

Dear Colleagues,
 Please take note of the following meeting. This is an excellent
way of getting involved with the outreach that will be needed to 
make this project happen.
Norman Graf

ILC Communications Workshop -- Vancouver  July, 2006
  The LCSGA Communications Committee is planning a half-day workshop 
for the afternoon of July 18, 2006 in conjunction with the Vancouver 
Linear Collider Workshop (VLWC
The goal of this workshop is to train an "ILC communications squad" 
to give talks to scientific (both HEP and non-HEP) audiences.  
Interest in the ILC is growing quickly.  Barry Barish cannot satisfy 
all the requests he gets for colloquia and seminars.  We need to 
continue to build a consensus for the ILC both inside and outside the 
HEP community.  The aim of this workshop is to provide participants 
with the tools they will need to put together a good ILC colloquium 
as well as to provide them with material, strategies and means to 
keep these up to date.
  The session will start with an introduction explaining why this is 
necessary, our target audiences and how we identified likely 
participants. This would be followed by a discussion of the different 
levels of ILC talk we imagine might be given.  Their target audiences 
would range from non-ILC high energy physicists, to non-HEP physicists 
and even to the general public.  There are a variety of resources that 
have been produced over the last year (Discovering the Quantum Universe, 
the ILC/LHC physics comparison, the EPP2010 report, etc.)
Following the two or three talks outlined above we plan to break into 
smaller discussion groups brainstorming for ideas, examples (that 
could be gathered together on a central website) and counter-examples 
(what not to do when spreading the ILC message).  The workshop would 
conclude with reports from these working groups.
  We hope you will be able to join us at this workshop the day before 
the VLWC meeting this summer.
LCSGA Communication Committee
Jonathan Bagger
Jim Brau
Neil Calder
Judy Jackson
Ritchie Patterson
William Trishuk