

Hi Concezio,

Concezio Bozzi wrote:

> At this point I am puzzled, and tempted to drop SP5 completely since it
> seems that the effect due to D** is bigger than any detector-conditions
> effect. 

I think this is the wrong way to go. You have to write this down and 
everybody will asked why you do this. And it means that we don't 
understand the D**.

 > Or we could have a other/vcb ratio which depends on run period
> (not easy to implement in VVF), or fit the run periods and combine the
> results (we lose some statistical power due to the mES fits on data). 
> Any opinions? 

There are two ways out. Either we switch to release 18 MC/SP8 which will 
have better D** description, better other things, but we have to adjust
a lot of (more or less hard) coded numbers. But it will also solve the 
SP5/SP6 difference for the signal MC. We have to calculate new weights 
and magic factors. The other way is to apply some reweigting for SP5 to 
get the same as SP6.

Kerstin, haven't you produced something for this? Which we are not using 
at the moment?

