

ATLAS SCCS Planning 24Feb2006

Present: Wei, Charlie, Chuck, Stephen, Richard, Dieter

Using my own certificate for DQ2 as advised by other ATLAS Tier-2
sites. Should ask again about what certificates should get used. How
do you differentiate between a role and a person? Somethings should be
automated which would be different.

Machine for DQ2, send unix-admin email, 30GB. What are the
consequences if it dies.

Machine for mySQL replica, 50GB.

Filled in web server request form. Not heard anything yet.

Other Tier-2 sites are using gsiftp. Andy doesn't seem too worried
about what type of srm is used (including dCache). We should use

The Local Replica Catalogue doesn't seem to work for DQ2.

Needed to modify scripts a couple of times. There is a globus login
script that should be used to setup needed environment variables.

What about retired machines in IR2 being in SCCS for ATLAS trigger
work? Richard is thinking about it. Could be the the straw for power
wise... Need to talk about it in SCCS.

For machines for testing, while we don't have an ATLAS budget, can we
borrow them? This should be fine as the money SCCS has in Particle
Physics money, just need to make sure management are aware what is
the practise.

Next meeting is regular slot on Wednesday at 11am in the SLUO
conference room. Chuck will check that meetings at that time in the SCCS
rooms are real.

Action Items:

060224 Stephen	Enquire with ATLAS about certificates for DQ2 machine

060224 Stephen	Open ticket for DQ2 machine

060224 Stephen	Open ticket for mysql replica machine

060224 Systems	Provide DQ2 machine

060224 Systems	Provide mysql replica

060224 Chuck	Will check on web server request for DQ2 machine

060224 Stephen	Enquire about correct LRC settings for DQ2 with ATLAS

060224 Wei	Email setup script for globus

060224 Stephen	Add Globus setup to ATLAS login

060224 Richard	Discuss ATLAS trigger machines with others in SCCS

060224 Chuck	Check on actual availability of SCCS rooms for this meeting