

ATLAS SCCS Planning 08Mar2006

Present: Wei, Gary, Booker, Stephen, Len, Dieter, Randy, Richard


1. DQ2 Status

It was not actually transferring due to a hard coding of
/etc/grid-security/certificates. Now Wei has fixed that and I had
updated the hard coded location to use the local Globus copy. Then it
fell over trying to make a directory on our gsiftp site. This was
effectively doing a mkdir in NFS so just created a script to do it.

Next issue was it was trying to use glite-transfer. Should perhaps use
pacman install instead of the CERN directions as that will bring
everything it needs (including the Kitchen Sink). Also worried about
the CERN instructions keeping in sync with the OSG system.

2. mysql replica Status

There are no instructions on how to keep the replica up to date. The
web page Wei used only shows how to install it. Could setup a cron job
to automatically do an update.

Jacek and Ian have some mySQL training so can ask them for some
help. Will ask in ATLAS if such a method already exists.

3. Trigger Farm Status

No further discussion. Given the commitment that we will do this,
sufficiently far ahead that we don't worry too much. Don't know exactly
where it will go or where its power will come from. Expect that the
temporary power being used by new kan servers can be used for this on
that timescale. John is aware of it and is in the plan as much as he
can plan. New electrical engineer (Boris) will take over these types
of issues.

4. AOB

For the Tier-2 the batch capacity will be what can be bought with
$300k/year (the remainder of the $100k going to salaries). Might be
able to get up to $600k/year if we can find a university partner.

The new machines use the Opteron 270, which is 2GHz. Charlie prepared
some information for ATLAS which included the SpecINT2k numbers. Randy
is interested in seeing what is available for ATLAS prior any
Tier-2. There is a person on campus who is a Representative to SPEC
and he may be able to help us run the benchmark on our machines to get
an actual number.

How do the various sites identify their SPECint2k capacity? What is
the commitment ATLAS wants before the Tier-2? Guessing somewhere in
the region of 5% seems like a reasonable ball park number. BaBar may
be migrating its queues toward fair share on the general queues. That
would help this work.

Action Items:

060308 Stephen	Determine source of SPECint2k numbers for other sites

060308 Charlie	Think about commitment to ATLAS pre-Tier2

060308 Stephen	Check with ATLAS if there is an update mechanism

060308 Stephen	Install DQ2 via pacman

060301 Stephen  Ask about test dataset names
       060308 Done. Seems you can do whatever you want.

060301 Stephen  Ask about long term multiple element path issue
       060308 Done. Seems this is planned to be dealt with.

060301 Systems	Determine best way to distribution certificates to all
		machines (/etc/grid-security/certificates)
       060308 Done (and installed).

060224 Stephen	Enquire with ATLAS about certificates for DQ2 machine
       060301 Not heard back from ATLAS folk, Wei pointed out a DoE
	      place to get service certificates.
       060308 No update.

060224 Systems	Provide DQ2 machine
       060301 In the queue.
       060308 Not done yet.

060224 Systems	Provide mysql replica
       060301 In the queue.
       060308 Not done yet.

060224 Chuck	Will check on web server request for DQ2 machine
       060301 Waiting for web server request information from Stephen.
       060308 Haven't checked yet; haven't received Stephen's request yet.

060224 Richard	Discuss ATLAS trigger machines with others in SCCS
       060301 Only limited response from John W was resigned
	      acceptance... need to work on an actual deployment plan as
	      there are real issues to be solved.
       060308 John aware and in plans as much as anything is. New
	      engineer will take over.

060224 Chuck	Check on actual availability of SCCS rooms for this
       060301 Only constraint is the Security meeting every
	      month. Will assume that this ends at 11am. Will update
       060308 Done.  After this week, booked through 2008.

|Stephen J. Gowdy                     | SLAC, MailStop 34,       |
| | 2575 Sand Hill Road,     |
|      | Menlo Park CA 94025, USA |
|EMail: [log in to unmask]       | Tel: +1 650 926 3144     |