

Here are some more plots
. They have the usual naming scheme but with one extra thing; the files 
ending in (but before -010.eps) nu or ch refer to neutral B mesons and 
charged B mesons respectively.
Cheers, C.C.

On Wed, 31 May 2006, Heiko Lacker wrote:

> Any news?
> Heiko
> On Tue, 30 May 2006, Chukwudi Kweku Clarke wrote:
>> Hi all,
>>> Hi,
>>> from looking at the scan plots we have decided to vote for b2.
>>> Nevertheless there are other scans needed!
>>> Chukwudi, could you please do the following:
>>> 1) Run binned fits (Wolfgang tells you more on the technical details)
>> I think I have submitted jobs for this if I have done what Wolfgang has
>> told me to do.
>>> 2) Please use the latest tag for VVF!
>> I have already updated to wm-052906 for the above jobs.
>>> 3) Please do the scans also for mX and Pplus for the 1-bin unfolding
>> I'm not sure what flags I have to use for 1-bin unfolding and I haven't
>> submitted jobs for Pplus before, so could someone fill me in with details
>> please.
>>> 4) Please do the scans also for charged and neutral B's separately
>> I can do this now.
>> Cheers, C.C.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Heiko
>>> On Tue, 30 May 2006, Heiko Lacker wrote:
>>>> Hi Chukwudi,
>>>> could you please give a short list saying what a2, b2, c2 and d2 means as
>>>> a selection? It would ease the discussion.
>>>> 1. There are a few things which I do not understand:
>>>>    a. Comparing the results between the different selections it looks like
>>>>       that PBRBR or BRBR do not agree which is worrysome. Any idea why?
>>>>    b. Compared to Roberto's plots the errors are significantly larger.
>>>>       Did you apply the same cuts?
>>>>    c. A minor point: In diff1DR14mm2a2.eps and diff1DR14mm2d2.eps the
>>>>       point at mm2=0.4 has a smaller error than the one at 0.45 which
>>>>       can't be correct.
>>>> 2. We should also do the the scans for charged and neutral B's.
>>>> 3. It would be good to do the scans also for Run4 separately from the
>>>>    other runs, e.g. Run1+2.
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Heiko
>>>> P.S.: I can not call in right at the beginning at today's meeting.
>>>>       I expect to call in abo 8:45. Please start without me.
>>>> On Mon, 29 May 2006, Chukwudi Kweku Clarke wrote:
>>>>> Hi all, you can find the mm2 scans for 1D and 2D analyses using unbinned
>>>>> mES fits at
>>>>> with names like diff1DR14mm2a2.eps and brbr1DR14mm2a2.eps
>>>>> A note on Nomenclature:
>>>>> 1DR14mm2a2 : The new chains along with the -tmodel flag
>>>>> chains are in
>>>>> /nfs/farm/babar/AWGsemilep01/menges/summer06/store.2/Vubrec-def/chains/
>>>>> 1DR14mm2b2 : The new chains along with the -tmodel flag
>>>>> chains are in
>>>>> /nfs/farm/babar/AWGsemilep01/menges/summer06/store.2/Vubrec-1111/chains/
>>>>> 1DR14mm2c2 : The new chains along with the -tmodel flag
>>>>> chains are in
>>>>> /nfs/farm/babar/AWGsemilep01/menges/summer06/store.2/Vubrec-1111hybrid/chains/
>>>>> 1DR14mm2d2 : The new chains along with the -tmodel flag
>>>>> chains are in
>>>>> /nfs/farm/babar/AWGsemilep01/menges/summer06/store.2/Vubrec-wosf/chains/
>>>>> ---------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>> 2DR14mm2a2 : The new default chains along with the -tmodel flag
>>>>> chains are in
>>>>> /nfs/farm/babar/AWGsemilep01/menges/summer06/store.2/Vubrec-def/chains/
>>>>> 2DR14mm2b2 : The new chains along with the -tmodel flag
>>>>> chains are in
>>>>> /nfs/farm/babar/AWGsemilep01/menges/summer06/store.2/Vubrec-1111/chains/
>>>>> 2DR14mm2c2 : The new chains along with the -tmodel flag
>>>>> chains are in
>>>>> /nfs/farm/babar/AWGsemilep01/menges/summer06/store.2/Vubrec-1111hybrid/chains/
>>>>> 2DR14mm2d2 : The new chains along with the -tmodel flag
>>>>> chains are in
>>>>> /nfs/farm/babar/AWGsemilep01/menges/summer06/store.2/Vubrec-wosf/chains/
>>>>> Cheers, C.C.