Commit in lcsim/src/org/lcsim/contrib/SODTracker on MAIN
History+26added 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1
test/ 1.1
13 added files
Add SODTracker to contrib area

History added at 1.1
diff -N History
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ History	10 Mar 2006 21:21:34 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+## History file
+## Silicon Outer Detector (SOD) Tracker
+## Please summarize changes to the SODTracker code here.
+## Most recent first please.
+10 March 2006 Fred Blanc  V01-00-00
+ - Create SODTracker package. Included files:
+ - is the main driver
+ - Example code is given in test/
+ - The default functionality is: 1) find track hits in the
+   vertex barrel from MCParticle list, 2) add hits from the outer
+   detector are added, 3) the track is fitted to a circle, and
+   4) the track is added to the event as a list of 'SODTrack',
+   which implements 'org.lcsim.event.Track'.

lcsim/src/org/lcsim/contrib/SODTracker added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	10 Mar 2006 21:21:34 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,383 @@
+package org.lcsim.contrib.SODTracker;
+import java.util.*;
+public class SODFittedCir extends SODHel
+ {
+ public SODFittedCir()
+ {
+// new
+  current_hel=new SODHel(); 
+  next_hel=new SODHel(); 
+  _hitlist=new java.util.LinkedList();
+  nhits=0;
+ }
+ public void make_fitted_cir(java.util.LinkedList l,SODHel h)
+ {
+  make_hel_with_ref(h.D0(),h.Phi0(),h.Omega(),h.Z0(),h.Tanl(),h.Xref(),h.Yref());
+  current_hel=h;
+  next_hel=h;
+//  current_hel.make_hel(h.D0(),h.Phi0(),h.Omega(),h.Z0(),h.Tanl());
+//  current_hel.change_ref(xnew,ynew);
+  chisq=1000000.0;
+  for (ListIterator ii = l.listIterator();ii.hasNext();){
+   SODHit shit=(SODHit); _hitlist.add(shit); nhits++;
+  }
+  fail=1300;
+  fail=IterateFit();
+ }
+ public void clone_fitted_cir(SODFittedCir fc)
+ {
+  make_hel_with_ref(fc.D0(),fc.Phi0(),fc.Omega(),fc.Z0(),fc.Tanl(),fc.Xref(),fc.Yref());
+  current_hel.make_hel(fc.D0(),fc.Phi0(),fc.Omega(),fc.Z0(),fc.Tanl());
+  next_hel.make_hel(fc.D0(),fc.Phi0(),fc.Omega(),fc.Z0(),fc.Tanl());
+  chisq=fc.Chisq();
+  fail=fc.Fail();
+  java.util.LinkedList l=fc.hitlist();
+  for (ListIterator ii = l.listIterator();ii.hasNext();){
+   SODHit shit=(SODHit); _hitlist.add(shit); nhits++;
+  }
+ }
+ public void add_hit_to_fit(SODHit h)
+ {
+  current_hel.make_hel_with_ref(D0(),Phi0(),Omega(),Z0(),Tanl(),Xref(),Yref());
+  next_hel=current_hel;
+  _hitlist.add(h); nhits++;
+  fail=IterateFit();
+//  if (0!=fail){System.out.print("IterateFit FAILED ");System.out.println(fail);}
+ }
+public int Fail(){return fail;}
+public int IterateFit(){
+  int ftemp=1301;		// not enough hits
+  int prtflg=0;
+  if(nfree>=nhits) {return ftemp;}
+  int ndof=nhits-nfree;
+//  ftemp=0;
+//  if(niter>=1) {
+//    float prevchisq=0.0;
+//    for (int i=0; i< niter; i++) {
+//      itofit=i+1;
+//      ftemp=DoFit();
+//      if(ftemp!=0) {break;}
+//      if(fabs(chisq-prevchisq)<0.01*chisq) {break;}
+//      prevchisq=chisq;
+//    }//endof iter loop
+//  }else{
+//    float prevchisq=0.0;
+//    chisq=1000000.0;
+//    int iter=0;
+//    while(fabs(chisq-prevchisq)>0.01) {
+//      iter++;
+//      prevchisq=chisq;
+//      ftemp=DoFit();
+//      if(ftemp!=0) break;
+//      if(iter>=1000) break;
+//    }//endof (fabs(chisq-oldchisq).gt.0.01)
+//  }//endof (niter>=1)
+//  int ndof=nhits-nfree;
+//  prob=Dcxprobab(ndof,chisq);
+//  rcs=chisq/ndof;
+  int max_converge=15;
+  int cnt_converge=50;
+  double[] chisq_mem=new double[max_converge];
+  for (int iloop=0; iloop<max_converge; ++iloop){chisq_mem[iloop]=1000000.0;}
+  for (int iloop=0; iloop<max_converge; ++iloop){
+   ftemp=DoFit(); chisq_mem[iloop]=chisq;
+   if (0 != ftemp)break;
+//   if ((iloop>0)&&(chisq_mem[iloop]>chisq_mem[iloop-1])){System.out.println("FIT DIVERGES");}
+   if ((iloop>0)&&(chisq_mem[iloop]<chisq_mem[iloop-1])
+     &&((chisq_mem[iloop-1]-chisq_mem[iloop])<0.01)){
+//    System.out.println("FIT CONVERGES"); 
+    cnt_converge=iloop;
+    break;
+   }
+   if ((iloop>0)&&(chisq_mem[iloop]==chisq_mem[iloop-1])){
+//    System.out.println("FIT CONVERGES"); 
+    cnt_converge=iloop;
+    break;
+   }
+   current_hel=next_hel;
+  }
+  prtflg=0;
+  if (prtflg!=0){
+   System.out.print("my_three_chisq");
+   for (int iloop=0; iloop<max_converge; ++iloop){
+    System.out.print(" ");System.out.print(chisq_mem[iloop]);
+   }
+   System.out.println(" ");
+  }
+  prtflg=0;
+  if (prtflg!=0){
+   System.out.print("cnt_converge ");System.out.print(cnt_converge); 
+   System.out.print(" ");System.out.print(chisq); 
+   System.out.print(" ");System.out.print(ndof); 
+//   System.out.println(" ");
+   System.out.print(" "); current_hel.printHelix();
+  }
+  if ((0==ftemp)&&(cnt_converge<max_converge)){
+   double xdof=ndof; double rcs=chisq/xdof;
+   if (rcs<100.0){
+    make_hel_with_ref(current_hel.D0(),current_hel.Phi0(),current_hel.Omega(),
+                      current_hel.Z0(),current_hel.Tanl(),current_hel.Xref(),current_hel.Yref());
+   }else{
+    fail=1304; // rcs too big
+    chisq=chisq_mem[0]; //set chisq to that of input helix
+   }
+  }else{
+   if (0==ftemp)fail=1303;  //fit didn't converge in max_converge steps
+   chisq=chisq_mem[0]; //set chisq to that of input helix
+  }
+  return ftemp;
+}//endof IterateFit
+public int DoFit(){
+ int ftemp=1302; //matrix didn't invert
+ int prtflg=0;
+ chisq=0.0;
+ norder=3;
+// double[][] A = new double[3][3];
+ double[][] A = new double[10][10];
+ for (int ii=0; ii<10; ii++){for (int jj=0; jj<10; jj++){A[ii][jj]=0.0;}}
+ double[][] Z = new double[3][3]; 
+ double[] B = new double[3];
+ double[] D = new double[3];
+ for (int ii=0; ii<norder; ii++){
+  D[ii]=0.0; B[ii]=0.0; for (int jj=0; jj<norder; jj++){A[ii][jj]=0.0;Z[ii][jj]=0.0;}
+ }
+// System.out.println(" ");
+ for (ListIterator ii = _hitlist.listIterator(); ii.hasNext();){
+  SODHit shit=(SODHit);
+  double [] derivs=new double[4];
+  if ( shit.calc_circ_derivatives(current_hel,derivs) ){ 
+   prtflg=0;
+   if (prtflg!=0){
+    System.out.print("derivs ");
+    for (int jj=0; jj<4; ++jj){System.out.print(" ");System.out.print(derivs[jj]);}
+    System.out.println(" ");
+   }//end prtflg
+   double [] numb_derivs=new double[4]; 
+   boolean whaa=shit.calc_numb_derivatives(current_hel,numb_derivs);
+   prtflg=0;
+   if (prtflg!=0){
+    System.out.print("nderiv ");
+    for (int jj=0; jj<4; ++jj){System.out.print(" ");System.out.print(numb_derivs[jj]);}
+    System.out.println(" ");
+   }
+   chisq+=derivs[0]*derivs[0];
+   for(int ipar=0; ipar<norder; ipar++){
+//   D[ipar]+=derivs[0]*derivs[ipar+1];
+    D[ipar]+=numb_derivs[0]*numb_derivs[ipar+1];
+    //inner parameter loop
+    for(int jpar=0; jpar<norder; jpar++){
+//     A[ipar][jpar]+=derivs[ipar+1]*derivs[jpar+1];
+     A[ipar][jpar]+=numb_derivs[ipar+1]*numb_derivs[jpar+1];
+    }//endof inner parameter loop
+   }//endof outer parameter loop
+  }// calc_derivatives succeeded
+ }//endof pointloop
+ prtflg=0;
+ if (prtflg!=0){
+  System.out.print("chisq before fit ");System.out.print(chisq); 
+//  System.out.println(" ");
+  System.out.print(" "); current_hel.printHelix();
+ }
+//  A[0][0]=1.;A[0][1]=1.;A[1][1]=100.;A[0][2]=-1.;A[1][2]=2.;A[2][2]=10000.;
+//  A[1][0]=A[0][1];A[2][0]=A[0][2];A[2][1]=A[1][2];
+  for (int ii=0; ii<norder; ii++){for (int jj=0; jj<norder; jj++){Z[ii][jj]=A[ii][jj];}}
+  SODmatinv iflg= new SODmatinv(); double det=0.0; iflg.matinv(A,norder,det);
+// change impedence match int iflg=matinv(A,Z); ftemp=iflg;
+//  double det=0.0; int iflg=matinv(A,norder,det); ftemp=iflg;
+     prtflg=0;
+     if (prtflg!=0){
+      for (int ii=0; ii<norder; ii++){
+       System.out.print("A ");System.out.print(A[ii][0]);
+       System.out.print(" ");System.out.print(A[ii][1]);
+       System.out.print(" ");System.out.println(A[ii][2]);
+      }
+      for (int ii=0; ii<norder; ii++){
+       System.out.print("Z ");System.out.print(Z[ii][0]);
+       System.out.print(" ");System.out.print(Z[ii][1]);
+       System.out.print(" ");System.out.println(Z[ii][2]);
+      }
+     }//end prtflg
+//if matrix inverted, calc new chisq
+      if ( check_inversion(A,Z) ){
+       ftemp=0;
+       for(int ii=0;ii<norder;ii++){for(int jj=0;jj<norder;jj++){B[ii]+=A[ii][jj]*D[jj];}}
+       SODHel new_hel=new SODHel();
+       new_hel.make_hel(current_hel.D0()-0.5*B[0],current_hel.Phi0()-0.5*B[1],
+                        current_hel.Omega()-0.5*B[2],current_hel.Z0(),current_hel.Tanl());
+//       new_hel.printHelix();
+       next_hel=new_hel;
+       double new_chisq=0.0;
+//       for (int ii=0; ii<norder; ii++){
+//        D[ii]=0.0; B[ii]=0.0; for (int jj=0; jj<norder; jj++){A[ii][jj]=0.0;Z[ii][jj]=0.0;}
+//       }
+//       System.out.println(" ");
+//       for (ListIterator ii = _hitlist.listIterator(); ii.hasNext();){
+//        SODHit shit=(SODHit);
+//        double [] derivs=new double[4];
+//        if ( shit.calc_circ_derivatives(new_hel,derivs) ){ 
+//         prtflg=1;
+//         if (prtflg!=0){
+//          System.out.print("derivs ");System.out.print(derivs[0]);
+//          System.out.print(" ");System.out.print(derivs[1]);
+//          System.out.print(" ");System.out.print(derivs[2]);
+//          System.out.print(" ");System.out.println(derivs[3]);
+//         }//end prtflg
+//         new_chisq+=derivs[0]*derivs[0];
+//         for(int ipar=0; ipar<norder; ipar++){
+//          D[ipar]+=derivs[0]*derivs[ipar+1];
+//          //inner parameter loop
+//          for(int jpar=0; jpar<norder; jpar++){
+//           A[ipar][jpar]+=derivs[ipar+1]*derivs[jpar+1];
+//          }//endof inner parameter loop
+//         }//endof outer parameter loop
+//        }// calc_derivatives succeeded
+//       }//endof pointloop
+//       System.out.print("chisq before fit ");System.out.print(new_chisq); 
+//     System.out.println(" ");
+//       System.out.print(" "); new_hel.printHelix();
+//       if (new_chisq<chisq)System.out.println("FITTING!!! ");
+//try again!
+//       for (int ii=0; ii<norder; ii++){for (int jj=0; jj<norder; jj++){Z[ii][jj]=A[ii][jj];}}
+//       SODmatinv jflg= new SODmatinv(); det=0.0; jflg.matinv(A,norder,det);
+//       if ( check_inversion(A,Z) ){
+//        for(int ii=0;ii<norder;ii++){for(int jj=0;jj<norder;jj++){B[ii]+=A[ii][jj]*D[jj];}}
+//        SODHel newest_hel=new SODHel();
+//        newest_hel.make_hel(new_hel.D0()-0.5*B[0],new_hel.Phi0()-0.5*B[1],new_hel.Omega()-0.5*B[2],
+//                            new_hel.Z0(),new_hel.Tanl());
+//        newest_hel.printHelix();
+//        double next_chisq=0.0;
+//        System.out.println(" ");
+//        for (ListIterator ii = _hitlist.listIterator(); ii.hasNext();){
+//         SODHit shit=(SODHit);
+//         double [] derivs=new double[4];
+//         if ( shit.calc_circ_derivatives(newest_hel,derivs) ){ 
+//          prtflg=1;
+//          if (prtflg!=0){
+//           System.out.print("derivs ");System.out.print(derivs[0]);
+//           System.out.print(" ");System.out.print(derivs[1]);
+//           System.out.print(" ");System.out.print(derivs[2]);
+//           System.out.print(" ");System.out.println(derivs[3]);
+//          }//end prtflg
+//          next_chisq+=derivs[0]*derivs[0];
+//         }// calc_derivatives succeeded
+//        }//endof pointloop
+//        System.out.print("my_three_chisq");
+//        System.out.print(" ");System.out.print(current_hel.D0() );
+//        System.out.print(" ");System.out.print(new_hel.D0() );
+//        System.out.print(" ");System.out.print(newest_hel.D0() );
+//        System.out.print(" ");System.out.print(current_hel.Phi0() );
+//        System.out.print(" ");System.out.print(current_hel.Omega() );
+//        System.out.print(" ");System.out.print(chisq);
+//        System.out.print(" ");System.out.print(new_chisq);
+//        System.out.print(" ");System.out.println(next_chisq);
+//        if (next_chisq<new_chisq)System.out.println("STILL FITTING!!! ");
+//       }//end next matrix inverted
+      }//end matrix inverted
+ return ftemp;
+ int matinv(double[][] A, int snorder, double sdet){
+  int iflg=0;
+  double[] amat = new double[6];
+  amat[0]=A[0][0];amat[1]=A[0][1];amat[2]=A[1][1];
+  amat[3]=A[0][2];amat[4]=A[1][2];amat[5]=A[2][2];
+  double[] ainv = new double[6]; 
+  sdet=dchThreeInv(amat,ainv);
+  if (0.0!=sdet)iflg=1;
+  A[0][0]=ainv[0];A[0][1]=ainv[1];A[1][1]=ainv[2];
+  A[0][2]=ainv[3];A[1][2]=ainv[4];A[2][2]=ainv[5];
+  A[1][0]=ainv[1];A[2][0]=ainv[3];A[2][1]=ainv[4];
+  return iflg;
+ }
+// int dchThreeInv( double matrix[6], double invmat[6]) {
+ double dchThreeInv( double[] matrix, double[] invmat) {
+   /* Declare variables. */
+   double det, detinv;
+//   double cofactor[6];
+   double[] cofactor = new double[6];
+  /**************************************************************************/
+//     System.out.print("matrix ");System.out.print(matrix[0]);
+//     System.out.print(" ");System.out.print(matrix[1]);
+//     System.out.print(" ");System.out.print(matrix[2]);
+//     System.out.print(" ");System.out.print(matrix[3]);
+//     System.out.print(" ");System.out.print(matrix[4]);
+//     System.out.print(" ");System.out.println(matrix[5]);
+   cofactor[0] =  (matrix[2]*matrix[5] - matrix[4]*matrix[4]);
+   cofactor[1] = -(matrix[1]*matrix[5] - matrix[3]*matrix[4]);
+   cofactor[3] =  (matrix[1]*matrix[4] - matrix[2]*matrix[3]);
+   det = matrix[0] * cofactor[0] + 
+         matrix[1] * cofactor[1] +
+         matrix[3] * cofactor[3];
+   if (det == 0.0) return det;
+   detinv = 1./det;
+   cofactor[2] =  (matrix[0]*matrix[5] - matrix[3]*matrix[3]);
+   cofactor[4] = -(matrix[0]*matrix[4] - matrix[1]*matrix[3]);
+   cofactor[5] =  (matrix[0]*matrix[2] - matrix[1]*matrix[1]);
+   invmat[0] = cofactor[0] * detinv;
+   invmat[1] = cofactor[1] * detinv;
+   invmat[2] = cofactor[2] * detinv;
+   invmat[3] = cofactor[3] * detinv;
+   invmat[4] = cofactor[4] * detinv;
+   invmat[5] = cofactor[5] * detinv;
+//     System.out.print("invmat ");System.out.print(invmat[0]);
+//     System.out.print(" ");System.out.print(invmat[1]);
+//     System.out.print(" ");System.out.print(invmat[2]);
+//     System.out.print(" ");System.out.print(invmat[3]);
+//     System.out.print(" ");System.out.print(invmat[4]);
+//     System.out.print(" ");System.out.println(invmat[5]);
+   return det;
+ }
+ boolean check_inversion( double[][] A, double[][] Z) {
+     int prtflg=0;
+     boolean rtflg=false; int norder=3;
+     double[][] I = new double[3][3];
+     for(int ipar=0; ipar<norder; ipar++){
+      for(int jpar=0; jpar<norder; jpar++){
+       I[ipar][jpar]=A[ipar][0]*Z[0][jpar]+A[ipar][1]*Z[1][jpar]+A[ipar][2]*Z[2][jpar];
+      }
+     }
+     if ((Math.abs(I[0][0]-1.0)<epsilon)&&(Math.abs(I[1][1]-1.0)<epsilon)&&(Math.abs(I[2][2]-1.0)<epsilon)&&
+         (Math.abs(I[0][1]    )<epsilon)&&(Math.abs(I[0][2]    )<epsilon)&&(Math.abs(I[1][2]    )<epsilon))rtflg=true;
+//     if (rtflg)System.out.println("MATRIX INVERTED!!!!!");
+     prtflg=0;
+     if (prtflg!=0){      
+      for (int ii=0; ii<norder; ii++){
+       System.out.print("I ");System.out.print(I[ii][0]);
+       System.out.print(" ");System.out.print(I[ii][1]);
+       System.out.print(" ");System.out.println(I[ii][2]);
+      }
+     }//end prtflg
+  return rtflg;
+ }
+ public void printFit()
+ {
+   System.out.print(" ");System.out.print(chisq); 
+   System.out.print(" ");System.out.print(nhits); 
+   System.out.print(" "); current_hel.printHelix();
+ }
+ public double Chisq(){return chisq;}
+ public int Nhits(){return nhits;}
+ public java.util.LinkedList hitlist(){return _hitlist;}
+ private double chisq;
+ private int norder;
+ private int fail;
+ private int nhits;
+ private static int nfree=3;
+ private SODHel current_hel;
+ private SODHel next_hel;
+ private java.util.LinkedList _hitlist;
+ private static double pi=3.14159265359;
+ private static double twopi=6.283185307;
+ private static double epsilon=0.000000001;

lcsim/src/org/lcsim/contrib/SODTracker added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	10 Mar 2006 21:21:34 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
+package org.lcsim.contrib.SODTracker;
+import org.lcsim.util.step.TrkParams;
+import java.util.*;
+public class SODHel
+ public SODHel()
+ {
+ }
+ public void make_hel(TrkParams t)
+ {
+    d0=t.getParam(0);phi0=t.getParam(1);omega=t.getParam(2);
+    z0=t.getParam(3);tanl=t.getParam(4);q=1;if(omega<0.0)q=-1;
+    aomega=Math.abs(omega);sphi0=Math.sin(phi0);cphi0=Math.cos(phi0);
+    ominfl=true; if(omin>aomega){ominfl=false;}
+//    xc=-sphi0*(d0+1.0/omega);yc=cphi0*(d0+1.0/omega);
+    x0=-sphi0*d0; y0=cphi0*d0; xc=x0-sphi0/omega; yc=y0+cphi0/omega;
+ }
+ public void make_hel(double d,double p,double o,double z,double t)
+ {
+    d0=d;phi0=p;omega=o;z0=z;tanl=t;q=1;if(omega<0.0)q=-1;
+    if (phi0>pi)phi0-=twopi; if (phi0<(-pi))phi0+=twopi;
+    aomega=Math.abs(omega);sphi0=Math.sin(phi0);cphi0=Math.cos(phi0);
+    ominfl=true; if(omin>aomega){ominfl=false;}
+//    xc=-sphi0*(d0+1.0/omega);yc=cphi0*(d0+1.0/omega);
+//    x0=-sphi0*d0; y0=cphi0*d0; xc=x0-sphi0/omega; yc=y0+cphi0/omega;
+    xref=0.0; yref=0.0; x0=X0(); y0=Y0(); xc=Xc(); yc=Yc();
+ }
+ public void make_hel_with_ref(double d,double p,double o,double z,double t, double xnew, double ynew)
+ {
+    d0=d;phi0=p;omega=o;z0=z;tanl=t;q=1;if(omega<0.0)q=-1;
+    aomega=Math.abs(omega);sphi0=Math.sin(phi0);cphi0=Math.cos(phi0);
+    ominfl=true; if(omin>aomega){ominfl=false;}
+//    xc=-sphi0*(d0+1.0/omega);yc=cphi0*(d0+1.0/omega);
+//    x0=-sphi0*d0; y0=cphi0*d0; xc=x0-sphi0/omega; yc=y0+cphi0/omega;
+    xref=xnew; yref=xnew; x0=X0(); y0=Y0(); xc=Xc(); yc=Yc();
+ }
+ public void change_ref(double xnew,double ynew)
+ {
+// the helix is always constructed with (xref,yref)=(0,0) but may
+// need to change it to improve matrix inversion problems
+  double rnew=Math.sqrt(xnew*xnew+ynew*ynew);
+  double phinew=Math.atan2(ynew,xnew);
+  double phi1 = phi1_at_radius(rnew);
+  double dphi=phinew-phi1;
+  if(dphi<-pi)dphi+=twopi;if(dphi>pi)dphi-=twopi;
+  _resid=dphi*rnew; d0=_resid;
+  phinew=phi0+omega*len; phi0=phinew;
+  xref=xnew; yref=ynew;
+  x0=X0(); y0=Y0(); xc=Xc(); yc=Yc();
+  printHelix();
+//  System.out.print("change xref yref ");System.out.print(xnew);
+//  System.out.print(" ");System.out.println(ynew);
+ }
+ public double Xref(){return xref;}
+ public double Yref(){return yref;}
+ public void printHelix()
+ {
+//    System.out.print("SODHel ");
+    System.out.print(d0);
+    System.out.print(" ");System.out.print(phi0);
+    System.out.print(" ");System.out.print(omega);
+    System.out.print(" ");System.out.print(z0);
+    System.out.print(" ");System.out.print(tanl);
+//    System.out.print(" ");System.out.print(xref);
+//    System.out.print(" ");System.out.print(yref);
+    System.out.println(" ");
+ }
+ public double D0(){return d0;}
+ public double Phi0(){return phi0;}
+ public double Omega(){return omega;}
+ public double Z0(){return z0;}
+ public double Tanl(){return tanl;}
+ public int Q(){return q;}
+// public double Xc(){return xc;}
+// public double Yc(){return yc;}
+ public double Xc(){return (X0()-sphi0/omega);}
+ public double Yc(){return (Y0()+cphi0/omega);}
+ public double X0(){return (xref-sphi0*d0);}
+ public double Y0(){return (yref+cphi0*d0);}
+ public double Xh(double l){
+  if(ominfl){double phit=phi0+omega*l;return (xc+Math.sin(phit)/omega);}
+  else{return (-sphi0*d0+cphi0*l-0.5*l*l*omega*sphi0);}//ominfl
+ }//endof Xh
+ public double Yh(double l){
+  if(ominfl){double phit=phi0+omega*l;return (yc-Math.cos(phit)/omega);
+  }else{return (cphi0*d0+sphi0*l+0.5*l*l*omega*cphi0);}//ominfl
+ }//endof Yh
+ public double Zh(double l){return (z0+tanl*l);}//endof Zh
+ public double Px(double l){
+  if(ominfl){double phit=phi0+omega*l; return ptcon*Math.cos(phit)/aomega;}
+  else{return ptmax*cphi0;}//ominfl
+ }//endof Px
+ public double Py(double l){
+  if(ominfl){double phit=phi0+omega*l; return ptcon*Math.sin(phit)/aomega;}
+  else{return ptmax*sphi0;}//ominfl
+ }//endof Py
+ public double Pz(){
+  if(ominfl){return ptcon*tanl/aomega;}
+  else{return ptmax*tanl;}//ominfl
+ }//endof Pz
+ public double Ptot(){
+  if(ominfl){return ptcon*Math.sqrt(1.0+tanl*tanl)/aomega;}
+  else{return ptmax*Math.sqrt(1.0+tanl*tanl);}//ominfl
+ }//endof Ptot
+ public double Pt(){
+  if(ominfl){return ptcon/aomega;}
+  else{return ptmax;}//ominfl
+ }//endof Pt
+   public double phi1_at_radius(double rl)
+   {
+//  System.out.print("xref yref ");System.out.print(xref);
+//  System.out.print(" ");System.out.println(yref);
+    if ((0.0==xref)&&(0.0==yref)){
+     double orcsq=(1.0+d0*omega)*(1.0+d0*omega);
+     double orlsq=(rl*omega)*(rl*omega);
+     double cphil=(1.0+orcsq-orlsq)/(2.0*(1.0+d0*omega));
+     double phil1=Math.acos(cphil);
+     double l1=phil1/omega; if (l1<0.0)l1=-1.0*l1;
+     double phit=phi0+phil1; if (omega<0.0)phit=phi0-phil1;
+//     xh=xc+Math.sin(phit)/omega;
+//     yh=yc-Math.cos(phit)/omega;
+     xh=Xh(l1); yh=Yh(l1);
+     double rh=Math.sqrt(xh*xh+yh*yh);
+     double phih=Math.atan2(yh,xh);
+     len=l1;
+//     System.out.println("or here?");
+     return phih;
+    }else{
+//     System.out.println("am i here?");
+     xh=0.0; yh=0.0; len=0.0; double phih=0.0; return phih;
+    } 
+   }
+   public boolean calc_circ_derivatives(double rl,double phihit,double [] derivs)
+   {
+    double phi1 = phi1_at_radius(rl);
+    double dphi=phihit-phi1;
+    if(dphi<-pi)dphi+=twopi;if(dphi>pi)dphi-=twopi;
+    _resid=dphi*rl;
+    derivs[0]= _resid;
+//    derivs[1]= 0.9*.0140;derivs[2]= 1.0*.0140;derivs[3]= 1.2*.0140;
+//  impedence matching (lots of circle and phi strip approxes)
+    double phi=phi1;
+    double fac=1.0;
+    if(_resid<0.0) {fac=-fac;}
+    if(d0<0.0) {fac=-fac;}
+    double vx=-Math.sin(phi), vy=Math.cos(phi);
+    double tx= Math.cos(phi), ty=Math.sin(phi); //am I sure???
+    double f0=0.0;
+    double dddd0=-vx*sphi0+vy*cphi0; derivs[1]=dddd0*fac;
+    double dddp0=-(yh-y0+f0*ty)*vx+(xh-x0+f0*tx)*vy;
+    dddp0=dddp0*(1.0+d0*omega); 
+    derivs[2]=dddp0*fac;
+    double dddom;
+//?    if (ominfl){ 
+//?     dddom=((len*Math.cos(phi)-xh+x0)*vx+(len*Math.sin(phi)-yh+y0)*vy)/omega;
+//?     dddom+=f0*len*cosl*(-Math.sin(phi)*vx+Math.cos(phi)*vy);
+//?    }else{
+     dddom=0.5*len*len*(-vx*sphi0+vy*cphi0);
+//???     dddom=0.5*len*len*dddd0;
+//    dddom=0.5*len*len*(-Math.sin(phi)*vx+Math.cos(phi)*vy);
+//ght    double chsq=(xh-x0)*(xh-x0)+(yh-y0)*(yh-y0);
+//ght    dddom=0.5*chsq*(ty*vx-tx*vy);
+//    double xdddom1=((len*Math.cos(phi)-xh+x0)*vx+(len*Math.sin(phi)-yh+y0)*vy)/omega;
+//    double xdddom2=len*(-Math.sin(phi)*vx+Math.cos(phi)*vy);
+//    f0=(dddom-xdddom1)/xdddom2;
+//    System.out.print("dddom ");System.out.print(dddom);
+//    System.out.print(" ");System.out.print(xdddom1);
+//    System.out.print(" ");System.out.print(xdddom2);
+//    System.out.print(" ");System.out.println(f0);
+//    double dang=Math.cos(phi)*Math.sin(phihit)-Math.sin(phi)*Math.cos(phihit);
+//    System.out.print("dang omega ");System.out.print(dang);
+//    System.out.print(" ");System.out.println(omega);
+//?    }
+    derivs[3]=dddom*fac;
+//    derivs[1]=derivs[1]/100.;derivs[2]=derivs[2]/10000.;derivs[3]=derivs[3]/10000.;
+    return true;
+   }
+ private double d0;
+ private double phi0;
+ private double omega;
+ private double z0;
+ private double tanl;
+ private double aomega;
+ private double sphi0; 
+ private double cphi0;
+ private int q;
+ private boolean ominfl;
+ private static double omin=0.000005;
+ private static double pi=3.14159265359;
+ private static double twopi=6.283185307;
+ private static double ptmax=3000.0;
+ private static double ptcon=0.015;
+ private double xref;
+ private double yref;
+ private double x0;
+ private double y0;
+ private double xc;
+ private double yc;
+ private double _resid;
+ private double len;
+ private double xh;
+ private double yh;

lcsim/src/org/lcsim/contrib/SODTracker added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	10 Mar 2006 21:21:34 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
+package org.lcsim.contrib.SODTracker;
+import org.lcsim.event.TrackerHit;
+import org.lcsim.event.SimTrackerHit;
+import org.lcsim.event.MCParticle;
+import org.lcsim.util.step.TrkParams;
+import java.util.*;
+public class SODHit
+ public SODHit()
+ {
+  _used_on_hel=-1;
+  _resid=-10000.0;
+  _is_foreground_hit=false;
+ }
+// public SODHit(TrackerHit h)
+ public void make_hit(TrackerHit h)
+ {
+  _used_on_hel=0;
+  _is_foreground_hit=true;
+//jas2  double[] hitpos = h.getPoint();
+  double[] hitpos = h.getPosition();
+  _hitx = hitpos[0];
+  _hity = hitpos[1];
+  _hitrad = Math.sqrt(_hitx*_hitx+_hity*_hity);
+  _hitlay=0; 
+// if _hitlay=0 it's not a SODHIT and other data may be invalid,
+// SO CHECK ON IT!!!  
+  if ((_hitrad>20.00)&&(_hitrad<20.10))_hitlay=1;
+  if ((_hitrad>46.25)&&(_hitrad<46.35))_hitlay=2;
+  if ((_hitrad>72.50)&&(_hitrad<72.60))_hitlay=3;
+  if ((_hitrad>98.75)&&(_hitrad<98.85))_hitlay=4;
+  if ((_hitrad>125.0)&&(_hitrad<125.1))_hitlay=5;
+// not really true right now (let sit hits be SODHit's also and
+// protect "elsewhere")
+  if ((_hitrad>1.15)&&(_hitrad<1.25))_hitlay=1;
+  if ((_hitrad>2.35)&&(_hitrad<2.45))_hitlay=2;
+  if ((_hitrad>3.55)&&(_hitrad<3.65))_hitlay=3;
+  if ((_hitrad>4.75)&&(_hitrad<4.85))_hitlay=4;
+  if ((_hitrad>5.95)&&(_hitrad<6.05))_hitlay=5;
+  _hitphi = Math.atan2(_hity,_hitx);
+//  System.out.print("drawmetrk ");System.out.print(_hitx);
+//  System.out.print(" ");System.out.println(_hity);
+//  TrackerHit _savehit = h;
+ }
+    public void make_hit(int lay, double xin, double yin, double rgauss, SimTrackerHit trackerHit, MCParticle mcp)
+ {
+  _used_on_hel=0;
+  _is_foreground_hit=true;
+  _hitx = xin*mmtocm;
+  _hity = yin*mmtocm;
+  _hitrad = Math.sqrt(_hitx*_hitx+_hity*_hity);
+  _hitlay=lay+1; 
+  _hitphi = Math.atan2(_hity,_hitx);
+  double myres = sodres; if (_hitrad<10.0){myres = vtxres;}
+  _hitx-=rgauss*myres*Math.sin(_hitphi);
+  _hity+=rgauss*myres*Math.cos(_hitphi);
+  _hitphi = Math.atan2(_hity,_hitx);
+  _trackerHit = trackerHit;
+  _mcParticle = mcp;
+ }
+    public void make_hit(int lay, double xin, double yin, double rgauss, SimTrackerHit trackerHit)
+ {
+  _used_on_hel=0;
+  _is_foreground_hit=true;
+  _hitx = xin*mmtocm;
+  _hity = yin*mmtocm;
+  _hitrad = Math.sqrt(_hitx*_hitx+_hity*_hity);
+  _hitlay=lay+1; 
+  _hitphi = Math.atan2(_hity,_hitx);
+  double myres = sodres; if (_hitrad<10.0){myres = vtxres;}
+  _hitx-=rgauss*myres*Math.sin(_hitphi);
+  _hity+=rgauss*myres*Math.cos(_hitphi);
+  _hitphi = Math.atan2(_hity,_hitx);
+  _trackerHit = trackerHit;
+ }
+ public void make_hit(double xrad, double xphi)
+ {
+  _used_on_hel=0;
+  _is_foreground_hit=false;
+  _hitx = xrad*Math.cos(xphi);
+  _hity = xrad*Math.sin(xphi);
+  _hitrad = xrad;
+  _hitlay=0; 
+// if _hitlay=0 it's not a SODHIT and other data may be invalid,
+// SO CHECK ON IT!!!  
+  if ((_hitrad>20.00)&&(_hitrad<20.10))_hitlay=1;
+  if ((_hitrad>46.25)&&(_hitrad<46.35))_hitlay=2;
+  if ((_hitrad>72.50)&&(_hitrad<72.60))_hitlay=3;
+  if ((_hitrad>98.75)&&(_hitrad<98.85))_hitlay=4;
+  if ((_hitrad>125.0)&&(_hitrad<125.1))_hitlay=5;
+  _hitphi = xphi;
+//  System.out.print("drawmebg ");System.out.print(_hitx);
+//  System.out.print(" ");System.out.println(_hity);
+//  TrackerHit _savehit = h;
+ }
+ public int GetUsedOnHel(){return _used_on_hel;}
+ public void SetUsedOnHel(int i){_used_on_hel=i;}
+ public int layer(){return _hitlay;}
+ public double x(){return _hitx;}
+ public double y(){return _hity;}
+ public double r(){return _hitrad;}
+ public double phi(){return _hitphi;}
+// the following only make sense after calc_resid (test on true)
+ public double get_resid(){return _resid;}
+   public boolean calc_circ_derivatives(SODHel t, double [] derivs)
+   {
+//    calc_resid(t); derivs[0]= get_resid()/e();
+    t.calc_circ_derivatives(_hitrad,_hitphi,derivs); 
+    double estrip=e();
+// c++    for(int i=0; i<derivs.length(); i++) {derivs[i]/=estrip;}
+    for(int i=0; i<4; i++) {derivs[i]/=estrip;}
+//    derivs[0]= derivs[0]/e();
+    return true;
+   }
+   public boolean calc_numb_derivatives(SODHel t, double [] derivs)
+   {
+    calc_resid(t); double resid_base=get_resid(); double error=e(); 
+    derivs[0]=resid_base/error; double delta=0.0001;
+    SODHel new_hel=new SODHel();
+    new_hel.make_hel(t.D0()+delta,t.Phi0(),t.Omega(),t.Z0(),t.Tanl());
+    calc_resid(new_hel);derivs[1]=(get_resid()-resid_base)/(delta*error);
+    new_hel.make_hel(t.D0(),t.Phi0()+delta,t.Omega(),t.Z0(),t.Tanl());
+    calc_resid(new_hel);derivs[2]=(get_resid()-resid_base)/(delta*error);
+    delta=0.01*t.Omega();
+    new_hel.make_hel(t.D0(),t.Phi0(),t.Omega()+delta,t.Z0(),t.Tanl());
+    calc_resid(new_hel);derivs[3]=(get_resid()-resid_base)/(delta*error);
+    return true;
+   }
+   public boolean calc_resid(SODHel t)
+   {
+     double phi1 = t.phi1_at_radius(_hitrad);
+     double dphi=_hitphi-phi1;
+     if(dphi<-pi)dphi+=twopi;if(dphi>pi)dphi-=twopi;
+     _resid=dphi*_hitrad;
+     int prtflg=0;
+     if (prtflg!=0){
+      System.out.print("hittup ");System.out.print(_hitlay);
+      System.out.print(" ");System.out.print(_hitrad);
+      System.out.print(" ");System.out.print(_resid);
+      System.out.print(" ");System.out.print(t.D0());
+      System.out.print(" ");System.out.print(t.Phi0());
+      System.out.print(" ");System.out.println(t.Omega());
+     }//end printing
+     return true;
+   }
+   public boolean calc_resid(TrkParams t)
+   {
+     double phi1 = phi1_at_radius(t,_hitrad);
+     double dphi=_hitphi-phi1;
+     if(dphi<-pi)dphi+=twopi;if(dphi>pi)dphi-=twopi;
+     _resid=dphi*_hitrad;
+     int prtflg=0;
+     if (prtflg!=0){
+      System.out.print("hittup ");System.out.print(_hitlay);
+      System.out.print(" ");System.out.print(_hitrad);
+      System.out.print(" ");System.out.print(_resid);
+      System.out.print(" ");System.out.print(t.getParam(0));
+      System.out.print(" ");System.out.print(t.getParam(1));
+      System.out.print(" ");System.out.println(t.getParam(2));
+     }//end printing
+     return true;
+   }
+   public double phi1_at_radius(TrkParams t, double rl)
+   {
+    double d0=t.getParam(0);
+    double phi0=t.getParam(1);
+    double omega=t.getParam(2);
+    double orcsq=(1.0+d0*omega)*(1.0+d0*omega);
+    double orlsq=(rl*omega)*(rl*omega);
+    double cphil=(1.0+orcsq-orlsq)/(2.0*(1.0+d0*omega));
+    double phil1=Math.acos(cphil);
+    double l1=phil1/omega; if (l1<0.0)l1=-1.0*l1;
+    double sp0=Math.sin(phi0); double cp0=Math.cos(phi0);
+    double xc=-sp0*(d0+1.0/omega);
+    double yc=cp0*(d0+1.0/omega);
+    double phit=phi0+phil1; if (omega<0.0)phit=phi0-phil1;
+    double xh=xc+Math.sin(phit)/omega;
+    double yh=yc-Math.cos(phit)/omega;
+    double rh=Math.sqrt(xh*xh+yh*yh);
+    double phih=Math.atan2(yh,xh);
+    return phih; 
+   }
+   public double e(double pt){
+    double res = -0.00040625*pt+0.0208125;
+    if ((pt<2.0)&&(_hitlay==1))res=-0.01*pt+0.04;
+    if ((pt<2.0)&&(_hitlay==5))res=-0.18*pt+0.38;
+    if ((res<0.0130)&&(_hitlay==1))res=0.0130;
+    if ((res<0.0141)&&(_hitlay==5))res=0.0141;
+    return res;
+   }
+   public double e(){
+//fundamental res    double res = 0.0007;
+//    double res = 0.0140;
+//used for slac workshop    double res = 0.0060;
+//c  for now change resolution by hand in SODHit e() 
+//c   to compensate for MS
+//    double res = 0.0020; //new012904 for 50 GeV 10 hits
+//    double res = 0.0100; //new020204 for 1 GeV 10 hits
+//    double res = 0.0040; //new081905 for 2 GeV 10 hits
+//    double res = 0.0024; //new081905 for 5 GeV 10 hits
+//    double res = 0.0021; //new081905 for 10 GeV 10 hits
+//    double res = 0.0010; //new011006 for 20, 50, 100 GeV 10 hits
+       double res = sodres; if (_hitrad<10.0){res = vtxres;}
+    return res;
+   }
+   public boolean IsForegroundHit(){return _is_foreground_hit;}
+   public MCParticle getMCParticle(){return _mcParticle;}
+    public SimTrackerHit getHit(){return _trackerHit;}
+ private int _hitlay;
+ private double _hitx;
+ private double _hity;
+ private double _hitrad;
+ private double _hitphi;
+ private double _resid;
+ private boolean _is_foreground_hit;
+ public int _used_on_hel;
+ private static double pi=3.14159265359;
+ private static double twopi=6.283185307;
+ private static double mmtocm=0.1;
+ private static double vtxres=0.0005;
+ private static double sodres=0.0007;
+ private SimTrackerHit _trackerHit;
+ private MCParticle _mcParticle;

lcsim/src/org/lcsim/contrib/SODTracker added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	10 Mar 2006 21:21:34 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+package org.lcsim.contrib.SODTracker;
+import java.util.*;
+//import org.lcsim.util.aida.AIDA;
+public class SODHitAdder
+//   private AIDA aida = AIDA.defaultInstance();
+   public SODHitAdder()
+   {
+    out_fit = new SODFittedCir();
+   }
+   public SODHitAdder(SODFittedCir in_fit,
+                      java.util.LinkedList l1shlist,
+                      java.util.LinkedList l2shlist,
+                      java.util.LinkedList l3shlist,
+                      java.util.LinkedList l4shlist,
+                      java.util.LinkedList l5shlist) {
+      SODFittedCir new_fit = new SODFittedCir();
+      SODL1Path firstpa = new SODL1Path(1,in_fit,l1shlist,l2shlist,l3shlist,l4shlist,l5shlist);
+      int best_nhits=firstpa.Nhits();
+      double best_rcs=firstpa.Rcs();
+      int best_iflag=firstpa.Complete_trk();
+      double best_pt=firstpa.Pt();
+      double previous_rcs=1000000.0;
+      int previous_iflag=-1;
+      new_fit = firstpa.out_fit();
+      SODL1Path nextpa  = new SODL1Path(2,in_fit,l1shlist,l2shlist,l3shlist,l4shlist,l5shlist);
+      double next_rcs=nextpa.Rcs();
+      if ((next_rcs<best_rcs)&&(nextpa.Nhits()>=best_nhits)){
+       previous_rcs=best_rcs; previous_iflag=best_iflag;
+       best_pt=nextpa.Pt();
+       best_nhits=nextpa.Nhits();
+       best_rcs=next_rcs;
+       best_iflag=nextpa.Complete_trk();
+       new_fit = nextpa.out_fit();
+      }else{
+       previous_rcs=next_rcs;
+       previous_iflag=nextpa.Complete_trk();
+      }
+      SODL1Path thirdpa = new SODL1Path(3,in_fit,l1shlist,l2shlist,l3shlist,l4shlist,l5shlist);
+      double third_rcs=thirdpa.Rcs(); 
+      if ((third_rcs<best_rcs)&&(thirdpa.Nhits()>=best_nhits)){
+       previous_rcs=best_rcs; previous_iflag=best_iflag;
+       best_pt=thirdpa.Pt();
+       best_nhits=thirdpa.Nhits();
+       best_rcs=third_rcs;
+       best_iflag=thirdpa.Complete_trk();
+       new_fit = thirdpa.out_fit();
+      }else{
+       if (third_rcs<previous_rcs){
+        previous_rcs=third_rcs;
+        previous_iflag=thirdpa.Complete_trk();
+       }
+      }
+//      SODL1Path fourthpa = new SODL1Path(4,in_fit,l1shlist,l2shlist,l3shlist,l4shlist,l5shlist);
+//      double fourthpa_rcs=fourthpa.Rcs(); 
+//      if ((fourthpa_rcs<best_rcs)&&(fourthpa.Nhits()>=best_nhits)){
+//       previous_rcs=best_rcs; previous_iflag=best_iflag;
+//       best_pt=fourthpa.Pt();
+//       best_nhits=fourthpa.Nhits();
+//       best_rcs=fourthpa_rcs;
+//       best_iflag=fourthpa.Complete_trk();
+//       new_fit = fourthpa.out_fit();
+//      }else{
+//       if (fourthpa_rcs<previous_rcs){
+//        previous_rcs=fourthpa_rcs;
+//        previous_iflag=fourthpa.Complete_trk();
+//       }
+//      }
+//      SODL1Path fifthpa = new SODL1Path(3,in_fit,l1shlist,l2shlist,l3shlist,l4shlist,l5shlist);
+//      double fifthpa_rcs=fifthpa.Rcs(); 
+//      if ((fifthpa_rcs<best_rcs)&&(fifthpa.Nhits()>=best_nhits)){
+//       previous_rcs=best_rcs; previous_iflag=best_iflag;
+//       best_pt=fifthpa.Pt();
+//       best_nhits=fifthpa.Nhits();
+//       best_rcs=fifthpa_rcs;
+//       best_iflag=fifthpa.Complete_trk();
+//       new_fit = fifthpa.out_fit();
+//      }else{
+//       if (fifthpa_rcs<previous_rcs){
+//        previous_rcs=fifthpa_rcs;
+//        previous_iflag=fifthpa.Complete_trk();
+//       }
+//      }
+      int prtflg=0;
+      if (prtflg!=0){
+	  System.out.print("SODHitAdder");
+	  System.out.print(" ");System.out.print(best_rcs);
+	  System.out.print(" ");System.out.print(best_nhits);
+	  System.out.print(" ");System.out.print(best_iflag);
+	  System.out.print(" ");System.out.print(best_pt);
+	  System.out.print(" ");System.out.print(previous_rcs);
+	  System.out.print(" ");System.out.print(previous_iflag);
+	  System.out.println(" ");
+      }
+//      aida.cloud1D("Mom").fill(best_pt);
+         out_fit=new_fit;
+   }//end ctor from 5 hit lists
+ public SODFittedCir get_new_fit(){return out_fit;}
+ private SODFittedCir out_fit;
+ private static double pi=3.14159265359;
+ private static double twopi=6.283185307;

lcsim/src/org/lcsim/contrib/SODTracker added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	10 Mar 2006 21:21:34 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+package org.lcsim.contrib.SODTracker;
+import java.util.*;
+public class SODL1Path
+   public SODL1Path(int npath, SODFittedCir in_fit,
+                      java.util.LinkedList l1shlist,
+                      java.util.LinkedList l2shlist,
+                      java.util.LinkedList l3shlist,
+                      java.util.LinkedList l4shlist,
+                      java.util.LinkedList l5shlist)
+   {
+     test_fit = new SODFittedCir(); 
+     complete_trk=0;
+     int prtflg=0;
+     double rmin=10.0;
+     test_fit.clone_fitted_cir(in_fit);
+//  see if hits in layers 1 5 are with tolerance
+         double l1_min_resid=rmin,l2_min_resid=rmin;
+         double l3_min_resid=rmin,l4_min_resid=rmin;
+         double l5_min_resid=rmin;
+         SODHit sh1_min=(SODHit)l1shlist.getFirst();
+         SODHit sh2_min=(SODHit)l2shlist.getFirst();
+         SODHit sh3_min=(SODHit)l3shlist.getFirst();
+         SODHit sh4_min=(SODHit)l4shlist.getFirst();
+         SODHit sh5_min=(SODHit)l5shlist.getFirst();
+//layer 1
+         int l1_correct_rank=0;
+         for (ListIterator ii = l1shlist.listIterator();ii.hasNext();){
+          SODHit sh1=(SODHit);
+          if ((sh1.GetUsedOnHel()==0)&&(sh1.calc_resid(test_fit))){ 
+           double resid= sh1.get_resid() ;
+           if ( Math.abs(resid)<Math.abs(l1_min_resid) ){
+            l1_min_resid=resid;
+            sh1_min=sh1;
+            l1_correct_rank++;
+            if (sh1.IsForegroundHit())l1_correct_rank=0;
+           }
+          }
+         }
+         if ( Math.abs(l1_min_resid)<rmin ){
+          test_fit.add_hit_to_fit(sh1_min);
+          sh1_min.SetUsedOnHel(npath); //try this
+          if(sh1_min.IsForegroundHit())complete_trk+=1;
+         }
+//layer 2
+         for (ListIterator ii = l2shlist.listIterator();ii.hasNext();){
+          SODHit sh2=(SODHit);
+          if ((sh2.GetUsedOnHel()==0)&&(sh2.calc_resid(test_fit))){ 
+           double resid= sh2.get_resid() ;
+           if ( Math.abs(resid)<Math.abs(l2_min_resid) ){l2_min_resid=resid; sh2_min=sh2;}
+          }
+         }
+         if ( Math.abs(l2_min_resid)<rmin ){
+          test_fit.add_hit_to_fit(sh2_min);
+          if(sh2_min.IsForegroundHit())complete_trk+=2;
+         }
+//layer 3
+         for (ListIterator ii = l3shlist.listIterator();ii.hasNext();){
+          SODHit sh3=(SODHit);
+          if ((sh3.GetUsedOnHel()==0)&&(sh3.calc_resid(test_fit))){ 
+           double resid= sh3.get_resid() ;
+           if ( Math.abs(resid)<Math.abs(l3_min_resid) ){l3_min_resid=resid; sh3_min=sh3;}
+          }
+         }
+         if ( Math.abs(l3_min_resid)<rmin ){
+          test_fit.add_hit_to_fit(sh3_min);
+          if(sh3_min.IsForegroundHit())complete_trk+=4;
+         }
+//layer 4
+         for (ListIterator ii = l4shlist.listIterator();ii.hasNext();){
+          SODHit sh4=(SODHit);
+          if ((sh4.GetUsedOnHel()==0)&&(sh4.calc_resid(test_fit))){ 
+           double resid= sh4.get_resid() ;
+           if ( Math.abs(resid)<Math.abs(l4_min_resid) ){l4_min_resid=resid; sh4_min=sh4;}
+          }
+         }
+         if ( Math.abs(l4_min_resid)<rmin ){
+          test_fit.add_hit_to_fit(sh4_min);
+          if(sh4_min.IsForegroundHit())complete_trk+=8;
+         }
+//layer 5
+         for (ListIterator ii = l5shlist.listIterator();ii.hasNext();){
+          SODHit sh5=(SODHit); 
+          if ((sh5.GetUsedOnHel()==0)&&(sh5.calc_resid(test_fit))){ 
+           double resid= sh5.get_resid() ;
+           if ( Math.abs(resid)<Math.abs(l5_min_resid) ){l5_min_resid=resid; sh5_min=sh5;}
+          }
+         }
+         if ( Math.abs(l5_min_resid)<rmin ){
+          test_fit.add_hit_to_fit(sh5_min);
+//was a bug          if(sh3_min.IsForegroundHit())complete_trk+=16;
+          if(sh5_min.IsForegroundHit())complete_trk+=16;
+         }
+//  if trk OK, add it to trk list
+//         if (1==npath)System.out.print("SODL1Path11111");
+//         if (2==npath)System.out.print("SODL1Path21111");
+//         if (3==npath)System.out.print("SODL1Path31111");
+//         System.out.print(" ");System.out.print(l1_min_resid);//usually
+//         if (1==npath){System.out.print(" ");System.out.print(l1_correct_rank);}
+//         System.out.print(" ");System.out.print(l2_min_resid);//usually
+//         System.out.print(" ");System.out.print(l3_min_resid);//usually
+//         System.out.print(" ");System.out.print(l4_min_resid);//usually
+//         System.out.print(" ");System.out.print(l5_min_resid);//usually
+//         System.out.print(" ");System.out.print(test_fit.Chisq());
+//         System.out.print(" ");System.out.print(test_fit.Nhits());
+//         System.out.print(" ");System.out.print(complete_trk);
+//         System.out.println(" ");
+   }//end ctor from 5 hit lists
+ public double Rcs(){
+  double rcs=1000000.0; double xhits=(double)test_fit.Nhits();
+  if (xhits>3.0){rcs=test_fit.Chisq()/(xhits-3.0);}
+  return rcs;
+ }
+ public double Chisq(){return test_fit.Chisq();}
+ public int Nhits(){return test_fit.Nhits();}
+ public double Pt(){return test_fit.Pt();}
+ public int Complete_trk(){return complete_trk;}
+ public SODFittedCir out_fit(){return test_fit;} 
+ private SODFittedCir test_fit; 
+ private int complete_trk;
+ private static double pi=3.14159265359;
+ private static double twopi=6.283185307;

lcsim/src/org/lcsim/contrib/SODTracker added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	10 Mar 2006 21:21:34 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+package org.lcsim.contrib.SODTracker;
+import java.util.*;
+public class SODNoiseMaker{
+    public SODNoiseMaker(java.util.LinkedList l1list, java.util.LinkedList l2list,
+			 java.util.LinkedList l3list, java.util.LinkedList l4list, java.util.LinkedList l5list) {
+	double rl1=20.05,rl2=46.30,rl3=72.55,rl4=98.80,rl5=125.05;
+	//split sod
+	int nl1=106,nl2=91,nl3=92,nl4=98,nl5=109;
+	//tiled sod    int nl1=36,nl2=5,nl3=1,nl4=0,nl5=1;
+	boolean success;
+	for(int i=0; i<nl1; i++) {
+	    double myphi = Math.random()*Math.PI*2.0;
+	    SODHit sh1=new SODHit(); sh1.make_hit(rl1,myphi); success=l1list.add(sh1);
+	}
+	for(int i=0; i<nl2; i++) {
+	    double myphi = Math.random()*Math.PI*2.0;
+	    SODHit sh2=new SODHit(); sh2.make_hit(rl2,myphi); success=l2list.add(sh2);
+	}
+	for(int i=0; i<nl3; i++) {
+	    double myphi = Math.random()*Math.PI*2.0;
+	    SODHit sh3=new SODHit(); sh3.make_hit(rl3,myphi); success=l3list.add(sh3);
+	}
+	for(int i=0; i<nl4; i++) {
+	    double myphi = Math.random()*Math.PI*2.0;
+	    SODHit sh4=new SODHit(); sh4.make_hit(rl4,myphi); success=l4list.add(sh4);
+	}
+	for(int i=0; i<nl5; i++) {
+	    double myphi = Math.random()*Math.PI*2.0;
+	    SODHit sh5=new SODHit(); sh5.make_hit(rl5,myphi); success=l5list.add(sh5);
+	}
+    }

lcsim/src/org/lcsim/contrib/SODTracker added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	10 Mar 2006 21:21:35 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+package org.lcsim.contrib.SODTracker;
+import java.util.*;
+public class SODReadGeom
+    public SODReadGeom(BufferedReader bread)
+    {
+	System.out.println("read in geometry with SODReadGeom ");
+	boolean success;
+	String input;
+	_radvtxlay = new double[10];
+	_radsodlay = new double[10];
+	_radsidlay = new double[20];
+	_resvtxlay = new double[10];
+	_ressodlay = new double[10];
+	_ressidlay = new double[20];
+	try{input = bread.readLine();
+	    int[] values = new int[13];
+	    int j=0;
+	    StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(input);
+	    while(st.hasMoreElements()){
+		if (j<13){values[j] = Float.valueOf(st.nextToken()).intValue();}
+		j++;
+	    }
+	    if (1==j){
+		_nvtxlay=values[0];
+		System.out.print(values[0]);
+		System.out.println(" vtx layers in SODReadGeom ");
+	    }else{System.out.println("BIG FUCKUP IN SODReadGeom");}
+	    int nl1=values[0];
+	    if (nl1>0){
+		input = bread.readLine(); st = new StringTokenizer(input); j=0;
+		while(st.hasMoreElements()){
+		    double myphi=Double.valueOf(st.nextToken()).doubleValue();
+		    _radvtxlay[j]=myphi; 
+		    j++;
+		}
+		if (nl1==j){// System.out.println(" ");
+		}else{System.out.println("BIG FUCKUP IN SODReadGeom vtx rad");}
+	    }
+	    int nl2=values[0]; if (nl2>0){
+		input = bread.readLine(); st = new StringTokenizer(input); j=0;
+		while(st.hasMoreElements()){
+		    double myphi=Double.valueOf(st.nextToken()).doubleValue(); 
+		    _resvtxlay[j]=myphi; 
+		    j++;
+		}
+		if (nl2==j){// System.out.println(" ");
+		}else{System.out.println("BIG FUCKUP IN SODReadGeom vtx res");}
+	    }
+	    input = bread.readLine(); st = new StringTokenizer(input); j=0;
+	    while(st.hasMoreElements()){
+		if (j<13){values[j] = Float.valueOf(st.nextToken()).intValue();}
+		j++;
+	    }
+	    if (1==j){
+		_nsodlay=values[0];
+		System.out.print(values[0]);
+		System.out.println(" sod layers in SODReadGeom ");
+	    }else{System.out.println("BIG FUCKUP IN SODReadGeom");}
+	    nl1=values[0]; if (nl1>0){
+		input = bread.readLine(); st = new StringTokenizer(input); j=0;
+		while(st.hasMoreElements()){
+		    double myphi=Double.valueOf(st.nextToken()).doubleValue();
+		    _radsodlay[j]=myphi; 
+		    int k=_nvtxlay+j;
+		    _radsidlay[k]=myphi; 
+		    j++;
+		}
+		if (nl1==j){// System.out.println(" ");
+		}else{System.out.println("BIG FUCKUP IN SODReadGeom vtx rad");}
+	    }
+	    nl2=values[0]; if (nl2>0){
+		input = bread.readLine(); st = new StringTokenizer(input); j=0;
+		while(st.hasMoreElements()){
+		    double myphi=Double.valueOf(st.nextToken()).doubleValue(); 
+		    _ressodlay[j]=myphi; 
+		    int k=_nvtxlay+j;
+		    _ressidlay[k]=myphi; 
+		    j++;
+		}
+		if (nl2==j){// System.out.println(" ");
+		}else{System.out.println("BIG FUCKUP IN SODReadGeom sod res");}
+	    }
+	}catch(Exception e){System.out.println("blow me!! readLine failed");e.printStackTrace();}
+    }
+    public double rad_at_vtx_layer(int i){return _radvtxlay[i-1];}
+    public double rad_at_sod_layer(int i){return _radsodlay[i-1];}
+    public double res_at_vtx_layer(int i){return _resvtxlay[i-1];}
+    public double res_at_sod_layer(int i){return _ressodlay[i-1];}
+    private int _nvtxlay;
+    private int _nsodlay;
+    private double[] _radvtxlay;
+    private double[] _radsodlay;
+    private double[] _radsidlay;
+    private double[] _resvtxlay;
+    private double[] _ressodlay;
+    private double[] _ressidlay;

lcsim/src/org/lcsim/contrib/SODTracker added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	10 Mar 2006 21:21:35 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+package org.lcsim.contrib.SODTracker;
+import org.lcsim.event.Track;
+import org.lcsim.event.SimTrackerHit;
+import org.lcsim.event.TrackerHit;
+import org.lcsim.event.MCParticle;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.List;
+public class SODTrack implements Track
+    List<SimTrackerHit> list = new ArrayList();
+    double p = 0., px = 0., py = 0., pz = 0.;
+    double[] momentum;
+    int charge = 0;
+    double d0 = 0., phi0 = 0., omega = 0., z0 = 0., s = 0.;
+    double[] parameters = new double[] {0.,0.,0.,0.,0.};
+    SODTrack(int ch, double pX, double pY, double pZ, double dzero, double phizero, double omeg, double zzero, double spar)
+    {
+	charge = ch;
+	px = pX;
+	py = pY;
+	pz = pZ;
+	p = Math.sqrt(px*px + py*py + pz*pz);
+	momentum = new double[] {px, py, pz};
+	d0 = dzero;
+	phi0 = phizero;
+	// CAUTION: different definition of omega in SOD and lcsim!
+	omega = -0.1*omeg;
+	z0 = zzero;
+	s = spar;
+        parameters = new double[] {d0, phi0, omega,z0,s};
+    }
+    private MCParticle mcParticle;
+    public void setMCParticle(MCParticle particle) { this.mcParticle = particle; };
+    public MCParticle getMCParticle() { return mcParticle; }
+    public void addHit(SimTrackerHit hit) { list.add(hit); }
+    public int  getNPoints() { return list.size(); }
+    public List<SimTrackerHit> getHits() { return list; }
+    public int getCharge() { return charge; }
+    public double getPX() { return px; }
+    public double getPY() { return py; }
+    public double getPT() { return Math.sqrt(px*px+py*py); }
+    public double getPtot() { return p; }
+    public double getPZ() { return pz; }
+    public double[] getMomentum() { return momentum; }
+    public double[] getReferencePoint() { double[] point = new double[] {0.,0.,0.}; return point; }
+    public double getReferencePointX() { return 0.; }
+    public double getReferencePointY() { return 0.; }
+    public double getReferencePointZ() { return 0.; }
+    public boolean isReferencePointPCA() { return false; }
+    public boolean fitSuccess() { return true; }
+    public double getTrackParameter(int i) { return parameters[i]; }
+    public double[] getTrackParameters() { return parameters; }
+    public double getErrorMatrixElement(int i, int j) { return 0.; }
+    public double[][] getErrorMatrix() { double[][] matrix = new double[][] {{0.},{0.}}; return matrix; }
+    public double getChi2() { return 1.; }
+    public int getNDF() { return 1; }
+    public double getdEdx() { return 0.; }
+    public double getdEdxError() { return 0.; }
+    public double getRadiusOfInnermostHit() { return 0.; }
+    public int[] getSubdetectorHitNumbers() { int[] hitNumbers = new int[]{0}; return hitNumbers; }
+    public List<Track> getTracks() { List<Track> list = new ArrayList<Track>(); return list; }
+    public List<TrackerHit> getTrackerHits() { List<TrackerHit> list = new ArrayList<TrackerHit>(); return list; }
+    public int getType() { return 0; }

lcsim/src/org/lcsim/contrib/SODTracker added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	10 Mar 2006 21:21:35 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
+package org.lcsim.contrib.SODTracker;
+import java.util.*;
+import org.lcsim.event.MCParticle;
+public class SODTrackFinder
+    public SODTrackFinder()
+    {
+	_trklist = new java.util.LinkedList();
+    }
+    public SODTrackFinder(java.util.LinkedList l1shlist,java.util.LinkedList l2shlist,
+			  java.util.LinkedList l3shlist,java.util.LinkedList l4shlist,
+			  java.util.LinkedList l5shlist,boolean useMCTruth)    {
+       if(useMCTruth) {
+	int prtflg=0;
+	_trklist = new java.util.LinkedList(); int ncombo=0;
+	if ((l1shlist.size()>0)&&(l2shlist.size()>0)&&(l3shlist.size()>0)&&
+	    (l4shlist.size()>0)&&(l5shlist.size()>0)){
+	    for (ListIterator j1 = l1shlist.listIterator();j1.hasNext();){
+		SODHit sh1=(SODHit);
+		MCParticle mcp1 = sh1.getMCParticle();
+		for (ListIterator j2 = l2shlist.listIterator();j2.hasNext();){
+		    SODHit sh2=(SODHit);
+		    MCParticle mcp2 = sh2.getMCParticle();
+		    if(mcp1==mcp2) {
+			for (ListIterator j3 = l3shlist.listIterator();j3.hasNext();){
+			    SODHit sh3=(SODHit);
+			    MCParticle mcp3 = sh3.getMCParticle();
+			    if(mcp2==mcp3) {
+				for (ListIterator j4 = l4shlist.listIterator();j4.hasNext();){
+				    SODHit sh4=(SODHit);
+				    MCParticle mcp4 = sh4.getMCParticle();
+				    if(mcp3==mcp4) {
+					for (ListIterator j5 = l5shlist.listIterator();j5.hasNext();){
+					    SODHit sh5=(SODHit);
+					    MCParticle mcp5 = sh5.getMCParticle();
+					    if(mcp4==mcp5) {
+						ncombo++;
+						//         TrkParams test_helix = new TrkParams();
+						SODHel test_helix = new SODHel();
+						test_helix = make_test_helix(sh2,sh3,sh4);
+						java.util.LinkedList shitlist = new java.util.LinkedList();
+						shitlist.add(sh1);shitlist.add(sh2);shitlist.add(sh3);
+						shitlist.add(sh4);shitlist.add(sh5);
+						SODFittedCir fit_helix = new SODFittedCir();
+						fit_helix.make_fitted_cir(shitlist,test_helix);
+						boolean sflag=false;
+						if (0==fit_helix.Fail())sflag=_trklist.add(fit_helix);
+						//
+						if (0==fit_helix.Fail()){
+						    sh1.SetUsedOnHel(1);sh2.SetUsedOnHel(1);sh3.SetUsedOnHel(1);
+						    sh4.SetUsedOnHel(1);sh5.SetUsedOnHel(1);
+						}
+					    } // if(mcp4==mcp5) {
+					} // for l5
+				    } // if(mcp3==mcp4) {
+				} // for l4
+			    }  // if(mcp2==mcp3) {
+			} // for l3
+		    }// if(mcp1==mcp2) {
+		} // for l2
+	    } // for l1
+	} // if lists not empty
+       } else { // if(useMCTruth) {
+	int prtflg=0;
+	_trklist = new java.util.LinkedList(); int ncombo=0;
+	if ((l1shlist.size()>0)&&(l2shlist.size()>0)&&(l3shlist.size()>0)&&
+	    (l4shlist.size()>0)&&(l5shlist.size()>0)){
+	    for (ListIterator j1 = l2shlist.listIterator();j1.hasNext();){
+		SODHit sh2=(SODHit);
+		for (ListIterator j2 = l3shlist.listIterator();j2.hasNext();){
+		    SODHit sh3=(SODHit);
+		    for (ListIterator j3 = l4shlist.listIterator();j3.hasNext();){
+			SODHit sh4=(SODHit);
+			ncombo++;
+			//  make test helix from hits in layers 2 3 4, if not already used
+			if ((sh2.GetUsedOnHel()==0)&&(sh3.GetUsedOnHel()==0)&&
+			    (sh4.GetUsedOnHel()==0)){
+			    SODHel test_helix = new SODHel();
+			    test_helix = make_test_helix(sh2,sh3,sh4);
+			    //  see if hits in layers 1 5 are with tolerance
+			    double l1_min_resid=1000.0,l5_min_resid=1000.0;
+			    SODHit sh1_min=(SODHit)l1shlist.getFirst();
+			    SODHit sh5_min=(SODHit)l5shlist.getFirst();
+			    for (ListIterator ii = l1shlist.listIterator();ii.hasNext();){
+				SODHit sh1=(SODHit);
+				if ((sh1.GetUsedOnHel()==0)&&(sh1.calc_resid(test_helix))){
+				    double resid= sh1.get_resid() ;
+				    if ( Math.abs(resid)<Math.abs(l1_min_resid) ){l1_min_resid=resid; sh1_min=sh1;}
+				}
+			    }
+			    for (ListIterator ii = l5shlist.listIterator();ii.hasNext();){
+				SODHit sh5=(SODHit);
+				if ((sh5.GetUsedOnHel()==0)&&(sh5.calc_resid(test_helix))){
+				    double resid= sh5.get_resid() ;
+				    if ( Math.abs(resid)<Math.abs(l5_min_resid) ){l5_min_resid=resid; sh5_min=sh5;}
+				}
+			    }
+			    //  if trk OK, add it to trk list
+			    // double pt=0.015/Math.abs( test_helix.getParam(2) );
+			    double pt=test_helix.Pt();
+			    int ndof=2;
+			    double search1=search_fcn(pt,1); double search5=search_fcn(pt,5);
+			    if ((Math.abs(l1_min_resid)<5.0*search1)&&(Math.abs(l5_min_resid)<5.0*search5)){
+				double chisq=(l1_min_resid/search1)*(l1_min_resid/search1);
+				chisq+=(l5_min_resid/search5)*(l5_min_resid/search5);
+				//          boolean sflag=_trklist.add(test_helix);
+				// no, do a fit now
+				java.util.LinkedList shitlist = new java.util.LinkedList();
+				shitlist.add(sh1_min);shitlist.add(sh2);shitlist.add(sh3);shitlist.add(sh4);shitlist.add(sh5_min);
+				//          test_helix.printHelix();
+				double smear_d0=0.0;
+				if (Math.abs(l1_min_resid)<Math.abs(l5_min_resid)){
+				    smear_d0=l5_min_resid/2.0;
+				}else{
+				    smear_d0=l1_min_resid/2.0;
+				}
+				SODFittedCir fit_helix = new SODFittedCir();
+				fit_helix.make_fitted_cir(shitlist,test_helix);
+				//smear d0 to see if that help inverting
+				// SODHel smear_hel = new SODHel();
+				// smear_hel.make_hel(test_helix.D0()+smear_d0,test_helix.Phi0(),
+				//                    test_helix.Omega(),0.0,0.0);
+				// fit_helix.make_fitted_cir(shitlist,smear_hel);
+				//end smearing d0
+				// int sflg=fit_helix.DoFit();
+				// int sflg=fit_helix.IterateFit();
+				// move IterateFit into make_fitted_cir
+				boolean sflag=false;
+				if (0==fit_helix.Fail())sflag=_trklist.add(fit_helix);
+				//see if move ref pt helps
+				// test_helix.change_ref(sh1_min.x(),sh1_min.y());
+				// SODFittedCir move_helix = new SODFittedCir(); move_helix.make_fitted_cir(shitlist,test_helix);
+				// sflg=move_helix.DoFit();
+				prtflg=0;
+				if (prtflg!=0){
+				    System.out.print("chisq Chisq ");System.out.print(chisq);
+				    System.out.print(" ");System.out.println( fit_helix.Chisq() );
+				}//end prtflg
+				if (0==fit_helix.Fail()){
+				    sh1_min.SetUsedOnHel(1);sh2.SetUsedOnHel(1);sh3.SetUsedOnHel(1);
+				    sh4.SetUsedOnHel(1);sh5_min.SetUsedOnHel(1);
+				}
+				prtflg=0;
+				if (prtflg!=0){
+				    System.out.print("sodtftup "); //System.out.print(ncombo);
+				    System.out.print(" ");System.out.print(test_helix.D0());
+				    System.out.print(" ");System.out.print(test_helix.Phi0());
+				    System.out.print(" ");System.out.print(test_helix.Omega());
+				    System.out.print(" ");System.out.print(test_helix.Z0());
+				    System.out.print(" ");System.out.print(test_helix.Tanl());
+				    System.out.print(" ");System.out.print(pt);
+				    System.out.print(" ");System.out.print(ndof);
+				    System.out.print(" ");System.out.println(chisq);
+				}//done printing
+				prtflg=0;
+				if (prtflg!=0){
+				    System.out.print("restup ");System.out.print(l1_min_resid);
+				    sh2.calc_resid(fit_helix);
+				    System.out.print(" ");System.out.print(sh2.get_resid());
+				    sh3.calc_resid(fit_helix);
+				    System.out.print(" ");System.out.print(sh3.get_resid());
+				    sh4.calc_resid(fit_helix);
+				    System.out.print(" ");System.out.print(sh4.get_resid());
+				    System.out.print(" ");System.out.println(l5_min_resid);
+				}//done printing
+			    }//end it's a track
+			}//seed hits not already used
+		    }//loop over l4 hits
+		}//loop over l3 hits
+	    }//loop over l2 hits
+	}//(unindented) all list have hits
+       } // if(useMCTruth) {    } // contructor
+//   public TrkParams make_test_helix(SODHit sh1, SODHit sh2, SODHit sh3)
+   public SODHel make_test_helix(SODHit sh1, SODHit sh2, SODHit sh3)
+   {
+    double x1=sh1.x(),x2=sh2.x(),x3=sh3.x(),y1=sh1.y(),y2=sh2.y(),y3=sh3.y();
+    double d12x=x1-x2,d12y=y1-y2,d13x=x1-x3,d13y=y1-y3,d23x=x2-x3,d23y=y2-y3;
+    double d12=Math.sqrt(d12x*d12x+d12y*d12y);
+    double d13=Math.sqrt(d13x*d13x+d13y*d13y);
+    double d23=Math.sqrt(d23x*d23x+d23y*d23y);
+    double s=0.5*(d12+d13+d23);
+    double r_denom=4.0*Math.sqrt(s*(s-d12)*(s-d13)*(s-d23));
+    double aom=r_denom/(d12*d13*d23); double r=1/aom;
+    double hphi12=Math.asin(d12/(2.0*r));
+    double phi12=2.0*hphi12,cp12=Math.cos(phi12),sp12=Math.sin(phi12);
+    double xm=0.5*(x1+x2),ym=0.5*(y1+y2),dm=r*Math.cos(hphi12);
+    double cal=d12y/d12,sal=d12x/d12;
+    double rm=Math.sqrt(xm*xm+ym*ym);
+    double xc1=xm+dm*cal;
+    double yc1=ym-dm*sal;
+    double xc2=xm-dm*cal;
+    double yc2=ym+dm*sal;
+    double rc1=Math.sqrt(xc1*xc1+yc1*yc1),d01=rc1-r;
+    double rc2=Math.sqrt(xc2*xc2+yc2*yc2),d02=rc2-r;
+//    double e11=Math.sqrt((x1-xc1)*(x1-xc1)+(y1-yc1)*(y1-yc1))-r;
+//    double e21=Math.sqrt((x2-xc1)*(x2-xc1)+(y2-yc1)*(y2-yc1))-r;
+    double e31=Math.sqrt((x3-xc1)*(x3-xc1)+(y3-yc1)*(y3-yc1))-r;
+//    double e12=Math.sqrt((x1-xc2)*(x1-xc2)+(y1-yc2)*(y1-yc2))-r;
+//    double e22=Math.sqrt((x2-xc2)*(x2-xc2)+(y2-yc2)*(y2-yc2))-r;
+    double e32=Math.sqrt((x3-xc2)*(x3-xc2)+(y3-yc2)*(y3-yc2))-r;
+    if (e31<0.0)e31=-1.0*e31;if (e32<0.0)e32=-1.0*e32;    if (d01<0.0)d01=-1.0*d01;if (d02<0.0)d02=-1.0*d02;
+    double xc=0.0,yc=0.0,rc=0.0,d0=0.0,phi0=0.0,omega=0.0;
+    if (d01<d02){
+     if (e31<e32){//System.out.println("d01 e31"); //right
+      xc=xc1;yc=yc1;rc=rc1;
+// cosmetic      d0=d01; phi0=-1.0*Math.atan2(xc,yc); omega=1.0/r;if (r>rc)d0=-1.0*d0;
+      d0=d01; phi0=-Math.atan2(xc,yc); omega=1.0/r; if (r>rc)d0=-d0;
+     }else{//System.out.println("d01 e32"); //fixed;was bad wrong
+      xc=xc2;yc=yc2;rc=rc2;
+//      d0=d01; phi0=-1.0*Math.atan2(xc,yc); omega=1.0/r;if (r>rc)d0=-1.0*d0;
+      d0=-d02; phi0=pi-Math.atan2(xc,yc); omega=-1.0/r;if (r>rc)d0=-1.0*d0;
+     }
+    }else{
+     if (e31<e32){//System.out.println("d02 e31"); //fixed;was kinda wrong
+//      xc=xc2;yc=yc2;rc=rc2;
+      xc=xc1;yc=yc1;rc=rc1;
+//      d0=d02; phi0=pi-Math.atan2(xc,yc); omega=-1.0/r;if (r<rc)d0=-1.0*d0;
+      d0=-d01; phi0=-Math.atan2(xc,yc); omega=1.0/r;if (r<rc)d0=-1.0*d0;
+     }else{//System.out.println("d02 e32"); //fixed;was bad wrong
+//      xc=xc1;yc=yc1;rc=rc1;      xc=xc2;yc=yc2;rc=rc2;
+//      d0=d02; phi0=pi-Math.atan2(xc,yc); omega=-1.0/r;if (r<rc)d0=-1.0*d0;
+      d0=d02; phi0=pi-Math.atan2(xc,yc); omega=-1.0/r;if (r<rc)d0=-1.0*d0;
+     }
+    }
+    int prtflg=0;
+    if (prtflg!=0){
+     System.out.print("test_helix ");System.out.print(d0);
+     System.out.print(" ");System.out.print(phi0);
+     System.out.print(" ");System.out.print(omega);
+     System.out.print(" ");System.out.print(d01);
+     System.out.print(" ");System.out.print(d02);
+     System.out.print(" ");System.out.print(r);
+     System.out.print(" ");System.out.println(rc);
+//     System.out.print("test_helix ");System.out.print(e11);
+//     System.out.print(" ");System.out.print(e21);
+     System.out.print(" ");System.out.print(e31);
+//     System.out.print(" ");System.out.print(e12);
+//     System.out.print(" ");System.out.print(e22);
+     System.out.print(" ");System.out.println(e32);
+    }
+//    TrkParams test_helix = new TrkParams(d0,phi0,omega,0.0,0.0);
+    SODHel test_helix=new SODHel();test_helix.make_hel(d0,phi0,omega,0.0,0.0);
+    return test_helix;
+   }
+   public double search_fcn(double pt, int lay){
+    double search = -0.00040625*pt+0.0208125;
+    if ((pt<2.0)&&(lay==1))search=-0.01*pt+0.04;
+    if ((pt<2.0)&&(lay==5))search=-0.18*pt+0.38;
+    if ((search<0.0130)&&(lay==1))search=0.0130;
+    if ((search<0.0141)&&(lay==5))search=0.0141;
+    return search;
+   }
+   public java.util.LinkedList trklist(){return _trklist;}
+   private java.util.LinkedList _trklist;
+ private static double pi=3.14159265359;
+ private static double twopi=6.283185307;

lcsim/src/org/lcsim/contrib/SODTracker added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	10 Mar 2006 21:21:35 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
+package org.lcsim.contrib.SODTracker;
+import java.util.*;
+import org.lcsim.event.EventHeader;
+import org.lcsim.util.Driver;
+import org.lcsim.event.EventHeader.LCMetaData;
+import org.lcsim.event.SimTrackerHit;
+import org.lcsim.event.MCParticle;
+import org.lcsim.geometry.TrackerIDDecoder;
+public class SODTrackFinderDriver extends Driver
+    public SODTrackFinderDriver()
+    {  
+	boolean dooutfile=false; if (dooutfile){
+	    try{
+		FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream("output.dat");
+		PrintStream ps = new PrintStream(fos);
+		System.setOut(ps);
+	    }
+	    catch(FileNotFoundException x){
+		System.out.println("blow me!! output.dat doesn't exist");
+		x.printStackTrace();
+	    }
+	}//end dooutfile
+	generator = new java.util.Random(10101);
+    }
+    protected void process(EventHeader event)
+    {
+	int ntrk=0,prtflg=0,clnflg=0;
+	java.util.LinkedList l1shlist = new java.util.LinkedList();
+	java.util.LinkedList l2shlist = new java.util.LinkedList();
+	java.util.LinkedList l3shlist = new java.util.LinkedList();
+	java.util.LinkedList l4shlist = new java.util.LinkedList();
+	java.util.LinkedList l5shlist = new java.util.LinkedList();
+	java.util.LinkedList l1vhlist = new java.util.LinkedList();
+	java.util.LinkedList l2vhlist = new java.util.LinkedList();
+	java.util.LinkedList l3vhlist = new java.util.LinkedList();
+	java.util.LinkedList l4vhlist = new java.util.LinkedList();
+	java.util.LinkedList l5vhlist = new java.util.LinkedList();
+	int collection=0;
+	List<List<SimTrackerHit>> simTrackerHitCollections = event.get(SimTrackerHit.class);
+	for ( List<SimTrackerHit> simTrackerHits : simTrackerHitCollections ) {
+	    collection++;
+	    LCMetaData meta = event.getMetaData(simTrackerHits);
+	    TrackerIDDecoder decoder = (TrackerIDDecoder) meta.getIDDecoder();
+	    for (SimTrackerHit trackerHit : simTrackerHits) {
+		decoder.setID(trackerHit.getCellID() );
+		int layer = decoder.getLayer();
+		double[] pos = trackerHit.getPoint();
+		// get the MC particle corresponding to this hit
+		MCParticle mcp = trackerHit.getMCParticle();
+		double rgauss = generator.nextGaussian();
+		SODHit sh=new SODHit();
+		if (collection==2){
+		    // the second collection corresponds to the barrel vertex tracker
+		    sh.make_hit(layer,pos[0],pos[1],rgauss,trackerHit,mcp);
+		} else {
+		    sh.make_hit(layer,pos[0],pos[1],rgauss,trackerHit);
+		}
+		double res=-(0.1*pos[0]-sh.x())*Math.sin(sh.phi())
+		    +(0.1*pos[1]-sh.y())*Math.cos(sh.phi());
+		if (collection==2){
+		    if (layer==0){boolean success=l1vhlist.add(sh);}
+		    if (layer==1){boolean success=l2vhlist.add(sh);}
+		    if (layer==2){boolean success=l3vhlist.add(sh);}
+		    if (layer==3){boolean success=l4vhlist.add(sh);}
+		    if (layer==4){boolean success=l5vhlist.add(sh);}
+		}
+		if (collection==3){
+		    if (layer==0){boolean success=l1shlist.add(sh);}
+		    if (layer==1){boolean success=l2shlist.add(sh);}
+		    if (layer==2){boolean success=l3shlist.add(sh);}
+		    if (layer==3){boolean success=l4shlist.add(sh);}
+		    if (layer==4){boolean success=l5shlist.add(sh);}
+		}
+		clnflg=1;
+		// if ((l1vhlist.size()!=1)||(l2vhlist.size()!=1)||(l3vhlist.size()!=1)||(l4vhlist.size()!=1)||(l5vhlist.size()!=1))clnflg=0;
+	    }
+	}
+	//        SODNoiseMaker nrdr = new SODNoiseMaker(l1shlist,l2shlist,l3shlist,l4shlist,l5shlist);
+	//
+	//c  no SOD tracking this version; find probe trk (and maybe bgtrk) in vtx and SODHitAdder
+	//
+	ntrk=0;
+	java.util.LinkedList mytrkl = new java.util.LinkedList();
+	java.util.LinkedList bgtrkl = new java.util.LinkedList();
+	java.util.LinkedList shatrkl = new java.util.LinkedList();
+	//    if (clnflg==1){
+	boolean useMCTruth = true;
+	SODTrackFinder sodtf = new SODTrackFinder(l1vhlist,l2vhlist,l3vhlist,
+						  l4vhlist,l5vhlist,useMCTruth);
+	// get list of tracks found in vertexer by SODTrackFinder
+	mytrkl = sodtf.trklist();
+//	System.out.println(event.getEventNumber());
+	//
+	//c  now run SODHitAdder, which really is the outer trker trkfinder
+	//
+	ntrk=0;
+	List<SODTrack> listTrk = new ArrayList<SODTrack>();
+	//c for now only work if hits are present in all 5 layers
+	if ((l1shlist.size()!=0)&&(l2shlist.size()!=0)&&(l3shlist.size()!=0)&&
+	    (l4shlist.size()!=0)&&(l5shlist.size()!=0)) {
+	    for (ListIterator jj = mytrkl.listIterator();jj.hasNext();){
+		SODFittedCir toast_helix=(SODFittedCir); 
+		SODHitAdder sodha = new SODHitAdder(toast_helix,l1shlist,l2shlist,l3shlist,l4shlist,l5shlist);
+		free_hit_lists(l1shlist,l2shlist,l3shlist,l4shlist,l5shlist);
+		SODFittedCir out_helix= new SODFittedCir();      
+		out_helix=sodha.get_new_fit(); 
+		boolean success=shatrkl.add(out_helix);
+		SODHel test_helix=(SODHel)out_helix; 
+		ntrk++;
+		// create new Tracks
+		double l = 0;
+		SODTrack trk = new SODTrack(test_helix.Q(), test_helix.Px(l),
+					    test_helix.Py(l), test_helix.Pz(),
+		                            test_helix.D0(), test_helix.Phi0(),
+					    test_helix.Omega(), test_helix.Z0(),
+					    test_helix.Tanl());
+		java.util.LinkedList hitlist = out_helix.hitlist();
+		for ( ListIterator hitItr = hitlist.listIterator() ; hitItr.hasNext();){
+		    SODHit hit = (SODHit);
+		    SimTrackerHit h = hit.getHit();
+		    trk.addHit(h);
+		}
+		listTrk.add(trk);
+	    }//end loop over found trks
+	    // write list of found SODTracks in the event
+//	    if(ntrk>0) { event.put("SODTracks", listTrk, SODTrack.class, 0); }
+	}//end lists not empty
+	event.put("SODTracks", listTrk, SODTrack.class, 0);
+	//
+	//print out evt info 
+	prtflg=0;
+	if (prtflg!=0){
+	    System.out.print("evttup");
+	    System.out.print(" ");System.out.print(event.getRunNumber());
+	    System.out.print(" ");System.out.print(event.getEventNumber());
+	    System.out.print(" ");System.out.print(ntrk);
+	    System.out.print(" ");System.out.print(l1vhlist.size());
+	    System.out.print(" ");System.out.print(l2vhlist.size());
+	    System.out.print(" ");System.out.print(l3vhlist.size());
+	    System.out.print(" ");System.out.print(l4vhlist.size());
+	    System.out.print(" ");System.out.print(l5vhlist.size());
+	    System.out.print(" ");System.out.print(l1shlist.size());
+	    System.out.print(" ");System.out.print(l2shlist.size());
+	    System.out.print(" ");System.out.print(l3shlist.size());
+	    System.out.print(" ");System.out.print(l4shlist.size());
+	    System.out.print(" ");System.out.print(l5shlist.size());
+	    System.out.println(" ");
+	}
+    }//end process
+    public void free_hit_lists(java.util.LinkedList l1list, java.util.LinkedList l2list,
+			       java.util.LinkedList l3list, java.util.LinkedList l4list, 
+			       java.util.LinkedList l5list)
+    {
+	if ((l1list.size()>0)){
+	    for (ListIterator ii = l1list.listIterator();ii.hasNext();){
+		SODHit sh=(SODHit); sh.SetUsedOnHel(0);
+	    }
+	}
+	if ((l2list.size()>0)){
+	    for (ListIterator ii = l2list.listIterator();ii.hasNext();){
+		SODHit sh=(SODHit); sh.SetUsedOnHel(0);
+	    }
+	}
+	if ((l3list.size()>0)){
+	    for (ListIterator ii = l3list.listIterator();ii.hasNext();){
+		SODHit sh=(SODHit); sh.SetUsedOnHel(0); 
+	    }
+	}
+	if ((l4list.size()>0)){
+	    for (ListIterator ii = l4list.listIterator();ii.hasNext();){
+		SODHit sh=(SODHit); sh.SetUsedOnHel(0); 
+	    }
+	}
+	if ((l5list.size()>0)){
+	    for (ListIterator ii = l5list.listIterator();ii.hasNext();){
+		SODHit sh=(SODHit); sh.SetUsedOnHel(0);
+	    }
+	}
+    }
+    FileInputStream fis6;
+    BufferedReader gread;
+    SODReadGeom geom;
+    private static double pi=3.14159265359;
+    private static double twopi=6.283185307;
+    private int cntbg=0;
+    java.util.Random generator;

lcsim/src/org/lcsim/contrib/SODTracker added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	10 Mar 2006 21:21:35 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+package org.lcsim.contrib.SODTracker;
+import java.util.*;
+public class SODmatinv
+ {
+ public SODmatinv()
+ {
+  ik=new int[10];
+  jk=new int[10];
+  array=new double[121];
+  for (int isrw=0; isrw<121; ++isrw){array[isrw]=0.0;}
+ }
+// public int matinv(double array, int norder, double det){
+ public int matinv(double[][] matrix, int snorder, double sdet){
+    norder=snorder; det=sdet;
+        /* Parameter adjustments */
+    for (i = 0; i < nmax; ++i){
+     for (j = 0; j < nmax; ++j){
+      array[(i+1)+(j+1)*nmax]=matrix[i][j];
+     }//end j
+    }//end i
+    /* Function Body */
+    det = (double)1.;
+    for (k = 1; k <= norder; ++k) {
+	amax = (double)0.;
+        L21();
+	if (amax == 0.) {sdet = (double)0.; return 1001;}
+    }
+    L100();
+    sdet=det;
+//    for (int isrw=0; isrw<121; ++isrw){
+//     System.out.print("array ");System.out.print(isrw);
+//     System.out.print(" ");System.out.println(array[isrw]);
+//    }
+//impedence match
+    matrix[0][0]=-array[13];matrix[0][1]= array[12];matrix[1][1]= array[22];
+    matrix[0][2]=-array[33];matrix[1][2]= array[21];matrix[2][2]= array[31];
+    matrix[1][0]= array[12];matrix[2][0]=-array[33];matrix[2][1]= array[21];
+//    for (i = 0; i < nmax; ++i){
+//     for (j = 0; j < nmax; ++j){
+//      matrix[i][j]=array[(i+1)+(j+1)*nmax];
+//     }//end j
+//    }//end i
+    return 0;
+} /* Dcxmatinv */
+//thanks java; no goto's _and_ no f2c
+ private void L21(){
+	for (i = k; i <= norder; ++i) {
+	    for (j = k; j <= norder; ++j) {
+		d__1 = array[i + j * nmax]; 
+		if ((Math.abs(amax)-Math.abs(d__1)) <= 0.) {
+			amax = array[i + j * nmax];
+			ik[k - 1] = i;
+			jk[k - 1] = j;
+		}
+	    }
+	}
+	if (amax == 0.) {return;}
+        L31();
+ }
+ private void L31(){
+	i = ik[k - 1];
+	if ((i__3 = i - k) < 0) {
+	    L21();
+	} else if (i__3 == 0) {
+	    L51();
+	} else {
+	    L43();
+            L51();//new, would have dropped thru to L51
+	}
+ }
+ private void L43(){
+	for (j = 1; j <= norder; ++j) {
+	    save = array[k + j * nmax];
+	    array[k + j * nmax] = array[i + j * nmax];
+	    array[i + j * nmax] = -save;
+	}
+ }
+ private void L51(){
+	j = jk[k - 1];
+	if ((i__3 = j - k) < 0) {
+	    L21();
+	} else if (i__3 == 0) {
+	    L61();
+	} else {
+	    L53();
+            L61();//new, would have dropped thru to L61
+	}
+ }
+ private void L53(){
+	for (i = 1; i <= norder; ++i) {
+	    save = array[i + k * nmax];
+	    array[i + k * nmax] = array[i + j * nmax];
+	    array[i + j * nmax] = -save;
+	}
+ }
+ private void L61(){
+	for (i = 1; i <= norder; ++i) {
+	    if (i - k != 0) {
+	        array[i + k * nmax] = -array[i + k * nmax] / amax;
+	    }	
+	}
+	for (i = 1; i <= norder; ++i) {
+	    for (j = 1; j <= norder; ++j) {
+		if (i - k != 0) {
+		    L74();
+		} else {
+		    L80();
+		}
+	    }
+	}
+	for (j = 1; j <= norder; ++j) {
+	    if (j - k != 0) {
+		    array[k + j * nmax] /= amax;
+	    }
+	}
+	array[k + k * nmax] = (double)1. / amax;
+	det *= amax;
+ }
+ private void L74(){
+		if (j - k != 0) {
+		    L75();
+		} else {
+		    L80();
+		}
+ }
+ private void L75(){
+		array[i+j*nmax] += array[i+k*nmax] * array[k+j*nmax];
+ }
+ private void L80(){
+		;
+ }
+ private void L100(){
+    for (l = 1; l <= norder; ++l) {
+	k = norder - l + 1;
+	j = ik[k - 1];
+	if (j - k <= 0) {
+	    L111();
+	} else {
+	    L105();
+	}
+    }
+ }
+ private void L105(){
+	for (i = 1; i <= norder; ++i) {
+	    save = array[i + k * nmax];
+	    array[i + k * nmax] = -array[i + j * nmax];
+	    array[i + j * nmax] = save;
+	}
+ }
+ private void L111(){
+	i = jk[k - 1];
+	if (i - k <= 0) {
+	    L130();
+	} else {
+	    L113();
+	}
+ }
+ private void L113(){
+	for (j = 1; j <= norder; ++j) {
+	    save = array[k + j * nmax];
+	    array[k + j * nmax] = -array[i + j * nmax];
+	    array[i + j * nmax] = save;
+	}
+ }
+ private void L130(){
+	;
+ }
+    /* System generated locals */
+ private     int i__3;
+ private     double d__1;
+ private     double amax;
+ private     double save;
+ private     int i;
+ private     int j;
+ private     int k;
+ private     int l;
+ private     int[] ik;
+ private     int[] jk;
+ private     double[] array;
+ private     int norder;
+ private     double det;
+    /* Local variables */
+ private static     int nmax=10;

lcsim/src/org/lcsim/contrib/SODTracker/test added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	10 Mar 2006 21:21:36 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+package org.lcsim.contrib.SODTracker;
+import java.util.List;
+import org.lcsim.event.EventHeader;
+import org.lcsim.event.MCParticle;
+import org.lcsim.event.TrackerHit;
+import org.lcsim.util.Driver;
+import org.lcsim.util.aida.AIDA;
+public class TestSOD extends Driver {
+    private AIDA aida = AIDA.defaultInstance();
+    public TestSOD(){
+        add(new SODTrackFinderDriver());
+    };
+    public void process(EventHeader event) {
+        super.process(event); // this takes care that the child Drivers are loaded and processed.
+        List<SODTrack> SODTrackList = (List<SODTrack>) event.get("SODTracks");
+        aida.cloud1D("nTracks").fill(SODTrackList.size());
+	for ( SODTrack SODtrk : SODTrackList ) {
+	        aida.cloud1D("Pt").fill(SODtrk.getPT());
+	        aida.cloud1D("ptot").fill(SODtrk.getPtot());
+//	        List<SimTrackerHit> hitList = (List<SimTrackerHit>) SODtrk.getHits();
+	        aida.cloud1D("nHits").fill(SODtrk.getNPoints());
+	}
+    }
CVSspam 0.2.8