

Dear Colleagues,
 You can find the FY 2007 DOE budget request highlights at: <> 

Details can be found at: <> 

Program and Financing (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 89-0222-0-1-251   2005 actual 2006 est. 2007 est.

Obligations by program activity:

00.01 High energy physics ...........    719       721        775 

"The HEP request also develops the most compelling new

scientific opportunities for the U.S. HEP program in the next

decade, including $60 million of R&D for a potential international

linear collider, enabling a U.S. leadership role in

a comprehensive, coordinated international R&D program.

While the future trajectory of the HEP program has a strong

emphasis on linear collider R&D, it will also provide a diverse

array of other world-leading efforts, including the understanding

of dark energy, strong U.S. participation in Large

Hadron Collider physics, and forefront neutrino experiments

and facilities."

Norman Graf