Commit in lcio/src/cpp/src/UTIL on MAIN -> 1.5
changed formatting only

lcio/src/cpp/src/UTIL 1.4 -> 1.5
diff -u -r1.4 -r1.5
---	18 Apr 2005 15:02:06 -0000	1.4
+++	25 Apr 2006 08:46:15 -0000	1.5
@@ -1,270 +1,270 @@
-#include "UTIL/LCStdHepRdr.h"
-#include "EVENT/MCParticle.h"
-#include "IMPL/MCParticleImpl.h"
-#include "lcio.h"
-#include "EVENT/LCIO.h"
-#include <sstream>
-#include "Exceptions.h"
-using namespace EVENT ;
-using namespace IMPL ;
-namespace UTIL{
-  LCStdHepRdr::LCStdHepRdr(const char* evfile){
-    //
-    //   Use Willie's reader from LELAPS, and open the input file
-    //
-    _reader = new lStdHep(evfile,false);
-    if(_reader->getError()) {
-      std::stringstream description ; 
-      description << "LCStdHepRdr: no stdhep file: " << evfile << std::ends ;
-      throw IO::IOException( description.str() );
-    }
-  }
-  LCStdHepRdr::~LCStdHepRdr(){}
-// Read an event and return a LCCollectionVec of MCParticles
-   IMPL::LCCollectionVec * LCStdHepRdr::readEvent()
-   {
-	 IMPL::LCCollectionVec * mcVec = 0;
-	 double c_light = 299.792;// mm/ns
-//  Read the event, check for errors
-	 if(_reader->more()){
-	   if( int errorcode = _reader->readEvent() ) {
-	     std::stringstream description ; 
-	     description << "LCStdHepRdr::readEvent: error when reading event: " << errorcode << std::ends ;
-	     throw IO::IOException( description.str() );
-	     return mcVec;
-	   }
-	 } else {
-	   //
-	   // End of File :: ??? Exception ???
-	   //   -> FG:   EOF is not an exception as it happens for every file at the end !
-	   //
-	   return mcVec;
-	 }
-	 //
-	 //  Create a Collection Vector
-	 //
-	 mcVec = new IMPL::LCCollectionVec(LCIO::MCPARTICLE);
-	 MCParticleImpl* p;
-	 MCParticleImpl* d;
-//  Loop over particles
-     int NHEP = _reader->nTracks();
-	 for( int IHEP=0; IHEP<NHEP; IHEP++ )
-	 {
-//  Create a MCParticle and fill it from stdhep info
-	   MCParticleImpl* mcp = new MCParticleImpl();
-//  PDGID
-	   mcp->setPDG(_reader->pid(IHEP));
-//  Momentum vector
-	   float p0[3] = {_reader->Px(IHEP),_reader->Py(IHEP),_reader->Pz(IHEP)};
-	   mcp->setMomentum(p0);
-//  Mass
-	   mcp->setMass(_reader->M(IHEP));
-//  Vertex
-	   double v0[3] = {_reader->X(IHEP),_reader->Y(IHEP),_reader->Z(IHEP)};
-	   mcp->setVertex(v0);
-//  Generator status
-	   mcp->setGeneratorStatus(_reader->status(IHEP));
-//  Simulator status 0 until simulator acts on it
-	   mcp->setSimulatorStatus(0);
-//  Creation time (note the units)
-	   mcp->setTime(_reader->T(IHEP)/c_light);
-//  Add the particle to the collection vector
-	   mcVec->push_back(mcp);
-// Add the parent information. The implicit assumption here is that
-// no particle is read in before its parents.
-	   int fp = _reader->mother1(IHEP) - 1;
-	   int lp = _reader->mother2(IHEP) - 1;
-//  If both first parent and second parent > 0, and second parent >
-//     first parent, assume a range
-	   if( (fp > -1) && (lp > -1) )
-	   {
-	     if(lp >= fp)
-		 {
-		   for(int ip=fp;ip<lp+1;ip++)
-		   {
-			 p = dynamic_cast<MCParticleImpl*>
-				 (mcVec->getElementAt(ip));
-			 mcp->addParent(p);
-		   }
-		 }
-//  If first parent < second parent, assume 2 discreet parents
-		 else
-		 {
-		   p = dynamic_cast<MCParticleImpl*>
-			 (mcVec->getElementAt(fp));
-		   mcp->addParent(p);
-		   p = dynamic_cast<MCParticleImpl*>
-			 (mcVec->getElementAt(lp));
-		   mcp->addParent(p);
-		 }
-	   }
-//  Only 1 parent > 0, set it
-	   else if(fp > -1)
-	   {
-		 p = dynamic_cast<MCParticleImpl*>
-		   (mcVec->getElementAt(fp));
-		 mcp->addParent(p);
-	   }
-	   else if(lp > -1)
-	   {
-		 p = dynamic_cast<MCParticleImpl*>
-		   (mcVec->getElementAt(lp));
-		 mcp->addParent(p);
-	   }
-	 }// End loop over particles
-//  Now make a second loop over the particles, checking the daughter
-//  information. This is not always consistent with parent 
-//  information, and this utility assumes all parents listed are
-//  parents and all daughters listed are daughters
-	 for( int IHEP=0; IHEP<NHEP; IHEP++ )
-	 {
-//  Get the MCParticle
-	   MCParticleImpl* mcp = 
-		   dynamic_cast<MCParticleImpl*>
-		   (mcVec->getElementAt(IHEP));
-//  Get the daughter information, discarding extra information
-//  sometimes stored in daughter variables.
-	   int fd = _reader->daughter1(IHEP)%10000 - 1;
-	   int ld = _reader->daughter2(IHEP)%10000 - 1;
-//  As with the parents, look for range, 2 discreet or 1 discreet 
-//  daughter.
-	   if( (fd > -1) && (ld > -1) )
-	   {
-	     if(ld >= fd)
-		 {
-		   for(int id=fd;id<ld+1;id++)
-		   {
-//  Get the daughter, and see if it already lists this particle as
-//    a parent.
-			 d = dynamic_cast<MCParticleImpl*>
-				(mcVec->getElementAt(id));
-			 int np = d->getParents().size();
-			 bool gotit = false;
-			 for(int ip=0;ip < np;ip++)
-			 {
-			   p = dynamic_cast<MCParticleImpl*>
-				  (d->getParents()[ip]);
-			   if(p == mcp)gotit = true;
-			 }
-//  If not already listed, add this particle as a parent
-			 if(!gotit)d->addParent(mcp);
-		   }
-		 }
-//  Same logic, discreet cases
-		 else
-		 {
-		   d = dynamic_cast<MCParticleImpl*>
-		      (mcVec->getElementAt(fd));
-		   int np = d->getParents().size();
-		   bool gotit = false;
-		   for(int ip=0;ip < np;ip++)
-		   {
-			 p = dynamic_cast<MCParticleImpl*>
-				(d->getParents()[ip]);
-			 if(p == mcp)gotit = true;
-		   }
-		   if(!gotit)d->addParent(mcp);
-		   d = dynamic_cast<MCParticleImpl*>
-		      (mcVec->getElementAt(ld));
-		   np = d->getParents().size();
-		   gotit = false;
-		   for(int ip=0;ip < np;ip++)
-		   {
-			 p = dynamic_cast<MCParticleImpl*>
-				(d->getParents()[ip]);
-			 if(p == mcp)gotit = true;
-		   }
-		   if(!gotit)d->addParent(mcp);
-		 }
-	   }
-	   else if(fd > -1)
-	   {
-		 d = dynamic_cast<MCParticleImpl*>
-		    (mcVec->getElementAt(fd));
-		 int np = d->getParents().size();
-		 bool gotit = false;
-		 for(int ip=0;ip < np;ip++)
-		 {
-		   p = dynamic_cast<MCParticleImpl*>
-		      (d->getParents()[ip]);
-		   if(p == mcp)gotit = true;
-		 }
-		 if(!gotit)d->addParent(mcp);
-	   }
-	   else if(ld > -1)
-	   {
-		 d = dynamic_cast<MCParticleImpl*>
-		    (mcVec->getElementAt(ld));
-		 int np = d->getParents().size();
-		 bool gotit = false;
-		 for(int ip=0;ip < np;ip++)
-		 {
-		   p = dynamic_cast<MCParticleImpl*>
-		      (d->getParents()[ip]);
-		   if(p == mcp)gotit = true;
-		 }
-		 if(!gotit)d->addParent(mcp);
-	   }
-	 }// End second loop over particles
-//  Return the collection
-	 return mcVec;    
-   }
-} // namespace UTIL
+#include "UTIL/LCStdHepRdr.h"
+#include "EVENT/MCParticle.h"
+#include "IMPL/MCParticleImpl.h"
+#include "lcio.h"
+#include "EVENT/LCIO.h"
+#include <sstream>
+#include "Exceptions.h"
+using namespace EVENT ;
+using namespace IMPL ;
+namespace UTIL{
+  LCStdHepRdr::LCStdHepRdr(const char* evfile){
+    //
+    //   Use Willie's reader from LELAPS, and open the input file
+    //
+    _reader = new lStdHep(evfile,false);
+    if(_reader->getError()) {
+      std::stringstream description ; 
+      description << "LCStdHepRdr: no stdhep file: " << evfile << std::ends ;
+      throw IO::IOException( description.str() );
+    }
+  }
+  LCStdHepRdr::~LCStdHepRdr(){}
+  //
+  // Read an event and return a LCCollectionVec of MCParticles
+  //
+  IMPL::LCCollectionVec * LCStdHepRdr::readEvent()
+  {
+    IMPL::LCCollectionVec * mcVec = 0;
+    double c_light = 299.792;// mm/ns
+    //
+    //  Read the event, check for errors
+    //
+    if(_reader->more()){
+      if( int errorcode = _reader->readEvent() ) {
+	std::stringstream description ; 
+	description << "LCStdHepRdr::readEvent: error when reading event: " << errorcode << std::ends ;
+	throw IO::IOException( description.str() );
+	return mcVec;
+      }
+    } else {
+      //
+      // End of File :: ??? Exception ???
+      //   -> FG:   EOF is not an exception as it happens for every file at the end !
+      //
+      return mcVec;
+    }
+    //
+    //  Create a Collection Vector
+    //
+    mcVec = new IMPL::LCCollectionVec(LCIO::MCPARTICLE);
+    MCParticleImpl* p;
+    MCParticleImpl* d;
+    //
+    //  Loop over particles
+    //
+    int NHEP = _reader->nTracks();
+    for( int IHEP=0; IHEP<NHEP; IHEP++ )
+      {
+	//
+	//  Create a MCParticle and fill it from stdhep info
+	//
+	MCParticleImpl* mcp = new MCParticleImpl();
+	//
+	//  PDGID
+	//
+	mcp->setPDG(_reader->pid(IHEP));
+	//
+	//  Momentum vector
+	//
+	float p0[3] = {_reader->Px(IHEP),_reader->Py(IHEP),_reader->Pz(IHEP)};
+	mcp->setMomentum(p0);
+	//
+	//  Mass
+	//
+	mcp->setMass(_reader->M(IHEP));
+	//
+	//  Vertex
+	//
+	double v0[3] = {_reader->X(IHEP),_reader->Y(IHEP),_reader->Z(IHEP)};
+	mcp->setVertex(v0);
+	//
+	//  Generator status
+	//
+	mcp->setGeneratorStatus(_reader->status(IHEP));
+	//
+	//  Simulator status 0 until simulator acts on it
+	//
+	mcp->setSimulatorStatus(0);
+	//
+	//  Creation time (note the units)
+	//
+	mcp->setTime(_reader->T(IHEP)/c_light);
+	//
+	//  Add the particle to the collection vector
+	//
+	mcVec->push_back(mcp);
+	//
+	// Add the parent information. The implicit assumption here is that
+	// no particle is read in before its parents.
+	//
+	int fp = _reader->mother1(IHEP) - 1;
+	int lp = _reader->mother2(IHEP) - 1;
+	//
+	//  If both first parent and second parent > 0, and second parent >
+	//     first parent, assume a range
+	//
+	if( (fp > -1) && (lp > -1) )
+	  {
+	    if(lp >= fp)
+	      {
+		for(int ip=fp;ip<lp+1;ip++)
+		  {
+		    p = dynamic_cast<MCParticleImpl*>
+		      (mcVec->getElementAt(ip));
+		    mcp->addParent(p);
+		  }
+	      }
+	    //
+	    //  If first parent < second parent, assume 2 discreet parents
+	    //
+	    else
+	      {
+		p = dynamic_cast<MCParticleImpl*>
+		  (mcVec->getElementAt(fp));
+		mcp->addParent(p);
+		p = dynamic_cast<MCParticleImpl*>
+		  (mcVec->getElementAt(lp));
+		mcp->addParent(p);
+	      }
+	  }
+	//
+	//  Only 1 parent > 0, set it
+	//
+	else if(fp > -1)
+	  {
+	    p = dynamic_cast<MCParticleImpl*>
+	      (mcVec->getElementAt(fp));
+	    mcp->addParent(p);
+	  }
+	else if(lp > -1)
+	  {
+	    p = dynamic_cast<MCParticleImpl*>
+	      (mcVec->getElementAt(lp));
+	    mcp->addParent(p);
+	  }
+      }// End loop over particles
+    //
+    //  Now make a second loop over the particles, checking the daughter
+    //  information. This is not always consistent with parent 
+    //  information, and this utility assumes all parents listed are
+    //  parents and all daughters listed are daughters
+    //
+    for( int IHEP=0; IHEP<NHEP; IHEP++ )
+      {
+	//
+	//  Get the MCParticle
+	//
+	MCParticleImpl* mcp = 
+	  dynamic_cast<MCParticleImpl*>
+	  (mcVec->getElementAt(IHEP));
+	//
+	//  Get the daughter information, discarding extra information
+	//  sometimes stored in daughter variables.
+	//
+	int fd = _reader->daughter1(IHEP)%10000 - 1;
+	int ld = _reader->daughter2(IHEP)%10000 - 1;
+	//
+	//  As with the parents, look for range, 2 discreet or 1 discreet 
+	//  daughter.
+	//
+	if( (fd > -1) && (ld > -1) )
+	  {
+	    if(ld >= fd)
+	      {
+		for(int id=fd;id<ld+1;id++)
+		  {
+		    //
+		    //  Get the daughter, and see if it already lists this particle as
+		    //    a parent.
+		    //
+		    d = dynamic_cast<MCParticleImpl*>
+		      (mcVec->getElementAt(id));
+		    int np = d->getParents().size();
+		    bool gotit = false;
+		    for(int ip=0;ip < np;ip++)
+		      {
+			p = dynamic_cast<MCParticleImpl*>
+			  (d->getParents()[ip]);
+			if(p == mcp)gotit = true;
+		      }
+		    //
+		    //  If not already listed, add this particle as a parent
+		    //
+		    if(!gotit)d->addParent(mcp);
+		  }
+	      }
+	    //
+	    //  Same logic, discreet cases
+	    //
+	    else
+	      {
+		d = dynamic_cast<MCParticleImpl*>
+		  (mcVec->getElementAt(fd));
+		int np = d->getParents().size();
+		bool gotit = false;
+		for(int ip=0;ip < np;ip++)
+		  {
+		    p = dynamic_cast<MCParticleImpl*>
+		      (d->getParents()[ip]);
+		    if(p == mcp)gotit = true;
+		  }
+		if(!gotit)d->addParent(mcp);
+		d = dynamic_cast<MCParticleImpl*>
+		  (mcVec->getElementAt(ld));
+		np = d->getParents().size();
+		gotit = false;
+		for(int ip=0;ip < np;ip++)
+		  {
+		    p = dynamic_cast<MCParticleImpl*>
+		      (d->getParents()[ip]);
+		    if(p == mcp)gotit = true;
+		  }
+		if(!gotit)d->addParent(mcp);
+	      }
+	  }
+	else if(fd > -1)
+	  {
+	    d = dynamic_cast<MCParticleImpl*>
+	      (mcVec->getElementAt(fd));
+	    int np = d->getParents().size();
+	    bool gotit = false;
+	    for(int ip=0;ip < np;ip++)
+	      {
+		p = dynamic_cast<MCParticleImpl*>
+		  (d->getParents()[ip]);
+		if(p == mcp)gotit = true;
+	      }
+	    if(!gotit)d->addParent(mcp);
+	  }
+	else if(ld > -1)
+	  {
+	    d = dynamic_cast<MCParticleImpl*>
+	      (mcVec->getElementAt(ld));
+	    int np = d->getParents().size();
+	    bool gotit = false;
+	    for(int ip=0;ip < np;ip++)
+	      {
+		p = dynamic_cast<MCParticleImpl*>
+		  (d->getParents()[ip]);
+		if(p == mcp)gotit = true;
+	      }
+	    if(!gotit)d->addParent(mcp);
+	  }
+      }// End second loop over particles
+    //
+    //  Return the collection
+    //
+    return mcVec;    
+  }
+} // namespace UTIL
CVSspam 0.2.8