void test_MuonInSilicon()
+    {
+        // 1 GeV
+        double p[] =
+        { 1.0, 0, 0 };
+        runTest("Silicon", "muon", m_muon, 1.0, p );
+        // 10 GeV
+        p[0] = 10.0;
+        runTest("Silicon", "muon", m_muon, 1.0, p );
+        // 200 MeV
+        p[0] = 0.2;
+        runTest("Silicon", "muon", m_muon, 1.0, p );
+    }
+    public void test_MuonInIron()
+    {
+        runTest("Iron", "muon", m_muon, 1.0, p_default);
+    }
+    public void test_MuonInHydrogen()
+    {
+        runTest("Hydrogen", "muon", m_muon, 1.0, p_default);
+    }    
+    public void test_PionInCarbon()
+    {
+        // 1 GeV
+        double p[] =
+        { 1.0, 0, 0 };
+        runTest("Carbon", "pion", m_pion, 1.0, p);
+        // 10 GeV
+        p[0] = 10.0;
+        runTest("Carbon", "pion", m_pion, 1.0, p);
+        // 200 MeV
+        p[0] = 0.2;
+        runTest("Carbon", "pion", m_pion, 1.0, p);
+        // 100 MeV
+        p[0] = 0.1;
+        runTest("Carbon", "pion", m_pion, 1.0, p);
+    }
+    private void runTest(String materialName, String particle, double mass,
+            double charge, double[] p)
+    {
+        System.out.println("----------");
+        System.out.println("Running BetheBlochTest for " + particle + " in " + materialName + "...");
+        System.out.println("");
+        Material material = MaterialManager.getMaterials().get(materialName);
+        assert (material != null);
+        System.out.println(material.toString());
+        System.out.println("");
+        System.out.println("particle=" + particle + "; momentum=(" + p[0]
+                + ", " + p[1] + ", " + p[2] + "); mass=" + mass + "; charge=" + charge);
+        System.out.println("");
+        double dEdx = MaterialCalculator.computeBetheBloch(material,
+                p, mass, charge, 1.0);
+        System.out.println("dEdx(MeV/cm)="+dEdx);
+    }
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