

Commit in lcsim/src/org/lcsim/contrib/LeiXia on MAIN 1.1

lcsim/src/org/lcsim/contrib/LeiXia added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	24 May 2006 18:08:09 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,2687 @@
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import org.lcsim.event.EventHeader;
+import org.lcsim.event.MCParticle;
+import org.lcsim.event.SimCalorimeterHit;
+import org.lcsim.util.Driver;
+import org.lcsim.util.aida.AIDA;
+import hep.physics.vec.*;
+import org.lcsim.util.swim.HelixSwim;
+import hep.aida.*;
+import org.lcsim.recon.emid.hmatrix.HMatrix;
+import org.lcsim.recon.emid.hmatrix.HMatrixTask;
+import org.lcsim.recon.emid.hmatrix.HMatrixBuilder;
+import org.lcsim.recon.emid.hmatrix.HMatrixConditionsConverter;
+import org.lcsim.math.chisq.ChisqProb;
+ * Reconstruction: SiD study (rpc active medium) - non projective
+ */
+// modified from
+// added in H-matrix, so that this PFA is a complete one
+public class rpc_PFA_np_hmx extends Driver
+  private AIDA aida = AIDA.defaultInstance();
+   private IAnalysisFactory     af;
+   private ITree                tree;
+   private IDataPointSetFactory dpsf;
+   private ITupleFactory        tf;
+   private ITuple my_tuple;
+   private int NLayers;
+   private HMatrix MyHMatrix;
+   private int init;
+   public void startOfData()
+   {
+      af     = IAnalysisFactory.create();
+      tree   = af.createTreeFactory().create();
+      dpsf   = af.createDataPointSetFactory(tree);
+      tf     = af.createTupleFactory(tree);
+      String[] columnNames = {"Pchisq = 0.", "PchisqD = 0.", "log_Pchisq = 0.", "log_PchisqD = 0.", "frac_em = 0."};
+      Class[] columnClasses = {Double.TYPE, Double.TYPE, Double.TYPE, Double.TYPE, Double.TYPE};
+      my_tuple = tf.create("my_tuple", "H-matrix", columnNames, columnClasses, "");
+      init = 0;
+      getConditionsManager().registerConditionsConverter(new HMatrixConditionsConverter());
+   }
+  public void process(EventHeader event)
+  {
+//    System.out.println();
+//    System.out.println();
+    System.out.println();
+    System.out.println("event "+event.getEventNumber());
+     if (init == 0)
+     {
+       MyHMatrix = getConditionsManager().getCachedConditions(HMatrix.class, "LongitudinalHMatrix.hmx").getCachedData();
+       init = 1;
+     }
+//get MC truth first
+    List<MCParticle> PList = new ArrayList<MCParticle>();  // List of interesting particles
+// will save the following particles in this list (excluding neutrinos)
+//   1. ANY particles that appear on the front surface of em calorimeter 
+//        r = for barrel  (real surface at r =
+//        z = for endcap  (real surface at z =
+//   2. or ANY charged FINAL STATE particle with P < 1.2GeV 
+//        charged particle with P < 0.953GeV will never get to barrel calorimeter
+//        and may stop before reaching endcap
+//   3. ANY other particle that generate calorimeter hits
+//        some particles have end point before reaching calorimeter (likely to be wrong ending point)
+//        some hits were assigned to Final State partices decayed before reaching calorimeter
+// 1 and 2 will be added to the list from mc particle list
+// 3 will be added later when looking at calorimeter hits
+// NOTE: special care is needed to avoid double counting between 1,2 and 3.
+    List<MCParticle> EventMCList = event.getMCParticles();
+    double E_PList = 0.;  // visible energy of particle 1,2 in PList
+    double E_nu = 0.;  // neutrino energy (all neutrinos)
+    double E_nu_fs = 0.;  // neutrino energy (final state neutrinos only)
+    int fg_barrel = 0;  // label for barrel events (uds quark (P > 45 GeV) Pz/P < 0.707)
+    for (MCParticle mc : EventMCList)
+    {
+//      other: 0   final_state: 1   Intermediate: 2   documentation: 3
+//      there's 'unknown' type particle, with PDGID = 0, should get ride of them
+      if (((mc.getPDGID() == 1)||(mc.getPDGID() == 2)||(mc.getPDGID() == 3))&&(mc.getEnergy() > 45.))
+      {
+	if (Math.abs(mc.getPZ())/mc.getMomentum().magnitude() < 0.707)
+	{
+	  fg_barrel = 1;
+	  System.out.println("barrel event");
+	}
+	else
+	{
+	  System.out.println("endcap event");
+	}
+      }
+      Hep3Vector mc_o = mc.getOrigin();
+      Hep3Vector mc_e = mc.getEndPoint();
+      double R_origin = Math.sqrt(mc_o.x()*mc_o.x() + mc_o.y()*mc_o.y());
+      double R_end = Math.sqrt(mc_e.x()*mc_e.x() + mc_e.y()*mc_e.y());
+// fill particles in my list
+      if (((R_origin < 1260.)&&(Math.abs(mc_o.z()) < 1670.))&&((R_end > 1260.)||(Math.abs(mc_e.z()) > 1670.)))
+      {
+//        System.out.println("particle: "+mc.getType().getName()+"  "+mc.getEnergy()+"  "+mc.getGeneratorStatus());
+        if (mc.getGeneratorStatus() == 0) aida.cloud1D("R_origin of other particles").fill(R_origin);
+        int mcPDGID = mc.getPDGID();
+        if ((Math.abs(mcPDGID) == 12)||(Math.abs(mcPDGID) == 14)||(Math.abs(mcPDGID) == 16))
+        {
+          E_nu += mc.getEnergy();
+          if (mc.getGeneratorStatus() == 1) E_nu_fs += mc.getEnergy();
+        }
+        else if (mc.getPDGID() != 0)
+        {
+          PList.add(mc);
+          E_PList += mc.getEnergy();
+        }
+      }
+      else if ((Math.abs(mc.getCharge()) != 0)&&(mc.getMomentum().magnitude() < 1.2)&&(mc.getGeneratorStatus() == 1)&&(mc.getPDGID() != 0))
+      {
+//        System.out.println("particle: "+mc.getType().getName()+"  "+mc.getEnergy()+"  "+mc.getGeneratorStatus());
+        PList.add(mc);  // no neutrino in this case
+        E_PList += mc.getEnergy();
+      }
+    }  // end of mc particle loop
+// print out the whole list, if wanted
+//    for (MCParticle tt : PList) {System.out.println(" particle # "+PList.indexOf(tt)+"  "+tt.getType().getName()+" "+tt.getPDGID()+"  "+tt.getEnergy());}
+//    System.out.println(" size of PList = "+PList.size());  // size = last index + 1
+    aida.cloud1D("E_PList").fill(E_PList);
+    aida.cloud1D("E_PList + E_nu").fill(E_PList + E_nu);
+    aida.cloud1D("E_PList + E_nu_fs").fill(E_PList + E_nu_fs);
+    aida.cloud1D("E_nu").fill(E_nu);
+    aida.cloud1D("E_nu_fs").fill(E_nu_fs);
+//get EM hits, calculate d1-3, v1-3
+     List<SimCalorimeterHit> Barrel_em = event.getSimCalorimeterHits("EcalBarrHits");
+     List<SimCalorimeterHit> Endcap_em = event.getSimCalorimeterHits("EcalEndcapHits");
+//     System.out.println("Ecal hits: Barrel, Endcap "+Barrel_em.size()+" "+Endcap_em.size());
+     int NHit_em = Barrel_em.size() + Endcap_em.size();  // total number of hits in Ecal = barrel + endcap
+     SimCalorimeterHit[] HitList_em = new SimCalorimeterHit[NHit_em];  // list of Ecal hits
+     int[] ShowerP_em = new int[NHit_em];  // number of contributing particles for each hit (in original data)
+     int[][] SPID_em = new int[NHit_em][10];  // list of contributing particles, ID = index in PList
+// fill this later, after ShowerP and SPID are available
+//     int[] FinalP_em = new int[NHit_em];   // number of contributing particles for each hit (appropriate contributor for PFA)
+//     int[][] FPID_em = new int[NHit_em][10];  // list of contributing particles, ID = index in PList
+     int c_em = 0;  //counter of em hits
+     double[][] v1_em = new double[NHit_em][3];
+     double[][] v2_em = new double[NHit_em][3];
+     double[][] v3_em = new double[NHit_em][3];
+     int[] EM_ClusterID = new int[NHit_em];  // em hit cluster id, need to be cleared (=0) here
+     int[] EM_FinalID = new int[NHit_em];  // em hit cluster id, need to be cleared (=0) here
+     for (SimCalorimeterHit hit_em : Barrel_em)  // fill barrel hits
+     {
+       HitList_em[c_em] = hit_em;
+       ShowerP_em[c_em] = hit_em.getMCParticleCount();
+//       FinalP_em[c_em] = 0;
+       double[] x = hit_em.getPosition();
+       v3_em[c_em][0] = -x[0]/Math.sqrt(x[0]*x[0]+x[1]*x[1]);
+       v3_em[c_em][1] = -x[1]/Math.sqrt(x[0]*x[0]+x[1]*x[1]);
+       v3_em[c_em][2] = 0;
+       v1_em[c_em][0] = 0;
+       v1_em[c_em][1] = 0;
+       v1_em[c_em][2] = 1;
+       v2_em[c_em][0] = v3_em[c_em][1];
+       v2_em[c_em][1] = -v3_em[c_em][0];
+       v2_em[c_em][2] = 0;
+//       System.out.println("x,y,z = "+v3_em[c_em][0]+" "+v3_em[c_em][1]+" "+v3_em[c_em][2]);
+       EM_ClusterID[c_em] = -1;
+       EM_FinalID[c_em] = -1;
+       c_em += 1;
+     }
+     for (SimCalorimeterHit hit_em : Endcap_em)  // fill endcap hits
+     {
+       HitList_em[c_em] = hit_em;
+       ShowerP_em[c_em] = hit_em.getMCParticleCount();
+//       FinalP_em[c_em] = 0;
+       double[] x = hit_em.getPosition();
+       v1_em[c_em][0] = 1;
+       v1_em[c_em][1] = 0;
+       v1_em[c_em][2] = 0;
+       v2_em[c_em][0] = 0;
+       v2_em[c_em][1] = 1;
+       v2_em[c_em][2] = 0;
+       v3_em[c_em][0] = 0;
+       v3_em[c_em][1] = 0;
+       v3_em[c_em][2] = -x[2]/Math.abs(x[2]);
+       EM_ClusterID[c_em] = -1;
+       EM_FinalID[c_em] = -1;
+       c_em += 1;
+     }
+//     System.out.println("c_em and NHit_em: "+c_em+" "+NHit_em);
+     for (int i=0; i < NHit_em; i++)  // fill SP information
+     {
+       MCParticle loop_mc;
+       for (int j=0; j < ShowerP_em[i]; j++)  // loop over contributing particles
+       {
+         loop_mc = HitList_em[i].getMCParticle(j);
+         Hep3Vector p_o = loop_mc.getOrigin();
+         Hep3Vector p_e = loop_mc.getEndPoint();
+         double r_o = Math.sqrt(p_o.x()*p_o.x() + p_o.y()*p_o.y());
+         double r_e = Math.sqrt(p_e.x()*p_e.x() + p_e.y()*p_e.y());
+         int Found = 0;
+         int index = 0;
+         for (MCParticle mc : PList)
+         {
+           if ((loop_mc.getPDGID()==mc.getPDGID())&&((Math.abs(loop_mc.getEnergy()-mc.getEnergy())/mc.getEnergy())<0.00001))
+           {
+             if ((Math.abs(loop_mc.getEndPoint().x()-mc.getEndPoint().x())<0.00001)&&(Math.abs(loop_mc.getEndPoint().y()-mc.getEndPoint().y())<0.00001))
+             {
+               Found += 1;
+               index = PList.indexOf(mc);
+             }
+           }
+         }
+         if (Found == 1)
+         {
+           SPID_em[i][j] = index;
+         }
+         else if (Found == 0)
+         {
+           if (loop_mc.getGeneratorStatus() == 1) 
+           {
+//             aida.cloud1D("origin r: FS particle").fill(r_o); 
+//             aida.cloud1D("end r: FS particle").fill(r_e);
+//             System.out.println(" particle "+loop_mc.getType().getName()+"  "+loop_mc.getEnergy()+" origin, end = "+r_o+" "+p_o.z()+"  "+r_e+" "+p_e.z());
+             int pFound = 0;
+             MCParticle tt = loop_mc;
+             while ((pFound == 0)&&(tt.getOrigin().magnitude() > 20.))  // stop searching while found one or parent is within from IP
+             {
+               List<MCParticle> parents = tt.getParents();
+               if (parents.size() > 1) System.out.println("Attn: more than one parents found before finding SP: N = "+parents.size());
+               for (MCParticle p_mc : parents)
+               {
+                 tt = p_mc;
+               }
+               for (MCParticle mc : PList)
+               {
+                 if ((tt.getPDGID()==mc.getPDGID())&&((Math.abs(tt.getEnergy()-mc.getEnergy())/mc.getEnergy())<0.00001))
+                 {
+                   if ((Math.abs(tt.getEndPoint().x()-mc.getEndPoint().x())<0.00001)&&(Math.abs(tt.getEndPoint().y()-mc.getEndPoint().y())<0.00001))
+                   {
+                     pFound += 1;
+                     SPID_em[i][j] = PList.indexOf(mc);
+                   }
+                 }
+               }
+             }  // searching parents loop
+             if (pFound == 0)
+             {
+//               System.out.println(" particle "+loop_mc.getType().getName()+"  "+loop_mc.getEnergy()+" origin, end = "+r_o+" "+p_o.z()+"  "+r_e+" "+p_e.z());
+               PList.add(loop_mc);
+               SPID_em[i][j] = PList.size() - 1;  // last particle in list
+             }
+           }
+           else if (loop_mc.getGeneratorStatus() == 0) 
+           {
+//             aida.cloud1D("origin r: other").fill(r_o); 
+//             aida.cloud1D("end r: other").fill(r_e);
+//             System.out.println(" particle "+loop_mc.getType().getName()+"  "+loop_mc.getEnergy()+" origin, end = "+r_o+" "+p_o.z()+"  "+r_e+" "+p_e.z());
+             int pFound = 0;
+             MCParticle tt = loop_mc;
+             while ((pFound == 0)&&(tt.getOrigin().magnitude() > 20.))  // stop searching while found one or parent is within from IP
+             {
+               List<MCParticle> parents = tt.getParents();
+               if (parents.size() > 1) System.out.println("Attn: more than one parents found before finding SP: N = "+parents.size());
+               for (MCParticle p_mc : parents)
+               {
+                 tt = p_mc;
+               }
+               for (MCParticle mc : PList)
+               {
+                 if ((tt.getPDGID()==mc.getPDGID())&&((Math.abs(tt.getEnergy()-mc.getEnergy())/mc.getEnergy())<0.00001))
+                 {
+                   if ((Math.abs(tt.getEndPoint().x()-mc.getEndPoint().x())<0.00001)&&(Math.abs(tt.getEndPoint().y()-mc.getEndPoint().y())<0.00001))
+                   {
+                     pFound += 1;
+                     SPID_em[i][j] = PList.indexOf(mc);
+                   }
+                 }
+               }
+             }  // searching parents loop
+             if (pFound == 0)
+             {
+//               System.out.println(" particle "+loop_mc.getType().getName()+"  "+loop_mc.getEnergy()+" origin, end = "+r_o+" "+p_o.z()+"  "+r_e+" "+p_e.z());
+               if (loop_mc.getPDGID() != 0)
+               {
+                 PList.add(loop_mc);
+                 SPID_em[i][j] = PList.size() - 1;  // last particle in list
+               }
+               else
+               {
+                 while (loop_mc.getPDGID() == 0)
+                 {
+                   loop_mc = loop_mc.getParents().get(0);
+                 }
+                 PList.add(loop_mc);
+                 SPID_em[i][j] = PList.size() - 1;  // last particle in list
+               }
+             }
+           }
+           else // so far, no particles found with a type other than 'FS' or 'other'
+           {
+             aida.cloud1D("origin r: rest").fill(r_o); 
+             aida.cloud1D("end r: rest").fill(r_e);
+           }
+         }
+         else
+         {
+           System.out.println(" Something went wrong: Found = "+Found+"  index = "+index);
+         }
+       } // end of contributing particles loop
+     } // end of fill SP loop
+//get HAD hits, calculate d1-3, v1-3
+     List<SimCalorimeterHit> Barrel_had = event.getSimCalorimeterHits("HcalBarrHits");
+     List<SimCalorimeterHit> Endcap_had = event.getSimCalorimeterHits("HcalEndcapHits");
+//     System.out.println("Hcal hits: Barrel, Endcap "+Barrel_had.size()+" "+Endcap_had.size());
+     int NHit_had = Barrel_had.size() + Endcap_had.size();  // total number of hits in Hcal = barrel + endcap
+     SimCalorimeterHit[] HitList_had = new SimCalorimeterHit[NHit_had];  // list of Hcal hits
+     int[] ShowerP_had = new int[NHit_had];  // number of contributing particles for each hit
+     int[][] SPID_had = new int[NHit_had][10];  // list of contributing particles, ID = index in PList
+// fill this later, after ShowerP and SPID are available
+//     int[] FinalP_had = new int[NHit_had];   // number of contributing FinalState particles for each hit
+//     int[][] FPID_had = new int[NHit_had][10];  // list of contributing FPs, ID = FP index in MyMCList
+     int c_had = 0;  //counter of had hits
+     double[][] v1_had = new double[NHit_had][3];
+     double[][] v2_had = new double[NHit_had][3];
+     double[][] v3_had = new double[NHit_had][3];
+     int[] HAD_ClusterID = new int[NHit_had];  // had hit cluster id, need to be cleared (=0) here
+     int[] HAD_FinalID = new int[NHit_had];  // had hit final cluster id, need to be cleared (=0) here
+     for (SimCalorimeterHit hit_had : Barrel_had)  // fill barrel hits
+     {
+       HitList_had[c_had] = hit_had;
+       ShowerP_had[c_had] = hit_had.getMCParticleCount();
+       double[] x = hit_had.getPosition();
+       v3_had[c_had][0] = -x[0]/Math.sqrt(x[0]*x[0]+x[1]*x[1]);
+       v3_had[c_had][1] = -x[1]/Math.sqrt(x[0]*x[0]+x[1]*x[1]);
+       v3_had[c_had][2] = 0;
+       v1_had[c_had][0] = 0;
+       v1_had[c_had][1] = 0;
+       v1_had[c_had][2] = 1;
+       v2_had[c_had][0] = v3_had[c_had][1];
+       v2_had[c_had][1] = -v3_had[c_had][0];
+       v2_had[c_had][2] = 0;
+       HAD_ClusterID[c_had] = -1;
+       HAD_FinalID[c_had] = -1;
+       c_had += 1;
+     }
+     for (SimCalorimeterHit hit_had : Endcap_had)  // fill endcap hits
+     {
+       HitList_had[c_had] = hit_had;
+       ShowerP_had[c_had] = hit_had.getMCParticleCount();
+       double[] x = hit_had.getPosition();
+       v1_had[c_had][0] = 1;
+       v1_had[c_had][1] = 0;
+       v1_had[c_had][2] = 0;
+       v2_had[c_had][0] = 0;
+       v2_had[c_had][1] = 1;
+       v2_had[c_had][2] = 0;
+       v3_had[c_had][0] = 0;
+       v3_had[c_had][1] = 0;
+       v3_had[c_had][2] = -x[2]/Math.abs(x[2]);
+       HAD_ClusterID[c_had] = -1;
+       HAD_FinalID[c_had] = -1;
+       c_had += 1;
+     }
+//     System.out.println("c_had and NHit_had: "+c_had+" "+NHit_had);
+     for (int i=0; i < NHit_had; i++)  // fill SP information
+     {
+       MCParticle loop_mc;
+       for (int j=0; j < ShowerP_had[i]; j++)  // loop over contributing particles
+       {
+         loop_mc = HitList_had[i].getMCParticle(j);
+         Hep3Vector p_o = loop_mc.getOrigin();
+         Hep3Vector p_e = loop_mc.getEndPoint();
+         double r_o = Math.sqrt(p_o.x()*p_o.x() + p_o.y()*p_o.y());
+         double r_e = Math.sqrt(p_e.x()*p_e.x() + p_e.y()*p_e.y());
+         int Found = 0;
+         int index = 0;
+         for (MCParticle mc : PList)
+         {
+           if ((loop_mc.getPDGID()==mc.getPDGID())&&((Math.abs(loop_mc.getEnergy()-mc.getEnergy())/mc.getEnergy())<0.00001))
+           {
+             if ((Math.abs(loop_mc.getEndPoint().x()-mc.getEndPoint().x())<0.00001)&&(Math.abs(loop_mc.getEndPoint().y()-mc.getEndPoint().y())<0.00001))
+             {
+               Found += 1;
+               index = PList.indexOf(mc);
+             }
+           }
+         }
+         if (Found == 1)
+         {
+           SPID_had[i][j] = index;
+         }
+         else if (Found == 0)
+         {
+           if (loop_mc.getGeneratorStatus() == 1) 
+           {
+//             aida.cloud1D("origin r: FS particle").fill(r_o); 
+//             aida.cloud1D("end r: FS particle").fill(r_e);
+//             System.out.println(" particle "+loop_mc.getType().getName()+"  "+loop_mc.getEnergy()+" origin, end = "+r_o+" "+p_o.z()+"  "+r_e+" "+p_e.z());
+             int pFound = 0;
+             MCParticle tt = loop_mc;
+             while ((pFound == 0)&&(tt.getOrigin().magnitude() > 20.))  // stop searching while found one or parent is within from IP
+             {
+               List<MCParticle> parents = tt.getParents();
+               if (parents.size() > 1) System.out.println("Attn: more than one parents found before finding SP: N = "+parents.size());
+               for (MCParticle p_mc : parents)
+               {
+                 tt = p_mc;
+               }
+               for (MCParticle mc : PList)
+               {
+                 if ((tt.getPDGID()==mc.getPDGID())&&((Math.abs(tt.getEnergy()-mc.getEnergy())/mc.getEnergy())<0.00001))
+                 {
+                   if ((Math.abs(tt.getEndPoint().x()-mc.getEndPoint().x())<0.00001)&&(Math.abs(tt.getEndPoint().y()-mc.getEndPoint().y())<0.00001))
+                   {
+                     pFound += 1;
+                     SPID_had[i][j] = PList.indexOf(mc);
+                   }
+                 }
+               }
+             }  // searching parents loop
+             if (pFound == 0)
+             {
+//               System.out.println(" particle "+loop_mc.getType().getName()+"  "+loop_mc.getEnergy()+" origin, end = "+r_o+" "+p_o.z()+"  "+r_e+" "+p_e.z());
+               PList.add(loop_mc);
+               SPID_had[i][j] = PList.size() - 1;  // last particle in list
+             }
+           }
+           else if (loop_mc.getGeneratorStatus() == 0) 
+           {
+//             aida.cloud1D("origin r: other").fill(r_o); 
+//             aida.cloud1D("end r: other").fill(r_e);
+//             System.out.println(" particle "+loop_mc.getType().getName()+"  "+loop_mc.getEnergy()+" origin, end = "+r_o+" "+p_o.z()+"  "+r_e+" "+p_e.z());
+             int pFound = 0;
+             MCParticle tt = loop_mc;
+             while ((pFound == 0)&&(tt.getOrigin().magnitude() > 20.))  // stop searching while found one or parent is within from IP
+             {
+               List<MCParticle> parents = tt.getParents();
+               if (parents.size() > 1) System.out.println("Attn: more than one parents found before finding SP: N = "+parents.size());
+               for (MCParticle p_mc : parents)
+               {
+                 tt = p_mc;
+               }
+               for (MCParticle mc : PList)
+               {
+                 if ((tt.getPDGID()==mc.getPDGID())&&((Math.abs(tt.getEnergy()-mc.getEnergy())/mc.getEnergy())<0.00001))
+                 {
+                   if ((Math.abs(tt.getEndPoint().x()-mc.getEndPoint().x())<0.00001)&&(Math.abs(tt.getEndPoint().y()-mc.getEndPoint().y())<0.00001))
+                   {
+                     pFound += 1;
+                     SPID_had[i][j] = PList.indexOf(mc);
+                   }
+                 }
+               }
+             }  // searching parents loop
+             if (pFound == 0)
+             {
+//               System.out.println(" particle "+loop_mc.getType().getName()+"  "+loop_mc.getEnergy()+" origin, end = "+r_o+" "+p_o.z()+"  "+r_e+" "+p_e.z());
+               if (loop_mc.getPDGID() != 0)
+               {
+                 PList.add(loop_mc);
+                 SPID_em[i][j] = PList.size() - 1;  // last particle in list
+               }
+               else
+               {
+                 while (loop_mc.getPDGID() == 0)
+                 {
+                   loop_mc = loop_mc.getParents().get(0);
+                 }
+                 PList.add(loop_mc);
+                 SPID_em[i][j] = PList.size() - 1;  // last particle in list
+               }
+             }
+           }
+           else // so far, no particles found with a type other than 'FS' or 'other'
+           {
+             aida.cloud1D("origin r: rest").fill(r_o); 
+             aida.cloud1D("end r: rest").fill(r_e);
+           }
+         }
+         else
+         {
+           System.out.println(" Something went wrong: Found = "+Found+"  index = "+index);
+         }
+       } // end of contributing particles loop
+     } // end of fill SP loop
+// calculate perfect PFA here: althought PList have double counting in energy, we still try to
+// get an idea how things work
+     double E_AD = 0.; // total visible energy from P_PFA
+     double E_p = 0.;  // total particle momentum, for all mc particles in the list, to see how bad is the double counting
+     double E_photon = 0.;  // photon energy
+     double E_neuhad = 0.;  // neutral hadron energy
+     double E_endcap = 0.;  // endcap neutral energy
+     for (MCParticle mc : PList)
+     {
+       double E_em = 0.; // particle partial energy in ecal
+       double N_had = 0.; // particle partial energy (number of hits) in hcal
+       E_p += mc.getMomentum().magnitude();
+//       System.out.println(" loop over particle #"+PList.indexOf(mc)+" "+mc.getType().getName());
+       if (Math.abs(mc.getType().getCharge()) > 0.01)
+       { E_AD += mc.getMomentum().magnitude();}
+       else
+       {
+         for (int j = 0; j < NHit_em; j++)
+         {
+           int f_contributer = 0;
+           for (int k = 0; k < ShowerP_em[j]; k++)
+           { if (SPID_em[j][k] == PList.indexOf(mc)) f_contributer = 1;}
+           if (f_contributer == 1) E_em += HitList_em[j].getRawEnergy()/ShowerP_em[j];
+         }
+         for (int j = 0; j < NHit_had; j++)
+         {
+           int f_contributer = 0;
+           for (int k = 0; k < ShowerP_had[j]; k++)
+           { if (SPID_had[j][k] == PList.indexOf(mc)) f_contributer = 1;}
+           if (f_contributer == 1) N_had += 1./ShowerP_had[j];
+         }
+// here is another place that calibration comes in!  can choose one of the (two)/three now: 
+//   1. original, done with all hits of single particle
+//       if ((Math.abs(PList.get(CFID[i][0]).getPDGID()) == 11)||(Math.abs(PList.get(CFID[i][0]).getPDGID()) == 22))
+//       {EFinal[i] = 82.5*EF_em[i] + 0.11*NF_had[i];}
+//       else
+//       {EFinal[i] = (EF_em[i]*114.19 + 0.12192*NF_had[i])/(1 + EF_em[i]*1.3359 + NF_had[i]*0.0012218);}
+//   2. after clustering, done with 1 major cluster only
+//       if ((Math.abs(PList.get(CFID[i][0]).getPDGID()) == 11)||(Math.abs(PList.get(CFID[i][0]).getPDGID()) == 22))
+//       {EFinal[i] = (87.883*EF_em[i] + 0.12*NF_had[i])/(1 + 0.0602*EF_em[i]);}
+//       else
+//       {EFinal[i] = (EF_em[i]*153.29 + 0.12076*NF_had[i])/(1 + EF_em[i]*2.7321 + NF_had[i]*0.0003390);}
+//   3. new calibration for sidaug05_np non-projective detector!
+//       if ((Math.abs(PList.get(CFID[i][0]).getPDGID()) == 11)||(Math.abs(PList.get(CFID[i][0]).getPDGID()) == 22))
+//       {EFinal[i] = 82.5*EF_em[i] + 0.11*NF_had[i];}
+//       else
+//       {EFinal[i] = Math.pow((EF_em[i]*93.54 + 0.12947*NF_had[i]),0.95323);}
+         if (mc.getPDGID() == 22)  // photons, from RPC_calibration
+         {
+           E_AD += E_em*82.5 + 0.11*N_had;
+           E_photon += mc.getEnergy();
+           if ((mc.getPZ()*mc.getPZ())/(mc.getPX()*mc.getPX()+mc.getPY()*mc.getPY()+mc.getPZ()*mc.getPZ())>0.8) E_endcap += mc.getEnergy();
+         }
+         else  // neutral hadrons, from RPC_calibration
+         {
+           E_AD += Math.pow((E_em*93.54 + 0.12947*N_had),0.95323);
+           E_neuhad += mc.getEnergy();
+           if ((mc.getPZ()*mc.getPZ())/(mc.getPX()*mc.getPX()+mc.getPY()*mc.getPY()+mc.getPZ()*mc.getPZ())>0.8) E_endcap += mc.getEnergy();
+//           System.out.println("real and measured energy: "+MyEList[i]+"  "+(E_em*114.19 + 0.12192*N_had)/(1 + E_em*1.3359 + N_had*0.0012218));
+         }
+       }
+     }
+     aida.cloud1D("Perfect PFA (all events)").fill(E_AD);
+     aida.cloud1D("All Particle P's (all events)").fill(E_p);
+     if (E_nu_fs < 0.2) 
+     {
+       aida.cloud1D("Perfect PFA (E_nu_fs < 200MeV)").fill(E_AD);
+       if (E_photon + E_neuhad < 0.5) aida.cloud1D("Perfect PFA (barrel,0.2)").fill(E_AD);
+       else if (E_endcap/(E_photon + E_neuhad) < 0.05) aida.cloud1D("Perfect PFA (barrel,0.2)").fill(E_AD);
+       else aida.cloud1D("Perfect PFA (endcap,0.2)").fill(E_AD);
+     }
+     aida.cloud1D("photon energy").fill(E_photon);
+     aida.cloud1D("neutral hadron energy").fill(E_neuhad);
+     aida.cloud1D("all neutral energy").fill(E_photon + E_neuhad);
+//calculate density for all hits
+     double[] density_em = new double[NHit_em];
+     double[] density_had = new double[NHit_had];
+//     double[] d_em = new double[NHit_em];
+//     double[] d_had = new double[NHit_had];
+     for (int i=0; i < NHit_em; i++)  // calculate density for em hits
+     {
+       density_em[i] = 0;
+//       d_em[i] = 0;
+       double[] x0 = HitList_em[i].getPosition();
+       double d1_em = 4.0;
+       double d2_em = 4.0;
+       double d3_em = 3.75;
+       for (int j=0; j < NHit_em; j++)  // loop over other em hits
+       {
+         if (j != i)
+         {
+           double[] x1 = HitList_em[j].getPosition();
+           double DotProduct1 = Math.abs((x1[0]-x0[0])*v1_em[i][0]+(x1[1]-x0[1])*v1_em[i][1]+(x1[2]-x0[2])*v1_em[i][2]);
+           double DotProduct2 = Math.abs((x1[0]-x0[0])*v2_em[i][0]+(x1[1]-x0[1])*v2_em[i][1]+(x1[2]-x0[2])*v2_em[i][2]);
+           double DotProduct3 = Math.abs((x1[0]-x0[0])*v3_em[i][0]+(x1[1]-x0[1])*v3_em[i][1]+(x1[2]-x0[2])*v3_em[i][2]);
+//           if (((DotProduct1/d1_em) < 3)&&((DotProduct2/d2_em) < 3)&&((DotProduct3/d3_em) < 3))
+//           if (((DotProduct1/d1_em) < 3)&&((DotProduct2/d2_em) < 3)&&((DotProduct3/d3_em) < 0.5)) {d_em[i] += 1.;}
+           if (((DotProduct1/d1_em) < 15)&&((DotProduct2/d2_em) < 15)&&((DotProduct3/d3_em) < 15))
+           {
+             density_em[i] += Math.exp(-DotProduct1/d1_em -DotProduct2/d2_em -DotProduct3/d3_em);
+           }
+         }
+       }
+       for (int j=0; j < NHit_had; j++)  // loop over had hits
+       {
+           double[] x1 = HitList_had[j].getPosition();
+           double DotProduct1 = Math.abs((x1[0]-x0[0])*v1_em[i][0]+(x1[1]-x0[1])*v1_em[i][1]+(x1[2]-x0[2])*v1_em[i][2]);
+           double DotProduct2 = Math.abs((x1[0]-x0[0])*v2_em[i][0]+(x1[1]-x0[1])*v2_em[i][1]+(x1[2]-x0[2])*v2_em[i][2]);
+           double DotProduct3 = Math.abs((x1[0]-x0[0])*v3_em[i][0]+(x1[1]-x0[1])*v3_em[i][1]+(x1[2]-x0[2])*v3_em[i][2]);
+//           if (((DotProduct1/d1_em) < 3)&&((DotProduct2/d2_em) < 3)&&((DotProduct3/d3_em) < 3))
+//           if (((DotProduct1/d1_em) < 3)&&((DotProduct2/d2_em) < 3)&&((DotProduct3/d3_em) < 0.5)) {d_em[i] += 1.;}
+           if (((DotProduct1/d1_em) < 15)&&((DotProduct2/d2_em) < 15)&&((DotProduct3/d3_em) < 15))
+           {
+             density_em[i] += Math.exp(-DotProduct1/d1_em -DotProduct2/d2_em -DotProduct3/d3_em);
+           }
+       }
+//       System.out.println(i+"  x,y,z and density = "+x0[0]+" "+x0[1]+" "+x0[2]+"   "+density_em[i]);
+     }
+     for (int i=0; i < NHit_had; i++)  // calculate density for had hits
+     {
+       density_had[i] = 0;
+//       d_had[i] = 0;
+       double[] x0 = HitList_had[i].getPosition();
+       double d1_had = 10.;
+       double d2_had = 10.;
+       double d3_had = 28.0;
+       for (int j=0; j < NHit_em; j++)  // loop over em hits
+       {
+           double[] x1 = HitList_em[j].getPosition();
+           double DotProduct1 = Math.abs((x1[0]-x0[0])*v1_had[i][0]+(x1[1]-x0[1])*v1_had[i][1]+(x1[2]-x0[2])*v1_had[i][2]);
+           double DotProduct2 = Math.abs((x1[0]-x0[0])*v2_had[i][0]+(x1[1]-x0[1])*v2_had[i][1]+(x1[2]-x0[2])*v2_had[i][2]);
+           double DotProduct3 = Math.abs((x1[0]-x0[0])*v3_had[i][0]+(x1[1]-x0[1])*v3_had[i][1]+(x1[2]-x0[2])*v3_had[i][2]);
+//           if (((DotProduct1/d1_had) < 3)&&((DotProduct2/d2_had) < 3)&&((DotProduct3/d3_had) < 3))
+//           if (((DotProduct1/d1_had) < 3)&&((DotProduct2/d2_had) < 3)&&((DotProduct3/d3_had) < 0.1)) {d_had[i] += 1.;}
+           if (((DotProduct1/d1_had) < 15)&&((DotProduct2/d2_had) < 15)&&((DotProduct3/d3_had) < 15))
+           {
+             density_had[i] += Math.exp(-DotProduct1/d1_had -DotProduct2/d2_had -DotProduct3/d3_had);
+           }
+       }
+       for (int j=0; j < NHit_had; j++)  // loop over other had hits
+       {
+         if (j != i)
+         {
+           double[] x1 = HitList_had[j].getPosition();
+           double DotProduct1 = Math.abs((x1[0]-x0[0])*v1_had[i][0]+(x1[1]-x0[1])*v1_had[i][1]+(x1[2]-x0[2])*v1_had[i][2]);
+           double DotProduct2 = Math.abs((x1[0]-x0[0])*v2_had[i][0]+(x1[1]-x0[1])*v2_had[i][1]+(x1[2]-x0[2])*v2_had[i][2]);
+           double DotProduct3 = Math.abs((x1[0]-x0[0])*v3_had[i][0]+(x1[1]-x0[1])*v3_had[i][1]+(x1[2]-x0[2])*v3_had[i][2]);
+//           if (((DotProduct1/d1_had) < 3)&&((DotProduct2/d2_had) < 3)&&((DotProduct3/d3_had) < 3))
+//           if (((DotProduct1/d1_had) < 3)&&((DotProduct2/d2_had) < 3)&&((DotProduct3/d3_had) < 0.5)) {d_had[i] += 1.;}
+           if (((DotProduct1/d1_had) < 15)&&((DotProduct2/d2_had) < 15)&&((DotProduct3/d3_had) < 15))
+           {
+             density_had[i] += Math.exp(-DotProduct1/d1_had -DotProduct2/d2_had -DotProduct3/d3_had);
+           }
+         }
+       }
+//       System.out.println(i+"  x,y,z and density = "+x0[0]+" "+x0[1]+" "+x0[2]+"   "+density_had[i]);
+     }
+// try to find all clusters, by looping through seed hits
+     int NClusters = 0; // total number of clusters
+     int NFinal = 0;    // total number of clusters that survived quality cut
+     int NewClusters = 1;  // number of new clusters picked up in this loop
+     while (NewClusters > 0)
+     {
+       NewClusters = 0;
+       int Seed = -1;
+       double SeedDensity = -1.;
+       int SeedID = 1;  // SeedID = 1 for ECAL seed, SeedID = -1 for HCAL seed
+       for (int i = 0; i < NHit_em; i++)  // try to find a seed among EM hits first
+       {
+         if ((EM_ClusterID[i] == -1)&&(density_em[i] > SeedDensity))
+         {
+           Seed = i;
+           SeedDensity = density_em[i];
+         }
+       }
+       if (SeedDensity >= 0)  // found one seed in em hits (>0 will exclude isolated hits, >=0 will include them)
+       {
+         NewClusters = 1;
+         NClusters += 1;
+         NFinal += 1;
+         EM_ClusterID[Seed] = NClusters - 1;
+         EM_FinalID[Seed] = NFinal - 1;
+         SeedID = 1;
+       }
+       else  // used up em hits, now turn to had hits
+       {
+         Seed = -1;
+         for (int i = 0; i < NHit_had; i++)
+         {
+           if ((HAD_ClusterID[i] == -1)&&(density_had[i] > SeedDensity))
+           {
+             Seed = i;
+             SeedDensity = density_had[i];
+           }
+         }
+         if (SeedDensity >= 0)
+         {
+           NewClusters = 1;
+           NClusters += 1;
+           NFinal += 1;
+           HAD_ClusterID[Seed] = NClusters - 1;
+           HAD_FinalID[Seed] = NFinal - 1;
+           SeedID = -1;
+         }
+       }  // here, one should find one seed, unless used up all hits in em and had
+       if (NewClusters > 0)  // if there's a seed, pick up nearby hits first, with a loose cut
+       {
+         double LocalDensity = 0.;
+         int NumberofHits = 0;  // number of hits picked up in a round
+         if (SeedID == 1)  // em seed
+         {
+           double[] x0 = HitList_em[Seed].getPosition();
+           double d1_em = 4.0;
+           double d2_em = 4.0;
+           double d3_em = 3.75;
+           for (int j=0; j < NHit_em; j++)  // loop over em hits
+           {
+             if (EM_ClusterID[j] == -1)
+             {
+               LocalDensity = 0.;
+               double[] x1 = HitList_em[j].getPosition();
+               double DotProduct1 = Math.abs((x1[0]-x0[0])*v1_em[Seed][0]+(x1[1]-x0[1])*v1_em[Seed][1]+(x1[2]-x0[2])*v1_em[Seed][2]);
+               double DotProduct2 = Math.abs((x1[0]-x0[0])*v2_em[Seed][0]+(x1[1]-x0[1])*v2_em[Seed][1]+(x1[2]-x0[2])*v2_em[Seed][2]);
+               double DotProduct3 = Math.abs((x1[0]-x0[0])*v3_em[Seed][0]+(x1[1]-x0[1])*v3_em[Seed][1]+(x1[2]-x0[2])*v3_em[Seed][2]);
+//               if (((DotProduct1/d1_em) < 3)&&((DotProduct2/d2_em) < 3)&&((DotProduct3/d3_em) < 0.1)) {LocalDensity = 1.;}
+               if (((DotProduct1/d1_em) < 15)&&((DotProduct2/d2_em) < 15)&&((DotProduct3/d3_em) < 15))
+               {
+                 LocalDensity = Math.exp(-DotProduct1/d1_em -DotProduct2/d2_em -DotProduct3/d3_em);
+               }
+               if (LocalDensity > 0.010)  // add nearby hits to the cluster
+               {
+                 EM_ClusterID[j] = NClusters - 1; 
+                 EM_FinalID[j] = NFinal - 1; 
+                 NumberofHits += 1;
+//                 System.out.println(" em seed: "+Seed+"  pickup em hit: "+j+"   LocalDensity = "+LocalDensity);
+               }
+             }
+           }
+           for (int j=0; j < NHit_had; j++)  // loop over had hits
+           {
+             if (HAD_ClusterID[j] == -1)
+             {
+               LocalDensity = 0.;
+               double[] x1 = HitList_had[j].getPosition();
+               double DotProduct1 = Math.abs((x1[0]-x0[0])*v1_em[Seed][0]+(x1[1]-x0[1])*v1_em[Seed][1]+(x1[2]-x0[2])*v1_em[Seed][2]);
+               double DotProduct2 = Math.abs((x1[0]-x0[0])*v2_em[Seed][0]+(x1[1]-x0[1])*v2_em[Seed][1]+(x1[2]-x0[2])*v2_em[Seed][2]);
+               double DotProduct3 = Math.abs((x1[0]-x0[0])*v3_em[Seed][0]+(x1[1]-x0[1])*v3_em[Seed][1]+(x1[2]-x0[2])*v3_em[Seed][2]);
+//               if (((DotProduct1/d1_em) < 3)&&((DotProduct2/d2_em) < 3)&&((DotProduct3/d3_em) < 0.5)) {LocalDensity = 1.;}
+               if (((DotProduct1/d1_em) < 15)&&((DotProduct2/d2_em) < 15)&&((DotProduct3/d3_em) < 15))
+               {
+                 LocalDensity = Math.exp(-DotProduct1/d1_em -DotProduct2/d2_em -DotProduct3/d3_em);
+               }
+               if (LocalDensity > 0.010)  // add nearby hits to the cluster
+               {
+                 HAD_ClusterID[j] = NClusters - 1; 
+                 HAD_FinalID[j] = NFinal - 1; 
+                 NumberofHits += 1;
+//                 System.out.println(" em seed: "+Seed+"  pickup had hit: "+j+"   LocalDensity = "+LocalDensity);
+               }
+             }
+           }
+         }  // end bracket for em seed
+         if (SeedID == -1)  // had seed
+         {
+           double[] x0 = HitList_had[Seed].getPosition();
+           double d1_had = 10.;
+           double d2_had = 10.;
+           double d3_had = 28.0;
+           for (int j=0; j < NHit_em; j++)  // loop over em hits
+           {
+             if (EM_ClusterID[j] == -1)
+             {
+               LocalDensity = 0.;
+               double[] x1 = HitList_em[j].getPosition();
+               double DotProduct1 = Math.abs((x1[0]-x0[0])*v1_had[Seed][0]+(x1[1]-x0[1])*v1_had[Seed][1]+(x1[2]-x0[2])*v1_had[Seed][2]);
+               double DotProduct2 = Math.abs((x1[0]-x0[0])*v2_had[Seed][0]+(x1[1]-x0[1])*v2_had[Seed][1]+(x1[2]-x0[2])*v2_had[Seed][2]);
+               double DotProduct3 = Math.abs((x1[0]-x0[0])*v3_had[Seed][0]+(x1[1]-x0[1])*v3_had[Seed][1]+(x1[2]-x0[2])*v3_had[Seed][2]);
+//               if (((DotProduct1/d1_had) < 3)&&((DotProduct2/d2_had) < 3)&&((DotProduct3/d3_had) < 0.1)) {LocalDensity = 1.;}
+               if (((DotProduct1/d1_had) < 15)&&((DotProduct2/d2_had) < 15)&&((DotProduct3/d3_had) < 15))
+               {
+                 LocalDensity = Math.exp(-DotProduct1/d1_had -DotProduct2/d2_had -DotProduct3/d3_had);
+               }
+               if (LocalDensity > 0.010)  // add nearby hits to the cluster
+               {
+                 EM_ClusterID[j] = NClusters - 1; 
+                 EM_FinalID[j] = NFinal - 1; 
+                 NumberofHits += 1;
+//                 System.out.println(" had seed: "+Seed+"  pickup em hit: "+j+"   LocalDensity = "+LocalDensity);
+               }
+             }
+           }
+           for (int j=0; j < NHit_had; j++)  // loop over had hits
+           {
+             if (HAD_ClusterID[j] == -1)
+             {
+               LocalDensity = 0.;
+               double[] x1 = HitList_had[j].getPosition();
+               double DotProduct1 = Math.abs((x1[0]-x0[0])*v1_had[Seed][0]+(x1[1]-x0[1])*v1_had[Seed][1]+(x1[2]-x0[2])*v1_had[Seed][2]);
+               double DotProduct2 = Math.abs((x1[0]-x0[0])*v2_had[Seed][0]+(x1[1]-x0[1])*v2_had[Seed][1]+(x1[2]-x0[2])*v2_had[Seed][2]);
+               double DotProduct3 = Math.abs((x1[0]-x0[0])*v3_had[Seed][0]+(x1[1]-x0[1])*v3_had[Seed][1]+(x1[2]-x0[2])*v3_had[Seed][2]);
+//               if (((DotProduct1/d1_had) < 3)&&((DotProduct2/d2_had) < 3)&&((DotProduct3/d3_had) < 0.5)) {LocalDensity = 1.;}
+               if (((DotProduct1/d1_had) < 15)&&((DotProduct2/d2_had) < 15)&&((DotProduct3/d3_had) < 15))
+               {
+                 LocalDensity = Math.exp(-DotProduct1/d1_had -DotProduct2/d2_had -DotProduct3/d3_had);
+               }
+               if (LocalDensity > 0.010)  // add nearby hits to the cluster
+               {
+                 HAD_ClusterID[j] = NClusters - 1; 
+                 HAD_FinalID[j] = NFinal - 1; 
+                 NumberofHits += 1;
+//                 System.out.println(" had seed: "+Seed+"  pickup had hit: "+j+"   LocalDensity = "+LocalDensity);
+               }
+             }
+           }
+         }  // end bracket for had seed
+       }  // end bracket for picking up nearby hits
+      if (NewClusters > 0)  // if there's a seed at all, continue to find the cluster, otherwise, go to the end of loop
+      {
+       int NumberofHits = 1;
+       while (NumberofHits > 0)  // try to pick up more hits from a seed cluster
+       {
+         NumberofHits = 0;
+         for (int i=0; i < NHit_em; i++)  // see if em hits can be included in cluster
+         {
+           double Product1=0., Product2=0., Product3=0.;
+           if (EM_ClusterID[i] == -1)  // if not assigned to any cluster
+           {
+             double LocalDensity = 0;
+             double[] x0 = HitList_em[i].getPosition();
+             double d1_em = 4.0;
+             double d2_em = 4.0;
+             double d3_em = 3.75;
+             for (int j = 0; j < NHit_em; j++)  // loop over existing em hits of the cluster
+             {
+               if (EM_ClusterID[j] == (NClusters - 1))
+               {
+                 double[] x1 = HitList_em[j].getPosition();
+                 double DotProduct1 = Math.abs((x1[0]-x0[0])*v1_em[i][0]+(x1[1]-x0[1])*v1_em[i][1]+(x1[2]-x0[2])*v1_em[i][2]);
+                 double DotProduct2 = Math.abs((x1[0]-x0[0])*v2_em[i][0]+(x1[1]-x0[1])*v2_em[i][1]+(x1[2]-x0[2])*v2_em[i][2]);
+                 double DotProduct3 = Math.abs((x1[0]-x0[0])*v3_em[i][0]+(x1[1]-x0[1])*v3_em[i][1]+(x1[2]-x0[2])*v3_em[i][2]);
[truncated at 1000 lines; 1691 more skipped]
CVSspam 0.2.8