

Commit in SimDist on MAIN
README+5-51.3 -> 1.4
TODO+7-171.11 -> 1.12
2 modified files

README 1.3 -> 1.4
diff -u -r1.3 -r1.4
--- README	27 Jan 2006 09:10:31 -0000	1.3
+++ README	22 Feb 2006 07:39:14 -0000	1.4
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
-SimDist is an attempt to integrate all 8 of SLIC's deps into one project.
+SimDist integrates all 8 of SLIC's deps into one project.  Each package is either downloaded or checked-out of CVS and built.
-Quick build instructions from the SimDist directory:
+Here are quick build instructions from the SimDist directory (the directory containg this file):
 > ./configure
 > ./make
-This has been tested on the following combinations of platform and compiler.
+This simple build procedure has been tested on the following combinations of platform and compiler.
 Red Hat Enterprise Linux
-gcc 3.2 
+gcc 3.2.3 
 Mac OSX
-gcc 3.4
+gcc 3.4, 4.0
 Windows (Cygwin)
 gcc 3.3.3

TODO 1.11 -> 1.12
diff -u -r1.11 -r1.12
--- TODO	30 Jan 2006 20:48:11 -0000	1.11
+++ TODO	22 Feb 2006 07:39:14 -0000	1.12
@@ -1,17 +1,12 @@
--GDML should use actual version
-  -
--allow to set cvs login name (slic, lcdd, lcphys)
 -usage of existing (external) packages
   -clhep, geant4
 -package makefiles 
   -aim for generic and parameterised
-  -all packages should use same generic makefile
   -generate package/$PACKAGE/ automatically e.g. $(package)_some_var for each package's settings
     -create during configure step
 -add test, check targets
   -so don't continually rebuild geant4
-    -compile and run one of the examples
 -binary packages
   -RPM build so Linux people don't have to feel squirmy. (easiest)
     -Alien for debs (or whatever)
@@ -36,15 +31,10 @@
 -Make enhancements
   -source target needs to be more intelligent, e.g. shouldn't overwrite existing directory if up-to-date
   -"check" target to see if libs/includes are in place
-  X-option to use SCP for dist installation
-  -support Solaris
-    -SunOS -> host_os=SUN
-    -use the CC compiler (see $G4INSTALL/config/sys/SUN-CC-gmk
--boxes for building binaries (SLAC)
-  -Linux   : iris (SLC), noric (RHEL)
-  -Windows : laptop (whereever)
-  -OSX     : mcfreehep
-  -Solaris : tersk or flora
--version numbers should use . rather than v r p (which is confusing and annoying)
+  -SunOS -> host_os=SUN
+  -use the CC compiler (see $G4INSTALL/config/sys/SUN-CC-gmk
+-version numbers should use . rather than v r p (which is confusing and annoying
+  -slic.exe instead of just slic for bin name (bindist)
+-don't check for existence of install dir until install target called and make install prefix optional
CVSspam 0.2.8