

Hi Sheila,

is the solution of general interest?


On Thu, 30 Mar 2006, Sheila Mclachlin wrote:

> Hello,
> Just FYI:
> I found the problem, so I no longer need help 
> with this.
> sheila
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> Date: Tue, 28 Mar 2006 18:27:37 -0500 (EST)
> From: Sheila Mclachlin <[log in to unmask]>
> To: vub-recoil <[log in to unmask]>
> Subject: ntuple help
> Hello!
> I am trying to solve a problem in my ntuple-making 
> code, and I thought maybe someone could help.
> The main code is in:
> ~penguin/vubrecoil/vxb30/VxbRecoil/
> (VxbRecoil is a package I made, based on 
> VubRecoilUser and VcbRecoil.)
> Here is the problem: I run 30 events with the command:
> bin/$BFARCH/VxbRecoilApp VxbXlnu.tcl SP-1235-BSemiExcl-R18b-2 MC 1235 2
> which produces the following output files:
> workdir/log/SP-1235-BSemiExcl-R18b-2.log
> workdir/log/SP-1235-BSemiExcl-R18b-2.root
> Then I look at my ntuple in ROOT.
> Here is the confusing part.  For example:
> root [0] TFile f("data/SP-1235-BSemiExcl-R18b-2.root");
> root [1] ntp1->Scan("eUps:eBlab:decayMode");
> ************************************************
> *    Row   *      eUps *     eBlab * decayMode *
> ************************************************
> *        0 * 12.101385 * 6.0293622 *     11101 *
> *        1 * 12.101385 *       -10 *         0 *
> *        2 * 12.101385 *       -10 *         0 *
> *        3 * 12.101385 * 6.3097918 *     12201 *
> *        4 * 12.101385 *       -10 *         0 *
> *        5 * 12.101448 * 5.9822311 *     15123 *
> *        6 * 12.101448 * 6.0727898 *     15236 *
> *        7 * 12.101371 * 6.3998302 *     11236 *
> *        8 * 12.101428 * 6.1657033 *     14203 *
> *        9 * 12.101428 * 6.3021577 *     14323 *
> *       10 * 12.101420 * 5.7747154 *     14141 *
> *       11 * 12.101420 *       -10 *         0 *
> *       12 * 12.101420 * 5.8976044 *     11109 *
> *       13 * 12.101369 *       -10 *         0 *
> *       14 * 12.101369 * 6.1250192 *     14322 *
> The first column has a value of eUps in every row.  
> However, for some reason, the values of eBlab have 
> been filled with their default values (-10.0) in 
> some of the rows.
> There are exactly 30 rows (ie, one per event), 
> and each has exactly one B meson (I checked).
> According to HepTuple/Tuple.h:
> "On a particular "event", if no call is made to "column" 
> for a particular column, that column's
> default value is used when filling the ntuple."
> This tells me that for some reason, in some events 
> there is no call made to "column".  But as far 
> as I can see, there is nothing in that would 
> cause that to happen.  The dumpBreco function should 
> be called every time the dumpEventInfo function is 
> called.
> I checked the Breco pointers, and they were all nonzero.
> Does anyone know what is causing this?
> Thanks,
> sheila