

Hi all,

I have a question concerning the XrdClient as it is found in the latest
development version. 

After receiving a redirect message from the redirector, the client
doesn't seem to handle the response data correctly. To be more precise,
the client is parsing the newHost-string in order to find the optional
token (separated by a question mark). But what about the second
parameter (opaque data) as specified in the Xrootd protocol
(kxr_redirect response)? Why is it not parsed as well?

Another thing is, that whenever one of this two parameters (or both) are
passed along with the redirect response, the client (and therefore
TXNetFile) fails extracting the correct new host
(XrdClientConn::ParseRedir()). If I'm not mistaken, this is caused by
"host.EraseFromStart(pos);" instead of "host.EraseFromEnd(pos);". 

BTW, if the client is redirected, how is the opaque data (if present)
encoded in the request message when re-opening the file on the data



Martin Radicke
  - IT -
Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY
Notkestrasse 85
D-22607 Hamburg

Tel: +49 40 8998 3639
Fax: +49 40 8994 4122