

ATLAS SCCS Planning 15Mar2006

Present: Len, Neal, Stephen, Wei, Gary and Dieter


1. DQ2 Status

Did install via pacman. Now does pull files here but fails when trying
to register (I think) with BNL web server. It fails due to a certificate
problem and their web server has as self-signed certificate, was
suggested they get a real one from DoE.

Has been off while waiting for a response from BNL, will turn it on,
may work well enough for our purpose.

2. mysql replica Status
3. Trigger Farm Status

Nothing known.

4. ATLAS Batch Commitment

No news.

5. AOB

Dieter looked into the so-called transformations. They are a set of
bash scripts used for production. The newest version has been
installed at SLAC (which came out two days ago). The hang up at the
moment is that we don't have the ability to take advantage of the
local database replica. Couldn't get Alessandro to respond yet, he did
say he'd look into it two weeks ago. He might not be motivated to do
this as there is effort by an LBL postdoc to replace them with python
based scripts. Spoke to the developer yesterday, seems like it is
still a while off (perhaps the end of April), there is also a new
person beginning to help out who was a developer of the old
system. Initial testing will be with release 12 on the LCG. Not sure
off hand what the schedule for 12 series is, perhaps end of April. Not
much interest in having something that takes advantage of the local
database. There are over 50 Tier-2 sites and they all cannot be
unique. However, do not believe that all sites have Internet
access. Perhaps need to have a discussion with Ian.

Question about needing the database replica. Was reported that you
didn't need it for production but suspect this was actually meant for
the simulation. The digitisation and reconstruction do need the

Action Items:

060308 Stephen	Determine source of SPECint2k numbers for other sites
       060315 Not done.

060308 Charlie	Think about commitment to ATLAS pre-Tier2
       060315 Not done.

060308 Stephen	Check with ATLAS if there is an update mechanism
       060315 No mechanism yet except for reinstall. Could ask some BaBar
	      folk about how we do this to see if it is applicable.

060308 Stephen	Install DQ2 via pacman
       060315 Done.

060224 Stephen	Enquire with ATLAS about certificates for DQ2 machine
       060301 Not heard back from ATLAS folk, Wei pointed out a DoE
	      place to get service certificates.
       060308 No update.
       060315 No update.

060224 Systems	Provide DQ2 machine
       060301 In the queue.
       060308 Not done yet.
       060315 Not done yet.

060224 Systems	Provide mysql replica
       060301 In the queue.
       060308 Not done yet.
       060315 Not done yet.

060224 Chuck	Will check on web server request for DQ2 machine
       060301 Waiting for web server request information from Stephen.
       060308 Haven't checked yet; haven't received Stephen's request yet.
       060315 Still not sent Chuck information.

060224 Richard	Discuss ATLAS trigger machines with others in SCCS
       060301 Only limited response from John W was resigned
	      acceptance... need to work on an actual deployment plan as
	      there are real issues to be solved.
       060308 John aware and in plans as much as anything is. New
	      engineer will take over.
       060315 No update.

|Stephen J. Gowdy                     | SLAC, MailStop 34,       |
| | 2575 Sand Hill Road,     |
|      | Menlo Park CA 94025, USA |
|EMail: [log in to unmask]       | Tel: +1 650 926 3144     |