

Commit in lcsim/src/org/lcsim/contrib/uiowa/template on MAIN -> 1.2
Take out some redundant bits; quote the number of unique hits by CellID

lcsim/src/org/lcsim/contrib/uiowa/template 1.1 -> 1.2
diff -u -r1.1 -r1.2
---	17 Jan 2006 00:33:12 -0000	1.1
+++	27 Jan 2006 23:54:51 -0000	1.2
@@ -31,84 +31,18 @@
 	List<Cluster> inputClusterList = event.get(Cluster.class, m_inputClusterListName);
 	int hitSum = 0;
-	Set<CalorimeterHit> usedHits = new HashSet<CalorimeterHit>();
-	Set<CalorimeterHit> duplicateHits = new HashSet<CalorimeterHit>();
+	Set<Long> uniqueCellIDs = new HashSet<Long>();
 	for (Cluster currentCluster : inputClusterList) {
 	    hitSum += currentCluster.getCalorimeterHits().size();
 	    for (CalorimeterHit hit : currentCluster.getCalorimeterHits()) {
-		if (usedHits.contains(hit)) {
-		    duplicateHits.add(hit);
-		} else {
-		    usedHits.add(hit);
-		}
+		uniqueCellIDs.add(new Long(hit.getCellID()));
 	System.out.println("For cluster list ["+m_inputClusterListName+"]:"
 			   +" clusters="+inputClusterList.size()
-			   +" hits="+hitSum);
-	/*
-	if (duplicateHits.size()>0) {
-	    System.out.println("There were "+duplicateHits.size()+" duplicate hits...");
-	    Map<List<Cluster>, List<CalorimeterHit>> duplicateMap = new HashMap<List<Cluster>, List<CalorimeterHit>> ();
-	    Map<CalorimeterHit, List<Cluster>> duplicateReverseMap = new HashMap<CalorimeterHit, List<Cluster>> ();
-	    // Build the backwards map:
-	    for (Cluster currentCluster : inputClusterList) {
-                for (CalorimeterHit hit : currentCluster.getCalorimeterHits()) {
-                    if (duplicateHits.contains(hit)) {
-			List<Cluster> clusterList = duplicateReverseMap.get(hit);
-			if (clusterList == null) {
-			    clusterList = new Vector<Cluster> ();
-			    duplicateReverseMap.put(hit, clusterList);
-			}
-			if (clusterList.contains(currentCluster)) { throw new AssertionError("Hit twice in cluster!"); }
-			clusterList.add(currentCluster);
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-	    // Build the forwards map:
-	    for (CalorimeterHit hit : duplicateHits) {
-		List<Cluster> clusterList = duplicateReverseMap.get(hit);
-		if (clusterList == null) { throw new AssertionError("Hit never appears!"); }
-		// Let's see if the cluster list appears already:
-		boolean matchFound = false;
-		for (List<Cluster> anotherClusterList : duplicateMap.keySet()) {
-		    boolean matchSize = (clusterList.size() == anotherClusterList.size());
-		    boolean matchContent = true;
-		    if (matchSize) {
-			for (Cluster clus : clusterList) {
-			    matchContent = matchContent && (anotherClusterList.contains(clus));
-			}
-		    }
-		    if (matchSize && matchContent) {
-			// Yah, this is a match
-			List<CalorimeterHit> hits = duplicateMap.get(anotherClusterList);
-			hits.add(hit);
-			matchFound = true;
-		    }
-		}
-		if (!matchFound) {
-		    // No match exists - need to create a new entry
-		    List<CalorimeterHit> hits = new Vector<CalorimeterHit>();
-		    hits.add(hit);
-		    duplicateMap.put(clusterList, hits);
-		}
-	    }
-	    // Look at the forwards map
-	    System.out.println(duplicateMap.keySet().size()+" kinds of duplicate:");
-	    for (List<Cluster> clusterList : duplicateMap.keySet()) {
-		List<CalorimeterHit> hits = duplicateMap.get(clusterList);
-		String str = new String();
-		str += "  "+hits.size()+" cases of "+clusterList.size()+" clusters: ";
-		for (Cluster clus : clusterList) {
-		    str += "[" + clus + "]";
-		}
-		System.out.println(str);
-	    }
-	}
-	*/
+			   +", hits="+hitSum
+			   +", unique hits="+uniqueCellIDs.size()
+			   );
     String m_inputClusterListName;
CVSspam 0.2.8