

Commit in lcio/src/cpp/include/UTIL on MAIN
LCIOTypeInfo.h+140added 1.1
provides type tp type name conversion for templates

LCIOTypeInfo.h added at 1.1
diff -N LCIOTypeInfo.h
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ LCIOTypeInfo.h	24 Mar 2006 11:56:41 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+#ifndef LCIOTypeInfo_h
+#define LCIOTypeInfo_h 1
+#include "EVENT/LCIO.h"
+#include "EVENT/LCObject.h"
+#include "EVENT/LCCollection.h"
+#include "EVENT/SimCalorimeterHit.h"
+#include "EVENT/CalorimeterHit.h"
+#include "EVENT/RawCalorimeterHit.h"
+#include "EVENT/SimTrackerHit.h"
+#include "EVENT/TPCHit.h"
+#include "EVENT/TrackerRawData.h"
+#include "EVENT/TrackerData.h"
+#include "EVENT/TrackerPulse.h"
+#include "EVENT/LCIO.h"
+#include "EVENT/MCParticle.h"
+#include "EVENT/LCFloatVec.h"
+#include "EVENT/LCIntVec.h"
+#include "EVENT/LCStrVec.h"
+#include "EVENT/Track.h"
+#include "EVENT/Cluster.h"
+#include "EVENT/ReconstructedParticle.h"
+#include "EVENT/LCGenericObject.h"
+#include "EVENT/LCRelation.h"
+#include <vector>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <typeinfo>
+namespace UTIL{
+  /** Template that returns the LCIO type name as used in the LCCollctions (and files), e.g. <br>
+   *  std::cout << lctypename<MCParticle>() << std::endl ; <br>
+   *  This can be used in user templates to create a new collection of the template type.
+   */
+  template <class T>
+  const char*  lctypename() ;
+  /** Specialization for implemention classes.
+   */
+  template <class T>
+  const char*  lctypename() {
+    return lctypename< typename T::lcobject_type >() ;
+  }
+  // specializations for all known LCObject subclasses 
+  // - yes this is not OO at its best ...
+  template<> const char* lctypename<EVENT::MCParticle>() { return EVENT::LCIO::MCPARTICLE ; }
+  template<> const char* lctypename<EVENT::SimCalorimeterHit>() { return EVENT::LCIO::SIMCALORIMETERHIT ; }
+  template<> const char* lctypename<EVENT::CalorimeterHit>() { return EVENT::LCIO::CALORIMETERHIT ; }
+  template<> const char* lctypename<EVENT::RawCalorimeterHit>() { return EVENT::LCIO::RAWCALORIMETERHIT ; }
+  template<> const char* lctypename<EVENT::SimTrackerHit>() { return EVENT::LCIO::SIMTRACKERHIT ; }
+  template<> const char* lctypename<EVENT::TrackerRawData>() { return EVENT::LCIO::TRACKERRAWDATA ; }
+  template<> const char* lctypename<EVENT::TrackerData>() { return EVENT::LCIO::TRACKERDATA ; }
+  template<> const char* lctypename<EVENT::TrackerPulse>() { return EVENT::LCIO::TRACKERPULSE ; }
+  template<> const char* lctypename<EVENT::TrackerHit>() { return EVENT::LCIO::TRACKERHIT ; }
+  template<> const char* lctypename<EVENT::LCStrVec>() { return EVENT::LCIO::LCSTRVEC ; }
+  template<> const char* lctypename<EVENT::LCFloatVec>() { return EVENT::LCIO::LCFLOATVEC ; }
+  template<> const char* lctypename<EVENT::LCIntVec>() { return EVENT::LCIO::LCINTVEC ; }
+  template<> const char* lctypename<EVENT::Track>() { return EVENT::LCIO::TRACK ; }
+  template<> const char* lctypename<EVENT::Cluster>() { return EVENT::LCIO::CLUSTER ; }
+  template<> const char* lctypename<EVENT::ReconstructedParticle>() { return EVENT::LCIO::RECONSTRUCTEDPARTICLE ; }
+  template<> const char* lctypename<EVENT::LCRelation>() { return EVENT::LCIO::LCRELATION ; }
+  template<> const char* lctypename<EVENT::LCGenericObject>() { return EVENT::LCIO::LCGENERICOBJECT ; }
+  /** Template that returns the LCIO type name as used in the LCCollctions (and files) based on 
+   *  the object's type, e.g. <br>
+   *  MCParticle* mcp ; <br>
+   *  std::cout << lctypename( mcp ) << std::endl ; <br>
+   */
+  template <class T>
+  const char*  lctypename(const T* t) {
+    return lctypename< typename T::lcobject_type >() ;
+  }
+  /** Specialization for polymorphic LCObject pointers - slow. E.g.: <br>
+   * 
+   *  LCObject* obj = new McParticle ; <br>
+   *  std::cout << lctypename( obj ) << std::endl ; <br>
+   */
+  template<> const char* lctypename<EVENT::LCObject>(const EVENT::LCObject* o) { 
+    if( dynamic_cast<const EVENT::MCParticle*>(o) != 0 ) return  lctypename<EVENT::MCParticle>() ;
+    if( dynamic_cast<const EVENT::SimCalorimeterHit*>(o) != 0 ) return  lctypename<EVENT::SimCalorimeterHit>() ;
+    if( dynamic_cast<const EVENT::CalorimeterHit*>(o) != 0 ) return   lctypename<EVENT::CalorimeterHit>() ;
+    if( dynamic_cast<const EVENT::RawCalorimeterHit*>(o) != 0 ) return   lctypename<EVENT::RawCalorimeterHit>() ;
+    if( dynamic_cast<const EVENT::SimTrackerHit*>(o) != 0 ) return   lctypename<EVENT::SimTrackerHit>() ;
+    if( dynamic_cast<const EVENT::TrackerRawData*>(o) != 0 ) return   lctypename<EVENT::TrackerRawData>() ;
+    if( dynamic_cast<const EVENT::TrackerData*>(o) != 0 ) return   lctypename<EVENT::TrackerData>() ;
+    if( dynamic_cast<const EVENT::TrackerPulse*>(o) != 0 ) return   lctypename<EVENT::TrackerPulse>() ;
+    if( dynamic_cast<const EVENT::TrackerHit*>(o) != 0 ) return   lctypename<EVENT::TrackerHit>() ;
+    if( dynamic_cast<const EVENT::LCStrVec*>(o) != 0 ) return   lctypename<EVENT::LCStrVec>() ;
+    if( dynamic_cast<const EVENT::LCFloatVec*>(o) != 0 ) return   lctypename<EVENT::LCFloatVec>() ;
+    if( dynamic_cast<const EVENT::LCIntVec*>(o) != 0 ) return   lctypename<EVENT::LCIntVec>() ;
+    if( dynamic_cast<const EVENT::Track*>(o) != 0 ) return   lctypename<EVENT::Track>() ;
+    if( dynamic_cast<const EVENT::Cluster*>(o) != 0 ) return   lctypename<EVENT::Cluster>() ;
+    if( dynamic_cast<const EVENT::ReconstructedParticle*>(o) != 0 ) return   lctypename<EVENT::ReconstructedParticle>() ;
+    if( dynamic_cast<const EVENT::LCRelation*>(o) != 0 ) return   lctypename<EVENT::LCRelation>() ;
+    if( dynamic_cast<const EVENT::LCGenericObject*>(o) != 0 ) return   lctypename<EVENT::LCGenericObject>() ;
+    return "UNKNOWN" ;
+  }
+//   /** Provides some type information for LCIO classes.
+//    * 
+//    *  @author gaede
+//    *  @version Id:$
+//    */
+//   template <class T> 
+//   class LCIOTypeInfo {
+//     const T* _t ;
+//   public:  
+//     typedef T lcobject_type ;
+//     LCIOTypeInfo(const T* t) : _t(t) {}
+//     /** Allow conversions to base class'  LCIOTypeInfo 
+//      */
+//     template<class T2> 
+//     operator LCIOTypeInfo<T2>() { return  LCIOTypeInfo<T2>( _t ) ; } 
+//     const char* lctypename() {
+//       return UTIL::lctypename<T>() ;
+//     }
+//   private:
+//     void ensure_T_is_LCObject() { const EVENT::LCObject* o = t ; } 
+//   } ; 
+} // namespace
CVSspam 0.2.8