

I installed dCache 1.6.6-5 on sysdev16 and griddev10. sysdev16 is a 
admin node with one disk pool. griddev10 is a pool node with two disk 

If you want to see what is in dcache, do the following NFS mount on a 
machine (or login on to my desktop zeus, which already has the NFS mount)

sudo -s
mount -o intr,rw,noac,hard,nfsvers=2 sysdev16:/pnfs \

ls -l /pnfs/

Note that the dcache pnfs filesystem is a simulated NFS filesystem. In 
general, unix commands operate on directory level can be used on /pnfs 
filesystem.The actual IO commands should not be used. For detail, see

To read/write a file in dcache/pnfs, use dccp:

/afs/slac/package/dcache/dcap/bin/dccp your_file \
(it your have NFS mounted)

/afs/slac/package/dcache/dcap/bin/dccp your_file \
(if NFS isn't there)

Access from outside of SLAC isn't supported at this time. These types of 
access (gsiDCap, gridFTP, srm) use grid-authenticated protocols, and 
sysdev16 doesn't have a host certificate yet (I just requested one).

So far HPSS isn't supported. Also, disk pools only have ~ 7 GB free space.

Wei Yang  |  [log in to unmask]  |  650-926-3338(O)