

ATLAS SCCS Planning 01Mar2006

Present: Dieter, Charlie, Steffen, Wei, Chuck, Len, Gary, Stephen,
Bob, Richard


1. DQ2 Status

I think is running. DQ2 client can tell it to import. Not clear if it
actually did the import. Discussion if we can put the certificates in
the standard location as all applications want them there and have
different ways of being told where they are.

Have we tested what the ATLAS productions will use? No, suspect they
use dq2_put. Should ask if there is some dataset names that will not
be exported.

Need to make sure the grid user that gsiftp will be can write to the
data space.

Final machine in the queue to be allocated.

2. mysql replica Status

In the queue to be allocated.

3. Trigger Farm Status

Need to find out more about when and how much. 50 Dell 1650s. Need to
talk to John W still probably.

The duration is expected to be around two years at maximum. Could be
classified permanent. The racks will not come with them. They are
stacked on rack shelves (two at a time just now, could be three).

They will be available shortly after the end of the run, which is
expected to be 1st August at the moment.

4. Questions from ATLAS Grid Meeting: LCG Accounting, VOMS, OSG Version?

We're exempt as we are obviously not a Tier-2 yet. They are talking
about OSG accounting, Mateo may be working on it. Not sure if or how
that maps to LCG accounting.

We have a VOMS. We have 0.4.0 running.

5. AOB

Need to provide feedback back to ATLAS on the large size of path
elements. Moreover LD_LIBRARY_PATH can cause performance problems (for
example the limited BaBar one doubles how long a kernel takes to

Discussion of certificates. Anyone who wants to be in the ATLAS V0
needs to be in the CERN HR database. Do system folk need to be? There
is a Dteam V0 which is setup to run tests, and for that you still need
to be in the CERN HR database. The CERN HR database doesn't know which
experiment you are on explicitly but that info is used later when you
apply to join the ATLAS V0. Don't know how non-collaborators get onto
the ATLAS V0. The US ATLAS V0 should disappear. We currently use it.

Action Items:

060301 Stephen  Ask about test dataset names

060301 Stephen  Ask about long term multiple element path issue

060301 Systems	Determine best way to distribution certificates to all
		machines (/etc/grid-security/certificates)

060224 Stephen	Enquire with ATLAS about certificates for DQ2 machine
       060301 Not heard back from ATLAS folk, Wei pointed out a DoE
       place to get service certificates.

060224 Stephen	Open ticket for DQ2 machine
       060301 Done. RT 43380

060224 Stephen	Open ticket for mysql replica machine
       060301 Done. RT 43381

060224 Systems	Provide DQ2 machine
       060301 In the queue.

060224 Systems	Provide mysql replica
       060301 In the queue.

060224 Chuck	Will check on web server request for DQ2 machine
       060301 Waiting for web server request information from Stephen.

060224 Stephen	Enquire about correct LRC settings for DQ2 with ATLAS
       060301 Done. Now seems to be working.

060224 Wei	Email setup script for globus
       060301 Done. /afs/slac/package/globustools/vdtclient/v1.3.9/setup.*sh

060224 Stephen	Add Globus setup to ATLAS login
       060301 Done. (Some issues with size of environment)

060224 Richard	Discuss ATLAS trigger machines with others in SCCS
       060301 Only limited response from John W was resigned
       acceptance... need to work on an actual deployment plan as
       there are real issues to be solved.

060224 Chuck	Check on actual availability of SCCS rooms for this meeting
       060301 Only constraint is the Security meeting every
       month. Will assume that this ends at 11am. Will update