

Hi Heiko,
for the moment we need to look at backgrounds only (peaking+BBbar 
combinatorial+qqbar combinatorial) and check their relative composition. 
After that, we will study the peakBG/signal as well.

Heiko Lacker wrote:

>Hi Antonio,
>we would need this ratio for all the bins not just for the cut values.
>Then, we should also look at the peak.BG/signal ratio as well.
>It would be also important to do this on the full MC.
>If it turns out not to be constant a possible strategy would be 
>1) Fix the ratio on data by the fit over all bins and consider
>   as a systematic error the deviations we see on MC.
>2) Take the ratios we see on MC
>On Mon, 19 Jun 2006, Antonio Petrella wrote:
>>I have added also mx scan in the web page
>>for the all cuts sample, the ratio peaking/continuum depends on the mx cut!
>>	Antonio