

sorry for adding this to your email burden, but I am quite upset about the
ILC article in the Chicago Maroon that Norman's PR engine  made you aware
of yesterday. Its a student paper, and things got garbled. Below is the
letter to the editor that the paper will publish, along with a correction.

On campus we refer to this newspaper as the "Chicago Moron", but you could
interprete that as sour grapes on my part.

- Mark


Dear Editor,

I applaud Usman Ahmed for being alert to the very recent National
Research Council report on
support for elementary particle physics in the US (Maroon artilce " U of C
Site vies for new particle accelerator", 9 May 2006). Unfortunately, in a
brief phone interview which I cut short because I was late for a seminar,
Mr. Ahmed misunderstood a few of my points.  The NRC "EPP2010" panel
determined that elementary particle physics is a field of great value,
historically furthered by US initiatives, and that the
US could well lose its prominence in the field owing to many years of
shrinking funding.

Contrary to a statement in the article, I do not disagree with
the NRC recommendations, namely that the US make it a priority to host the
next generation accelerator (ILC) needed by the field. I believe Mr. Ahmed
misunderstood a comment I made about the urgency for the US to increase
its support for the ILC and become a lead player in the project ...
whether it is hosted here or not. Given the ability of this country to
invest in large-scale science, and its historical place in the development
of the science, I strongly believe the US should take the lead in the
truely international ILC project. Indeed, the original concept for the ILC
was first developed in this country in the 1980's.

I also point out that Fermilab is not formally affiliated with the University
and is therefore not a "U of C site" (but the proximity to U of C is
certainly of great benefit to the University).

- Mark Oreglia
Professor of Physics