

ATLAS SCCS Planning 19Apr2006

Present: Steffen, Chuck, Randy, Len, Wei, Gary, Stephen


1. DQ2 Status

   No change. Setup a web proxy for the ATLAS jobs to use. Xin Zhao
   has an account here now to help test it. There were a lot of
   criticism about using the Pilot way of doing production at the
   HEPiX meeting.

   DQ2 machine ticket is 43380.

2. mysql replica Status

   Will try to allocate a machine today (43381)

   Seems it is out of date. Wei will see if he can update it.

3. Trigger Farm Status

   Waiting to hear from Steffen on when to expect it. John has been
   warned about it coming. Best bet for it coming up to SCCS in
   early-mid August.

   These machines will be 50 Dell 1650s. While they are no longer
   appropriate for production use they will make a perfect test stand
   for ATLAS trigger. (Steffen will talk to Randy after the meeting
   about the replacements).

   Steffen will create a ticket if there isn't one (Chuck created one
   during the meeting, which is 45823). Will try to specify if they
   need shelves, they could come with them.

4. ATLAS Oracle Server

   Steffen is trying to determine the minimum configuration for this
   machine still.

5. AOB
   - Tier-2 Proposal

     Richard was going to organise a phone meeting about it. Nothing
     has happened recently. There have been phone meetings about the
     DoE about what is likely to be a successful proposal. DoE is Saul
     Gonzales and others. It may be difficult to avoid the SLAC
     proposal being trumped by a University proposal that brings
     matching proposal. We think Michigan will be putting in a
     proposal, but they thought we'd have the edge. There is another
     meeting on the phone tomorrow with DoE. Are exploring possible
     university partnerships but not too likely. Currently have all
     the correct content but needs to be reformatted to the form
     requested. It is due in 15th May but also want to have a review
     of it before submitting it. Therefore need to have it by around
     the end of the month. Would circulate it by email and have a
     phone meeting to discuss it. Richard and Chuck will discuss it
     and move it forward.

   - Long path

     There was feedback on ATLAS using long paths. ATLAS are aware of
     it and are working on it.

   - Memory use of jobs

     Not sure who to believe, the system admins watching jobs or the
     job creators. One says 2GB and one 1GB per job.

     Perhaps we can have a queue that does ATLAS jobs so that we only
     run one of those per machine if it is 2GB. Or can have all jobs
     specify their memory requirements so the batch system can use
     that information to make sure machines do not get over
     committed. Not clear how this will interact with the Pilot
     system. "Selfish Scheduling Always Wins".

Action Items:

060412 Steffen  Email unix-admin about Oracle requirements
       060419 Determining requirements

060412 Systems  Provide Oracle service for ATLAS Trigger testing
       060419 No ticket yet, so nothing done.

060308 Stephen	Check with ATLAS if there is an update mechanism
       060315 No mechanism yet except for reinstall. Could ask some BaBar
	      folk about how we do this to see if it is applicable.
       060405 No update.
       060412 No update.
       060419 No update.

060224 Stephen	Enquire with ATLAS about certificates for DQ2 machine
       060301 Not heard back from ATLAS folk, Wei pointed out a DoE
	      place to get service certificates.
       060308 No update.
       060315 No update.
       060405 No update.
       060412 No update.
       060419 No update.

060224 Systems	Provide DQ2 machine
       060301 In the queue.
       060308 Not done yet.
       060315 Not done yet.
       060405 No update.
       060412 No update.
       060417 Will try to allocation machine today.

060224 Systems	Provide mysql replica
       060301 In the queue.
       060308 Not done yet.
       060315 Not done yet.
       060405 No update.
       060412 No update.
       060417 Will try to allocation machine today.

060224 Chuck	Will check on web server request for DQ2 machine
       060301 Waiting for web server request information from Stephen.
       060308 Haven't checked yet; haven't received Stephen's request yet.
       060315 Still not sent Chuck information.
       060405 No update.
       060412 No update.
       060419 No update.

060224 Richard	Discuss ATLAS trigger machines with others in SCCS
       060301 Only limited response from John W was resigned
	      acceptance... need to work on an actual deployment plan as
	      there are real issues to be solved.
       060308 John aware and in plans as much as anything is. New
	      engineer will take over.
       060315 No update.
       060405 No update.
       060412 No update.
       060419 No update.

|Stephen J. Gowdy                     | SLAC, MailStop 34,       |
| | 2575 Sand Hill Road,     |
|      | Menlo Park CA 94025, USA |
|EMail: [log in to unmask]       | Tel: +1 650 926 3144     |