

Hi all,

here are the updated numbers for reweighting the SP5/SP6 ratio for signal
MC to be the same as the Run1-3/Run4 ratio of BBbar events in data, as
we talked about in the previous vub-recoil meeting.

In data, we see Run1-3(BBbar)/Run4(BBbar)=1.105 (using BbkLumi).

For nonres signal MC, we have SP5/SP6=0.980, and for resonant signal MC we
have SP5/SP6=1.217 (looking at the number of generated events in
Roberto's tcl files).

That means if we reweight the SP5 events, we need to apply a weighting
factor of 1.128 for nonres and 0.908 for resonant signal MC events.
I will include this into wfermi in VirClass.
