Commit in lcsim/src/org/lcsim/recon/cluster/analysis on MAIN 1.1 1.1 1.1 -> 1.4 -> 1.5 -> 1.4 removed
3 added + 1 removed + 3 modified, total 7 files
Update Cluster analysis package

lcsim/src/org/lcsim/recon/cluster/analysis added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	17 Feb 2006 17:11:36 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+package org.lcsim.recon.cluster.analysis;
+import org.lcsim.event.EventHeader;
+ * Interface for doing cluster analysis
+ * @author Ron Cassell
+ */
+public interface ClusterAnalysis
+    public void analyzeEvent(EventHeader event);

lcsim/src/org/lcsim/recon/cluster/analysis added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	17 Feb 2006 17:11:36 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+package org.lcsim.recon.cluster.analysis;
+import java.util.*;
+import org.lcsim.util.Driver;
+import org.lcsim.event.EventHeader;
+import org.lcsim.event.MCParticle;
+import org.lcsim.event.util.*;
+ * Cluster analysis driver
+ */
+public class ClusterAnalysisDriver extends Driver
+    String fsParticleListName;
+    String[] hitcollnames;
+    String[] clustercollnames;
+    String MCPCname;
+    String CMCPname;
+    String foldername;
+    boolean first;
+    CreateClusterAnalysisLists crcllists;
+    ClusterAnalysis analyzer;
+    static String[] defhitcolls = {"EcalBarrHits","EcalEndcapHits","HcalBarrHits",
+        "HcalEndcapHits"};
+    static String defFSPlist = "SimFinalStateParticles";
+    CreateFinalStateMCParticleList fsDriver;
+    boolean gotit;
+    public ClusterAnalysisDriver(String[] clnames)
+    {
+        this(clnames,defhitcolls,defFSPlist, clnames[0]);
+    }
+    public ClusterAnalysisDriver(String[] clnames, String[] hcnames)
+    {
+        this(clnames,hcnames,defFSPlist, clnames[0]);
+    }
+    public ClusterAnalysisDriver(String[] clnames, String[] hcnames,
+        String fsPname)
+    {
+        this(clnames,hcnames,fsPname, clnames[0]);
+    }
+    public ClusterAnalysisDriver(String[] clnames, String[] hcnames,
+        String fsPname, String fname)
+    {
+        first = true;
+        clustercollnames = clnames;
+        hitcollnames = hcnames;
+        MCPCname = clnames[0]+"MCPC";
+        CMCPname = clnames[0]+"CMCP";
+        foldername = fname;
+        fsParticleListName = fsPname;
+        String hclist = hitcollnames[0];
+        for(int i=1;i<hitcollnames.length;i++)
+        {
+            hclist += ", "+hitcollnames[i];
+        }
+        String cllist = clustercollnames[0];
+        for(int i=1;i<clustercollnames.length;i++)
+        {
+            cllist += ", "+clustercollnames[i];
+        }
+        System.out.println("ClusterAnalysisDriver initialized");
+        System.out.println("Hit lists = "+hclist);
+        System.out.println("Cluster lists = "+cllist);
+        System.out.println("FSParticle list = "+fsParticleListName);
+        System.out.println("Folder name = "+foldername);
+        DefaultClusterAnalysis defanal = new DefaultClusterAnalysis(MCPCname,
+            CMCPname, foldername);
+        analyzer = defanal;
+        gotit = false;
+        crcllists = new CreateClusterAnalysisLists(hitcollnames,clustercollnames,
+            fsParticleListName,MCPCname,CMCPname);
+    }
+    public void setAnalyzer(ClusterAnalysis anal)
+    {
+        analyzer = anal;
+    }
+    protected void process(EventHeader event)
+    {
+        if(first)
+        {
+            gotit = false;
+            first = false;
+            List<List<MCParticle>> mclists = event.get(MCParticle.class);
+            for(List<MCParticle> mclist:mclists)
+            {
+                if(event.getMetaData(mclist).getName().compareTo(fsParticleListName) == 0)
+                gotit = true;
+            }
+            if(!gotit)
+            {
+                fsDriver = new CreateFinalStateMCParticleList("Sim");
+                fsDriver.setCollectionName(fsParticleListName);
+                fsDriver.setKeepContinuousElectrons();
+                fsDriver.setKeepContinuousPhotons();
+                fsDriver.setKeepContinuousHadrons();
+            }
+        }
+// Create the Final state particle list, if needed
+        if(!gotit)
+        {
+            fsDriver.process(event);
+        }
+// Create the analysis lists
+        crcllists.CreateLists(event);
+// Do the analysis
+        analyzer.analyzeEvent(event);
+    }

lcsim/src/org/lcsim/recon/cluster/analysis added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	17 Feb 2006 17:11:36 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,553 @@
+package org.lcsim.recon.cluster.analysis;
+import java.util.*;
+import hep.aida.*;
+import org.lcsim.event.MCParticle;
+import org.lcsim.event.EventHeader;
+import org.lcsim.event.CalorimeterHit;
+import org.lcsim.event.SimCalorimeterHit;
+import org.lcsim.event.util.*;
+import org.lcsim.util.Driver;
+import org.lcsim.recon.cluster.util.*;
+import org.lcsim.recon.cluster.cheat.*;
+import org.lcsim.event.Cluster;
+import hep.physics.vec.*;
+ * Default class to generate a multitude of plots analyzing
+ * clusters.
+ * @author Ron Cassell
+ */
+public class DefaultClusterAnalysis implements ClusterAnalysis
+    int ievt = 0;
+    String MCPCname;
+    String CMCPname;
+    String Treename;
+    int ntypes = 6;
+    String[] typeNames = {"neutrino","muon","electron","gamma","nHad","cHad","All"};
+    // Event sums
+    double[] EvtGenEall;
+    double[] EvtGenEvis;
+    double[] EvtGenEfound;
+    double[] EvtVisEvis;
+    double[] EvtVisEfound;
+    double[] EvtMeasEprim;
+    double[] EvtMeasEfrag;
+    double[] EvtMeasEuncl;
+    double[] EvtNhitsAll;
+    double[] EvtNhitsClustered;
+    double[] EvtNhitsPrim;
+    double[] EvtNhitsFrag;
+    double[] EvtNhitsUncl;
+    double[] EvtNClusters;
+    double[] EvtNFragClusters;
+    //
+    //Event plots
+    ICloud1D[] cEvtGenFSE;
+    ICloud1D[] cEvtGenFSEvis;
+    ICloud1D[] cEvtGenFSEfound;
+    ICloud1D[] cEvtVisEvis;
+    ICloud1D[] cEvtVisEfound;
+    ICloud1D[] cEvtMeasEprim;
+    ICloud1D[] cEvtMeasEfrag;
+    ICloud1D[] cEvtMeasEuncl;
+    ICloud1D[] cEvtNhitsAll;
+    ICloud1D[] cEvtNhitsClustered;
+    ICloud1D[] cEvtNhitsPrim;
+    ICloud1D[] cEvtNhitsFrag;
+    ICloud1D[] cEvtNhitsUncl;
+    ICloud1D[] cEvtFracFragCl;
+    ICloud1D[] cEvtFracHitsUncl;
+    ICloud1D[] cEvtFracEPrim;
+    ICloud1D[] cEvtFracEFrag;
+    ICloud1D[] cEvtFracEUncl;
+    ICloud1D[] cEvtFracGenEvis;
+    ICloud1D[] cEvtFracGenEfound;
+    ICloud1D[] cEvtNClusters;
+    //
+    // Cluster plots
+    ICloud1D[] cClPrimFracPartE;
+    ICloud1D[] cClPrimFracPartN;
+    ICloud1D[] cClPrimFracClE;
+    ICloud1D[] cClPrimFracClN;
+    ICloud1D[] cClFragFracPartE;
+    ICloud1D[] cClFragFracPartN;
+    ICloud1D[] cClFragFracClE;
+    ICloud1D[] cClFragFracClN;
+    IProfile1D[] pClPrimFracPartE;
+    IProfile1D[] pClPrimFracPartN;
+    IProfile1D[] pClPrimFracClE;
+    IProfile1D[] pClPrimFracClN;
+    IProfile1D[] pClFragFracPartE;
+    IProfile1D[] pClFragFracPartN;
+    IProfile1D[] pClFragFracClE;
+    IProfile1D[] pClFragFracClN;
+    //
+    //Particle plots
+    IHistogram1D[] hPartGenEall;
+    IHistogram1D[] hPartGenEvis;
+    IHistogram1D[] hPartGenEfound;
+    ICloud1D[] cPartGenEall;
+    ICloud1D[] cPartGenEvis;
+    ICloud1D[] cPartGenEfound;
+    IHistogram1D[] hPartCosall;
+    IHistogram1D[] hPartCosvis;
+    IHistogram1D[] hPartCosfound;
+    IHistogram1D[] hPartGenEvisoverall;
+    IHistogram1D[] hPartGenEfoundovervis;
+    ITree tree;
+    IHistogramFactory histogramFactory;
+    String TreeName;
+    int plotlevel;
+    //
+    /**
+     *
+     */
+    public DefaultClusterAnalysis(String mcpcname,String cmcpname,String treename)
+    {
+        this(mcpcname,cmcpname,treename,100);
+    }
+    public DefaultClusterAnalysis(String mcpcname,String cmcpname,String treename,
+        int level)
+    {
+        plotlevel = level;
+        MCPCname = mcpcname;
+        CMCPname = cmcpname;
+        Treename = treename;
+        IAnalysisFactory analysisFactory = IAnalysisFactory.create();
+        tree = analysisFactory.createTreeFactory().create();
+        histogramFactory = analysisFactory.createHistogramFactory(tree);
+        TreeName = "/"+Treename;
+        tree.mkdir(TreeName);
+        tree.mkdir(TreeName+"/GeneratedParticleProperties");
+        tree.mkdir(TreeName+"/EventProperties");
+        tree.mkdir(TreeName+"/ClusterProperties");
+        //Event sums
+        EvtGenEall = new double[ntypes+1];
+        EvtGenEvis = new double[ntypes+1];
+        EvtGenEfound = new double[ntypes+1];
+        EvtVisEvis = new double[ntypes+1];
+        EvtVisEfound = new double[ntypes+1];
+        EvtMeasEprim = new double[ntypes+1];
+        EvtMeasEfrag = new double[ntypes+1];
+        EvtMeasEuncl = new double[ntypes+1];
+        EvtNhitsAll = new double[ntypes+1];
+        EvtNhitsClustered = new double[ntypes+1];
+        EvtNhitsPrim = new double[ntypes+1];
+        EvtNhitsFrag = new double[ntypes+1];
+        EvtNhitsUncl = new double[ntypes+1];
+        EvtNClusters = new double[ntypes+1];
+        EvtNFragClusters = new double[ntypes+1];
+        //
+        //Event plots
+        cEvtGenFSE = new ICloud1D[ntypes+1];
+        cEvtGenFSEvis = new ICloud1D[ntypes+1];
+        cEvtGenFSEfound = new ICloud1D[ntypes+1];
+        cEvtVisEvis = new ICloud1D[ntypes+1];
+        cEvtVisEfound = new ICloud1D[ntypes+1];
+        cEvtMeasEprim = new ICloud1D[ntypes+1];
+        cEvtMeasEfrag = new ICloud1D[ntypes+1];
+        cEvtMeasEuncl = new ICloud1D[ntypes+1];
+        cEvtNhitsAll = new ICloud1D[ntypes+1];
+        cEvtNhitsClustered = new ICloud1D[ntypes+1];
+        cEvtNhitsPrim = new ICloud1D[ntypes+1];
+        cEvtNhitsFrag = new ICloud1D[ntypes+1];
+        cEvtNhitsUncl = new ICloud1D[ntypes+1];
+        cEvtFracFragCl = new ICloud1D[ntypes+1];
+        cEvtFracHitsUncl = new ICloud1D[ntypes+1];
+        cEvtFracEPrim = new ICloud1D[ntypes+1];
+        cEvtFracEFrag = new ICloud1D[ntypes+1];
+        cEvtFracEUncl = new ICloud1D[ntypes+1];
+        cEvtFracGenEvis = new ICloud1D[ntypes+1];
+        cEvtFracGenEfound = new ICloud1D[ntypes+1];
+        cEvtNClusters = new ICloud1D[ntypes+1];
+        //
+        // Cluster plots
+        cClPrimFracPartE = new ICloud1D[ntypes+1];
+        cClPrimFracPartN = new ICloud1D[ntypes+1];
+        cClPrimFracClE = new ICloud1D[ntypes+1];
+        cClPrimFracClN = new ICloud1D[ntypes+1];
+        cClFragFracPartE = new ICloud1D[ntypes+1];
+        cClFragFracPartN = new ICloud1D[ntypes+1];
+        cClFragFracClE = new ICloud1D[ntypes+1];
+        cClFragFracClN = new ICloud1D[ntypes+1];
+        pClPrimFracPartE = new IProfile1D[ntypes+1];
+        pClPrimFracPartN = new IProfile1D[ntypes+1];
+        pClPrimFracClE = new IProfile1D[ntypes+1];
+        pClPrimFracClN = new IProfile1D[ntypes+1];
+        pClFragFracPartE = new IProfile1D[ntypes+1];
+        pClFragFracPartN = new IProfile1D[ntypes+1];
+        pClFragFracClE = new IProfile1D[ntypes+1];
+        pClFragFracClN = new IProfile1D[ntypes+1];
+        //
+        //Particle plots
+        hPartGenEall = new IHistogram1D[ntypes+1];
+        hPartGenEvis = new IHistogram1D[ntypes+1];
+        hPartGenEfound = new IHistogram1D[ntypes+1];
+        cPartGenEall = new ICloud1D[ntypes+1];
+        cPartGenEvis = new ICloud1D[ntypes+1];
+        cPartGenEfound = new ICloud1D[ntypes+1];
+        hPartCosall = new IHistogram1D[ntypes+1];
+        hPartCosvis = new IHistogram1D[ntypes+1];
+        hPartCosfound = new IHistogram1D[ntypes+1];
+        hPartGenEvisoverall = new IHistogram1D[ntypes+1];
+        hPartGenEfoundovervis = new IHistogram1D[ntypes+1];
+        //
+        for(int i=0;i<ntypes+1;i++)
+        {
+            tree.mkdir(TreeName+"/EventProperties/"+typeNames[i]);
+  "/EventProperties/"+typeNames[i]);
+            cEvtGenFSE[i] = histogramFactory.createCloud1D(
+                typeNames[i]+":Final State Generated Energy per event");
+            cEvtGenFSEvis[i] = histogramFactory.createCloud1D(
+                typeNames[i]+":Visible Generated Energy per event");
+            cEvtGenFSEfound[i] = histogramFactory.createCloud1D(
+                typeNames[i]+":Generated Energy of found particles per event");
+            cEvtVisEvis[i] = histogramFactory.createCloud1D(
+                typeNames[i]+":Visible Energy measuered per event");
+            cEvtVisEfound[i] = histogramFactory.createCloud1D(
+                typeNames[i]+":Found Particles Measured Energy per event");
+            cEvtMeasEprim[i] = histogramFactory.createCloud1D(
+                typeNames[i]+":Primary Clusters Measured Energy per event");
+            cEvtMeasEfrag[i] = histogramFactory.createCloud1D(
+                typeNames[i]+":Fragment Clusters Measured Energy per event");
+            cEvtMeasEuncl[i] = histogramFactory.createCloud1D(
+                typeNames[i]+":Unclustered Hits Measured Energy per event");
+            cEvtNhitsAll[i] = histogramFactory.createCloud1D(
+                typeNames[i]+":# Calorimeter Hits per event");
+            cEvtNhitsClustered[i] = histogramFactory.createCloud1D(
+                typeNames[i]+":# Clustered Hits per event");
+            cEvtNhitsPrim[i] = histogramFactory.createCloud1D(
+                typeNames[i]+":# Primary Clustered Hits per event");
+            cEvtNhitsFrag[i] = histogramFactory.createCloud1D(
+                typeNames[i]+":# Fragment Clustered Hits per event");
+            cEvtNhitsUncl[i] = histogramFactory.createCloud1D(
+                typeNames[i]+":# Unclustered Hits per event");
+            cEvtFracFragCl[i] = histogramFactory.createCloud1D(
+                typeNames[i]+":Fraction of Clusters that are Fragments per event");
+            cEvtFracHitsUncl[i] = histogramFactory.createCloud1D(
+                typeNames[i]+":Fraction of Hits Unclustered per event");
+            cEvtFracEPrim[i] = histogramFactory.createCloud1D(
+                typeNames[i]+":Fraction of measusred E in Primaries per event");
+            cEvtFracEFrag[i] = histogramFactory.createCloud1D(
+                typeNames[i]+":Fraction of measusred E in Fragments per event");
+            cEvtFracEUncl[i] = histogramFactory.createCloud1D(
+                typeNames[i]+":Fraction of measusred E Unclustered per event");
+            cEvtFracGenEvis[i] = histogramFactory.createCloud1D(
+                typeNames[i]+":Fraction of Generated E Visible per event");
+            cEvtFracGenEfound[i] = histogramFactory.createCloud1D(
+                typeNames[i]+":Fraction of visible Gen E Found per event");
+            cEvtNClusters[i] = histogramFactory.createCloud1D(
+                typeNames[i]+":# Clusters per event");
+            tree.mkdir(TreeName+"/GeneratedParticleProperties/"+typeNames[i]);
+  "/GeneratedParticleProperties/"+typeNames[i]);
+            cPartGenEall[i] = histogramFactory.createCloud1D(
+                typeNames[i]+":Generated Energy of all particles");
+            cPartGenEvis[i] = histogramFactory.createCloud1D(
+                typeNames[i]+":Generated Energy of visible particles");
+            cPartGenEfound[i] = histogramFactory.createCloud1D(
+                typeNames[i]+":Generated Energy of found particles");
+            hPartGenEall[i] = histogramFactory.createHistogram1D(
+                typeNames[i]+": Generated Energy of all particles",100,0.,100.);
+            hPartGenEvis[i] = histogramFactory.createHistogram1D(
+                typeNames[i]+": Generated Energy of visible particles",100,0.,100.);
+            hPartGenEfound[i] = histogramFactory.createHistogram1D(
+                typeNames[i]+": Generated Energy of found particles",100,0.,100.);
+            hPartCosall[i] = histogramFactory.createHistogram1D(
+                typeNames[i]+":Cos theta of all particles",100,-1.,1.);
+            hPartCosvis[i] = histogramFactory.createHistogram1D(
+                typeNames[i]+":Cos theta of visible particles",100,-1.,1.);
+            hPartCosfound[i] = histogramFactory.createHistogram1D(
+                typeNames[i]+":Cos theta of found particles",100,-1.,1.);
+            tree.mkdir(TreeName+"/ClusterProperties/"+typeNames[i]);
+  "/ClusterProperties/"+typeNames[i]);
+            cClPrimFracPartE[i] = histogramFactory.createCloud1D(
+                typeNames[i]+":Fraction of particle E in Primary cluster");
+            cClPrimFracPartN[i] = histogramFactory.createCloud1D(
+                typeNames[i]+":Fraction of particle Hits in Primary cluster");
+            cClPrimFracClE[i] = histogramFactory.createCloud1D(
+                typeNames[i]+":Fraction of Primary cluster E from particle");
+            cClPrimFracClN[i] = histogramFactory.createCloud1D(
+                typeNames[i]+":Fraction of Primary cluster Hits from particle");
+            cClFragFracPartE[i] = histogramFactory.createCloud1D(
+                typeNames[i]+":Fraction of particle E in Fragment cluster");
+            cClFragFracPartN[i] = histogramFactory.createCloud1D(
+                typeNames[i]+":Fraction of particle Hits in Fragment cluster");
+            cClFragFracClE[i] = histogramFactory.createCloud1D(
+                typeNames[i]+":Fraction of Fragment cluster E from particle");
+            cClFragFracClN[i] = histogramFactory.createCloud1D(
+                typeNames[i]+":Fraction of Fragment cluster Hits from particle");
+            pClPrimFracPartE[i] = histogramFactory.createProfile1D(
+                typeNames[i]+": Fraction of particle E in Primary cluster",100,0.,100.);
+            pClPrimFracPartN[i] = histogramFactory.createProfile1D(
+                typeNames[i]+": Fraction of particle Hits in Primary cluster",100,0.,100.);
+            pClPrimFracClE[i] = histogramFactory.createProfile1D(
+                typeNames[i]+": Fraction of Primary cluster E from particle",100,0.,100.);
+            pClPrimFracClN[i] = histogramFactory.createProfile1D(
+                typeNames[i]+": Fraction of Primary cluster Hits from particle",100,0.,100.);
+            pClFragFracPartE[i] = histogramFactory.createProfile1D(
+                typeNames[i]+": Fraction of particle E in Fragment cluster",40,0.,10.);
+            pClFragFracPartN[i] = histogramFactory.createProfile1D(
+                typeNames[i]+": Fraction of particle Hits in Fragment cluster",40,0.,10.);
+            pClFragFracClE[i] = histogramFactory.createProfile1D(
+                typeNames[i]+": Fraction of Fragment cluster E from particle",40,0.,10.);
+            pClFragFracClN[i] = histogramFactory.createProfile1D(
+                typeNames[i]+": Fraction of Fragment cluster Hits from particle",40,0.,10.);
+        }
+    }
+    public void analyzeEvent(EventHeader event)
+    {
+        //Zero Event sums
+        for(int i=0;i<ntypes+1;i++)
+        {
+            EvtGenEall[i] = 0.;
+            EvtGenEvis[i] = 0.;
+            EvtGenEfound[i] = 0.;
+            EvtVisEvis[i] = 0.;
+            EvtVisEfound[i] = 0.;
+            EvtMeasEprim[i] = 0.;
+            EvtMeasEfrag[i] = 0.;
+            EvtMeasEuncl[i] = 0.;
+            EvtNhitsAll[i] = 0.;
+            EvtNhitsClustered[i] = 0.;
+            EvtNhitsPrim[i] = 0.;
+            EvtNhitsFrag[i] = 0.;
+            EvtNClusters[i] = 0.;
+            EvtNFragClusters[i] = 0.;
+            EvtNhitsUncl[i] = 0.;
+        }
+    //
+        List<SimCalorimeterHit> unclustered = new ArrayList<SimCalorimeterHit>();
+        List<MCPClusterInfo> pc = (List<MCPClusterInfo>) event.get(MCPCname);
+        List<ClusterMCPInfo> cp = (List<ClusterMCPInfo>) event.get(CMCPname);
+        for(MCPClusterInfo pci:pc)
+        {
+            List<SimCalorimeterHit> uncl = pci.getUnclusteredHits();
+            for(SimCalorimeterHit h:uncl)
+            {
+                if(!unclustered.contains(h))unclustered.add(h);
+            }
+            MCParticle p = pci.getMCParticle();
+            int itype = getType(p);
+            double pE = p.getEnergy();
+            double vE = pci.getTotalEcorrected();
+            Hep3Vector pp = p.getMomentum();
+            double ptot = pp.magnitude();
+            double ct = pp.z()/ptot;
+            boolean vis = pci.getTotalHits() > 0;
+            boolean found = false;
+            if(pci.getNClusters() > 0)
+            {
+                if(!(pci.getMaxCMCP() == null))
+                {
+                    found = pci.getMaxCMCP().getMaxContributer() == p;
+// Allow an exception for overlapping gammas from the same pi0
+                    if(!found)
+                    {
+                        if(p.getPDGID() == 22)
+                        {
+                            if(pci.getMaxCMCP().getMaxContributer().getPDGID() == 22)
+                            {
+                                if(p.getParents().get(0) == 
+                                    pci.getMaxCMCP().getMaxContributer().getParents().get(0))
+                                {
+                                    found = true;
+                                }
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            if(!pci.isFinalState())
+            {
+                continue;
+            }
+            cPartGenEall[itype].fill(pE);
+            cPartGenEall[ntypes].fill(pE);
+            hPartGenEall[itype].fill(pE);
+            hPartGenEall[ntypes].fill(pE);
+            hPartCosall[itype].fill(ct);
+            hPartCosall[ntypes].fill(ct);
+            EvtGenEall[itype] += pE;
+            EvtGenEall[ntypes] += pE;
+            if(vis)
+            {
+                cPartGenEvis[itype].fill(pE);
+                cPartGenEvis[ntypes].fill(pE);
+                hPartGenEvis[itype].fill(pE);
+                hPartGenEvis[ntypes].fill(pE);
+                hPartCosvis[itype].fill(ct);
+                hPartCosvis[ntypes].fill(ct);
+                EvtGenEvis[itype] += pE;
+                EvtGenEvis[ntypes] += pE;
+                EvtVisEvis[itype] += vE;
+                EvtVisEvis[ntypes] += vE;
+            }
+            if(found)
+            {
+                cPartGenEfound[itype].fill(pE);
+                cPartGenEfound[ntypes].fill(pE);
+                hPartGenEfound[itype].fill(pE);
+                hPartGenEfound[ntypes].fill(pE);
+                hPartCosfound[itype].fill(ct);
+                hPartCosfound[ntypes].fill(ct);
+                EvtGenEfound[itype] += pE;
+                EvtGenEfound[ntypes] += pE;
+                EvtVisEfound[itype] += vE;
+                EvtVisEfound[ntypes] += vE;
+            }
+        }
+        for(ClusterMCPInfo cpi:cp)
+        {
+            Cluster c = cpi.getCluster();
+            boolean isprim = cpi.getMaxMCPC().getMaxCluster() == c;
+            int itype = getType(cpi.getMaxMCPC().getMCParticle());
+            double cE = c.getEnergy();
+            int cN = c.getSize();
+            double eeff = cpi.getMaxCorrectedEnergy()/cpi.getMaxMCPC().getTotalEcorrected();
+            double neff = (double)(cpi.getMaxNHits())/cpi.getMaxMCPC().getTotalHits();
+            double epur = cpi.getMaxCorrectedEnergy()/c.getEnergy();
+            double npur = (double)(cpi.getMaxNHits())/c.getCalorimeterHits().size();
+            EvtNhitsClustered[itype] += cN;
+            EvtNhitsClustered[ntypes] += cN;
+            EvtNClusters[itype] += 1.;
+            EvtNClusters[ntypes] += 1.;
+            if(isprim)
+            {
+                EvtMeasEprim[itype] += cE;
+                EvtMeasEprim[ntypes] += cE;
+                EvtNhitsPrim[itype] += cN;
+                EvtNhitsPrim[ntypes] += cN;
+                cClPrimFracPartE[itype].fill(eeff);
+                cClPrimFracPartN[itype].fill(neff);
+                cClPrimFracClE[itype].fill(epur);
+                cClPrimFracClN[itype].fill(npur);
+                cClPrimFracPartE[ntypes].fill(eeff);
+                cClPrimFracPartN[ntypes].fill(neff);
+                cClPrimFracClE[ntypes].fill(epur);
+                cClPrimFracClN[ntypes].fill(npur);
+                pClPrimFracPartE[itype].fill(cE,eeff);
+                pClPrimFracPartN[itype].fill(cE,neff);
+                pClPrimFracClE[itype].fill(cE,epur);
+                pClPrimFracClN[itype].fill(cE,npur);
+                pClPrimFracPartE[ntypes].fill(cE,eeff);
+                pClPrimFracPartN[ntypes].fill(cE,neff);
+                pClPrimFracClE[ntypes].fill(cE,epur);
+                pClPrimFracClN[ntypes].fill(cE,npur);
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                EvtNFragClusters[itype] += 1.;
+                EvtNFragClusters[ntypes] += 1.;
+                EvtMeasEfrag[itype] += cE;
+                EvtMeasEfrag[ntypes] += cE;
+                EvtNhitsFrag[itype] += cN;
+                EvtNhitsFrag[ntypes] += cN;
+                cClFragFracPartE[itype].fill(eeff);
+                cClFragFracPartN[itype].fill(neff);
+                cClFragFracClE[itype].fill(epur);
+                cClFragFracClN[itype].fill(epur);
+                cClFragFracPartE[ntypes].fill(eeff);
+                cClFragFracPartN[ntypes].fill(neff);
+                cClFragFracClE[ntypes].fill(epur);
+                cClFragFracClN[ntypes].fill(epur);
+                pClFragFracPartE[itype].fill(cE,eeff);
+                pClFragFracPartN[itype].fill(cE,neff);
+                pClFragFracClE[itype].fill(cE,epur);
+                pClFragFracClN[itype].fill(cE,epur);
+                pClFragFracPartE[ntypes].fill(cE,eeff);
+                pClFragFracPartN[ntypes].fill(cE,neff);
+                pClFragFracClE[ntypes].fill(cE,epur);
+                pClFragFracClN[ntypes].fill(cE,epur);
+            }
+        }
+        for(SimCalorimeterHit h:unclustered)
+        {
+            int itype = getType(h.getMCParticle(0));
+            EvtMeasEuncl[itype] += h.getCorrectedEnergy();
+            EvtNhitsUncl[itype] += 1.;
+            EvtMeasEuncl[ntypes] += h.getCorrectedEnergy();
+            EvtNhitsUncl[ntypes] += 1.;
+        }
+        for(int i=0;i<ntypes+1;i++)
+        {
+            EvtNhitsClustered[i] = EvtNhitsPrim[i] + EvtNhitsFrag[i];
+            EvtNhitsAll[i] = EvtNhitsClustered[i] + EvtNhitsUncl[i];
+            cEvtGenFSE[i].fill(EvtGenEall[i]);
+            cEvtGenFSEvis[i].fill(EvtGenEvis[i]);
+            cEvtGenFSEfound[i].fill(EvtGenEfound[i]);
+            cEvtVisEvis[i].fill(EvtVisEvis[i]);
+            cEvtVisEfound[i].fill(EvtVisEfound[i]);
+            cEvtMeasEprim[i].fill(EvtMeasEprim[i]);
+            cEvtMeasEfrag[i].fill(EvtMeasEfrag[i]);
+            cEvtMeasEuncl[i].fill(EvtMeasEuncl[i]);
+            cEvtNhitsAll[i].fill(EvtNhitsAll[i]);
+            cEvtNhitsClustered[i].fill(EvtNhitsClustered[i]);
+            cEvtNhitsPrim[i].fill(EvtNhitsPrim[i]);
+            cEvtNhitsFrag[i].fill(EvtNhitsFrag[i]);
+            cEvtNhitsUncl[i].fill(EvtNhitsUncl[i]);
+            cEvtFracHitsUncl[i].fill(EvtNhitsUncl[i]/EvtNhitsAll[i]);
+            double totE = EvtMeasEprim[i]+EvtMeasEfrag[i]+EvtMeasEuncl[i];
+            cEvtFracEPrim[i].fill(EvtMeasEprim[i]/totE);
+            cEvtFracEFrag[i].fill(EvtMeasEfrag[i]/totE);
+            cEvtFracEUncl[i].fill(EvtMeasEuncl[i]/totE);
+            cEvtFracGenEvis[i].fill(EvtGenEvis[i]/EvtGenEall[i]);
+            cEvtFracGenEfound[i].fill(EvtGenEfound[i]/EvtGenEvis[i]);
+            cEvtNClusters[i].fill(EvtNClusters[i]);
+            cEvtFracFragCl[i].fill(EvtNFragClusters[i]/EvtNClusters[i]);
+  "/GeneratedParticleProperties/"+typeNames[i]);
+            hPartGenEvisoverall[i] = histogramFactory.divide(
+                typeNames[i]+":Generated Energy - visible over all",
+                hPartGenEvis[i], hPartGenEall[i]);
+            hPartGenEfoundovervis[i] = histogramFactory.divide(
+                typeNames[i]+":Generated Energy - found over visible",
+                hPartGenEfound[i], hPartGenEvis[i]);
+        }
+        ievt ++;
+    }
+    private int getType(MCParticle p)
+    {
+        int itype = -1;
+        int pdgid = Math.abs(p.getPDGID());
+        double charge = p.getCharge();
+        if( (pdgid == 12)||(pdgid == 14)||(pdgid == 16) )
+        {
+// neutrinos
+            itype = 0;
+        }
+        else if( (pdgid == 13) )
+        {
+// Muon
+            itype = 1;
+        }
+        else if( (pdgid == 11) )
+        {
+// Electron
+            itype = 2;
+        }
+        else if( (pdgid == 22) )
+        {
+// Gamma
+            itype = 3;
+        }
+        else if( charge == 0 )
+        {
+//  neutral Had
+            itype = 4;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+//  charged Had
+            itype = 5;
+        }
+        return itype;
+    }

lcsim/src/org/lcsim/recon/cluster/analysis 1.3 -> 1.4
diff -u -r1.3 -r1.4
---	18 Oct 2005 13:48:11 -0000	1.3
+++	17 Feb 2006 17:11:36 -0000	1.4
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
 import org.lcsim.event.SimCalorimeterHit;
 import org.lcsim.event.CalorimeterHit;
 import org.lcsim.event.MCParticle;
+import org.lcsim.event.Cluster;
 import org.lcsim.recon.cluster.util.*;
@@ -21,7 +22,7 @@
     private int maxNhits;
     private double maxErawContribution;
     private double maxEcorrectedContribution;
-    private BasicCluster thisCluster;
+    private Cluster thisCluster;
     private MCParticle[] mcparts;
     private int nPrimary;
     private int nFragment;
@@ -33,7 +34,7 @@
      *@param c - cluster for which this object is created
      *@param fsmap - map of MCParticle to final state MCParticle
-    public ClusterMCPInfo(BasicCluster c, Map<MCParticle,MCParticle> fsmap)
+    public ClusterMCPInfo(Cluster c, Map<MCParticle,MCParticle> fsmap)
         thisCluster = c;
         contributers = new HashMap();
@@ -131,7 +132,7 @@
 // Store the maximum contributer to this cluster
             int nh = co.getNhits();
-            if(nh > maxNhits)
+            if(co.getEraw() > maxErawContribution)
                 maxNhits = nh;
                 maxErawContribution = co.getEraw();
@@ -139,17 +140,6 @@
                 maxMCP = p;
                 maxMCPC = ci;
-            else if(nh == maxNhits)
-            {
-                if(co.getEraw() > maxErawContribution)
-                {
-                    maxNhits = nh;
-                    maxErawContribution = co.getEraw();
-                    maxEcorrectedContribution = co.getEcorrected();
-                    maxMCP = p;
-                    maxMCPC = ci;
-                }
-            }
         primaries = new MCParticle[nPrimary];
         fragments = new MCParticle[nFragment];
@@ -256,7 +246,7 @@
         return maxEcorrectedContribution;
-    public BasicCluster getCluster()
+    public Cluster getCluster()
     {return thisCluster;}

lcsim/src/org/lcsim/recon/cluster/analysis 1.4 -> 1.5
diff -u -r1.4 -r1.5
---	19 Oct 2005 10:33:05 -0000	1.4
+++	17 Feb 2006 17:11:36 -0000	1.5
@@ -8,17 +8,18 @@
 import org.lcsim.event.MCParticle;
 import org.lcsim.event.CalorimeterHit;
 import org.lcsim.event.SimCalorimeterHit;
+import org.lcsim.event.Cluster;
 import org.lcsim.util.Driver;
 import org.lcsim.event.EventHeader;
 import hep.physics.vec.*;
- * Driver to create and write to event list of objects referencing MCParticles
+ * Class to create and write to event list of objects referencing MCParticles
  * to Clusters, and Clusters to MCParticles. 
  * @author Ron Cassell
- * @version $Id:,v 1.4 2005/10/19 10:33:05 jstrube Exp $
+ * @version $Id:,v 1.5 2006/02/17 17:11:36 cassell Exp $
-public class CreateClusterAnalysisLists extends Driver
+public class CreateClusterAnalysisLists
     String[] hitlistnames;
     String[] clusterlistnames;
@@ -27,48 +28,58 @@
     String cplistname;
+     * @param event
      * @param calhitlists
      * @param clusterlists
      * @param fslist
      * @param pclist
      * @param cplist
-    public CreateClusterAnalysisLists(String[] calhitlists,String[] clusterlists,
-        String fslist,String pclist,String cplist)
+    public CreateClusterAnalysisLists(String[] calhitlists,
+        String[] clusterlists, String fslist,String pclist,String cplist)
        hitlistnames = calhitlists;
        clusterlistnames = clusterlists;
        fslistname = fslist;
        pclistname = pclist;
        cplistname = cplist;
+        String hclist = hitlistnames[0];
+        for(int i=1;i<hitlistnames.length;i++)
+        {
+            hclist += ", "+hitlistnames[i];
+        }
+        String cllist = clusterlistnames[0];
+        for(int i=1;i<clusterlistnames.length;i++)
+        {
+            cllist += ", "+clusterlistnames[i];
+        }
+        System.out.println("CreateClusterAnalysisLists initialized");
+        System.out.println("Hit lists = "+hclist);
+        System.out.println("Cluster lists = "+cllist);
+        System.out.println("FSParticle list = "+fslistname);
-    /**
-     * Process an event.
-     *
-     * @param event
-     */
-    protected void process(EventHeader event)
+    public void CreateLists(EventHeader event)
 // Get the Lists from event
        List<MCParticle> mcpall = null;
        List<MCParticle> mcpfs = null;
-       List<BasicCluster> clusters = new ArrayList<BasicCluster>();
+       List<Cluster> clusters = new ArrayList<Cluster>();
        List<List<MCParticle>> mclists = event.get(MCParticle.class);
        for(List<MCParticle> mclist:mclists)
           if(event.getMetaData(mclist).getName().compareTo("MCParticle") == 0)mcpall = mclist;
           if(event.getMetaData(mclist).getName().compareTo(fslistname) == 0)mcpfs = mclist;
-       List<List<BasicCluster>> cllists = event.get(BasicCluster.class);
-       for(List<BasicCluster> cllist:cllists)
+       List<List<Cluster>> cllists = event.get(Cluster.class);
+       for(List<Cluster> cllist:cllists)
           for(int i=0;i<clusterlistnames.length;i++)
              if(event.getMetaData(cllist).getName().compareTo(clusterlistnames[i]) == 0)
-                for(BasicCluster c:cllist)
+                for(Cluster c:cllist)
@@ -129,7 +140,7 @@
 // Loop over all the clusters
-       for(BasicCluster c:clusters)
+       for(Cluster c:clusters)
 // For each cluster, create a ClusterMCPInfo

lcsim/src/org/lcsim/recon/cluster/analysis 1.3 -> 1.4
diff -u -r1.3 -r1.4
---	18 Oct 2005 13:48:11 -0000	1.3
+++	17 Feb 2006 17:11:36 -0000	1.4
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
 import org.lcsim.event.SimCalorimeterHit;
 import org.lcsim.event.CalorimeterHit;
 import org.lcsim.event.MCParticle;
+import org.lcsim.event.Cluster;
 import org.lcsim.recon.cluster.util.*;
@@ -15,11 +16,11 @@
 public class MCPClusterInfo
     private int NClusters;
-    private BasicCluster MaxCluster;
+    private Cluster MaxCluster;
     private double MaxEraw;
     private double MaxEcorrected;
     private int MaxNHits;
-    private List<BasicCluster> Clusters;
+    private List<Cluster> Clusters;
     private List<Double> ErawContribution;
     private List<Double> EcorrectedContribution;
     private List<Integer> NhitContribution;
@@ -50,7 +51,7 @@
         TotalHits = 0;
         TotalEraw = 0.;
         TotalEcorrected = 0.;
-        Clusters = new ArrayList<BasicCluster>();
+        Clusters = new ArrayList<Cluster>();
         ErawContribution = new ArrayList<Double>();
         EcorrectedContribution = new ArrayList<Double>();
         NhitContribution = new ArrayList<Integer>();
@@ -59,7 +60,7 @@
      * Add a cluster this particle contributes to
-    public void AddCluster(BasicCluster c)
+    public void AddCluster(Cluster c)
@@ -97,23 +98,13 @@
 // See if this is the maximum cluster contributing to this particle
-        if(nhits > MaxNHits)
+        if(ecorr > MaxEcorrected)
             MaxNHits = nhits;
             MaxCluster = c;
             MaxEraw = eraw;
             MaxEcorrected = ecorr;
-        else if(nhits == MaxNHits)
-        {
-            if(ecorr > MaxEcorrected)
-            {
-                MaxNHits = nhits;
-                MaxCluster = c;
-                MaxEraw = eraw;
-                MaxEcorrected = ecorr;
-            }
-        }
      * Add an unclustered hit this particle contributes to
@@ -168,7 +159,7 @@
      * Return the cluster with the maximum number of hits contributed by this particle
-    public BasicCluster getMaxCluster()
+    public Cluster getMaxCluster()
     {return MaxCluster;}
      * Return the raw energy contributed by this particle to the cluster with the
@@ -209,7 +200,7 @@
      * Return a list of clusters to which this particle contributes
-    public List<BasicCluster> getClusters()
+    public List<Cluster> getClusters()
     {return Clusters;}
      * Return an array of raw energy contributions of this particle to the list of clusters

lcsim/src/org/lcsim/recon/cluster/analysis removed after 1.2
diff -N
---	20 Oct 2005 12:35:24 -0000	1.2
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,472 +0,0 @@
-package org.lcsim.recon.cluster.analysis;
-import java.util.*;
-import hep.aida.*;
-import org.lcsim.event.MCParticle;
-import org.lcsim.event.EventHeader;
-import org.lcsim.event.CalorimeterHit;
-import org.lcsim.event.SimCalorimeterHit;
-import org.lcsim.event.util.*;
-import org.lcsim.util.Driver;
-import org.lcsim.recon.cluster.analysis.*;
-import org.lcsim.recon.cluster.util.*;
-import org.lcsim.recon.cluster.cheat.*;
-import hep.physics.vec.*;
- * Driver to generate a multitude of plots analyzing
- * clusters.
- * @author Ron Cassell
- */
-public class ExampleClusterAnalysis extends Driver
-    int ievt = 0;
-    String[] hitcollnames;
-    String[] clustercollnames;
-    String fsParticleListName;
-    String MCPCname;
-    String CMCPname;
-    String Treename;
-    int ntypes = 6;
-    String[] typeNames = {"neutrino","muon","electron","gamma","nHad","cHad","All"};
-    ICloud1D[] cEventFSE;
-    ICloud1D[] cEventVE;
-    ICloud1D[] cEventFE;
-    ICloud1D[] cEventAVE;
-    ICloud1D[] cEventAFE;
-    IHistogram1D[] hPerPull;
-    IHistogram1D[] hPerRes;
-    IHistogram1D[] hActPull;
-    IHistogram1D[] hActRes;
-    ICloud1D[] cAFEnergy;
-    ICloud1D[] cVFEnergy;
-    ICloud1D[] cFFEnergy;
-    ICloud1D[] cAFcosTheta;
-    ICloud1D[] cVFcosTheta;
-    ICloud1D[] cFFcosTheta;
-    ICloud1D[] cAFEnergyw;
-    ICloud1D[] cVFEnergyw;
-    ICloud1D[] cFFEnergyw;
-    ICloud1D[] cAXEnergy;
-    ICloud1D[] cVXEnergy;
-    ICloud1D[] cFXEnergy;
-    ICloud1D[] cAXEnergyw;
-    ICloud1D[] cVXEnergyw;
-    ICloud1D[] cFXEnergyw;
-    IProfile1D[][] pFEff;
-    IProfile1D[][] pFPur;
-    IProfile1D[][] pFEffv;
-    ICloud1D[] cPclEnergy;
-    IProfile1D[] pPclEffh;
-    IProfile1D[] pPclPurh;
-    IProfile1D[] pPclEffe;
-    IProfile1D[] pPclPure;
-    ICloud1D[] cPclPurh;
-    ICloud1D[] cPclEffh;
-    ICloud1D[] cPclPure;
-    ICloud1D[] cPclEffe;
-    ICloud1D[] cFclEnergy;
-    IProfile1D[] pFclEffh;
-    IProfile1D[] pFclPurh;
-    IProfile1D[] pFclEffe;
-    IProfile1D[] pFclPure;
-    ICloud1D[] cFclPurh;
-    ICloud1D[] cFclEffh;
-    ICloud1D[] cFclPure;
-    ICloud1D[] cFclEffe;
-    /**
-     *
-     */
-    public ExampleClusterAnalysis(String[] hcnames,String[] ccnames,String fsPLName,
-        String mcpcname,String cmcpname,String treename)
-    {
-        hitcollnames = hcnames;
-        clustercollnames = ccnames;
-        fsParticleListName = fsPLName;
-        MCPCname = mcpcname;
-        CMCPname = cmcpname;
-        Treename = treename;
-        IAnalysisFactory analysisFactory = IAnalysisFactory.create();
-        ITree tree = analysisFactory.createTreeFactory().create();
-        IHistogramFactory histogramFactory = analysisFactory.createHistogramFactory(tree);
-        String TreeName = "/"+Treename;
-        tree.mkdir(TreeName);
-        tree.mkdir(TreeName+"/Particles");
-        tree.mkdir(TreeName+"/Event");
-        tree.mkdir(TreeName+"/Clusters");
-        tree.mkdir(TreeName+"/Clusters/Fragment");
-        tree.mkdir(TreeName+"/Clusters/Primary");
-        cEventFSE = new ICloud1D[ntypes+1];
-        cEventVE = new ICloud1D[ntypes+1];
-        cEventFE = new ICloud1D[ntypes+1];
-        cEventAVE = new ICloud1D[ntypes+1];
-        cEventAFE = new ICloud1D[ntypes+1];
-        hPerPull = new IHistogram1D[ntypes];
-        hPerRes = new IHistogram1D[ntypes];
-        hActPull = new IHistogram1D[ntypes];
-        hActRes = new IHistogram1D[ntypes];
-        cAFEnergy = new ICloud1D[ntypes+1];
-        cFFEnergy = new ICloud1D[ntypes+1];
-        cVFEnergy = new ICloud1D[ntypes+1];
-        cAFcosTheta = new ICloud1D[ntypes+1];
-        cFFcosTheta = new ICloud1D[ntypes+1];
-        cVFcosTheta = new ICloud1D[ntypes+1];
-        cAFEnergyw = new ICloud1D[ntypes+1];
-        cFFEnergyw = new ICloud1D[ntypes+1];
-        cVFEnergyw = new ICloud1D[ntypes+1];
-        cAXEnergy = new ICloud1D[ntypes+1];
-        cFXEnergy = new ICloud1D[ntypes+1];
-        cVXEnergy = new ICloud1D[ntypes+1];
-        cAXEnergyw = new ICloud1D[ntypes+1];
-        cFXEnergyw = new ICloud1D[ntypes+1];
-        cVXEnergyw = new ICloud1D[ntypes+1];
-        pFEff = new IProfile1D[ntypes+1][4];
-        pFPur = new IProfile1D[ntypes+1][4];
-        pFEffv = new IProfile1D[ntypes+1][4];
-        cPclEnergy = new ICloud1D[ntypes+1];
-        cFclEnergy = new ICloud1D[ntypes+1];
-        pPclEffh = new IProfile1D[ntypes+1];
-        pPclEffe = new IProfile1D[ntypes+1];
-        pPclPurh = new IProfile1D[ntypes+1];
-        pPclPure = new IProfile1D[ntypes+1];
-        cPclEffh = new ICloud1D[ntypes+1];
-        cPclEffe = new ICloud1D[ntypes+1];
-        cPclPurh = new ICloud1D[ntypes+1];
-        cPclPure = new ICloud1D[ntypes+1];
-        pFclEffh = new IProfile1D[ntypes+1];
-        pFclEffe = new IProfile1D[ntypes+1];
-        pFclPurh = new IProfile1D[ntypes+1];
-        pFclPure = new IProfile1D[ntypes+1];
-        cFclEffh = new ICloud1D[ntypes+1];
-        cFclEffe = new ICloud1D[ntypes+1];
-        cFclPurh = new ICloud1D[ntypes+1];
-        cFclPure = new ICloud1D[ntypes+1];
-        int[] nbins = {2000,400,200,40};
-        for(int i=0;i<ntypes+1;i++)
-        {
-            tree.mkdir(TreeName+"/Event/"+typeNames[i]);
-  "/Event/"+typeNames[i]);
-            cEventFSE[i] = histogramFactory.createCloud1D(
-                typeNames[i]+":Final State Energy per event");
-            cEventVE[i] = histogramFactory.createCloud1D(
-                typeNames[i]+":Visible Generated Energy per event");
-            cEventFE[i] = histogramFactory.createCloud1D(
-                typeNames[i]+":Generated Energy of found particles per event");
-            cEventAVE[i] = histogramFactory.createCloud1D(
-                typeNames[i]+":Energy deposited per event");
-            cEventAFE[i] = histogramFactory.createCloud1D(
-                typeNames[i]+":Energy Measured per event");
-            tree.mkdir(TreeName+"/Particles/"+typeNames[i]);
-  "/Particles/"+typeNames[i]);
-            if(i<ntypes)
-            {
-                hPerPull[i] = histogramFactory.createHistogram1D(typeNames[i]+
-                    "Total Edep - E over E ",100, -.5, .5);
-                hPerRes[i] = histogramFactory.createHistogram1D(typeNames[i]+
-                    "Total Edep - E over sqrtE ",100, -4, 4);
-                hActPull[i] = histogramFactory.createHistogram1D(typeNames[i]+
-                    "Cluster Edep - E over E ",100, -.5, .5);
-                hActRes[i] = histogramFactory.createHistogram1D(typeNames[i]+
-                    "Cluster Edep - E over sqrtE ",100, -4, 4);
-            }
-            cAFEnergy[i] = histogramFactory.createCloud1D("All FS "+typeNames[i]+": Energy");
-            cVFEnergy[i] = histogramFactory.createCloud1D("Vis FS "+typeNames[i]+": Energy");
-            cFFEnergy[i] = histogramFactory.createCloud1D("Found FS "+typeNames[i]+": Energy");
-            cAFcosTheta[i] = histogramFactory.createCloud1D("All FS "+typeNames[i]+": cosTheta");
-            cVFcosTheta[i] = histogramFactory.createCloud1D("Vis FS "+typeNames[i]+": cosTheta");
-            cFFcosTheta[i] = histogramFactory.createCloud1D("Found FS "+typeNames[i]+": cosTheta");
-            cAFEnergyw[i] = histogramFactory.createCloud1D("All FS "+typeNames[i]+": wted Energy");
-            cVFEnergyw[i] = histogramFactory.createCloud1D("Vis FS "+typeNames[i]+": wted Energy");
-            cFFEnergyw[i] = histogramFactory.createCloud1D("Found FS "+typeNames[i]+": wted Energy");
-            cAXEnergy[i] = histogramFactory.createCloud1D("All nonFS "+typeNames[i]+": Energy");
-            cVXEnergy[i] = histogramFactory.createCloud1D("Vis nonFS "+typeNames[i]+": Energy");
-            cFXEnergy[i] = histogramFactory.createCloud1D("Found nonFS "+typeNames[i]+": Energy");
-            cAXEnergyw[i] = histogramFactory.createCloud1D("All nonFS "+typeNames[i]+": wted Energy");
-            cVXEnergyw[i] = histogramFactory.createCloud1D("Vis nonFS "+typeNames[i]+": wted Energy");
-            cFXEnergyw[i] = histogramFactory.createCloud1D("Found nonFS "+typeNames[i]+": wted Energy");
-            for(int j=0;j<4;j++)
-            {
-                pFEff[i][j] = histogramFactory.createProfile1D(
-                    "FS "+typeNames[i]+" Eff"+j,"Efficiency",nbins[j],0.,200.);
-                pFPur[i][j] = histogramFactory.createProfile1D(
-                    "FS "+typeNames[i]+" Pur","Purity",nbins[j],0.,200.);
-                pFEffv[i][j] = histogramFactory.createProfile1D(
-                    "Visible "+typeNames[i]+" Eff"+j,"Efficiency",nbins[j],0.,200.);
-            }
-            tree.mkdir(TreeName+"/Clusters/Primary/"+typeNames[i]);
-  "/Clusters/Primary/"+typeNames[i]);
-            cPclEnergy[i] = histogramFactory.createCloud1D("Primary cluster Energy: "+typeNames[i]);
-            pPclEffh[i] = histogramFactory.createProfile1D("Primary cluster hit efficiency",typeNames[i],200,0.,200.);
-            pPclPurh[i] = histogramFactory.createProfile1D("Primary cluster hit purity",typeNames[i],200,0.,200.);
-            pPclEffe[i] = histogramFactory.createProfile1D("Primary cluster energy efficiency",typeNames[i],200,0.,200.);
-            pPclPure[i] = histogramFactory.createProfile1D("Primary cluster energy purity",typeNames[i],200,0.,200.);
-            cPclEffh[i] = histogramFactory.createCloud1D(typeNames[i] + "Primary cluster hit efficiency");
-            cPclPurh[i] = histogramFactory.createCloud1D(typeNames[i]+"Primary cluster hit purity");
-            cPclEffe[i] = histogramFactory.createCloud1D(typeNames[i]+"Primary cluster energy efficiency");
-            cPclPure[i] = histogramFactory.createCloud1D(typeNames[i]+"Primary cluster energy purity");
-            tree.mkdir(TreeName+"/Clusters/Fragment/"+typeNames[i]);
-  "/Clusters/Fragment/"+typeNames[i]);
-            cFclEnergy[i] = histogramFactory.createCloud1D("Fragment cluster Energy: "+typeNames[i]);
-            pFclEffh[i] = histogramFactory.createProfile1D("Fragment cluster hit efficiency",typeNames[i],200,0.,200.);
-            pFclPurh[i] = histogramFactory.createProfile1D("Fragment cluster hit purity",typeNames[i],200,0.,200.);
-            pFclEffe[i] = histogramFactory.createProfile1D("Fragment cluster energy efficiency",typeNames[i],200,0.,200.);
-            pFclPure[i] = histogramFactory.createProfile1D("Fragment cluster energy purity",typeNames[i],200,0.,200.);
-            cFclEffh[i] = histogramFactory.createCloud1D(typeNames[i] + "Fragment cluster hit efficiency");
-            cFclPurh[i] = histogramFactory.createCloud1D(typeNames[i]+"Fragment cluster hit purity");
-            cFclEffe[i] = histogramFactory.createCloud1D(typeNames[i]+"Fragment cluster energy efficiency");
-            cFclPure[i] = histogramFactory.createCloud1D(typeNames[i]+"Fragment cluster energy purity");
-        }
-    }
-    public ExampleClusterAnalysis(String[] hcnames,String[] ccnames,String fsPLName,
-        String mcpcname,String cmcpname)
-    {
-        this(hcnames,ccnames,fsPLName,mcpcname,cmcpname,"default");
-    }
-    protected void process(EventHeader event)
-    {
-        double[] cheatFSE = new double[ntypes+1];
-        double[] cheatVE = new double[ntypes+1];
-        double[] cheatFE = new double[ntypes+1];
-        double[] realVE = new double[ntypes+1];
-        double[] realFE = new double[ntypes+1];
-        List<CalorimeterHit> unclustered = new ArrayList<CalorimeterHit>();
-        for(int i=0;i<ntypes+1;i++)
-        {
-            cheatFSE[i] = 0.;
-            cheatVE[i] = 0.;
-            cheatFE[i] = 0.;
-            realVE[i] = 0.;
-            realFE[i] = 0.;
-        }
-        List<MCPClusterInfo> pc = (List<MCPClusterInfo>) event.get(MCPCname);
-        List<ClusterMCPInfo> cp = (List<ClusterMCPInfo>) event.get(CMCPname);
-        for(MCPClusterInfo pci:pc)
-        {
-            MCParticle p = pci.getMCParticle();
-            int itype = getType(p);
-            double pE = p.getEnergy();
-            double vE = pci.getTotalEcorrected();
-            Hep3Vector pp = p.getMomentum();
-            double ptot = pp.magnitude();
-            double ct = pp.z()/ptot;
-            boolean vis = pci.getTotalHits() > 0;
-            boolean found = false;
-            if(pci.getNClusters() > 0)
-            {
-                if(!(pci.getMaxCMCP() == null))
-                {
-                    found = pci.getMaxCMCP().getMaxContributer() == p;
-// Allow an exception for overlapping gammas from the same pi0
-                    if(!found)
-                    {
-                        if(p.getPDGID() == 22)
-                        {
-                            if(pci.getMaxCMCP().getMaxContributer().getPDGID() == 22)
-                            {
-                                if(p.getParents().get(0) == 
-                                    pci.getMaxCMCP().getMaxContributer().getParents().get(0))
-                                {
-                                    found = true;
-                                }
-                            }
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            if(!pci.isFinalState())
-            {
-                cAXEnergy[itype].fill(pE);
-                cAXEnergyw[itype].fill(pE, pE);
-                cAXEnergy[ntypes].fill(pE);
-                cAXEnergyw[ntypes].fill(pE, pE);
-                if(vis)
-                {
-                    cVXEnergy[itype].fill(pE);
-                    cVXEnergyw[itype].fill(pE, pE);
-                    cVXEnergy[ntypes].fill(pE);
-                    cVXEnergyw[ntypes].fill(pE,pE);
-                }
-                if(found)
-                {
-                    cFXEnergy[itype].fill(pE);
-                    cFXEnergyw[itype].fill(pE, pE);
-                    cFXEnergy[ntypes].fill(pE);
-                    cFXEnergyw[ntypes].fill(pE, pE);
-                }
-                continue;
-            }
-            cAFEnergy[itype].fill(pE);
-            cAFcosTheta[itype].fill(ct);
-            cAFEnergyw[itype].fill(pE, pE);
-            cAFEnergy[ntypes].fill(pE);
-            cAFcosTheta[ntypes].fill(ct);
-            cAFEnergyw[ntypes].fill(pE, pE);
-            cheatFSE[itype] += pE;
-            cheatFSE[ntypes] += pE;
-            if(vis)
-            {
-                cVFEnergy[itype].fill(pE);
-                cVFcosTheta[itype].fill(ct);
-                cVFEnergyw[itype].fill(pE, pE);
-                cVFEnergy[ntypes].fill(pE);
-                cVFcosTheta[ntypes].fill(ct);
-                cVFEnergyw[ntypes].fill(pE,pE);
-                cheatVE[itype] += pE;
-                cheatVE[ntypes] += pE;
-                realVE[itype] += vE;
-                realVE[ntypes] += vE;
-                hPerPull[itype].fill((vE-pE)/pE);
-                hPerRes[itype].fill((vE-pE)/Math.sqrt(pE));
-            }
-            if(found)
-            {
-                cFFEnergy[itype].fill(pE);
-                cFFcosTheta[itype].fill(ct);
-                cFFEnergyw[itype].fill(pE, pE);
-                cFFEnergy[ntypes].fill(pE);
-                cFFcosTheta[ntypes].fill(ct);
-                cFFEnergyw[ntypes].fill(pE, pE);
-                cheatFE[itype] += pE;
-                cheatFE[ntypes] += pE;
-                realFE[itype] += vE;
-                realFE[ntypes] += vE;
-                double mE = pci.getMaxCMCP().getCluster().getEnergy();
-                hActPull[itype].fill((mE-pE)/pE);
-                hActRes[itype].fill((mE-pE)/Math.sqrt(pE));
-                for(int j=0;j<4;j++)
-                {
-                    pFEff[itype][j].fill(pE,1.);
-                    pFEffv[itype][j].fill(pE,1.);
-                    pFPur[itype][j].fill(pE,1.);
-                    pFEff[ntypes][j].fill(pE,1.);
-                    pFEffv[ntypes][j].fill(pE,1.);
-                    pFPur[ntypes][j].fill(pE,1.);
-                }
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                for(int j=0;j<4;j++)
-                {
-                    pFEff[itype][j].fill(pE,0.);
-                    pFEff[ntypes][j].fill(pE,0.);
-                    if(vis)
-                    {
-                        pFEffv[itype][j].fill(pE,0.);
-                        pFEffv[ntypes][j].fill(pE,0.);
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        for(ClusterMCPInfo cpi:cp)
-        {
-            BasicCluster c = cpi.getCluster();
-            boolean isprim = cpi.getMaxMCPC().getMaxCluster() == c;
-            int itype = getType(cpi.getMaxMCPC().getMCParticle());
-            double cE = c.getEnergy();
-            double eeff = cpi.getMaxCorrectedEnergy()/cpi.getMaxMCPC().getTotalEcorrected();
-            double neff = (double)(cpi.getMaxNHits())/cpi.getMaxMCPC().getTotalHits();
-            double epur = cpi.getMaxCorrectedEnergy()/c.getEnergy();
-            double npur = (double)(cpi.getMaxNHits())/c.getCalorimeterHits().size();
-            if(isprim)
-            {
-                double Escale = cpi.getMaxContributer().getEnergy();
-                cPclEnergy[itype].fill(cE);
-                pPclEffh[itype].fill(Escale,neff);
-                pPclEffe[itype].fill(Escale,eeff);
-                pPclPurh[itype].fill(Escale,npur);
-                pPclPure[itype].fill(Escale,epur);
-                cPclEffh[itype].fill(neff);
-                cPclEffe[itype].fill(eeff);
-                cPclPurh[itype].fill(npur);
-                cPclPure[itype].fill(epur);
-                cPclEnergy[ntypes].fill(cE);
-                pPclEffh[ntypes].fill(Escale,neff);
-                pPclEffe[ntypes].fill(Escale,eeff);
-                pPclPurh[ntypes].fill(Escale,npur);
-                pPclPure[ntypes].fill(Escale,epur);
-                cPclEffh[ntypes].fill(neff);
-                cPclEffe[ntypes].fill(eeff);
-                cPclPurh[ntypes].fill(npur);
-                cPclPure[ntypes].fill(epur);
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                cFclEnergy[itype].fill(cE);
-                pFclEffh[itype].fill(cE,neff);
-                pFclEffe[itype].fill(cE,eeff);
-                pFclPurh[itype].fill(cE,npur);
-                pFclPure[itype].fill(cE,epur);
-                cFclEffh[itype].fill(neff);
-                cFclEffe[itype].fill(eeff);
-                cFclPurh[itype].fill(npur);
-                cFclPure[itype].fill(epur);
-                for(int j=0;j<4;j++)
-                {
-                    pFPur[itype][j].fill(cE,0.);
-                }
-                cFclEnergy[ntypes].fill(cE);
-                pFclEffh[ntypes].fill(cE,neff);
-                pFclEffe[ntypes].fill(cE,eeff);
-                pFclPurh[ntypes].fill(cE,npur);
-                pFclPure[ntypes].fill(cE,epur);
-                cFclEffh[ntypes].fill(neff);
-                cFclEffe[ntypes].fill(eeff);
-                cFclPurh[ntypes].fill(npur);
-                cFclPure[ntypes].fill(epur);
-                for(int j=0;j<4;j++)
-                {
-                    pFPur[ntypes][j].fill(cE,0.);
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        for(int i=0;i<ntypes+1;i++)
-        {
-            cEventFSE[i].fill(cheatFSE[i]);
-            cEventVE[i].fill(cheatVE[i]);
-            cEventFE[i].fill(cheatFE[i]);
-            cEventAVE[i].fill(realVE[i]);
-            cEventAFE[i].fill(realFE[i]);
-        }
-        ievt ++;
-    }
-    private int getType(MCParticle p)
-    {
-        int itype = -1;
-        int pdgid = Math.abs(p.getPDGID());
-        double charge = p.getCharge();
-        if( (pdgid == 12)||(pdgid == 14)||(pdgid == 16) )
-        {
-// neutrinos
-            itype = 0;
-        }
-        else if( (pdgid == 13) )
-        {
-// Muon
-            itype = 1;
-        }
-        else if( (pdgid == 11) )
-        {
-// Electron
-            itype = 2;
-        }
-        else if( (pdgid == 22) )
-        {
-// Gamma
-            itype = 3;
-        }
-        else if( charge == 0 )
-        {
-//  neutral Had
-            itype = 4;
-        }
-        else
-        {
-//  charged Had
-            itype = 5;
-        }
-        return itype;
-    }
CVSspam 0.2.8