


the next steps concerning the mES fit after having seen that the signal 
yield is not stable against adding non-BBbar BG are:

1) For the MC fit including non-BBbar events:
   Provide scaled signal yield numbers such that we can compare the 
   fit result directly with the expected numer of signal events

2) Check if we get the same shape parameters for the peaking BG pdf
   when adding the non-BBbar MC events

3) Compare the ratio and mES shape between continuum MC and combinatoric 
   BBbar MC with what we see when comparing offpeak with onpeak data.

4) Phone meeting on Thursday, 13:00, European time.
   Participants so far: Antonio, Wolfgang, Heiko

   I'll call them. If there are more participants please let me
   know until tomorrow. In this case, I'll set up a phone conference.

5) Did I forget something?
