

Hi Artem,

Artem Trunov wrote:
> hi, Fabrizio!
>>>Yuo can also do usefull stuff with default protocol. Yuo can test how your
>>>srm interacts with xrootd(s) and what URLs it gives out for get/put
>>Well, this is my intention but I have no ideas. How can I send a request
>>to the srm server? Possibly bypassing the scripts.
> yuo can try srmcp from srmclient package - this is the commandline srm
> copy tool.
> srmcp srm://yourserver:8843/path file:/tmp/test1

Well, that's one of the scripts I'd like to bypass.
Anyway, what's that 8843 port number? Is it needed to contact the srm 
server in the machine "yourserver" ?


> I hope it could give some usefull result to you before bumping into luck
> of grid infrastructure. Although, I am doubtfull, since it needs
> authorization on the first place... Yuo can also try soap messages
> directly :( . Timur may give more usufull advise.
> Artem.
>>>Yuo don't need to do the actual transfers? I guess. I will set
>>>up a testbed with classical stogage element and validate the transfer.
>>In principle I wrote teh java code also for that. I totally ignore if it
>>works. I don't want to give away code written but *never* run.... so I
>>believe you have to wait some more time... sorry. Anyway the deployment
>>is not that hard. But definitely you need postgres.
>>>On Fri, 13 Jan 2006, Fabrizio Furano wrote:
>>>>Hi Timur,
>>>> I just managed to get my custom srm server started!
>>>> But now I have no idea about what to do. Is there a way to inhoculate
>>>>get/put requests directly to the server to debug it?
>>>> I gave a look at the scripts in the srmclient directory, but I don't
>>>>believe that they are the answer. Moreover, the protocol matchings are
>>>>done inside the scripts, so I believe I'd need to modify them all to
>>>>include a new protocol.
>>>>Thank you