


Concezio sent me a message. The important part is:

I think a missing step is in the mES fits, which show a chisq which is
directly proportional to the number of events in the plot. I am afraid
we should try Thorsten's parameterization for the signal shape, and fit
(mES-endpoint) in order to be independent of the beam energy. All this
takes time to be tested due to the big computing time required by the
unbinned mES fits. We can of course switch back to binned mES fits.
Antonio is now IFR commissioner, so he cannot work efficiently on vub. I
should be relatively more free in 10 days. If someone would like to take
care of these mES fits in the meantime this would be great. The
deadlines are strict, but since the SL talk at Moriond EW will be given
by me, we can still have some extra time. The main problem is that we
have to submit a _publication_ this time, no more preliminary results
are allowed...
Ciao, Concezio.
