

Hi Heiko,

> > rholnu    -> BABAR Phys .Rev. D72, 051102 (2005)
> Why only BABAR? (Well, I know the answer in part: Averaging the various
> B-->rholnu measurements is quite painful and HFAG has not started to work
> on it yet.)
> In addition, there is also a B+-> rho0 l+ nu from Belle. In principle,
> one should average them using isospin symmetry...

yes, an average of BaBar&Belle&Cleo would of course be best (the
superseded BaBar publication from 2003 can be left out since it's
less sensitive). As there is no average available yet (or are there plans
to make one for HFAG, Heiko or Francesca?), I think the second best
choice is just using the latest BaBar result. One would improve
the uncertainty by combining with Belle, but the central values
are all very close to each other and I don't think it's one of your
dominant systematics, is it?.
