


we will upload today the second version of the supporting BAD1383 for the
VubRecoil inclusive analysis which takes into account the comments from 
the AWG reading and adds a large part of the systematic uncertainties.
The AWG readers will quickly go over and we expect to provide a version of
BAD1383 to you during this week.

Please note that we have to write a publication this time which means that
the paper draft has to go into CWR on 26th of June (extremely tight)!  
Our goal is to provide a paper draft either by Friday this week or at latest 
by Monday next week.

It would make sense to have a RC meeting this week (Friday?). 

In addition, several persons of the group are coming to Montreal next week 
but not Wolfgang who has done most of the technical stuff of the analysis. 
Therefore, if we will (also) a meeting next meeting in Montreal we should 
take into account the time constraint for Wolfgang to participate.
