


about the globus setup:  in the past I (or any user) had to follow
Is this not necessary anymore and we should just use Wei's script?
(or not even that if the atlas login takes care of this now)

-- Dieter

Stephen J. Gowdy wrote:

>ATLAS SCCS Planning 01Mar2006
>Present: Dieter, Charlie, Steffen, Wei, Chuck, Len, Gary, Stephen,
>Bob, Richard
>1. DQ2 Status
>I think is running. DQ2 client can tell it to import. Not clear if it
>actually did the import. Discussion if we can put the certificates in
>the standard location as all applications want them there and have
>different ways of being told where they are.
>Have we tested what the ATLAS productions will use? No, suspect they
>use dq2_put. Should ask if there is some dataset names that will not
>be exported.
>Need to make sure the grid user that gsiftp will be can write to the
>data space.
>Final machine in the queue to be allocated.
>2. mysql replica Status
>In the queue to be allocated.
>3. Trigger Farm Status
>Need to find out more about when and how much. 50 Dell 1650s. Need to
>talk to John W still probably.
>The duration is expected to be around two years at maximum. Could be
>classified permanent. The racks will not come with them. They are
>stacked on rack shelves (two at a time just now, could be three).
>They will be available shortly after the end of the run, which is
>expected to be 1st August at the moment.
>4. Questions from ATLAS Grid Meeting: LCG Accounting, VOMS, OSG Version?
>We're exempt as we are obviously not a Tier-2 yet. They are talking
>about OSG accounting, Mateo may be working on it. Not sure if or how
>that maps to LCG accounting.
>We have a VOMS. We have 0.4.0 running.
>5. AOB
>Need to provide feedback back to ATLAS on the large size of path
>elements. Moreover LD_LIBRARY_PATH can cause performance problems (for
>example the limited BaBar one doubles how long a kernel takes to
>Discussion of certificates. Anyone who wants to be in the ATLAS V0
>needs to be in the CERN HR database. Do system folk need to be? There
>is a Dteam V0 which is setup to run tests, and for that you still need
>to be in the CERN HR database. The CERN HR database doesn't know which
>experiment you are on explicitly but that info is used later when you
>apply to join the ATLAS V0. Don't know how non-collaborators get onto
>the ATLAS V0. The US ATLAS V0 should disappear. We currently use it.
>Action Items:
>060301 Stephen  Ask about test dataset names
>060301 Stephen  Ask about long term multiple element path issue
>060301 Systems	Determine best way to distribution certificates to all
>		machines (/etc/grid-security/certificates)
>060224 Stephen	Enquire with ATLAS about certificates for DQ2 machine
>       060301 Not heard back from ATLAS folk, Wei pointed out a DoE
>       place to get service certificates.
>060224 Stephen	Open ticket for DQ2 machine
>       060301 Done. RT 43380
>060224 Stephen	Open ticket for mysql replica machine
>       060301 Done. RT 43381
>060224 Systems	Provide DQ2 machine
>       060301 In the queue.
>060224 Systems	Provide mysql replica
>       060301 In the queue.
>060224 Chuck	Will check on web server request for DQ2 machine
>       060301 Waiting for web server request information from Stephen.
>060224 Stephen	Enquire about correct LRC settings for DQ2 with ATLAS
>       060301 Done. Now seems to be working.
>060224 Wei	Email setup script for globus
>       060301 Done. /afs/slac/package/globustools/vdtclient/v1.3.9/setup.*sh
>060224 Stephen	Add Globus setup to ATLAS login
>       060301 Done. (Some issues with size of environment)
>060224 Richard	Discuss ATLAS trigger machines with others in SCCS
>       060301 Only limited response from John W was resigned
>       acceptance... need to work on an actual deployment plan as
>       there are real issues to be solved.
>060224 Chuck	Check on actual availability of SCCS rooms for this meeting
>       060301 Only constraint is the Security meeting every
>       month. Will assume that this ends at 11am. Will update
>       calendar.