


here are some more numbers along these lines...

I had a closer look at the number of events in the generic MC we are

In the reduced ntuples (without any cuts, fits, ...) we have the following
numbers of entries in the TTree:
Run1+2  448821
Run4   1196783

the ratio of these is 2.667

looking at Roberto's tcl files, I find these numbers (the numbers of
events we run over in production):
Run1-2  19880359
Run4    52091689

and the ratio is 2.620.

This looks to me as if our ratio of generic MC between SP5 and SP6 simply
does not match the ratio of luminosities in the corresponding runs in
data. I thought we are supposed to use SP5 and SP6 so that it corresponds
to the lumi ratios....

in data I see in the tcl files
Run1+2  16784377
Run4    23104133

and the ratio is 1.377.

Are we not using all of the generic SP5? Or do we somehow use extra SP6?
How did this come about? Could someone (Roberto, Wolfgang, ?) please
clarify this?


> The interesting point is that the SP6/SP5 yield is different from
> the ratio of Run4/Run1+2 luminosities, take e.g. your Vcb 1'bin numbers:
> SP6/SP5 = 1327.69/482.67 = 2.75
> Run4/Run1+2 = 100ifb/80ifb = 1.25